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Ke-M91 SAR Mindy/Kylie Conversion


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(Hey Wes, make sure you change all the W28XX designations to something that makes sense. You told me you'd fill those in, remember? ;) ~Yuuchan)

Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M91 SAR Mindy/Kylie Conversion

History and Background: The YSA Engineering and Medical Corps faced several related problems with respect to damaged ships: casualties trapped in hostile, inaccessible places. Crewmembers equipped with existing rescue gear would succumb to the hazards within, and power-armored troops lacked rescue gear. The combination often proved unwieldly. The two Corps jointly developed the Ke-M91 Search and Rescue Conversion to outfit existing armor, deemed a much more effective solution than a new armor design.

About the Ke-M91 The M91 is a conversion kit, compatible with the M2-1E and M3-1C models of power armor. It was designed to be able to be installed in a matter of minutes by personnel with adequate training, and to be uninstalled in only a little longer. It consists of mostly external parts, tools, and a few upgraded systems. The real drawback to the M91 is that power armor having undergone the conversion is far less capable in combat, with significantly reduced firepower. However, the purpose of such a conversion is ostensibly in a support role. It is of note that the armor and shielding of the unit is actually superior, due to it being meant to function in extremely hostile environments, such as around a compromised antimatter containment field.


Government: Yamatai Star Empire
Organization: The Star Army of Yamatai
Type: Power Armor Special Purpose Conversion Kit
Class: Search And Rescue Equipment Package, Mark 91
Star Army Research Administration
Star Army Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
Star Army Corps of Engineers
Star Army Medical Corps
Ketsurui Fleet Yards

Mass: 97Kg

Ketsurui Fleet Yards Type W28XX (fill the number in Wes ~Yuuchan) Plasma Projector: Designed for use as a tool as much as a weapon, the W28XX is one of the primary systems of the M91 Kit. It can be used for cutting, welding, boring, drilling, starting fires, and melting, among other things. Like the Type 2701 Aether Beam Rifle, the Plasma Projector's beam can be focused at a limited range, sacrificing it for power, allowing it to be used as a blade. The W28XX is actually a weaponized version of an industrial plasma system commonly found in the manufacturing and mining sectors. It looks similar to the 2701 but is much shorter, looking like a carbine version of it. The Plasma Projector, however, has three prongs instead of two.

Purpose: Anti armor and anti personnel. Hull cutting tool. Debris clearing, repair, and demolitions.
Damage: Cascading thermal and ionizing effects from electrically-charged, superheated gases vented at ultra-high velocity. Can be focused from a pinpoint beam microns in diameter, to a cone of up to 45 degrees.
Range: Up to 157,000Km (97,555 miles). 1.55m (5 feet) for blade.
Rate of Fire: 0.073 seconds warm-up time before initiation. Beam can be constantly sustained throughout the life of the power source. 0.091 seconds cool-down time after termination.

Payload: Effectively unlimited when properly attached to the Mindy power armor. The back-mounted fuel cell (BU-M67) occupies the other free back slot. It can transform even the sparse heavy hydrogen and other gasesin deep space into a virtually unlimited supply of plasma, as well as draw them from the armor's wearer, if need be. Free-floating W28XX Projectors rely on the same battery magazine used by the 2701(BU-M20) which holds enough power for three full minutes of sustained use. In addition, they require fuel canisters of deuterium (BU-M13) that last for approximately the same amount of time. The Mindy carries two extra magazines and two extra fuel canisters on its thighs.

Systems Listing:

Nomenclature System Name Notes

Ke-M91-X29XX Exoskeletal Enhanced Power Harness Increases strength; reduces mobility
Ke-M91-X29XX Supplemental Protective System Supplemental armor and field amplifier
Ke-M91-X29XX Multifunction Utility Arm Package High-Strength Utility Arm with Tool Package
Ke-M91X29XX Emergency Medical System Uplink Embedded Medical Equipment
Ke-M91-W28XXX-NSB Search and Rescue Nodal Support Bits Special Purpose NSB


Exoskeletal Enhanced Power Harness: (Ke-M91-X29XX) This spider-like device fits over the armor's torso and limbs, and consists of thick myomer cables and heavy hydraulics, and greatly increases the lifting strength and load-bearing capability of the armor. However, it has the drawback of significantly reducing the overall agility and mobility of the craft.

Supplemental Protective System: (Ke-M91-X28XX) Looking like nothing so much as a suit of medieval armor, these bulky plates consist of sandwiched layers of titanium-alloy, depleted uranium, gold, lead, and polymer ceramics. The are coated with an extra-thick layer of Zesuaium, it is designed to fit over top of the standard armor such as that found on the M2 Mindy (Ke-M2-F2703), and provide much greater protection from hazards such as prolonged exposure to vented antimatter or plasma from a failed reactor core, for example. For added protection, there is an amplification unit for boosting the power of the electrogravitic and electrostatic fields from the Combined Field System that mounts at the lower back. It also contains the equipment necessary to boost the suits communication equipment to overcome the interference from the amplified fields, and the hostile environments the suit is likely to encounter. This significantly increases the suit's survivability versus ship mounted weaponry as well, but does somewhat impact mobility.

Multifunction Utility Arm Package: (Ke-M91-X28XX) A huge, articulated, armored, full-arm gauntlet that stretches from shoulder to hand, the X28XX attaches to the X29XX Power Harness for control and power, and fits over the left arm of the power armor, effectively replacing it. The Utility Arm's myomers and hydraulics are even more substantial that of the Power Harness. The hand of the X28XX is a pincer-like claw, most similar to the "Jaws of Life.â€
I like it, love it, and want one delivered to the Sakura as soon as they are approved! >_> One of these units would have been quite useful during conflict when Hanako was lost.

On the other hand, would this unit be able to deliver more delicate medical care such as surgical aid? or would the hand attachments have the proper size and function to allow for the fine movements involved in surgical applications. If the units are able to do so... have one of my laser scalple devices included in the normal package. *laughs*
The way it is designed, you would only have one normal hand, assuming the conversion is complete, which it likely would be, considering Wes has already stated that, with respect to armor, "Individiual Customizations are not allowed." It's a mission specific thing, not an individual thing. An officer would probably be able to dictate the uniform of their troops though.

The way I designed it, it is for emergency rescue from, for example, a wrecked ship whose nodal system is inactive, and thus incapable of self-repair, or in a collapsed structure.

The left hand would be a big power lifter arm with a jaws of life type thing, the right is mostly unchanged, except for the exoskeletal attachments: it was designed, for example, for the Mindy's scalar weaponry to be intact, so as not to make the unit completely combat ineffective.

Of course, there is no reason that the Nodal Support System couldn't include surgical drones as NSBs, something that I had thought of myself, actually.
Oh, I see... if the nodal devices included with the armor can do the job, i'm all for this machine to get put into action. it just may be able to get Miles away from his Kylie... or he'll just have Yosef slap on the conversion kit :D
DocTomoe said:
i'm all for this machine to get put into action. it just may be able to get Miles away from his Kylie... or he'll just have Yosef slap on the conversion kit

It only exists as a kit. I had originally proposed the idea as a new armor, but the big man said it would be better as a kit that could be easily installed and uninstalled.

I'll edit the description of the NSB's to include your scalpel then.
Heh, I wonder if that would get my character any income due to him inventing the device ;)

Either way, the laser scalpel would make an excellent addition to the conversion kit's capability.
Yes, that was in from the get go. It's a unique model though, since it's an embedded system. I'm fairly certain that I explained that adequately.
Due to certain circumstances, all external references to other systems have been removed.

Because certain ones were quite integral to the system, this will necessitate a fairly significant redesign of certain aspects.
Another note: Rather than including more specialized systems, people who would want some other functionality are encouraged instead to designed specialized NSB packages, and submit them in a new thread that is hyperlinked to this one, rather than posting replies in this thread.

EDIT: I have already done this to a point.
An Age to get more people to look at it, suggest things, and see about getting it to go through the process.
I noticed it has a shield amplifier...but the Mindy doesn't have shields. ^^;

Also, is an exoskeleton really necessary? The Mindy's pretty strong on its own.
From what I can tell, the Mindy has some small structural flaws, such as the arms and legs, an exoskeleton would prevent the arms from being ripped off by heavy loads.
Wes said:
I noticed it has a shield amplifier...but the Mindy doesn't have shields. ^^;

Also, is an exoskeleton really necessary? The Mindy's pretty strong on its own.

Combined Field System: The Mindy M2 uses a combined field system. In effect, the CFS sustains a small "pocket universe" around the vessel by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. Objects inside the bubble are protected from both solid and beam weaponry, because the projectiles or beams pass through the curved space and around the armor. The combined field can serve a number of purposes, including propulsion, defense, weaponry (powering the NSBs) and stealth; for this reason, it is almost always on to some extent.

It doesn't?
That's different than "shields." Those suggest a type of energy field, not a "pocket universe," as it were. Then again, I barely understand the pocket universe stuff ...
Doshii Jun said:
That's different than "shields." Those suggest a type of energy field, not a "pocket universe," as it were. Then again, I barely understand the pocket universe stuff ...

by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields.

Not energy fields?
Changed the terminology on the system in question to more accurately describe its purpose and interaction with the CFS system.