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Emily Knight

Inactive Member
Khorsovarolor is a temperate planet, fourth from its parent star (an ultra-rare green star named Paracrux). It has a rotational period of 24.8 hours and an orbital period of 369 days.

Possessing two moons, Khorsovarolor has an equatorial radius of 7,281 kilometers, and a mean gravity of 1.3g. Its surface area is 43.88% land and 56.12% water. The land mass is broken up into five continents, 12 subcontinents, and several hundred archipelagoes and island clusters scattered throughout its seas. It has a population of 2.2 billion people, most located in several large cities on the main continent with the rest scattered through farming and fishing communities.

The Paracrux belt is often visible in Khorsovarolor's skies during the day, as it lies between the planet and its parent star, seen as a narrow band of shimmering silver in an otherwise blue-green sky.

Khorsovarolor has been settled for approximately 3,000 years, colonized during the first expansions into galactic space. Though its inhabitants are human, they have been isolated for a long period. Experiencing a relative lack of contact to other worlds for most of that period, they have developed an interesting society based on the values of the settlers who colonized the planet. Technologically speaking, they have only caught up to the rest of the galaxy in the last three hundred years, and since much of the technology they have is homegrown, they are reluctant to integrate outside equipment into their society.

Though human, heights as short as 1.3 meters and as tall as 2.35 meters have been recorded. On the average, due to the slightly higher gravity than what is known galaxy-wide as the standard, Khorsovarolor's inhabitants tend to be hardy and strong, averaging around 97 kilograms for men and 85 kilograms for women.

Khorsovarolor's government promotes a healthy education, and insists that all of its citizens indulge in reading and mathematics comprehension to the point of being able to function as teachers if necessary; the government also has a progressive employment program to ensure that even if citizens cannot enter their preferred occupation they will be matched with one that they are capable at and can tolerate. Khorsovarolor has a healthy entertainment and recreation culture, and citizens are encouraged to spend a good portion of their day relaxing and socializing.

The five major continents are each ruled by an elected leader, who in turn elect someone to serve as the planetary representative. The planetary representative is known as the Secretary-General, and is chosen once every twenty years from a pool of roughly 100 candidates.

Countries do exist and have their own leaders and internal government structures but they ultimately follow the will and wisdom of their continental leaders.

Industrially, Khorsovarolor has access to abundant resources, both natively on the planet and in the nearby asteroid field. Ships can be seen coming and going from the industrial capital on an hourly basis, work details going out to mine the field and cargo ships returning to send their load to smelters and refineries.

The major metropolitan cities are comparatively orderly and clean, with many shopping arcades and parks. There is a dark side and criminal element to every city, places where money used to flow but no longer does, and police patrol regularly but as yet haven't stamped out all illegal activities. That said, despite this underside to the gleaming metropolises of Khorsovarolor, violent crimes are relatively rare, fewer than 20 incidents per week, and often not much worse than civil disputes or drunken brawls. The citizens are mostly self-governing due to the close proximity in which they exist.

Khorsovarolor is perhaps most best known as being the home planet of the growing Gillian Manufacturing corporation. The ready access to materials and an abundance of secondhand vessels and equipment bought through free trade has allowed Gillian's scientists and researchers to make several critical advances, placing them among the top 20 of Khorsovarolor's most successful corporate entities. While other corporations on the planet are more successful, thus far Gillian Manufacturing leads the pack when it comes to interstellar trade and relations.

It remains to be seen whether Khorsovarolor will become part of an existing empire or, through trade and acquisitions, begin to plant its banner on other worlds, but with the bold echelons of Gillian leading they stand poised to become the next grand master in the game of worlds. Only time will tell.
1. What star is this planet orbiting?

even if you can't find a job that you like, you can find a job that won't annoy you.
Please don't use "you" in articles. The article is not about the reader.
I kind of meant its potential location on the star map.
Oh, that. Someone suggested placing it somewhere near the Nepleslians, Freespacers and Abwehrans, so I'm fine with any position that would fit in with "infrequent contact with other planets," "fringes of yamataian space," and definitely not in the way of any advancing armies.
Maybe here?

Is there anyway you could move this onto the wiki? Maybe also include some statistical data in a table about the planet (size, length of day, year, composition etc) type thing.

Other than that, looks okay to me.

For simplicity's sake, I'm going to have it be commonly referred to as Khorsova.
It still needs a flag, but given my proclivity towards naming things along a mythology-oriented theme the All Seeing Eye or a hieroglyph (or maybe even the Earth symbol from Stargate ) or something like that...I'll come up with something that will look good when shrunken when I'm not tired.
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