Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[KdiS] 4300-hour News with Hildegard Bauer

The symbol for Korporation der imperialen Sendung appears on the screen along with the standard introduction music

“Coming to you live, this is KdiS.”

The symbol then transitions to a view of a beautiful brunette in a business suit and thick, dark goggles hiding her eyes

“Greetings, this is KdiS at 4300 hours. I’m your host, Hildegard Bauer. Earlier today, Parliament passed a historic two Constitutional Amendments at the end of their Quarterly Session today. The Twentieth and Twenty-First Amendments passed each had their own historic significance as well.

Following up on the Nineteenth Amendment two Quarters ago and the First Contact Treaties with the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonweatlh, the Twentieth Amendment allows citizens of nations to hold dual citizenships with both their home nation and the Abwehran Star Empire. The accepted method is different from gaining citizenship via immigration and entails an individual being allowed a dual citizenship via sponsorship from an Abwehran citizen.

The Twenty-First Amendment lifts the ban on civilians owning firearms, a ban that has been in place since the formation of the Empire, but only for citizens living in the colonial regions. This Amendment was proposed by lobbyists in the Fourth Quarter of AF 259, but has stalled in Parliament due to the political backlash on Abwehr.”

View of the newsroom cuts to a scene of people picketing the Parliament building

“Many view the Amendment as unfair to those living on the Capital World and claim that Abwehr itself is more dangerous than the colonies.”

Scene cuts to a Surfacer man with short brown hair and green eyes.

“We still have crime here and we have to defend our families! Hell, those damn xenos have been smuggling weapons into our world, I’ve seen it! Some punk with a chemical firearm mugged me two weeks ago!”

Scene cuts to other protests.

“Similar attacks have been reported since trade lanes have been established, but Parliament believes the Schirmherrschaft will be enough to deter the situation.”

Scene cuts to Representative Angelika Finkel, an elderly woman with the thick goggles of a Nightwalker and silver hair down to her shoulders.

“Our law enforcement men are armed and are able to handle the situation. However, our colonies are still developing and do not have such a resource to defend them.”

Scene cuts to newsroom/

“Currently, lobbyists are working to extend the Amendment to the Empire entirely.”

Hildegard presses a holographic button upon her desk.

“Recently, reports of Pirate attacks and attempts of piracy have increased both along the Two-Jaspis Trade Lane and areas close to the former United Outer Colonies. The Civilian Space Administration Agency has recorded ten such reports in the past two months with an increase of nearly 40% of pirate reports since the turn of the year.”

Scene cuts to view of Weltraumflotte HQ from a distance with Jaspis IV in the background.

“Ersteflotte’s Anti-Piracy Task Force has been dealing with many of the pirate attacks upon convoys, but have been unable to stop five individual trade vessels from disappearing in the past quarter.”

Scene cuts to Commodore Reinhard Eberhardt of Civil Affairs

“We’ve tried to minimize casualties from Pirate attacks as best as we could using the Convoy system. However, we only have enough ships to do this on main trade lanes, which has left trade vessels going to unaffiliated, but sanctioned worlds open for attack.”

Scene cuts back to newsroom

“Weltraumflotte Command has reasserted its promise to the protection of civilian vessels from Pirates and has drafted a new order for light starcraft towards this purpose. However, roll out dates for new Escort Warships are slated for three months from now. Whether they will be in time to stop this epidemic of piracy or not is anyone’s guess.

Outro Music begins to play

Coming up; are Cleansing Way fanatics harassing your children? You might be surprised who’s been lurking near school yards across Abwehr.

Cuts to Commercial on Blitzer Hovercars