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Approved Character Kin Nakamura

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Kin Nakamura is currently a Nito Heisho in the Star Army of Yamatai. He receives a weekly salary of -salary- per week.


Kin has amazing situational awareness, Surpassing that of even a Nekovalkyrja. This allows him to keep track of where he is in relation to everything going on in a battle that he can see, as well as allowing him to make educated decisions on what movements to make. When supplemented by an AIES, Kin can extend this situational awareness out to the range of his sensors.

How does he have better situational awareness than a different NH model? It just says he does, but not how. It doesn't really make sense to me at the moment, sorry.

Weapons He is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.


Oddly enough, Kin is skilled at cooking many types of dishes, and knows his way around a kitchen. Kin is capable of making any dish, so long as he has a recipe, and personally knows over 100 recipes by heart.

If it's odd, explain why. Give it some meat!

Kin knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. Kin can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Survival is different from tactics used in guerrilla warfare. Using military camouflage is one thing but what is described here is a different category.

Okay so not a lot of changes needed!

This character is pending approval for minor edits.
Lilly said:
Kin Nakamura is currently a Nito Heisho in the Star Army of Yamatai. He receives a weekly salary of -salary- per week.

Why does he get to start out as Nito Heisho??

Kin has amazing situational awareness, Surpassing that of even a Nekovalkyrja. This allows him to keep track of where he is in relation to everything going on in a battle that he can see, as well as allowing him to make educated decisions on what movements to make. When supplemented by an AIES, Kin can extend this situational awareness out to the range of his sensors.

How does he have better situational awareness than a different NH model? It just says he does, but not how. It doesn't really make sense to me at the moment, sorry.
I think he's referring to personal mental awareness. As an individual, he is very skilled at perceiving his environment. That's just my guess.

Weapons He is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.


Oddly enough, Kin is skilled at cooking many types of dishes, and knows his way around a kitchen. Kin is capable of making any dish, so long as he has a recipe, and personally knows over 100 recipes by heart.

If it's odd, explain why. Give it some meat!
It's odd because most people suck at cooking. :p

Kin knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. Kin can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Survival is different from tactics used in guerrilla warfare. Using military camouflage is one thing but what is described here is a different category.
This line is actually directly quoted from the Nepleslian skill requirements area on the skill page. Guerilla warfare is tactical survival. It is designed so the combat force can operate with optimal survivability.

Er.... I'm too lazy to give any of my own feedback right now. I don't feel like reading the character bio. :oops:
Teddo said:
Lilly said:
Kin Nakamura is currently a Nito Heisho in the Star Army of Yamatai. He receives a weekly salary of -salary- per week.

Why does he get to start out as Nito Heisho??

Because I've been on Star Army a while. And I'll go fix that, first I need to research what that salary actually is.

Kin has amazing situational awareness, Surpassing that of even a Nekovalkyrja. This allows him to keep track of where he is in relation to everything going on in a battle that he can see, as well as allowing him to make educated decisions on what movements to make. When supplemented by an AIES, Kin can extend this situational awareness out to the range of his sensors.

How does he have better situational awareness than a different NH model? It just says he does, but not how. It doesn't really make sense to me at the moment, sorry.
I think he's referring to personal mental awareness. As an individual, he is very skilled at perceiving his environment. That's just my guess.

What Teddo Said
Weapons He is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.


Oddly enough, Kin is skilled at cooking many types of dishes, and knows his way around a kitchen. Kin is capable of making any dish, so long as he has a recipe, and personally knows over 100 recipes by heart.

If it's odd, explain why. Give it some meat!
It's odd because most people suck at cooking. :p

It's also odd because he is a very combat-oriented character. Things like that make sense when you look into the context of the character. I like to put little quips like that in my submissions

Kin knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. Kin can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Survival is different from tactics used in guerrilla warfare. Using military camouflage is one thing but what is described here is a different category.
This line is actually directly quoted from the Nepleslian skill requirements area on the skill page. Guerrilla warfare is tactical survival. It is designed so the combat force can operate with optimal survivability.
Again, what Teddo said. It's from the Standard Nepleslian skills pack

Er.... I'm too lazy to give any of my own feedback right now. I don't feel like reading the character bio. :oops:

Thank you for telling her pretty much what I was going to tell her, It means I'm not the only one who understood it that way. And Thank you Lilly, for reviewing my character!
Its look good except for the situational awareness, which seems odd. A Neko has better reactions and, more importantly, the ability to see (and process the data from) and point on its body and so would have a much higher awareness of its surroundings. That is a advantage that your character can't even compete with. Within a PA the bonus would mostly disappear, but out of one I don't see how he could have equal situational awareness, never mind one superior to a Neko.
Even in the real world, some people are just Freakishly good at some things. There are people out there who can do things to such an extent it doesn't seem humanly possible. His situational awareness is like that, It's sort of an Innate, Natural-born talent, something which cannot simply be given, and cannot simply be taken away from him. It is part of the character, and without it this guy is just a guy, and would probably be dead.
He's not making a Nepleslian character. He wasn't trained in the Nepleslian military. The standard description of survival skills says nothing about that, and I feel it's trying to pad out something that isn't warranted.

Cooking: Okay, if you're going to put quips in them be prepared to actually explain them please?

Vesper is right, and that is exactly the point I'm getting at I'm afraid that explanation isn't really going to get approval from me, Kai. "They're just better" than a neko?

Just for people reading this thread.


Vesper, your comments as a tech moderator are pertinent to the character, so Kai can and should listen to you.


Teddo, as you are neither a character mod nor a tech mod giving related information, and this character does not fall under your bounds as a Faction Manager, Kai is not required to listen to you.

Although, you may find it interesting to note that characters can create higher ranked PCs if they had previously played one, and let the character go inactive/die. As well, we're also quite lenient towards players who have been on the site for one or more years, like Kai. I mean, if you've noticed at all, I shouldn't really need to say this.
Not to be a jackass, but Kai has to listen to no one but Lilly, because she's the one reviewing the character. If Vesper has comments pertinent to the character's tech parts, he should let Lilly know.

Lilly is a character reviewer. The rest of you are not. Please keep that in mind.
I don't think my comments on this character really have anything to do with my role as a tech mod. It is more something that just doesn't make sense to me.

On the one hand you have a Yamataian. He is observant and has a good set of eyeballs. He has notably above-average reflexes for a Yamataian.

On the other you have a Neko (for these purposes, which military version it is doesn't matter). She is also very observant. She also has a good set of eyeballs but has the ability to see from every square inch of her skin, so she has the equivalent of thousands of eyeballs. To supplement this she has, quite literally, superhuman reflexes.

Just look at those two their. How can the first one possibly exceed the second in terms of situational awareness? How can it even match the second? In every way that matters the Neko has him licked in physical capabilities.
Awareness has nothing to do with capability. I'm aware whenever I get into a fight, when the other guy is going to do something. From there it's a matter of being capable. Awareness is a mental discipline thing, not ability. I could have several trillion eyes all over me, and I still wouldn't be able to catch his fist. But I'd still be aware. Honestly, it's not hard to be more aware than anyone else, it's hard to learn the discipline it takes to be that way. And reflexes have nothing to do with it. Awareness will be present no matter how physically fit he is. Reflexes are just what determines whether that awareness is really useful.
The awareness doesn't mean Physically, What it means is he has the ability to take in all that information, categorize it, understand it, and figure out how it relates to him and what he should do about it. Sure, that Neko may be able to see from every direction (and that's only if she's naked, otherwise she can only see from the exposed portions of skin), but if she doesn't know what to do with all that she's taking in, then its useless to her, as opposed to the Kin, while he may only have the two eyes, he has the ability to categorize and use all that information to his advantage, DESPITE having slower reflexes and less places to view from.

Does that make any sense? it's more of a mental discipline than a Physical thing, but it is an important part of the character, and, as was stated earlier, when in a Powered armor, any advantages the Neko may have had would be Nullified because then Kin would have the same 360 vision, same speed, equipment, capabilities, etc. The difference is Mental, not physical.
Technically the nekovalkyrja is actually better able to handle the massive overload of information. Also technically the Yamataian doesn't get the same 360 degree vision as the nekovalkyrja due to the simple fact that all of the information is passed through a headset hud. Basically the Yamataian is stuck looking out the rough equivelant of a window while the neko is well...i'm not sure how to explain it because i've never quite expierience 360 degree vision.

Regardless though this is roleplay and for the most part we ignore technicalities like this. If Nekovalkyrja were played the way they are written and with the level of skill implied then it would be no fun to be any other species. Because of that we play nekos weaker (I'm not complaining at all) so that other players don't feel dwarfed, and also because it's hard to play something that not only has senses that we as a species have never existed but also is able to completely connect with equipment as if it were part of their body.

I'd suggest a rephrase though for Kai's character. Perhaps something like this:

Kin has an extremely tactical mind, a 'knack' for being able to find his place in the midst of a battle. Things like his role in the fight, the locations of his allies, enemies, and himself, even what maneuvers seem best seem to always be on the forefront of his mind. When utilizing an IES his natural talented by the unit's tactical recommendations, calculations, and enhanced sensor ranges.

I dunno, that's my opinion of course.
Lilly, despite what either of us has to say, you can see here that, according to the skill page, guerilla tactics can be categorized under survival, regardless of the fact that it's under the Nepleslian sub-section. So if Kai is incorrect in copying it, that's an issue with a tech element that would have to be looked over by a tech mod, like Vesper, which I think might have been what Exhack was getting at.

Kai, I have to agree with everyone else on the catgirls. The Nekos are just too far above Yamataians for Kin to rival them in this regard. Aside from their entire body being one massive eye, they have minds that are more akin to quantum computers than brains. They also have the capacity to form a direct neural interlink with their power armor. Because of this, even a gifted Yamataian would not match them, honestly. I suggest changing the description to say that, though no one can rival a Neko's, Kin's abilities of perception are much better than anything short of a Neko. Or something to that effect.

Yoroko, just an unrelated note here, but I'd think the HUDs Yamataians use would give a '360' view, though perceivably to them, it would be one flat/domed image. The lack of peripheral vision would put them at too overwhelming of a disadvantage.

Doshii and Exhack, though obviously the character needs Lilly's approval, and she has final say, everyone has the right to voice their advice, suggestions, and opinions on the matter, so long as it's constructive. I'm well aware that my suggestions are only that. Though I like to think that my input is helpful.
Aside from their entire body being one massive eye, they have minds that are more akin to quantum computers than brains.

According to Wes, the Yamataians do have this as well. Nekovalkyrja and yamataians are by this one pretty much having "Neko-type minds". The other things about sensory input and information handling is correct, though.

I don't see anything wrong with Kin 'thinking fast on his feet'. However, that's the sort of thing you can boast on in the character bios, but that becomes irrelevant in the roleplay because then, you have to back it up with actions.

If Kai is allowed to add this in, and that he plays it out well in the eye of his GM, then the mention is going to be deserved. If not, then he will end up in the long list of characters with uber-skills in their bio whom could not live up to their written description.
Once again, that's a Nepleslian skill, he is not Nepleslian, and he's submitting a character, not tech. If the -setting- mods want to have a look they're welcome to but as I read it now I'm afraid it's too nebulous to allow. Circling it is highly unnecessary, but I appreciate your passion Teddo.

For example, this is like saying because I chose knowledge for a YSE character, they can know about Abwehran Military and law for no explainable reason because they're under the same skill heading somewhere else. Or that because I understand vehicle piloting, I could also know how to pilot one of the Iro' frames. There's an inconsistency there that I can't pass for this particular character. There was no real explanation given, just the same with the cooking skill which has yet to be given attention. As written I'm afraid it doesn't give me much to go on, and while at a stretch I could see approving it it simply says, as with his superior skills to Neko that is just is that way.

It's a kind of fighting tactic (guerrilla), and I believe you could just as easily add that into that heading if it's that important, and mention that it was supplementary training or advanced, etc, etc. There's a lot of ways to go that are not major overhauls.

He has a higher rank because he's been around longer, I also expect more out of one of his character submissions. If he's going to have randomly overstuffed skills compared to others from his faction I want to know why. Also I should have mentioned this earlier, but his occupation should be Infantry. A pilot is for fighters and bombers now.

Mental, physical, or not, I'm afraid that his being vastly superior to a Nekovalkryja as described still cannot be approved. It needs to be removed, or reworded to reflect the setting please.

I wish to thank Doshii and Ex both very much for their comments, as well as everyone who is trying to add something constructive here.

This character will be rejected in five days, as no changes have yet to be made to this submission.
Once again, that's a Nepleslian skill, he is not Nepleslian. For example, this is like saying because I chose knowledge for a YSE character, they can know about Abwehran Military and law for no explainable reason because they're under the same skill heading somewhere else. Or that because I understand vehicle piloting, I could also know how to pilot one of the Iro' frames. There's an inconsistency there that I can't pass for this particular character. There was no real explanation given.

I completely agree with you on the fact that it isn't described under Star Army training, and no explanation was given as to how he received it.

However, your comparisons are a bit flawed in the sense that guerilla tactics are a universal concept, as opposed to Abwehran law or piloting Iro' frames. They're not exclusive to Nepleslia. That's what I was trying to point out. And sorry for the obnoxious red circling xD
I don't agree they're universal there can be differences in each approach, or the academic approach to classifying it tactically, or strategically depending on which faction you ask. It's not Earth, please remember that. It was a bit of an obvious comparison but it's the easiest way to make the point. It's all a minor point really when even the typos haven't been corrected yet?
Well, the academic classification of skills is more of an OOC thing than an IC thing, no?

Up until just recently ICly, Nepleslia was a part of Yamatai. It wasn't until YE 28 That Nepleslia was an Independent nation, at which time this character would have been in the Star Army, so it's not that far fetched to assume he may have picked up the skill serving in a more nepleslian area of the old YSE space. Anyway, I'll remove the Guerilla part, and replace it with something useful, like Semaphore.

On the Situational Awareness, I changed it from Physical to Mental, and removed the "better than Nekovalkyrja" because I'm just tired of hearing you guys complain about it, as well as added some bits from Yoroko's suggestion, which puts it a little more clearly than what I ended up typing.
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