Star Army

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Ketsurui Yuumi, to Sraralumee Khleena

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff

I write to contact you briefly, wondering if we might talk.

It's my understanding there might be some civilian assistance we can offer your people outside of official agreements.

I would like to direct some in my government to do this.

I realize that we have not been able to see eye to eye in the past, but this goes to mutual respect for beings who might have use for our help.

Thank you for listening, Sraralumee.

Ketsurui Yuumi

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi

It is a pleasure to hear from you, to be sure.

Civilian Assistance at this time, as much as I would hate to say it, very helpful to be sure. Just recently my people were attacked, again, though this time the cost of life was in the several thousand.

We may not have seen eye to eye in the past, but you are correct, there is a mutual respect between us. I hope said respect can, at the very least, stay where it has been. I hope you know none of my actions towards Yamatai that may have been seen as slights were made to be such. Just disagreements I am sure we can work past.

I appreciate your message, and thank you for sending it. I hope we may speak more in the future. Perhaps come for a visit once I clean up the mess made of my planet and deal with what these events will push forward.

Until next time,

Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the VDTF

My heart goes out to your people. The wretched wars do not ever seem to end. I am glad to know there is at least peace between us.

I will at once ask my ministers of Agriculture and of Health and Medicine to reach out to your office for guidance. However, they are not entirely familiar with your people.

They are working on developing a roster of those who can assist your people. Are there others of my people whom you or your officials might know or respect? I would happily assign them as well.

Be well, Sraralumee.

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi

I can provide a medical write up of my people if that would be beneficial. I can also, in short order, provide Vekimen doctors and biologists who can work with your own. We would have some belief based requests, but otherwise, I see no issues.

Designated officials? Not that I am currently aware of. I was recently visited by a Sachiko, who stated she was a diplomat of the Yamatai Star Empire, though she seemed more an ambassador than a medical professional. I must admit, the interactions between the VDTF and the Yamataian Government has been scarce despite all that has transpired in the year we have been talking.

It is a shame we have not been able to spend more time face to face, working together. I know some of your people view us in less than spectacular light, but I hold no ill will to that. My people can be... Abrasive...

If there is any way I can provide assistance to make your life easier, then please feel free to ask.

Khelena Het'LAderen, Sraralumee of the VDTF

I will instruct my ministers to contact you so they can deploy those teams. They can coordinate with your doctors and biologists to assist, but my people will bring a range of medical supplies and long-term care solutions.

Do not worry about the roster, beyond the personnel whom the medical teams need to interact with. That will be more than enough.

I would like to visit soon. Perhaps in the next week or two, after my people have started on the work needed to save and comfort the lives of your citizens.

If there was one thing I could ask for, it is this -- a transcription of your conversation with the Yamataian diplomat. Is that possible?

~ Yuumi
Premier Ketsurui Yuumi

I will be sure to provide accommodations for your teams. I try to be hospitable when I can be. I will try my best to provide what it is your medical teams require, and I would be happy to have you visit Komodo. I have had my staff learn how to prepare dishes more palatable to your tastes.

If information on the meeting is desired, I can provide the transcripts of the communications between my forces and Yamatai to facilitate the meeting, as well as the helmet cams of my soldiers who escorted them. I will admit, I may have been a touch harsh, but she had visited right after a direct attack on my people. I assure you, none were touched, if that worries you.

As for the actual meeting, unfortunately, I can only tell you what transpired. I refuse to set up any form of surveillance in my Thyva Chambers, where I generally talk with guests. However, the most notable thing, was the provisions of Kuvexian Fleet movements and discussion of a Yamataian Embassy and troop garrison having a presence on the space station my people have been working on for some time now, with the assistance of the Gartagen Union. While I still have to deliberate with others on this matter before I can give a solid answer, I look forward to the potential.

If you would trust my word alone, I can provide added details from memory. The meeting was a day or so ago, depending on which star you orbit.

Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the VDTF

The teams will come with most of what they need, so they do not add to the burden of your citizens.

They would be best served by an open space from which they can establish a temporary camp, hospital and distribution center. My minister has informed me they can be ready to depart within six hours.

It is my recollection that the Vekimen memory is quite good. Likewise, we don't get to where we are without a good memory. I am happy to have all that you recall, in whatever detail you can provide. The camera footage of your soldiers also is appreciated, as is any discussion leading up to the meeting itself.

The presence of an embassy truly would be a wonder. Let that day come soon, I hope.

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi

I will certainly have my people work on clearing a zone for them to work. Please understand that Male Personnel will not be permitted to access the Maternity Wing of our own medical facilities, as they will risk being shot. I say this for safety, our guards there are often too zealous for even me to handle at times in that regards. Female Personnel may pass through, unfettered. Our biology mandates such reactions. I will be sure to provide my own troops to explain safety in my city, but given the nature of your teams visit, I felt this was paramount. I am unsure if I will have space cleared fully in six hours, but there will be a... Space... For them. I am several kilometres underground, so there will be a lot of earth to move. I will try to have it so my teams are in the process of levelling the ground once your teams arrive.

As for the meeting, I have attached all digital aspects I can to this message. As for the meeting, pondering on it further, I do not think we have officially received the fleet movements of the Kuvexian Forces, though I would Greatly appreciate you giving me those. Call it barbaric, by my people are calling for blood, and I cannot help but say I share their desires.

In regards to the Embassy, more specifically, we spoke of the Military Alliance Yamatai and the VDTF were in just under a year ago, that you backed out of because we refused to have your intelligence ships watching us.

Sachiko prospected the idea Yamatai returning to a similar agreement with us, saying the Vekimen people and the Yamataians would prosper from being close, and that she could give the Vekimen help that would not require us to give anything in return. A small part of me does not believe it would be free, and I must say our previous agreements have made me tentative, though I am willing to set it aside for the betterment of, well, whatever such an agreement would better. I am the leader of a people on the verge of extinction. I don't have very many priorities other than avoiding that.

While nothing is set in stone, she indicated that she would work towards an embassy, as well as the Vekimen building one on Yamatai, though I feel my people's building habits would be unorthodox compared to your general idea of architecture. Much of this was "I will work towards...", but regardless.

This message was long. I have already gotten teams set to clearing away and levelling as much space as they can in seven hours, so long as your teams do not mind waiting an hour to start setting up camp. I will also prepare blockades to clear a path, as the population density of my city is particularly high.

As for your meeting in a week, I will be sure to have everything ready for you.

Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the VDTF

My minister has told me that any hangar you might have open or available would suffice as well. It might require your citizens to be transported to them for a short time.

However, clearing a space for us is more than we can hope for. I know it will lead to more efficient medical treatment for your citizens.

The teams will be slowed down by the additional packing of vehicles, but they believe their lead time will only be increased by three more hours.

I've been assured that your restrictions pose no problem for our teams, and that they appreciate such care being taken on their behalf.

Thank you for everything, Sraralumee. I look forward to our meeting.

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi

Oh, well the extra time is nice. That will allow me to figure out how to get your vehicles from our hangar to our city. I will do what I can to ease any problems your teams may face. Consider this my issue to deal with, actually. Your teams have enough to stress about.

I look forward to our meeting. Thank you for everything you are doing for me.

Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the VDTF