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Approved Submission Keiro No Hi, Respect for the Aged Day or Grandparents Day


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Similar to the other holiday submitted. I feel like the article is a stub. Could we maybe get this fleshed out a little bit?
Could we talk more about what old people are in the setting? Hoshi was born YE 26 and thus is 18 years of age and she thinks of herself as an old Neko. My point is, the setting is a little different than IRL so maybe that is where some of the additions can come from.
Great point! I singled out Aoba for the image on the article because he’s the oldest (seeming) character I know. But @Wes let me know he’s only like 30-something.

I realize Fusako was born before YE 1, so she’s a better example. I kept her exact birth date vague because before YE 1 always seemed kinda murky.
Reactions: Wes
aah oh my god, I thought I'd checked and that He was like a few years older than Vec... Vec and Thia are the oldest on the Res not counting the AI Snake goddess lady
Reactions: Wes
It looks like the article is still very bare as of this writing in terms of text content.
Okay, I guess the implication is that it needs yet more details. I had the same problem writing academic papers.
Maybe there is! I like the touches like the sake cup and wearing red. I'm just kind of thinking out loud wondering if I should make a template for events since having a strong ToC and sections can help.
Reorganized to add a Traditions section from content that was already there and added Food and Gifts sections.
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