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Approved Character Ken Levine

Well, glad to see this is up finally.

First off, you have Santo Juni listed on the top card section, but in his history you have his highest rank listed as Nito Hei. I think you have the experience to justify either, just looking for consistency or an explanation, either one.

Couple of grammatical errors in the personality section. I'd drop it into word really quickly. Just a couple small ones, run-on sentences, and the like.

Same thing goes for the history section. Nothing worth holding the approval up over, but just drop it into word, and it should help. I'm a bit of a grammar nazi at times, but some of these, I think, are actual necessity, not me being overzealous.

3rd paragraph of history, talking about his band, it should be "He was in a band for a while, but when Jimmy quit and Jody got married..."

In your vehicles skill, it should be "he is better behind the wheel..."

Overall, looks fine. You've got the background to justify the skills, and the character is well written, just as I would expect from you. If no one else has a problem with it, I'll approve this tomorrow.
Yeah missed a couple things, would have dropped it into word if I didn't forget. Kinda got tired after writing it for that long. However I'm gonna keep the band history bit. If you're a music nut, you might catch the small little easter egg.

He's meant to be a Nito Hei however, I missed that first one because I used Sumaru's character sheet as a template.

edit; everything's fix'd
Caught it now that I'm not half asleep.

Anyway, since no one else seems to have any problems with it, I'm going to go ahead and Approve this.