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Kenichi's Star: New star system in Ayame Nebula


Inactive Member
It looks okay to me, mostly. I find the part about tree roots affecting plate tectonics implausible though.

Anyone else have any comments?
Well, I guess I can explain the beating sound a different way, maybe the tree has a sort of vasular system... It's not an issue that I am worried too much about. ^^

Also, can anyone suggest resource point values for this star system?
No complaints, but just be warned: Putting a habitable system so close to Freespacer territory all but ensures its destined to be colonized en masse by them in the future, possibly repurposed into a new capital and homeworld. This doesn't necessarily mean ecological damage since the Freespacers are quite big on druidism and symbiosis with the galaxy. But they have been desperately starved for water and arable land for centuries, so who knows whether or not they'll become out of control once they start colonizing Kokoro and water harvesting on Mizuho's Tear.

Anyways, if you're intending it to be an isolated and uninhabited eden for years to come you may want to choose a different spot. If you don't mind the inevitable mass colonization of the world by cybernetic spiritualists, then feel free to do as you wish.
Hmm...perhaps I should move it from 5 degrees West of North to 20-25 degrees West of North...and perhaps 15 LY instead of 18.2 LY. Any objections? As long as the Elysians don't seem to have a claim...

Colonizing Kokoro won't be easy, since the Tree's runners and the like completely cover the surface of the planet...the soil is likely leeched by now. ^^*
The Elysians are about to colonize three planets - they're unlikely to try and colonize this one. They might well take a sampling of the tree however - and use its genetics for their own experiments.

It should mean that their biological creations can increase considerably in size
Huh...this system would be wanted by three sides when discovered, and though one may not contest, two might...this isn't what I intended, but could actually be an interesting and unexpected development in the RP. ^^

I may have to make a different resource-rich planet elsewhere soon, though, but maybe not, if the Elysians don't want the resources of the system. I was under the impression that resources were something they lacked.

Edit: Edited my submission to give an alternative reason for the pulse and altered the location of the star system.
If you're referring to the Deoradh not contesting, they're a bunch of communist hippies. They see anything undeveloped then its up for grabs. Not unlike some of the Native Americans with their communal ownership of tools... though they took them from the Europeans they usually ended up getting killed for it. >.>

Back to the reason I posted: Since it sounds like you don't want the Elysian and Deoradh to have it, maybe leave out the 'mineral rich' part to it isn't as tempting? Or perhaps make the planets' atmosphere hostile to the point only Yamatai can terraform it (I'm assuming thats the third faction you're talking about, since its the only other in the region). For example, a Nitrogen rich environment may be excellent for Terran-style plants and giant trees, yet deadly to humans.

Just make it too far for the Deoradh to reach (they can only travel a few LY from their homeworld) and too much trouble for the Elysians to see it worth colonizing and it'll fall right into Yamataian hands. If thats what you're intending, that is. If you actually do want conflict instead of ensuring Yamataian control, then forget what I just said.
The planet's location has been moved a bit farther from the Deoradh, so it is out of their range, and the Elysian GM wants the tree's DNA, but not the minerals. ^^ It's fine. If something unexpected comes up...well...that's the nature of RP.
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