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Kessaku OS CFS Enhancement Module 29A


Inactive Member
(My apologies ahead of time if this is missing anything important. I haven't seen a template or example for a purely software-based tech submission yet.)

Kessaku OS CFS Enhancement Module 29A

Producer Information
Designer: Jôtô Hei Kage Yaichiro
Technical Sentry, YSS Sakura, NG-X1-360
Manufacturer: Kessaku Fleet Yards

Nomenclature Information
Name: CFS Enhancement Module 29A a.k.a. CFSE 29A
Role: Software Module for close CFS Monitoring and Energy Weapon Use.
Requirements: Kessaku OS, MEGAMI or KAMI-based system

General Description
In YE 29, the Sakura found herself in an encounter with a vessel of such great speed, that the engines drained the primary weapon of power, and the secondary weapons could not be fired due to the activation of the CFS, which would scatter and redirect energy beams. After some thought and testing at Scorpio Base at Hanako's World, the acting Chief Engineer of the Sakura developed a way to both more closely monitor the CFS, and to compensate for the CFS when targeting and firing weapons, be they energy weapons, or an allied Power Armor guarding the ship.

Base Components of CFSE 29A

CFS Monitor 1.0: Using standard internal and external sensors, MEGAMI or KAMI can monitor the CFS both at the field and at the generators inside the ship. Due to this, MEGAMI or KAMI can extrapolate the precise energy flow around the ship, even being able to predict where the energy will be redirected to along the CFS, be it radiation or weapons fire. It can also be used to monitor the status of the ship's shields more precisely than pervious methods, to diagnose problems early on, as well as to be used in conjunction with other programs that require the state of the CFS.
(It should be noted that since this requires sensors at both the field and the generator points of the CFS, it can only be used upon one's own CFS, not on those of other ships.)

CFS Compensator 1.0: By working with CFS Monitor 1.0, MEGAMI or KAMI can determine the state of the CFS at any given time, and even extrapolate where energy will be redirected to along it. It is not a large jump to use that data to compensate for the CFS's effects when firing energy weapons. This CFS Compensator does just that, interfacing with MEGAMI's or KAMI's targeting system, or even displaying on a Power Armor's HUD. A shot is fired upon a pre-calculated point on the CFS, which is moved along the CFS to the desired location. This allows multi- or omni-directional energy weapons, as well as the energy weapons of Power Armor, to accurately target and hit enemy targets while using the CFS.
From my own research of CFS units, I must tell you this is nothing new: the CFS is constantly monitored by the ship's -IES and modulated/phased for best performance.

The CFS is about balance. It can devote its field resourcesto select tasks. If you move at 20% FTL speed, that leaves you the rest to operate weapons and shielding. If your shielding is at 80%, you can't have much FTL and the capacity of projecting energy beams is lessened. If you give power to project beams, then, you dramatically decrease your FTL and shield capabilities.

This is a give or take relationship, I don't see how new software can change this sort of balance.
This isn't intended to change that balance.

The CFS scatters and redirects energy from inside AS WELL as outside. This software allows the targeting system to compensate for that so energy weapons can actually hit targets THROUGH the CFS of the firing ship.

Also, though it IS monitored, I doubt the energy flow is extrapolated upon by the -IES to calculate the needed variables to fire energy beams through it.

It has nothing to do with changing the energy outputs involved.
Of course it is. How would it otherwise function while firing weapon pods, the main gun or the positron railguns? It seems pretty well explained there.

Besides, this isn't taking care of your primary problem. Hanako's problem in that running fight wasn't caused by the CFS. It was a fight going at high FTL speeds: there was no way Hanako could easily hit the opposing ships with weapons whom went at a spped of 1c. That's why she mentioned torpedoes would have been useful.

Furthermore, when she turned the ship around to fire the main weapon, she lacked power because the Sakura's aether generator just can't supply enough power to go at full speed and shore up the power to activate the main weapon: while aether generators are inexhaustible, they are not infinite in the sense of how much power is produced at one time.

The rest was mostly due to the Sakura's engine elements pushing themselves past tolerance, asking for more power from the aether generator, which would threaten to have them go critical, as well as tax the power conduits, which are not made to reach certain extremes, as well as the CFS generators themselves in the engineering and the nacelles.

If Yaichiro really wanted to improve ship performance, the Sakura's already very potent 300 000c CFS drive doesn't seem to be the right place to start. I'd consider the inclusion of more heatsinks/cooling systems, more resilient power conduits and perhaps the inclusion of small capacitor banks to act as auxiliary power when the ship needs to push the enveloppe. The addition of low-energy expediture weaponry such as torpedo launchers would also be of some help.
I was under the impression that a ship could not usually fire most energy weapons (save the main gun) while the CCD was operative, because the CCD scattered and redirected the energy involved. Is that correct or incorrect?

And how would the <1c weapons have been a problem? If the Sakura was firing FORWARD, sure. But it was firing BACK toward a pursuing enemy. Which means that even if the weapons only went 1c static, even if it wasn't 1c in relation to the ships, they'd STILL have hit it...unless the CFS scrambled the shot or I'm missing some freaky law of science.
MM007 said:
I was under the impression that a ship could not usually fire most energy weapons (save the main gun) while the CCD was operative, because the CCD scattered and redirected the energy involved. Is that correct or incorrect?
No, MEGAMI is able to compensate for distortions. Sometimes, the ship will also create open patches in the CFS for quick sensor scans and weapon fire, too.
MM007 said:
Ah, delete this whole thread then. No point in it. ^^*
Actually, how about we add most of it to the CFS' description page?
Like a retroactive addition to explain why it does what it already does? Or do you mean the parts of the discussion relating to the CFS?
Alrightly. I was already considering the cooling system idea, too...but I have to figure out just how low I can take the HSCS temperature to cool the critical components without hurting the HSCS, and that's not a tech submission-level change. ^^
Just adding more coolant lines could actually do the trick, as well as increasing the space dedicated to the heatsinks.

The Sakura is undergoing large internal changes anyways considering its having torpedo launchers installed (unless Wes choose to replace the auxiliary nacelle engines with them, which would make some sense since it is what these sections are supposed to be) and some particle cannons (replacing the railguns, maybe? He wasn't clear on that *shrugs*). thickening the pylons to add extra power cables, coolant lines and to layer over that more heatsinks would probably increase performance some without it being that much of a dramatic change.


Wes, your descriptions for the CFS and the IES computers are sometimes written as if they were exclusively for one ship (most make reference to the Sakura or Nozomi at some point or other, I recall). Think you can generalize them?
The Sakura is undergoing large internal changes anyways considering its having torpedo launchers installed (unless Wes choose to replace the auxiliary nacelle engines with them
No, I'm putting them into the nacelles or pylons.

Wes, your descriptions for the CFS and the IES computers are sometimes written as if they were exclusively for one ship (most make reference to the Sakura or Nozomi at some point or other, I recall). Think you can generalize them?
Already done, actually:

That's only for the Sakura and Nozomi, right?

Not all CFS equipped ships have M-IES computers.

Not necessarely always beneath the bridge.
I made the appropriate updates.
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