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[KdIS] Imperial Address to the Galaxy

The Korporation der imperialen Sendung emblem spins into view on the Holotank as the opening theme plays in the background. The image cuts to a panning view of the studio as the camera slowly angles its way to center on a blonde-haired, Abwehran male sitting behind a large wooden desk. The camera then cuts to a front view of the news anchor as he smiles for the camera.

"Welcome, I'm Karl Jung and this is your 3700 Evening News." the anchor stated in a charming tone.

"Today, at 2430 Capital Time, Her Imperial Majesty, Bertina Rosenthal, held a press conference in the Imperial Palace's Grand Hall. While many speculated why Her Majesty would call upon the Press of not only Abwehr, but of others across the known Galaxy, none could have prepared us for this."

The camera cuts back to the News Studio and to the Blonde Abwehran.

"The decision by Parliament, known as the Immigration Act of 260, brought up by Duke Leto Von Hintermann of the House of Lords nearly three months ago. It was voted upon by the House of Representatives yesterday as was made the Eighteenth Article of the Imperial Constitution.

Details describe a program that enables anyone from outside the Empire to ply for citizenship by serving in either the Armed Forces or any authorized Government Organization for a single Abwehran Year. After the term, individuals would gain citizenship and the rights to either lands in the Northern Colonies or Private Business Licenses with Royal Marks of Authenticity."

The News Program's theme music begins to play in the background.

"Next Up on KdIS. Vicious Kretors breaking into rural homes and what you can do to prevent it."
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