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Inactive Member
Emrys Industries has recently decided to expand its genetics technology through the creation of a new life form: Kawaii.

The Kawaii are designed to be cute, and they are in all there different forms. The basic version is something that simply looks like a small ball of long fur, with an adorable little face in the centre, like that of a kitten, and with little arms and legs with little paws on them. It waddles along on its little legs and loves to rub itself against its owner. Its legs are actually surprisingly strong, and it can leap over two metres straight into the air. Its fur is amazingly soft and silky. When happy it produces a soft "Krrruuâ€
When did this get approved?

Emry industries can either sell you the long life version (lives indefinatley)

So... Emry Industries have discovered the path of immortality... Interesting.
It wasn't me who approved/moved it, but I think (and don't quote me on this) anyone who can move the thread to here have approval powers.

Maybe the long-life version was only meant to out-live the owner?
No, it's pretty much eternal. It biology encompasses Emrys Industries anti-aging drugs and also a healing factor which works to repair the damage done by old age. Its body is also resistant to the free radicals formed by respiration.

It might not live for ever, but it would certainly live for many centuries.
Is this approved? I most certainly wish to buy one, but just being in the 'approved' forum is confusing to me.
Yes, it's approved since it is in the approved forum. ^_^

So purchase away! You'll probably make Zakalwe wildly happy.
Kotori said:
Yes, it's approved since it is in the approved forum. ^_^

So purchase away! You'll probably make Zakalwe wildly happy.

Not everything that has made it into the approved forum has been approved. I recall several items which have been moved in here, and have been re-evaluated as not approved.
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