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[KdiS] A Bold Beginning

Our glorious empire has breached the barrier which has held us in our home system of Jaspis for far too long. On the first day of the fourth quarter of AF 259, the HMS Kretor captained by Hauptmann Xavier Bauer left the Jaspis system for the Northern Regions of known space for a two week exploration mission.

Today, the Imperial Weltraumflotte has received word that the HMS Kretor has discovered four system for possible colonization. Plans are underway for more detailed surveys to be conducted of the three remaining systems. Hauptmann Bauer has elected to stay in one system to complete his survey while the three other Kretor-class Scouts conduct missions on the remaining systems.

When KdiS questioned the Weltraumflotte on their choice of exploring systems to the North rather than nearby Jaspis, they responded "that details on their choice was classified." This has lead to many complaints from the Civilian Space Administration Agency and various trade groups.
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