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KFY Hyuga Space Fighter


Inactive Member
Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Ke-V4-1a Hyuga

1. About the Hyuga

The Hyuga is a fighter designed to be a valuable weapon against other fighters and power armour sized opponents and as such is designed to be fast, maneuverable and carry relatively heavy fire power – including the innovative turret system in order to provide far greater versatility. It is also more compact that the earlier Uriko to make sure that it can fit in most ships shuttle bays.

2. History and Background

The development of the Hyuga was largely motivated by the Mishhuvurthyar weapon pods and the new generation of Mishhuvurthyar power armours. In addition to this the Hyuga was developed to fill a niche that had been left open by the increase in power armours and the development of the powerful "Uriko" Torpedo Bomber – that of a simple anti-armour and anti-fighter fighter. Also, given that the Uriko was too large to fit into many Star Army ships strorage bays a fighter had to be developed that could actually fit.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Star Army of Yamatai
Type: Space Fighter
Class: Hyuga Ke-V4-1a
Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Manufacturer: Ketsurui Fleet Yards

Crew: 1.
Maximum Capacity: 1.
Appearance: The appearance of the Hyuga is largely similar to that of the Uriko, however it is somewhat bigger, there is a second compartment a little way behind the pilots compartment, a turret and the entire craft is somewhat more sleek and fluid.

Length: 9.87m
Width: 5.93m
Height: 3m

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.82c
Speed (FTL) CDD: 5,000c
Hyperspace (Optional Attachment): 1LY/minute.
Speed (Aerial): With the use of forcefields Mach 16 as a maximum. Cruising speed considerably lower (around Mach 10).

Range (Distance): Theoretically unlimited, practically limited only by the pilots sustenance.
Range (Support): The ship can supply two weeks worth of food and two months of water for the pilot. Air can be recycled for three months.
Lifespan: 30 years.
Refit Cycle: Frequent - modifications made through PANTHEON system.

5. Inside the Hyuga

Cockpit: The cockpit consists of a laid back chair made out of form fitting foam like substance which molds to the pilots body in a way that is not only comfortable but actually good for the back and spine. Fittingly it is also what contains the SPINE unit for Nekovalkyrja pilots. In front of the chair is a console which comes out once the pilot is seated (or reclined). To the pilots left there are two small compartments, one which contains a Type 28 pistol and the other in to which food and water is placed. The colour scheme of the Cockpit is Silver (dominant), blue and red (in the minority). The roof of the Cockpit can slide back and forth, is composed of transparent Zesuaium and is the entrance. While transparent it relies upon a system of cameras on the exterior of the craft and volumetric projectors on the inside can provide the illusion of having nothing but glass (or nothing at all) above the pilots head. The image can be changed in order to be more useful, including the option of casting the illusion that the gunner is simply seated in space without a fighter around them.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: This ship's armor is composed of titanium carbine plates coated with Zesuaim which cover the more essential areas. The rest of the armour is composed of Andrium. While the ship doesn't actually have windows (regarded as an unnecessary weakness) a network of cameras are on the outside of the pilots compartment and gunners compartment, and combined with a volumetric projection system gives the illusion of being a transparent glass pane.

Air Recycling System: The air of the Hyuga is filtered through a Hemosynthetic fluid which purifies it with great efficiency.

Combined Field System:The Hyuga uses a combined field system. In effect, the CFS sustains a small "pocket universe" around the vessel by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. Objects inside the bubble are protected from both solid and beam weaponry, because the projectiles or beams pass through the curved space and around the armor. The combined field can serve a number of purposes, including propulsion, defence, and stealth; for this reason, it is almost always on to some extent.

Propulsion: The fighter propels itself at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions in the CFS and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields. This allows the armor to travel thousands of times the speed of light. Distortion based systems allow the armor to stop or move nearly instantly because the armor has not "moved" in the traditional sense.

Primary Defense: The shields are automatically modulated and phased by the CIES Integrated Electronics System. Most frequencies, planes and dimensions are covered but the modulation enable extra power to be routed to the bands, planes and requiencies in which enemy weapons operates - decreasing the possibility of a shield overload and rendering enemy weapons less effective. The CFS also protects the ship from collisions during high-speed space flight and can be used to facilitate ramming other vessels. The CFS can protect against up to a petawatt worth of damage per each 1 square metre area in either kinetic or engergy form (equivelant to Class 3 Shielding).

Secondary Shielding: An independant shielding system is used to fascilitate the fighters flight at Mach 12 and above in atmosphere and serve a secondary defensive measure. The shield functions through projecting a barrier strong enough to withstand these forces and whose shape makes the fighter vastly more aerodynamic.

Conformal PSC Device: The PSC (Psionic Signal Control) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older "ADN" devices. The field generated by the PSC protects the entire Hyuga, and extends only two inches out past the surface of the armor (thus, it will not create an obvious psionic "dead zone".

Kessaku Electronics Corporation Compact Integrated Electronics System: The CIES system, based on the Megami concept, is a network of sensors, communications, and fire control all built around a small centralized computer system. CIES was originally built for small escort ships - frigates, corvettes, and gunboats. EIES is a subordinate system; it operates as part of a larger command hierarchy of computers. Above CIES is EIES (for cruisers, destroyers, and escort carriers), WIES (Warship Integrated Electronics System, for battleships, assault ships, and carriers), MEGAMI, and KAMI).

The CIES can be divided into several subsystems, which are distributed throughout the fighter: The System Core, which consists of the power management system, processor, and central memory system; the inner layer, which includes the environmental control subsystems, force stabilizer (inertial dampener) control, unidirectional sensors, and cockpit interfaces; and the outer layer, which holds the majority of the ship non-vital electronic systems: mapping and navigation system, weapons control system, ship defensive systems, omnidirectional Sensors, telepathic communications, translator system, and common control interfaces.

The heart of the integrated electronics suite is a tiny, but advanced, quantum computer, capable of performing super-high-speed data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits, making them awesomely powerful. In addition, the system's sub-particle memory system allows for truly magical storage and access speeds. Data processing is further assisted by an electrogravitational temporal distortion field which can increase the processor and memory signal speeds to many times that of light, for use during continuum distortion travel. CIES computers usually share the name of the ship they are on, and if necessary, can run two other CIES ships. (frigates, corvettes, gunboats). CIES ships can remote control up to 10 sprites at one time. The systems were designed by Kessaku Anri and are now by her company, Kessaku Electronics.
CIES is compatible with the PANTHEON system.

Unidirectional sensors included in the CIES include variable wide-band imaging clusters and short-range gravimetric and magnetic resonance and distortion sensors, These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to parallax second (parsec).

Omnidirectional sensors of the CIES include aetheric field/differential/particle/wave sensors, scalar field sensors and unified field mass/energy sensors. These sensors have a range of one light-year.

The Integrated Electronics Package is so fast, that the ship can attack faster than many ships can comprehend, doing a faster-than-light drive-by-shooting.

Communications: Any CIES ship is equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them.

Radio: Full spectrum, Dual-Modulation, range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed.

Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed.

Subspace/Hyperspace: Allows faster-than-light transmission. A standard means of communication.

Fire Control: The CIES does not use an independent Fire Control System per se, but operates a sub-system of itself dedicated to fire control operations. CIES compensates for all movement of the ship and of target ships, and can track upwards of a million targets ranging from pebble-sized shrapnel to planets. CIES-FCS is a balanced system, and works for the ship's defense, as well as offense. Weapons under CIES's control automatically: target sensitive areas of enemy ships; identify friendly assets; optimize beam power and range; guide missiles and torpedoes, assign (and reassign, if necessary) targets in real-time; and control ECM, and ECCM functions. CIES-FCS usually controls all point weapons systems but the GWB (which the tactical specialist controls). Control of torpedoes is shared between the pilot and CIES. The pilot fires, and CIES takes over tracking the target, creating a "fire and forget" system.


Aether Cannon: The ‘central' weapon of the fighter this aether beam is only capable of firing forewards and although limited by this it remains a highly effective way of destroying that which is in front of the fighter.

Location: Built in to the nose/main body of the craft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-fighter.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha.
Damage: Total annihilation in a ten inch area.
Area of Effect: Ten inches.
Range: 350,000.
Rate of Fire: A three second beam every five seconds.
Payload: Effectively unlimited while power generator exists.

Turret: The turret is the most versatile of the weapons on the fighter due to the fact it can be fired with a very large arc, not limited like most fighter weapons are. The turret is behind the cockpit and has 180 degree by 180 degree firing capacity with its twin-linked aether cannons.

Location: Behind gunners compartment.
Primary Purpose: Anti-fighter.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha, anti-starship.
Damage: Total annihilation in two 8-inch areas.
Area of Effect:
Beam of one to eight inches in diameter.
Range: 300,000 miles.
Rate of Fire: A two second beam every one and a half seconds.
Payload: Effectively unlimited while power generator exists.

Wing Weapons: For some more close range frontal fire power plasma cannons were built in to the wings of the fighter. The fire super-heated plasma at extremely high speeds combining high kinetic power with high temperatures to great effect.

Location: In each wing.
Primary Purpose: Close range anti-fighter weapon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha.
Damage: Light - Medium.
Area of Effect: Two metres squared.
Range: 200 miles.
Rate of Fire: 3000 rpm.
Payload: 25,000 rounds in each wing. Restores slowly.

Missiles Salvos (2): These are built in to the wings of the craft and fire dangerous tracking and superluminal aether missiles.

Warhead: Aether.
Purpose: Destruction.
Damage: Medium (5).
Range: 1000 miles
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 or 2 each. Volleys can be combined.
Payload: 10 missiles each.
I don't see why there is a gunner's compartment and the FTL speed of that thing is just way too high.
20 000c is way too high. Most fast fighters top at 5000c.

The gunner's compartment is essentially useless for a nekovalkyrja since by interfacing with the fighter she can multitask anyways with her computer-like mind.
Well if we are to keep the computer analogy:

I'd rather keep all my processing ability on piloting and frontal weaponary rather than only having 50% capacity for that and 50% for the turret and missiles.

If you divide your attention you limit yourself - even if you are Neko.
NH-29 nekos are defenitely able to do that. For that matter, some nekos like Kotori, when connected to their ships, are perfectly able to multitask. Having a -IES unit makes that possible.
I am not denying there ability to multi-task - I am simply saying that the job would be done more efficiently if there were two - since as any computer operator knows even though there computer can multi-task the more tasks the computer has the slower it goes.

In addition it's useful for the occasional human pilot.
KFY are nekos doing things for nekos, not for humans. At a stretch, Yamataians.

If a neko can multitask on a ship, she can multitask much more easily on a starfighter. It's not like piloting it is a lot more difficult than a ship or power armro with SPINE involved.

You're sticking two nekos in a craft that would be just as well operated with just a neko and the CIES. It's wasteful and doesn't make sense.
Doshii Jun said:
And if you really want to keep a gunner compartment, have the CIES develop a sprite.

I think ships create sprites the very same way they create a new neko: in the medlab ~_~; this fighter has no medlab
A fighter with a medlab ... perhaps an idea worth investigating.

Are there any other comments on the fighter? I've halved the CDD speed.
Oh for f**ks sake.
If it's a fighter, say it's a fighter.
If it's not, say so.

I've got a number of questions, not limited to...
1) How did you defeat the transmachia barrier at mach 12? Traditional hull designs collapse.

2) Look up your definition of fighter. They're cramped and they have relatively short ranges in comparison to other aircraft but their performance and flight envolope is far far greater. How the hell do you attain these speeds?

3) Stop dumping impossibly high powered technology here. It's been said TIME and TIME again that people are sick of everything being uber powered.

Keep things in moderation and look at how fighters have physically progressed in the real world in order to draw realistic and easily roleplayable and enjoyable solutions. You will not be remembered for producing "that one craft that beats everyone elses".

Anything with a massively high performance, throughout all of history (and even the vast majority of sci-fi universes) is massively high maintanance and requires a refit and an exchange of specific parts between each outing.

A good example is where current super computer technology is going. The processors run so hot that they're actually liquid silicone but the pathways remain stable. They run amazingly well at these temperatures, however and as liquids, they super-conduct giving a 6x performance over standard "cold" processors, which in some situations (take for example calculating sizemic activity or performing real-time simulations on the subatomic level) really merit.
But the moment the power goes, bamf. The processor goes "crunch" and pathways are condensed and components are crushed.

So it's a simple case of swapping out the processor every time you need to reboot or very rarely rebooting and always running hot. Naturally, a fighter does not always want to run hot and because it's constantly being pushed and battered, it won't have the life-time of a humble processor.

Rant over. I'm going to sleep.

Go play some video games and think about what you've done while your mother and I plan your future.
Holy. Cow. You may have points but that was completely out of line, Osaka. I can understand your anger, of course, given that I've been in your shoes on other topics, but let's at least keep it civil, eh?

Just for the record, of course. I'll throw my hat in the ring and present some counterpoints, however dense they may be.


1. I'm assuming your basing the transmachia barrier on traditional hull designs with traditional metals, right? We don't really have those here. I imagine that if the fighter is made out of Zesuanium (which is unwarpable in general), friction would not have any effect on it whatsoever.

A more practical concern, in my opinion, is the Critical Mach Number of going so fast. Can a pilot (even a Neko) maintain control of a craft at those speeds and (also), is the fighter actually maneuverable enough to make something like, say, a 90 degree turn at one moment going max speed?

2.Wikipedia/Miriam Webster wrote:

A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for attacking other aircraft, as opposed to a bomber, which is designed to attack ground targets, primarily by dropping bombs. Fighters are comparatively small, fast, and maneuverable. They were developed in response to the fledgling use of aircraft and dirigibles in World War I for reconnaissance and ground attack roles.

Main Entry: fight·er
Pronunciation: 'fI-t&r
Function: noun
: one that fights : as a (1) : WARRIOR, SOLDIER (2) : a pugnacious or game individual (3) : 1BOXER 1 b : an airplane of high speed and maneuverability with armament designed to destroy enemy aircraft

I've looked up two definitions of fighter and they don't mention anything about range and flight envelope, and it only mentions size in passing, really.

Not to be sarcastic, but it highlights the point that, aircraft, like all technology evolve. Airplines used to have spinning motors and big fabric wings. Now they run on jet engines and are made of steel. Could they not possibly have evolved considerably in the futuristic world our characters live in now? Is that so much a stretch?

3. I will agree that I dislike the use of uber technology (Aether cannons and total annihilation weapons in general) on any new technology, and would rather it never existed. However, that's not going to happen, and if powerarmors have aether cannons, perhaps the fighter needs one of its own to survive?

Still, I ask that we remove total annihilation weapons from new technologies and phase out old technologies that used them.

One concern I have, however, is range. Is it possible for that kind of craft to shoot that far that accurately?

As for your power argument, it's somewhat moot, really, and links to my 2nd point.

The Star Army of Yamatai has access to incredible resources and technology, and already approved AI systems (AIES for example) permit pilots to do near impossible things anyway. The PANTHEON system and the Kessaku OS (and NDI to a lesser extent) on all starships can already do things that puts "current super computer technology" to shame anyway.

They don't run hot, they don't suffer drawbacks, they just work, at speeds faster than we can ever imaging a computer doing so.

So, is this really a valid point at all in this universe?


But, all in all, I really wish we'd take measures to weaken things over the long haul. Cough it up to the effects of an endless war with the Mishu?
First and foremost: WHY does this have not one, not two, but THREE aether cannon on it? Furthermore, why does it have aether-warhead missiles? This ship isn't a fighter, it's a damned warship. GUNSHIPS have seven aether cannon and a main gun.
Second: It doesn't need a quantum computer. For the use you put, a quantum computer would be highly impractical. Try wetware.
Third: How can this go on "forever"? What's stopping me from hijacking this and just keeping on going until the food reserves run out?

Go make something that's nice to have and isn't ridiculously hyperpowered. I liked your Kawaii. Make something like that.
The transmachia barrier occurs with all matter in an atmosphere. Zeusanium is used for starship hulls and was an answer for a weapon that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

The definition of a fighter I gave is the one idealized at the moment (which in truth is dying out in favor of stealth. However, stealth in this universe seems to be rarely used) and is the only way to really enjoy fighters: Dogfighting.

Pulling the trigger from a million miles away is not FUN and we are here to have FUN.

I wasn't talking about processors directly prior: I was stating that everything should be balanced and perhaps this might be a way of balancing such a high-specification unit.

The balance here would have been that the machine were high maintanance and impractical in the vast number of situations, save for perhaps assault.

One of the few interesting roleplay situations I can really see here is someone stealing a prototype: At those speeds, not a lot can follow it and with that life-time, there isn't honestly going to be a need to detour or stop running.

Just a thought.
All of you (save Tom) are going for the jugular. Please don't do that. If you have further criticism to offer, do it in a manner that doesn't just drop crap on the person whom opened the thread, but also make recommendations on how to improve on it.

The fighter seems to be using most of the technology already available to KFY. It's not that bad, but let's take a look on those.

Speed (STL): 0.9993c
Speed (FTL) CDD: 10,000c
Hyperspace (Optional Attachment): 500,000c
Speed (Aerial): With the use of forcefields Mach 26 as a maximum. Cruising speed considerably lower (around Mach 10).
Speed (Water): 250 knots.

The T4 Fox has a speed around 0.9c STL. Looks okay.

FTL speed is still too high in my opinion. This craft should not go beyond 5000c.

Seeing the speed a ship like the Nozomi reaches in an atmosphere, perhaps you should just mention the craft goes to mach 10. The Lamia tops at Mach 5 and the Mindy at Mach 1.7: Mach 10 is very good.

Might I also add there is no mention at all of this thing having forcefields? Your CDD has no protective value to it, just like the one on the Lamia and the Mindy 1F (without barrier system).

I'd remove the capability to go underwater entirely. This is a fightercraft, not a submarine. Give it some things it isn't supposed to normally do.

Range (Distance): Theoretically unlimited, practically limited only by the pilots sustenance.
Range (Support): The ship can supply two weeks worth of food and two months of water for the pilot. Air can be recycled for three months.
Lifespan: 30 years.
Refit Cycle: Irregular.

Range is adequate, since its working on an aether generator.

Most Star Army craft (even power armor and escape pods) have supplies that can accomodate someone for two weeks. This is okay too.

Lifespan for KFY seem sometime ridiculously high, but this follows the trend. Looks okay.

Refit cycle should be 'frequent' due to PANTHEON updates. Armors are updated since they have an AIES in starships. The same applies for a KFY fighter.

The Uriko comes equipped with a Compact Integrated Electronics System. Having a quantum computer on board the fighter makes sense, since previous fighter types and power armor field that kind of equipment.


The craft wields 3 aether-based weapons. One fixed, main cannon under the nose and a double cannon turret. The twin turrented cannons are slightly less powerful than the nose-mounted one, but all of them are only slightly more powerful variants of the Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Saber Rifle in continuous beam mode.

Since it's a fighter - therefore capable of mounting more equipment - these seem pretty justified to me. Ranges are actually slightly lower than the Mindy's rifle and the Mindy is a power armor.

This is certainly not anywhere close to what a warship fields. These weapons are much, much less powerful than what the Sakura can do with it's main gun and projected energy beams.

If you want to stop using total annihiliation and yet keep a decently powerful weapon system, why not replace the nose cannon with one of the light particle cannon assembly my never-to-be-completed T5 Cougar concept had?

I'm not sure what to think of the wing weapons. I don't consider plasma as requiring ammo, so, I wonder if this shouldn't be positron like the Lamia 2's positron rifles... *shrugs* I don't like its uber high rate of fire along with the enormous ammo capacity... maybe divide by 5 the ammo capacity and ROF?

I think the missiles are inconsistant. If those are not mini-missiles, then, they should deal heavy damage or more and there should be a lot less than 100 of them. If those are hull-embedded mini-missiles (which I hink would be cooler), they should have a lot less range for the number there are.

The craft seems a little large, considering figher bays don't exist in SA ships anymore. Do you think you can shrink it a bit so that it would fit in a rapid launch bay? (I think is should be slimmer and more slender than a Fox, since it can only have 1 pilot aboard).
It's missing a description of its propulsion system.
A bit of quick math:

The shuttlebay opening on a Nozomi is about 12 - 13 meters wide. That's taking its length in meters divided by length in pixels and coming up with a ratio.

112 m / 573 pix = 0.1954624782 ratio of m/pix (R)

Shuttlebay is about 63 pix wide * R = 12.3 m wide.

T4 Shuttle is about 32 pix wide x 52 pix long * R = about 6 m wide and 10 m long.

So if a fighter is going to fit on Yamatai vessels in general, especially the small ones like the Sakura, Himiko, Nozomi and Yui, it has to be no larger than that. Bigger ones like the old Hoplite and the newer Uriko can be bigger, but they'll be stuck, in general, to the Kyoto carrier.

I think. Wes?
I have made major modifications to the design upon listening to your points. However I shall now do my best to answer each of you in turn.


Firstly it is a fighter as Tom pointed out. Thank you Tom, and thank you Wiki! Everything about it is a fighter - its size, the fact it only has one pilot - in fact its very purpose all indicate that it is a fighter.


Firstly I have been able to find no details on this 'transmachia barrier' of yours, neither on Wikipedia - or in fact on google.


I find it especially interesting when compared with the fact that:

Projections for the top speed of a scramjet engine (without additional oxidiser input) vary between Mach 12 and Mach 24 (orbital velocity), but the X-30 research gave Mach 17 due to combustion rate issues.

So planes in our very day and age are being designed to go up to Mach 17 and with a possibly Mach 24? And yet you are suggesting that a fighter set thousands of years in the future and with materials of vastly superior strength (and not 'combustion rate issues' I might add) can not pass Mach 12 without being destroyed? Somehow I don't think so.

Your second point was neatly destroyed by Tom, for which I thank him (again). I attain those speeds in the same way the the Uriko and the Hopolite retains those speeds. The Hoplite in particular is capable of going Mach 30 + by the way, making this thing a slug.

I can't really say anything for your other points that weren't done by Tom and Kotori.


1, I have also added shielding to assist me with this problem - but Scramjets show they may well not be needed.

I believe a Neko could cope, but this is one of the reasons the Fighter normally cruises at something vastly below its maximum (Mach 10) - it makes it easier to control and maneuver.

3, I admit that I have little love for Aether technology - but this is a KFY vessel and KFY uses Aether as their basic default weapon - I didn't think it was realistic to invest in completely new weapons. And I agree - a fighter needs these weapons to simply allow it to match (and slightly exceed) the fire power of the power armours it is designed to destroy.

As for range - the turret is only 6,000 miles more than the Mindy rifle - if a Mindy can fire accurately I think that the fighter can. The central weapon has a longer range - but on the other hand is effectively 'aimed' by the fighters navigation systems as it can only fire forwards. And we know that this thing has very advanced navigation systems.


First and foremost: It has three aether cannons to give it versatility.

It has aether-warhead missiles because aether warheads are common amongst Star Army ships and can be more efficient than anti-matter.

It's not a war ship because it wouldn't stand a chance against a war ship - the aether cannons it has are more in line with a mecha's rifle than a ships aether beams - they're infinitely more powerful.

Second: It uses the system by president - the Uriko uses one so it makes sense that other Star Army fighters would use one as well.

Third: If you actually read my post you will see food reserves limiting the range. Other than that I don't really understand your point - its range is 'forever' because its power system will not run out in the foreseeable future. It's not uncommon on SA vessels.

Kawaii is made by Emrys, this is made by KFY. Completely different - in fact the two products are roughly as different as they could possibly be.

OsakanOne (again):

Again as far as I can tell the 'transmachia barrier' does not exist and existing technology exceeds it.

I do not cater for your ideals I'm afraid - and it does fit in with the definition of fighters. It also caters for a more realistic approach to space fighting - although fighting is likely to take place significantly closer than the weapons allow. Can I also point out that the weapons range is not much longer than a Mecha's rifle - and yet plenty of fun is had by all with those.

There is a need to stop running for food and water.


It reduced the FTL speed again. My atmosphere speed is justified due to the Hoplite and modern-day Scramjet systems I believe.

I added forcfields and introduced a protective value to the CDD.

I removed the underwater capacity.

I'll make it frequent in my next edit.

I'd sort of like to keep the central weapon as aether because I don't like tinkering around with ammunition - if there is a calling for it I'll modify it to be a particle cannon - I simply like the aether.

I've modified the wing weapons - they're not positron primarily due to the more complex storing capacity needed and the repulsive nature of positrons (they repulse each other).

I've modified the missiles.

I've shrunk the fighter.


I've added a propulsion system.


Thanks for your support over YIM. Your measurements have been invaluable.