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Ke-X3301 Craft Control Attachment


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Craft Interface and Escape System for use with Type 32 Pilot Pod
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=kfy:ke-x3301

Faction: YSE
FM Approved Yet? Yes

Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No

Notes: This is a system for letting a single volunteer manage a ship via a Type 32 Pilot Pod, though it has some drawbacks. Because there aren't engineers or support personnel for the ship, the ships can be battered and more easily destroyed in engagements -- meaning that the pod and any data gathered had to have a way of getting back over long distances. This is why the fold system and dedicated power source have been installed.

This can be used with obsolete and mothballed vessels with minimal personnel to temporarily and quickly bolster forces (still limited by the fleet numbers) which might be considered expendable, or for extra dangerous recon missions. Use as decoys is also possible. Ships might be crafted or refitted specifically for this system's regular use, but they would be smaller craft which the system could better micromanage and would more obviously benefit from the replacement of crew amenities with things like weapon/shield systems and ECM/ECCM. Smaller craft would also be a lesser loss should they be damaged or destroyed in the high risk missions.

I want to emphasize -- this isn't for breaking the fleet build up limits. It should be used to allow the use of obsolete vessels in an emergency situation or where decoys are needed, but those vessels would be temporarily considered as within a fleet. The same goes for any compact craft built for this system -- which would be high risk and limited in number.
Eh... Approved. No reason for it not to be, and I looked it over: the modifications to the pod aren't too wild, and the only thing I wish it had was art.
I actually plan to add art, but I need to wait until Nash is on to ask him for the DOGA files for the fold system.

It'll actually be a pretty simple design, and isn't a combat capable system in and of itself, so I figured I'd add the art later.
So, if I understand correctly: this is an ejectable monitor room/escape pod?

At first glance, I find it a bit cheap that something so small would be able to have that functionality and be able to fold to that speed on top of that. My initial basis for comparison is the Himiko-class' auxiliary ship, which has CDD speed but no fold and is much larger.

Then again there is the concept of fold boosters for both power armor and shuttles, though the best escape pods - generally larger than power armor - can only manage a speed of a few hundred times the speed of light.

This is already approved, so this may be water under the bridge, but I think its speed is overpowered. Could making it much significantly lower (0.1 ly/m or even ly/h) or make it significantly larger to justify the space taken by the fold engine (I'm thinking around shuttle-size) be explored?
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