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Approved Character Kendokio


Inactive Member
Name: Kendokio Arakaki

General Information
Species: Geshrin
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Mother: Pedia Ado(MIA, not confirmed dead)
Father: Darshon Arakaki(MIA, not confirmed dead)
Siblings: None
Close friends: Eda

Faction: Drifter/small time criminal
Occupation: Strategic Communications Expert
Rank: No name criminal
Current Assignment: None

Physical Characteristics
Height: English: 6'0" Metric: 1.8 Meters
Weight: English: 145 lb. Metric: 65.8 kg.

Build and Skin Color: Slender, Pale
Face and Eye Color: slender faced, no facial hair. Violet, left eye is always covered by an eye patch.
Hair color and Style: Dark black, wavy, just below the shoulder blades, and tied back.

Distinguishing Features:
He always wears an eye patch over his left eye. He also is always dressed in old style clothing, such as knee high leather boots and a frilled white dress shirt.
Psychological Characteristics
Kendokio is by all means an extravert. He is one of the most outgoing people he has ever met. Also he tends to be a bit over dramatic at times when not focused on a mission. For most he is usually the comedy relief which hides how cultured and intelligent he truly is. In fact he happens to be a very strategically gifted being. Above all of this is his largest downfall, women. When it comes to women it's as if he must hit on them for his life to be complete. This is what he usually does, even going so far as to be considered a horn ball. Every free moment he gets, sometimes during the most inopportune as well he will try to get the cute girl.
Likes: Women of any species, money, knitting/general sewing, gambling, sword fighting, crime, and a nice civilized debate or discussion of cultures past and present.
Dislikes: People being dishonorable (to his code of honor anyway)
Goals: To become rich, have many women become his lovers at once, and have a large long line of sons and daughters to raise.

Kendokio was born into a family of loyalist soldiers. His mother went MIA when he was 2 and his father was an accomplished strategist for the empire. Due to his families military type life his home was the spacecraft in which they traveled. He was taught well how to pilot a ship and he also happened to be one of the favorite children on board. Being such he picked up a lot of trades and ran a lot of errands. His father told him over and over that he was solely responsible for carrying the family name to future generations, the constant pounding of this ideal brought about his love for women, and longing to raise a child of his own. When the ship landed on Neplesia for a pretty standard mission and his Father was captured and went missing. He ran off the ship and deep into Neplesia, filled with sadness (this was around the age of 16). There he learned to fend for himself and gained his desire for money. He earned a living by stealing or conning money from others, or from corporations, sometimes even teaming up if it was beneficial for his well being.
# Communication: Kendokio being a member of a starship for such a long time, he learned most of the basics of communication tecniques, from the most mundane of hand signals to the various types of communication machinery. This is a necessary skill that he uses often in most of his criminal based missions.
# fighting and Physical: Kendokio working in the crime organization has picked up some very necessary fighting skills as well as his few elective skills. He learned how to fire a gun pretty fast in his current job situation and being in Neplesia helps. He is also skilled in the use of power amour, though he doesn't prefer this type of fighting. A basic understanding of hand to hand combat skills is also necessary, and he does have it. As a little tad bit he loves to sword fight and as such is better with his sword than with everything besides his trusty handgun.
# Information Technology: He understands how to use a computer, and has some minor hacking skills. He can get a lot of information out of a computer, regardless of how little skill he has in the field of hacking.
# Rogue: He has been working in the crime business for long enough to pick up the skills he needs. He can pick locks with ease. His skills with the sleight of hand are pretty good when he concentrates. He can get information on the streets if he needs to, and he knows what to do and what not to (except sometimes he doesn't follow it). He is not so skilled in seduction; every attempt leaves him with a large slap mark across face or worse. Regardless, he still has great spy and stealth skills because of his time in the business.
# Starship Operations: Being near the pilot a lot while he traveled with his father he learned how to pilot any ship in the air, water, or space. Though he didn't learn how directly they are all somewhat similar and he is a pretty quick study.
# Arts and Vocations: He can knit incredibly well, being taught by his own father during their lessons on military strategies. This happens to be one of his favorite pass times and his specialty is scarves. With his knowledge of knitting learning to sew his clothing together with whatever he could fin that was around was a very easy transition, just as much as useful. Kendokio takes pride in his hand writing as well turning it into an intricate art form with very old fashion stylish lettering.
# Knowledge: His understanding of military tactics and effective strategies is only matched by his desire for women. He learned this on the starship watching and listening to his father command as well as learned from his direct teaching. Kendokio, being a very adept listener/learner, was quick to learn what was taught. These are sometimes very useful during missions.
I know he bites, sorry.... I was out of it when I made him. I wasn't sure whether to put 4 or 6 skills cause of the extra 2 everyperson gets. So I'm sorta confussled.... but there is so much skill wise i wanted to add, like a strategy one........ and knitting..... yes he can knit and he loves to knit!
I didn't even read the Bio, but because this character can knit I belive he should be approved POST HASTE!
Well i was confused about that, i read somehwere in my searchings around the site you got +2 just for joining however if im wrong ill just remove Information systems
Go ahead and fill his skill set up to 7. The character has been on the streets long enough to have an adult-like skill set, even though his formal education ended at 16. Besides, I don't want people to start off at a disadvantage.

From the CCG:

Player characters should be semi-heroic in potential by nature. Normal NPC civilians probably wouldn't get 7 skills. On the other hand, you shouldn't get only 4 skills as an adult, unless you were a homeless beggar your entire life, or never finished high school and then worked menial labor for 10 years.

Thad, I'd like to hear your opinion on the history, please. (Besides the fact that we have another orphan.)
Another orphan? *rampage*

Besides that, it's all right. Not crazy about the mercenary thing, that sort of deal should be RPed out. I suggest removing that and living as a theif or in some low-paying job. It's not really necessary, but it'll save you from being hired as a mercenary and turning out to be incompetent in playing it. I liked the father's influence on him though, it gives the character direction and goals. Good job.
EDIT: changed the end of history to appease Jadg and made his parents non dead since he is no sterio type, also added 2 skills. B) Gatta love the knitting man who drinks tea!
Uso Tasuki said:
I didn't even read the Bio, but because this character can knit I belive he should be approved POST HASTE!

This is not post haste!

Is character creation ever post haste? All will be done in due time, I'll even have company by tommorow! B) If I see her on again *evil laughter* but eda is a real pc that i am dragging in
Yum, thankees! B) Plus, that was about as post haste as you can get with character creation.

I think I know what im doing with my character, afterall, its a 'pirates life for him' right? I just need to figure out how to do my character finances and inventory.
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