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KFY Type Ke-XS-2900es Escape Pod


Retired Staff
This submission was approved by Wes, but adapted to be used on the YSS Sakura and all it's sister ships of the 1C2 variant. Since Wes expressed misgivings about how the original version functioned (as in more like a shuttle than an actual lifeboat), I'm leaning upon making the version he uses be the 'official' one.

The description Wes wrote on the Sakura went like this:

This model can likely be used on other ships, even if its made for the Sakura gunship (notice the S3 in the nomenclature).

What follows after is my original submission, which I will keep to have things in context - but it should no longer apply.

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Type 29 Star Army of Yamatai Escape Pod

About the Ke-XS-2900es Escape Pod:
With the advent of integrated craft such as the Yuuko-class Gunboat what could serve both as autonomous spacecrafts and as back up systems for the ship's they were attached to; SARA devised a new breed of escape pods whom could boast nearly as much autonomy as current power armor technology would allow as well as make the pods themselves suitable backup systems (battery and electronics) to support their attached mother ship in case of catastrophic systems failure. While bulkier than the pods designed in YE 26, the new Type 29 Long-Range Stealth Escape Pod puts this extra bulk to good use as it both as part of a larger ship and as an independant emergency vessel that could better guarantee the survival and safe retrieval of it's occupants.

Organizations Using This Vessel:
  • Ketsurui Fleet Yards
    Star Army of Yamatai (Yamatai no Hoshiguntai)
    Star Army Research Administration (SARA)
    Yamatai Star Empire (Yamatai Hoshi Teikoku)
Type: Long-Range Stealth Escape Pod
Class: Ke-XS-2900es
Designer: KFY and SARA at Yamatai
Manufacturer: Star Army of Yamatai Iori-class Star Fortresses.
Production: Part of a YE 29 refit on most applicable Star Army of Yamatai vessels.

Crew: Up to 6 human-sized people can be accomodated (and seated).
Maximum Capacity: Up to 10 can be accomodated (with very cramped accomodations - pod resources will be disminished proportionally to the extra occupants)

Appearance: Main section is an inverted pyramidal shape with a cut off point which is 3m high with an hatch (which opens outward) on one of it's 3 faces on it's side. Each edges on it's sides are beveled and have a 3.5m long winglet which extends down; the winglet includes landing gear and maneuvering thrusters. Typical Star Army of Yamatai color scheme with ship identification, escape pod number and collision lights. There are two small windows on each side of the hatch and another slightly larger one toward the slightly rounded top of the pod (it's 'front' while navigating in space), all with metal shutters in case they are compromised.
  • Length: 4m
    Width: 4m
    Height: 3.5m
Performance Statistics
  • Speed (STL): 0.20 light speed using sublight engines.
    Speed (CDD): .20 to 365c using combined distortion system.
    Speed (Aerial): 50mph (70kph)
    Speed (Water): The Escape Pod can float on water with the aid of it's anti-gravity system.
    Capable of atmospheric entry, but not a transatmospheric craft. The craft also has landing gear and VTOL capabilities.

    Range: 10 light years, 1 per day. Crew can be kept in stasis for over 20 years.
    Lifespan: The escape pod is expected to survive only one use. If ever retrieved, most likely be recycled.
System listing

Armored Hull: The key substance that makes up the 10 centimeter-thick hull of the escape pod is Yamataium. The frame of the pod is made of Zesuaium while armor plates are made of Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium and Yamataium. Zesuaium and Yamataium's main vulnerability is to antimatter weapons. The escape pod has three small transparent Zesuaium windows with safety shutters.
  • Interior: The inside of the Type 29 Escape Pod consist in a triangular chamber holding a total of six seats with harness, 3 seats anchored against the side of each wall, with one wall left vacant due to it being where the hatch is. Most of the surface is covered in spartan white padding, and three alcoves on each points along with a compartment beneath each seat containing the supplies for the pod's occupants. A small control console housing the pod's BIES computer as well as a small holographic projector rises from the center of the pod's floor.

    Supplies:Life Support: The Ke-XS-2900es carries a part of it's mother ship's HSCS conduits and thus has a functional nodal system that can greatly help the said function of the pod. Aside from the obvious hygienal advantages, the pod can recycle waste matter and air to allow for a much longer running time than the previous escape pod models, as well as effect emergency repairs should the escape pod sustain compromising damage. Additionally, it can use whatresource it has stored to create edible, if unappealing, blocks of slimy nutrient-rich flesh. It can help support Nekovalkyrja and Yamataians for over 20 days (any passenger rationing not taken into consideration) with the pod's initial supplies; water can be recycled for twice as long. The pod also provides stasis function for up to six people (the ones sitting in the seats) and can sustain them for as long as the pod can maintain power (up to 20 years). In the event of planetfall, the escape pod's life support system can still remain of use and continue providing support to it's users.

    Control Systems: The pod's operations are mostly automated from the BIES and most of it can be done by vocal or telepathic command. However, the console also provides environmental control, navigation, stealth, communication (including distress beacon activation) and systems management independantly in case of computer failure.
Active Camouflage: Puts the image of what is on one side of the craft onto the other, creating the effect of invisibility. The exterior of the Mindy is also equipped with flashing red collision-avoidance lights, which can be turned on and off at the BIES' or the pilot's discretion.

Type-29 Airlock Hatch: The Type 29 Escape pod has an outward opening hatch with an atmospheric-containing screen that allows passage of passengers in an out without compromising the life support of the craft and the other passengers in it (much like rapid launch bays). The pod's airlock is also compatible with Type 28 and 29 mounting ports and umbilical airlocks as well as sporting a ramp for passengers to descend when the craft is set down.

Conformal PSC Device: The PSC is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older "ADN" devices. The field generated by the PSC protects the entire pod, and extends only two inches out past the surface of the fraft (thus, it will not create an obvious psionic "dead zone".

Self-Destruct: Although the Type 29 Escape Pod lacks an outwardly destructive self-destruct system, the craft can still be rendered useless by having it's nodal system turn on itself and cripple all the electronics and systems inside it, along with burning out the capacitor cells - until the point where it is but a useless hunk of metal. Any and all organic matter (including the pods occupant if any remain after the sequence is triggered) inside will be consumed. Any data stored in the BIES will be non-recoverable.

Backup Integrated Electronics System: The BIES system, based on the same concept as the MEGAMI quantum computer, is a network of sensors, communications, and fire control all built around a small centralized computer system. BIES is a subordinate replacement system, even inferior to the AIES; but designed to both operate the functions of an escape pod as well as serve as a backup computer system for the escape pod's mother ship in case it's main computer system goes offline for the proper operation of important internal system solely dependant on -IES computer functions.

The heart of the integrated electronics suite is a tiny, but advanced, quantum computer, capable of performing super-high-speed data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits, making them awesomely powerful. In addition, the system's sub-particle memory system allows for truly magical storage and access speeds. Kessaku Anri and her company, Kessaku Electronics Systems Corporation, designed the system.

The Backup Integrated Electronics System is part of the PANTHEON (Projected Access Nodal Transuniversal Heuristic Electronic Operations Network) command and control system.

Communications: The BIES comes equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them. Communications Systems of the BIES include:
  • Radio: Full spectrum, dual-modulation; range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. Frequency-hop and multi-channel capable. In order to use the secure modes of communication, correct variables must be loaded prior to battle. Such codes are changed on a frequent basis.

    Subspace: Allows faster-than-light transmission. A standard means of communication; it's used for video streams. Inside the power armor's helmet, there's a small camera pointed at the pilot's face for this purpose. Not to be confused with hyperspace communications, which the escape pod lacks. The pod's CDD bubble is used as the transceiver for these communications.

    Homing Device: Normally inactive, this beacon has an independent backup power supply that can keep it transmitting for up to ten years, even if the main power system is nonfunctional. If main power is available, the beacon will transmit constantly. If not, the beacon will put out a short distress message twice every two hours (five minutes between).
Sensor Systems of the BIES are rather limited, but have a similar range as the AIES. They also include:
  • Optical Tracking System (hull): Much like the NH-29S neko, the XS-2900es can see through its Active Camouflage sensors, giving it a view of its entire surroundings at all times.
Inertialess Drive System: Used for STL propulsion, the IDS also makes the pod proof against scalar weaponry thanks to it's vector-projection. The escape pod can maintain 1G of gravity so long as it's inertialess drive system remains active.

Combined Distorsion Drive: The pod uses a combined field system. In effect, the CFS sustains a small "pocket universe" around the vessel by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. The Type 29 escape pod's combined field serves for FTL propulsion and stealth; and is active while such propulsion is needed (only when the pod is launched).

Propulsion: The pod propels itself at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions in the CFS and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields. This allows the armor to travel hundreds of times the speed of light. Distortion based systems allow the pod to stop or move nearly instantly because the armor has not "moved" in the traditional sense.

Capacitor System: While lacking an aether generator of its own, the Type 29 Escape Pod does possess an array of highly reliable aether capacitors similar to those introduced in M4 Sylph power armor that can store enough power to guarantee the pod running to it's full capacity for up to 10 days of continuous exertion after which it's systems will shut down. Alternatively, the pod can be maintained in a 'sleep mode' while it's passengers are under stasis or when only navigating at STL speeds, and can function with it's life support properties only for up to 20 years before power is entirely depleted. The amount of power left in sleep-mode is proportional to the amount of power left in active mode, meaning that if the pod was running is CFS actively for the equivalent of 5 days, only 10 years would remain for when the pod would be in sleep mode.
I love it...mostly. Here's what I'd possibly remove:

- Xiululrium in hull (maybe)
- HSCS (unnecessary)
- Active camouflage and Optical tracking system (unnecessary)
- Inertialess Drive System (Redundant to CFS)

Other issues:

- BIES makes it hard for GMs to get rid of computer for plot devices (hehe)

The new hatch is a wonferful idea.
I guess escape pods should remain escape pods and shuttlecrafts should be shuttlecrafts. Maybe I made it too useful?
  • Xiululrium and active camouflage were put in place to allow an escape pod to survive even if the Star Army should lose an engagement. Instead of being a sitting duck to enemy mechas, the pod could stealthily creep away. The optical tracking system I thought necessary for the proper function of the active camouflage (as skin vision is necessary to use thermoptic camouflage with nekos).
  • HSCS was a large part of how I thought the pod would be able to recycle matter, last longer and serve as 'homebase' for passengers whom ended up stranded on a planet.
  • The inertia drive system was to offer gravity inside the pod too. Otherwise, yeah, CFS is much superior.
  • The BIES and auxiliary capacitor functions were for the escape pod to be useful when connected to a ship instead of being so much generably unsuable (preferably unuseable!) extra volume/mass on a ship. I do understand the GM concern over it though.
I guess we could butcher those parts off the escape pod design... but a lot of it's concept when I thought it up were based a lot on these parts (a.k.a. the inspiration that ended up creating it would be butchered in the process too... but I guess it's better than having the effort go to waste).
Bump to point out changes in the opening post. Changes written at the very beginning for clarity.
I figured it works well on all ships. Nice job.
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