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[Kirin Games] - servers.kgm.net/dw-sk/022

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The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
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Welcome to
servers.kgm.net/dw-sk/022, the official Kirin Games Manufacture Server (Partition 022)

It was another fine day on an official 24/7 NSS Deathwish & YSS ShiKaze server hosted by Kirin Games Manufacture directly. As such, being one of the servers under the developer's thumb and on their premises, it wasn't uncommon for one of the developers to show up and host an event or start playing against another developer during the fighting.

Today was a fine day and a round had just wound up and finished with the Red team winning. The map voting was now open, as was the next Game Mode vote. Light Assault was the newest introduced mode, and they were test-trialling it on their servers alone before releasing it to the public.

"That was a great My Burden!, Whomp." Anomaly Detective told one of the other Kirin Developers. "Seriously. Why do I face off against the guy the wrote the code for it?" She voted for map 2, mode 5.

"Testing." Whomp replied idly as he voted for map 3, mode 5. "I need to figure out the curve for how heavy it gets."

"Maybe more players, the longer the curve."

"I was considering that, but it's too dynamic a variable."

"Average players within three minutes so it dynamically adjusts, so the curve arc becomes a variable that adjusts itself slowly."

"That... makes sense. This is why I test in fire rather than on an internal-only server - more fun. I'll try that tonight and see if it sticks."

The openness of the conversation about how to construct the game was not uncommon Kirin servers. It was their policy to be open handed about what their moves were. They were so good at it that to competing games companies they could still win even though they were showing their hands the whole time.
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