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Approved Submission Ke-M2-W3703 Special Operations Combat Knife

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sure, let's do that. Let's assume for one moment that you are trying to steal technology. Why would you be trying to do that? Why does it need to be made out of these specific materials? Why does it need to look so similar to the Desert Fang that Doshii, in passing, mentioned you might want to look at?

Because that's what he did. He said you might want to look at it, think of something like it. Saying he specifically instructed you to create this tool is putting words in the man's mouth. That man has a family! But look; let's put Nepleslia aside for a moment. Whether it's blatant theft, Chinese bootleg, respectful nods, or simple suggestion following taken too far-- it's clearly a very similar product. Last time you made this product, Doshii complained that you were being lazy with the article by not putting work into it. Why don't you think this kind of (whether you call it plagiarism or not) similarity couldn't be viewed as the same laziness? Why don't you just make a knife and use your imagination and have some fun and when people suggest you look at other knives just try to take what's cool about that knife and incorporate it into your own design. Then, fire up good old MSPaint and have a party with the curve tool. Invite the fill tool. The polygon tool can come, too. Just don't invite the aerosol tool. It always makes a mess.
I'm mostly upset because, before I even submitted this, I PM'd doshii to ask his opinion to make sure everything was alright and there wouldn't be any problems. He told me to just submit it.
Doshii's benevolence is indeed wonderful, but there is an extent to the protection he can grant you. These submissions are exposed to the public eye, and while none of our scrutiny neccesarily requires you to alter your submission, the reviewer must at least take note of it. You may have noticed that the first person to comment on this was Nashoba, an administrator who isn't remotely involved in Nepleslian affairs. If even he pauses for a moment to say the material seems out of place in Imperial armaments, there's not much Doshii alone can say. Wes came in and supposed that it was entirely possible for the Empire to use Nerimium-- yet in the same post he did suggest alternatives. Kampfer's posts, though perhaps a bit presumptuous about whether we have license over Nerimium or not, are still the opinions of an FM. Why, even Aendri who rarely dabbles in these things, came in and spoke a bit about it.

Even our dearest Doshii cannot predict when things like this might happen.
I've got no problems going back and redoing the whole thing: I've already got it planned out. I'm just upset about the accusations and bad blood being thrown around.
Ok, hold up.

First, I didn't offer opinions on the knife -- and told you to submit it -- because I don't preview submissions like that. You asked if there's gonna be problems. I told you that I can't review things like that and that I don't besides. Submitting it is, just like Lamb said, the way that things get hashed out.

Second, I didn't realize you were talking about the knife you submitted practically as soon as you got back in the door here, i.e. the knife with the LASR remake.

I didn't review the knife at that time. I didn't review it this time either, as there was no FM approval. Had I known you were resubmitting, or read more carefully, I would have at least let you know that the knife doesn't work very well as a bayonet, especially when you haven't got a rifle listed to match it. I figured this submission was more for the SOFTs and Rikugun, that you'd just come up with it.

All this said -- I take responsibility here. I should have been more clear with you about the Fang when I talked to you about it. I'd meant it as a template you could follow, as it was based on the Glock F81 and is considered a simple, if not too robust, combat knife. I didn't mean for you to follow it so closely.

This miscommunication is my mistake, as I'd pushed you to submit without glancing at it or listening to you.

My apologies, Kirk. Your thread can stay if you want, or I'll move it and you can start anew. Just let me know.
So I've gone back, and redid the weapon:I changed its construction, history, and appearance to fit more in line with what people wanted.
FM approved.
OH. Yeah. It does need art. Maybe we can bum some from @Arieg? He loves drawing tactical stuff.
I've asked Arieg multiple times if he'd draw this, with no answer ever. Anyone else think they're up to doing art for it?
I'll take a stab (pardon the pun) at it.
It's a bayonet knife with a flattened diamond profile, long and thin, that is designed mostly for stabbing (so pointed, non-swept tip) with some cutting ability (so top 3rd of the true edge of the blade sharpened), a black rubberized handle, and two holes for bayonet attachment right?

You say the 2 holes are "in line" with each other. Do you mean that (essentially) one of the knife's quillons (the arms of the cross guard) has 2 holes in it or do you mean that it is mounted in some other fashion?

^Something like this?

I gave is a stronger, kind of false ricasso at the base (the rectangular, thicker unsharpened bit- maybe an inc long?) as it's a thrusting weapon used as a bayonet as well as a little scifi "back brace" for support .

The bottom little bit is the connector for the gun and the top down view shows the size proportions for the blade to hilt as well as the relative size and placement of the other part of it (I might want to thin out the width on the crossguard a little).

Weapon's full tang with the pommel screwing into the base of the handle like a rapier might have and affixed up top with a single bolt. I imagine the primary point of attachment being the pommel and the secondary cross-guard mounted one being more to steady it. Honestly- if I didn't read that it had a secondary one on the cross-guard and that they were large- I would have clipped off the false edge side one (screen right) and replaced it with a single ring connector about the length of a thumb.

I didn't add like a knuckle blow or anything. because for spec. ops you want to be able to switch grips on your knife pretty easy and not make it clunky. Also, to that end, I made it a molded rubber (as requested) and it's kind of got an ergonomic grip either reverse or held normally.
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