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Ke-M6-1B Daisy Spacy Config Suite

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M6-1B "Daisy" Spacy Configuration Suite

About the Spacy Configuration

Essentially a runaround the issue of size constraints on KFY starships with limited armor complements, KFY engineers decided to add a Spacy Configuration Suite to the Daisy's optional package. It includes thicker armor plates, an added sensor capability, a added power source, an oxygen rebreather and a gravimetric thruster pack.

General data

Designer: Star Army Research Administration

  • Ketsurui Fleet Yards
    Star Army of Yamatai (Aboard starships)

Mass: 240 kg (~529.1 lbs) w/thruster pack

Speeds (STL): 0.5 c

Systems Listings:
  • Ke-M6-F2904 Outer Armor with Thermoptic Camouflage (Yamataium/Andrium alloy plates)
    Ke-M6-E2902 Subspace Sensor/Communication package
    Ke-M6-V2902 Oxygen Rebreather
    Ke-M6-G2902 Aether Generator
    Ke-M6-P2902 Gravimetric Engine Thruster Pack (attachable)
    Ke-M6-W2902 Atmospheric Plasma Rifle Adaptor


Atmospheric Plasma Rifle Adaptor: Replaces the atmosphere-tuned barrel system and top cooling unit with an added chargeable capacitor and much stronger barrel system. Allows for rate of fire increase up to 360 rnds/min and adds another 40 shots to the base capacitor unit, giving the rifle 70 shots before needing recharging.

Leg launchers: The Daisy has its own leg launchers of the molded type, but it is also compatible with the new Mindy II's leg launchers.

Systems Layout:

Defensive/External Systems:

Outer Armor: Using the same Yamataium/Andrium alloy mix as the Daisy, but thicker to offer more insulation and protection. Changeable plates include those of the thighs, back, chest, shoulders, lower legs and upper arms. Only the centralized plates (back, chest) need to be replaced.

Energy Cloak-shield Projectors: Built into the right shoulder pad of the armor, with a projector facing back and front, these produce a tight-fitting energy "cloak" over the armor's surfaces to protect it from energy-based weapons. The shield is not as powerful as the Barrier Shield on the <a href="Advanced Tactical Assault Corps Datafiles: GOLEM Mark II Series Power Armor">Golem</a> series by Phoenix Arms Corporation, but still soaks up to about 1,000 megawatts of energy damage. The shield recharges after about 15 seconds, but unlike the Barrier Shield, it does so progressively.

The aether generator adds to the shields' power.

Modified Helmet: See sensors.

Internal Systems:

Life Support: The core of the Daisy houses the life support systems, which include a rebreather system, an oxygen supply, and a nutrient-enriched (sterile) water supply. The Daisy can support a pilot for up to 7 days before replenishment is needed, or up to 4 years in stasis. If needed, the Daisy can filter outside air to replenish its supply (not usually done until absolutely necessary, though). The Daisy's interior includes a catheter organ that wriggles its way into the pilot's urethra and bladder, keeping the pilots from having to exit the suit to urinate. The interior synthetics also will massage the pilot's body from time to time to encourage blood flow and provide increased comfort.

The rebreather system has been improved. The oxygen supply provides enough oxygen for 3 days of high-activity breathing, compared to 1 day.

Capacitor System: Similar to the M4-1A Sylph's G2901 power system, but with about 25 more capacity.

Aether Generator: Placed inside the gravimetric thruster pack. Provides near infinite power.

Communication systems:

  • Subspace:Operates like a subspace communicator on a starship, detecting signals sent at faster-than-light speeds.

    The subspace transceiver is in the form of an ear on the right side of the helmet, much like the Harpy's helmet.

Sensor Systems (AIES):

  • Time-Modulated Ultra-Wide Band Radar: Signals transmitted by UWB radars are pulses generated pseudo-randomly in time. They are only 1 nanosecond in duration. The energy content in any conventional frequency band is below the noise, making TM-UWB transmission highly covert. TM-UWB has no carrier frequency or conversion, and because of the low frequency content of TM-UWB signals, they are capable of seeing through foliage and nonmetallic objects better than regular radar can. Ideal for atmospheric operations and nebulae. Range of about 100,000 km.

    Subspace Mass Sensor: Detects masses throughout subspace much like a radar. Pierces some basic stealth systems, but otherwise is used as a combat-only system to track targets and their weaponry systems more effectively. Range of about 10,000 km; it is in an ear on the left side of the helmet.

Miscellanious systems:

Ke-M6-P2902 Gravimetric Engine Thruster Pack: An attachable backpack on the Daisy's back. It houses a gravimetric engine with two thruster nozzles. The nozzles can be moved via AIES just enough to allow the armor to hover if absolutely necessary, and throttle control is between 5 and 105 percent. The pack draws from the added capacitor module. The unit comes with its own weapon racks and covers the Daisy's built-in ones; if the pack is discarded, weapons on its racks must be put back on the Daisy.

Edits: Added aether generator.
Modified sensor ranges.
Removed direct link between Sylph and Daisy 1B.
Added leg launcher reference.
Ahem, I think you're running after your tail trying to make changes. Why isn't this a 1B upgrade? I think it should be. I'll outline what approach I suggest you take.
  • The armor needs to be sealed against vaccuum. Armor effectiveness itself is adequate, but vaccuum resistance must be attended to. Consider atmospheric drops as well.
  • The communication and sensor suite needs to manage the greater range space conditions would require.
  • Cloak shield is adequate. I don't see a need to change it directly, but rather...
  • The mention of the Sylph's capacitor system is now in error, as the Sylph has a aether generator. I think the Daisy should follow suit as well, as it saves the designers the trouble of adding secondary finite power supplies.
  • From my point of view, the rifle modification could become standard: the augmentation is too good not to be in common use.
Considering the above, I think it'd be fairly straightforward to just have the Daisy itself changed to accomodate atmospheric entry and proper vaccuum seals (consider this might improve its underwater operation too). The aether generator replacing the former battery would improve the cloak shield's recharge and performance, probably. The plasma rifle adaptation could replace the former one and be a lot more reliable against shielded units.

The add-on pack itself could contain everything the Daisy wouldn't need on a plasma: extended range sensor and comm system, as well as the gravimetric unit, which would feed on the Daisy 1B's aether generator in the same way the Daisy recharges the plasma rifle.

That way, you optimize the amounts of modifications you make, to the proper unit, without needing to be overly redundant. As long as the Daisy doesn't have the gravimetric pack, it functions on a planet. When it does, it'd become truly transatmospheric and would be able to have the proper range to make operations in space in the same way most other spacy armors do, except the Daisy would be limited to sublight speed.

Also, consider compatibility with some other KFY power armor systems (for example, the Mindy II's modular leg missile launchers... which are very close to the Daisy's design, except designed for space operation).
Kotori said:
Ahem, I think you're running after your tail trying to make changes. Why isn't this a 1B upgrade? I think it should be.

Not to be snippy, but I do not. I want this to be a removable package -- modularity is what I was going for here, so there are changes to make now that the Mindy II is out. But I don't want it to be an "upgrade."

he armor needs to be sealed against vaccuum. Armor effectiveness itself is adequate, but vaccuum resistance must be attended to. Consider atmospheric drops as well.

The original Daisy can be sealed against vacuum. It has to be for space drops, which it can perform.

The communication and sensor suite needs to manage the greater range space conditions would require.

It's a subspace transceiver. That's as buff as I can get without going up to hyperspace, which seems unnecessary on the Daisy. But I can bump up the sensors -- what I was trying to do was essentially limit the use of the Daisy in space, as it isn't designed for it initially. I know you want to cram as much as you can onto the Miharu and such, but very few other ships would probably be using this -- they could just stow seperate units, one way or another. Or perform purely in space.

The mention of the Sylph's capacitor system is now in error, as the Sylph has a aether generator. I think the Daisy should follow suit as well, as it saves the designers the trouble of adding secondary finite power supplies.

Gah, sorry about that. I was planning to have a generator in the back armor panel. I'll fix it.

From my point of view, the rifle modification could become standard: the augmentation is too good not to be in common use.

That's the point -- it's too good. The reason for the atmospheric modification is to allow for it to be used in an atmosphere, where temperatures are simply too high for the weapon to operate effectively without obscenely expensive Zesuaium barrels. The new configuration is a snap to do.

Considering the above, I think it'd be fairly straightforward to just have the Daisy itself changed to accomodate atmospheric entry and proper vaccuum seals (consider this might improve its underwater operation too). The aether generator replacing the former battery would improve the cloak shield's recharge and performance, probably. The plasma rifle adaptation could replace the former one and be a lot more reliable against shielded units.

... It seems like you want me to just dump the old Daisy for this one.

The add-on pack itself could contain everything the Daisy wouldn't need on a plasma: extended range sensor and comm system, as well as the gravimetric unit, which would feed on the Daisy 1B's aether generator in the same way the Daisy recharges the plasma rifle.

That way, you optimize the amounts of modifications you make, to the proper unit, without needing to be overly redundant. As long as the Daisy doesn't have the gravimetric pack, it functions on a planet. When it does, it'd become truly transatmospheric and would be able to have the proper range to make operations in space in the same way most other spacy armors do, except the Daisy would be limited to sublight speed.

Okay then. I'm just going to stuff everything in the pack. Got it.

Also, consider compatibility with some other KFY power armor systems (for example, the Mindy II's modular leg missile launchers... which are very close to the Daisy's design, except designed for space operation).

I could just say, "the Mindy II's leg launchers also work on the Daisy."
*rubs head* I didn't mean to an uppity jerk ... you're right, your ideas do sound practical. But I still don't want this to be a 1B upgrade -- if the Mindy II can have configs, so can the Daisy.
I understand your point of view of the Mindy having configs and you thinking you could do the same. I agree that just adding the gravimetric pack and the rifle adaptor shouldn't cause the model to change.


Changing the armor itself will. Just sealing it against vaccuum and reinforcing the armor plating is, from my point of view, good enough a reason (though I thought the Daisy would already be correctly sealed and well enough armored). Anything that is not just 'slap on' means that logically, this would make it 1B. I just don't see how you can avoid it (nor do I understand what the big deal about bumping a 'A' for a 'B' would be - I mean, it means the design was worthwhile enough to be tweaked to broaden its uses, right?)

How you handle the rest is up to you in this regard. All I can tell you is that the gravimetric pack will probably turn out to be pretty useful. If this gets approved, you'll defenitely see it in play.
I think the armor and other items are essentially "slap on." I hesitated to say "1B" because the fixtures aren't permanent, they're removeable. I keep telling you it's already sealed against vacuum.

But that seems to keep me from being approved, so it's now the 1B. I personally don't understand why you think it matters, so in that case we're even. *grins*

I don't see the purpose of further edits, as none has come up, so I'm asking for approval as is.
Approved...seriously, though, what's in a name?