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Neshaten Information Network Kingdom Signs First Treaty with HSC

Nesha Prime
3194 Hours

Broadcast throughout the Kingdom only.

Pictures of a council room flooded the airwaves of the capital, and beyond, permitting all citizens to see what was going on. Every lord and every councilar within the Kingdom could be seen and this lead to a rather crowded council chambers. At the head of the table was the queen, Vas'Sumera Yumena, who was looking over a rather large and perhaps even lengthy document.

With a nod of the head, she signed her name at the bottom of the document and handed it to a My'leke off to her left. "With this," she started and looked around the chambers. "The Citizenry have spoken, the treaty between the Poku Saeruo Degonjo and the Kingdom, has been signed and verified. The Poku Saeruo Degonjo are now our friends, our companions, and with this signing we hope to further our understanding of their culture and their species."

The queen went silent, but only for a brief second, before continuing. "Embassies and other locations of diplomatic importance shall be established in the future and in due time, I ask all to help our new friends understand whom we are and to make them feel welcomed in our society." As she finished, jubiliation could be heard as people cheered and applauded.
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