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I'm Only Dancing

Inactive Member
Physical Traits and Appearance
Kiljae are of roughly humanoid appearance. They stand about 150 to 180 centimeters on average, and weigh between 35 and 50 kilograms. They tend to be of a very willowy and svelte build, and have hollow bones, resulting in exceptional light weight. They tend to have swept-back, slightly avian and decidely alien, features. Skin tone is generally very pale - ghostly-pale in comparison to a human norm. Complexion appears chalky, and there is generally a slight hint of pastel color (from purple, pink, green, blue, yellow) to the tones. Their eyes are large, usually completely black, and unable to discern colors. Indeed, at this point in their evolution, the eyes are nearly useless. Kiljae see through light receptors throughout their nose, fingers, palms, and ears. Hair grows quickly (five to six times the rate of a human's hair, on average) and is usually completely straight. It varies greatly in color - blues, blacks, reds, greens -, but is most always very dark. They have long tongues, comparable to those of a snake (they can detect scents). The tongue also houses a small venemous stinger. Kiljae posess retractible claws beneath their fingernails.

Kiljae metabolism is extremely rapid, resulting in obesity being rare, quick recycling of cells, extreme resistance to disease, and a relative vulnerability to many toxins which cycle to vital organs much more quickly. Aside from a venom gland tucked into each cheek, the Kiljae physiology is almost identical to a human's, save the aforementioned metabolic rate, and the fact that potassium is a deadly toxin to their kind.

Social and Political Traits and Playing Kiljae
The Kiljae were once extremely militaristic due to extreme ethnocentricism - they believed Kiljae were, in fact, the perfect race and others were better off beneath them. That view has since been cast aside in favor of a more pacifistic outlook. All species have knowledge and ideas worth investigating, and trade is the ideal way of obtaining these: trading knowledge has become the mainstay of Kiljae contact with other races. They have become, as a whole, fiercely artistic and relentlessly perfectionist, with cultural identities shifting as quickly as the days. Music and painting of all manner are in a golden age.

Violence between Kiljae is absolutely unheard of, with the exception of Hajj'nyat (duels of honor), which occur rarely (perhaps once every three to four years), in which two combatants will face off - the only weapon allowed being the claws and stingers. These conflicts usually kill both combatants, and they are, as said above, very rare. The amount of paperwork for registry is extreme, and most people will sooner debate than fight. Petty crime does exist, but it is not much more common than violence - posessions are not jealously guarded. Rather, the Kiljae tend to take on a communal view about most objects and items. Personal items of sentimental value are usually a respected exception to this rule, and it is the first priority of the governing body to ensure that all Kiljae have food and shelter.

The Kiljae, however, are a people at war. Though on the homeworld of Kilja'kyan they do not seem so, their politics have turned again to military - the majority of the resources of the Kiljae and their Commonwealth are now turned to the output of weapons where before only a tiny fraction were used for such purposes. On the other four worlds in Kiljae dominion - Kit'kani, Ei''ta'in, 'Ya'suttk, and Ikk'ja, there is no such luxury as art or music: all able-bodied people are doing everything in their power to fight the pressing incursion of a highly destructive opponent.

A Brief History
KT 0518
Kiljae unify after centuries of civil war.
KT 0609
The first Kiljae expeditions into space land on Kilja'kyan's satellite, Kyott'kyan.
KT 617
Kiljae space expeditions expand throughout the three stars in the Kyan'itkat cluster.
KT 620
Civil war breaks out on Kilja'kyan, and the space program is abandoned as Kiljae wage a bloody war which terminates half their population.
KT 631
Civil war ends within weeks of a transmission incoming from a Kiljae space probe from another star. The Kiljae begin establishing a new government, and attempt to rebuild their space programs.
KT 645
After fourteen years, rebuilding reaps a new space program, and a government focused on exploration.
KT 647
The Kiljae discover another race (Salinsyan) in the Kyan'itkat system, and make peaceful contact.
KT 690
Hostilities break out with the Salinsyan. Weapons construction is stepped up immensely. The Salinsyan power armors at first proved devastating against Kiljae forces. However, rather than emulate and build their own power armors, the Kiljae built spacecraft better designed for destroying them.
KT 701
After a long and bitter war, the Salinsyan are conquered and subjugated.
KT 705
Due to mistreatment and abuse, the Salinsyan are driven to extinction by their masters. This causes an outcry among the general people of Kiljae, and they rise against their government.
KT 708
The revolution is swift and relatively bloodless - the upper echelons of the government are quickly overthrown and executed. A more liberal government is installed, and at first it is highly abusive of its power.
KT 711
The fledgling government ultimately is forced by public outrage to better use its budget on public works, and the space program flourishes again peacefully. The five inhabitable worlds thorughout the Kyan'itkat system are all colonized, and the moons are mined for resources.
KT 716
The TANMIM is discovered on a world in a close starsystem. The TANMIM is an incredibly advanced AI* that was shut down by its apparently extinct creators. Kiljae scientists reactivate the computer, and are all killed. The Kiljae flee the world to avoid it, and many of their vessels are destroyed while breaking free of orbit.
KT 717
The TANMIM, with freshly created spacecraft, pursues after Kiljae. The primitive spacefaring vessels are quickly destroyed, but by the end of the year, the TANMIM's technological advances allow it to slowly push back the Kiljae forces. Within three years, its technology has grown to be equal to that of Kiljae, and the war looks all but lost.
KT 721 (YE 29)
TANMIM forces establish a foothold for the first time on the Kiljae world of Ei'ta'in. The Kiljae military, in desperation, begins open conscription of civilians into the military. Exploratory fleets report the presence of notable military powers - that is to say, the first sighting of Yamataian vessels and scans of Yamataian worlds. The diplomatic fleets are sent on the mission of establishing contact, and securing allies.

(*Far beyond MEGAMI. Vastly far beyond MEGAMI.)

The Homeworld: Kilja'kyan
General Data
System: Kil'kyan'et (Home of the four other terraformed Kiljae worlds as well - Kit'kani, Ei''ta'in, 'Ya'suttk, and Ikk'ja)
Distance from Star: 1.17 AU
Surface Gravity: 0.9 G
Length of Day: 29.4 hours
Length of Year: 271.6 days (roughly 1.41 times the length of the Yamataian year)
Satellites: Kyott'kyan (79 day rotation, 186 day revolution)
Average Surface Temperature: 28 Celsius

Geography: Kilja'kyan is a relatively terrestrial world, with landmass making up 44% of its surface area, the rest being oceanic. The landmass is dominated largely by massive (often exceeding 7,000m) mountains and high valleys, the latter of which tend to hold the cities of the Kiljae. In the past a nomadic people who migrated from valley to valley seasonally, they are now heavily industrialized, with all land that can be easily built on, already built on. And up from.
Sekiko, are you going to write anything more on this race?

I like what I've read so far, they're certainly a rather unique species that doesn't fit in to the cattegory of 'Humans with a twist'.
I like where this is going but there are a few issues with the race that appear immediately. Nothing serious, but here we go:

1) Is this a race players are to play or a strictly NPC race? Because they're so different from humans, I would really recommend you put together a basic explanation of how a player goes about playing a Kiljae.

2) Could you reformat this information to suit the race templates?

3) How do they fit into the scheme of things? Have they been encountered before by the SA or are they yet to be found? If they have already been found, how are they regarded by other races both personally, as a race and politically?

4) Some minor kludges which don't make sense (It has long been known that people who take honor seriously tend not to be artists, hence why some nations have great armies and others produce immense works of art. There is the go-between of different classes and social ideals, like we have left wing and right wing, however).

I think this could turn into something really nice.

Keep up the good work, GA.
I'm working on completly fleshing out cultural descriptions and playing them; I should have that up by the end of next week.

They are intended to be playable.

Contact with SA is detailed under history. They recently took note of Yamatai; whether Yamatai also took note is Wes's discretion I suppose. They are a good distance off, some 75 lightyears or so, but sent several scouts off in desperate seeking of any advanced nation to help with their war. Working that bit out too in more detail; expect it probably sometime this month.

I would give more specific timeframes, but unlike Thomas, I've only got a bit of free time in my life. ^_^
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