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[KFY] Elysian MCAS "Paladin" Core

I have a few problems with this.

1) Core's do not get an SP, that comes from the Armor Set selected when the MCAS is assembled.

2) Shield value is too high. MCAS are Class 2, like the Mindy and Daisy, so the max value would be 10 with a Threshold of 2.

3) The purpose of the Paladin was to give the Elysians a means of having a compatible armor. The KFY would not create an armor to fight the Rippers just for the Eylisians.
1) There is precedent for MCAS Cores modifying the eventual SP of the entire unit (See: The high speed combat core)

2) I Was unaware that we actually used the charts for this.

3) Wes was okay with it when I asked him if I could submit it.

EDIT: Offering compromise.

I agree to reduce the SP bonus to +2, reduce the shields to 10, and we say that this is an A-OK hunky dory thing?
The example you cited, only shows what it does to the SP. In that case dropping it by one point.

Your page states what the SP is regardless of what armor package is put on it, or are you trying to say that it is supposed to add 5 SP to the base.

Just because Wes says you can submit something, does not mean that everything is fine with it. If it was we wouldn't need the NTSE.

The Paladin core adds five points of SP to the SP given by the armor set.
Okay, here are the latest issues.

created to allow Elysian soldiers in the Star Army of Yamatai.

Incomplete sentence allow them to what?

contains more than the necessary hard-points:

If they aren't necessary then why are the added? Designers typically do not add things that aren't necessary

I want Wes to weigh in on the issue of KFY developing an armor for a specific species.

An more acceptable alternative, would be to make the wings optional so that it could be used by all Soldiers in the SAoY.

Missiles are too powerful. Mini missiles should be between 2-3 DR, 5 DR is tactical nuke level which would not fit in a Mini-missile.

I used the existing Generator Mini Missiles. I forgot, are we allowing things to be retroactively unapproved? I will fix the other problems, though, and Wes asked me to make an Elysian MCAS core.
I don't see why the wings themselves would be burdensome to a non-Elysian if they incorporate the same muscular and structural enhancements as the frame proper.

A PA isn't meant to enhance the user's strength to the minimum level where they can carry armor, which seems to be the implication carried there, but should actually be able to entirely support the mass of the armor and move it as long as the user is providing input. Unless you're saying that it feels wrong for non Elysians to use, which would feel kind of flimsy considering the Mindy 1H once had wings made of anti-ship gun.

Well, I figured that having some big, armored and hollow limbs on a PA would be kind of off-balancing to a species that wasn't used to having wings. Besides, the Mindy 1H's cannons were more of a "Held upright when stored, and held under the arms in use" thing, and not a "Wings that shoot LASERS" thing.
I have reservations about that system. You are wanting a PA to be able to fire with twice the desctructive force of the Plumeria Main Array, and on the MCAS you want double the # of missiles.

This is on hold pending a review of the Generator Mini-Missile Pods on other equipment as well.

I'm willing to switch the missiles out if using previously approved technology is too much of an issue.
What's up with the 160 SDR 1 missiles? That's enough to blow up my starship several times over. It's really overpowered. I think that needs changing before it can be approved, regardless of what old Elysian power armors might have in their stats.
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