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Approved Submission [KenTec]KT-T1-1a Rukh Touring Shuttle

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Great article! I'll have to make a character just to use one of these. It reminds me of a budget car that's a sleeper luxury vehicle and also racecar.

I fixed a bunch of small grammar, typo, and spelling stuff, but have left some listed for you to go in and do yourself. There were many more incidences of "it's" that should be "its," but I'll let ya fix a couple. Just watch it in the future!

[ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[ ! ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ! ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate
[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Here's some fixes this article still needs:

1. "those who want to explore space freefly" > "freely"
2. "feature of the Rukh is it's impressive size" > "its"
3. "viable form of transportation in any of it's uses." >its"
4. "spacious do to some clever" > "due to"
5. "However, it possess two specially fitted" > "possesses"

6. You need a bit of text under the "Mission Specialization" header but before the bullet list. I know the article keeps repeating that the shuttle was intended for characters who want an affordable freighter-alternative, so maybe talk about typical things people might actually do with these. Mine asteroids? Run a shuttle company? Is it good enough to be a mercenary band or special operations group's base of operations? I see later that you talked about the maximum capacity being 100. How would missions with that configuration even work? The Plumeria's section is a good example.

7. The cool pictures under "Appearance" should come after a bit of text. I can see why you did it the way you did from an aesthetic standpoint. I would recommend expanding the section by talking about its stock colors (without pictures what would somebody think the colors are just from reading this article?), though I do see that you have prototype colors later, too.

8. Aux Room: If it can be used as a "kitchenette, a wardroom, and a light recreation room," then how does that happen? Are there hidden chairs, a hidden fridge, and a hidden stove burner somewhere? If it's just an empty room then maybe say that it can be customized to be certain things per the owner's wishes, or something.

9. Pricing and Accessories headers should have text underneath them but before the prices. Include elements like: What the maintenance plan entails. What does the 8-man modification do to make the shuttle fit 8?

10. Please add an artist attribution in OOC notes.

When these fixes are made, please post a reply here so I can re-check the article. Thank you!
Okay went through the list and fixed each thing, also moved the kitchenette to an accessory and explained how the Aux room works. Also thanks for fixing the spelling and grammar issues that you did. (Pretty sure that was everything)
Looks great!

I already mentioned this elsewhere, but please add this to Ken-TEC's product list (and others where appropriate). I was unsure which header on the Ken-TEC page it's supposed to go under.

Thanks again for submitting an article to the wiki! Time for some final steps!

[ ] 1. State clearly that the article is approved in the submission thread
[ ] 2. Move the wiki article to its permanent (destination) location on the wiki
[ ] 3. Move the submission thread to the Approved Submissions subforum or get a moderator to
[ ] 4. Edit the article to add a link to the approval thread in the OOC Notes section
[ βœ” ] 5. Link other articles to the approved article as appropriate (equipment lists, etc.)

EDIT: Check 5 fixed, article done.
Last edited:
Yeah, went in right after you put the approved stamp on the article and changed the name and added it to the product list. Wont make that mistake again....made a product and forgot to put it on the list and a year later I was like "Why does no one know this exist?"
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