Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Inactive Member
I removed it because I was getting poorly constructed critisisum, and the posts I made commenting to that were deleted.
It wasn't poor criticism.
Wes said:
Everything about this seems like a professionally-designed WARSHIP, not a hodge-podge little pieced-together starship. From the description of the ship in the character bio, it was something more along the lines of Han Solo's Millenium Falcon or Dash Rendar's Outrider. This design doesn't fit that at all! We need one that does.

(Also, in this role-play, monomolecular cannons are relatively useless, and the PARADOX system isn't a viable technology)
It was poor criticism.

Everything about this seems like a professionally-designed WARSHIP, not a hodge-podge little pieced-together starship. From the description of the ship in the character bio, it was something more along the lines of Han Solo's Millenium Falcon or Dash Rendar's Outrider. This design doesn't fit that at all! We need one that does.

no actual quotes are used to prove his point, along with that the original discription implies a ship MUCH bigger than a ship the size of a modified transport. Ontop of this only a single broad referance is giving to the actual original stats.

monomolecular cannons are relatively useless

This has already been gone over and the monomolecular cannon was proved an effective short range weapon.

the PARADOX system isn't a viable technology

Again, this had already been gone over a long time ago with a different outcome.

This just seems like another bullheaded, 'your stuff isn't good' post along the lines of what I had to put up with Wes killed this site the first time around. I'm not putting up with that shit again.
Zack said:
This has already been gone over and the monomolecular cannon was proved an effective short range weapon.
That's an outright lie. The lack of mass made it useless.
Derran said:
With a round that small, the physical forces acting on the target are almost nothing. You could saturate a ship with these molecular rounds and would do hardly any damage.


Zack said:
Again, this had already been gone over a long time ago with a different outcome.
Bullshit. That's why we banned it from use in The Second Draconian War.

Zack said:
This just seems like another bullheaded, 'your stuff isn't good' post along the lines of what I had to put up with Wes killed this site the first time around.
Actually, you were already banned for your attitude problems and harassing other players at the time, so you wouldn't know or have a right to talk about about that.

Don't argue with me about this, especially not in this thread. I'll consider allowing the PARADOX system.
Post the details of the Paradox as a new thread, and we'll vote on it as a group, okay?
While I'm at it, here is another set of stats for the kiroshi.

1. About the Kiroshi
Backstory: The SS. Kiroshi was made by Ray after he left the star army, carrying a suffucient amount of funds with him. He lacked the money to build the ship from scratch so he rented a small construction tug and headed out to the one place where ship parts were abundant, the old QIS ship graveyard. With a abundance of parts and advanced QIS tech he was able to build his child, the Kiroshi, and set out into space.

2. History and Background

The Kiroshi is a Frankenstein of parts from QIS ships and the particular knowledge of QIS ships known by its creator Ray. The Kiroshi may be made of a hodgepodge of parts but still has some advanced pieces of technology. Ray tried to enlist in KFY after QIS leaving the star army. He failed and was stuck on Yamatai living in the ‘manmade utopia.' A few months of this and he was longing to return to his old way of life. Everything was the same to him, the buildings, the way people dressed, ect. The conformity of it all urged him to seek out a new place to live. Gathering his small collection of KS he set out to build a new ship. The Kiroshi was then born.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment
Designer: Ray
Manufacturer: ray
Production: 1

Crew: 1-6
Maximum Capacity: 20 people
Appearance: See picture

Length: 160m
Width: 80m
Height: 40m
Decks: 2

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): .6c
Speed (FTL): 5min transit time.
Speed (Aerial): Mach 3
Speed (Water): Mach 2

5. Inside the Kiroshi

Bridge: The bridge of the Kiroshi is taken from parts of the old ISFB class ships. A chair is placed on a pedestal in the center of the room with an organic growth of nanomachines sprouting up around the chair. The tendrils grow to press around the skin of the occupant, interfacing with their nervous system and allowing them to control the ship as if it was an extension of their body. Weapon, science, engineering, and sensor stations are set around the bridge facing towards the walls and away from the captain's chair. Each have their own set of ship/crew nanomachine interfaces. Holographic projectors generate view screens of the outside or internal systems. Although the ship is a hodgepodge of technology the bridge works almost as well as anything produced by a major corporation. In order to work in low power situations the bridge can open the protective coverings around it, providing a 320degree panoramic view with the only obstructions being the doorway into the bridge, floor, and ceiling.

Crew Quarters: The crew quarters are rigged onto the outside of the main portion of the hull. A series of rooms connected by a series of hallways and grav lifts. Provide accommodation for the crew. Through interfacing with the ship the rooms can be adjusted to almost any size and produce all sorts of furniture by ‘growing' it out of the ground through a series of nanomachine filled veins inside of the ship. Everything down to the doors can be customized.

Creation Engine: The Kiroshi's creation engine runs off of small hydrogen based fusion reactors suspended in a nanomachine fluid. This suspension is capable of producing virtually anything as long as the proper resources are provided. The creation engine also recycles the ship's environment and waste products as well as the leftovers from the main reactor.

Drive System: The Kiroshi uses a jerry rigged Tachyon recoil drive system. The TRD uses a beam of tachyons to propel the ship forward. Because of the odd nature of the drive it can be a very compact system, using only force fields and tachyon generators to work. Where normal drive systems require a large amount of partials to provide sufficient thrust a single tachyon has the potential to provide enough momentum to move an entire ship given it is created at a high enough initial speed. This allows a very small amount of tachyons to provide all of the thrust for an entire ship allowing for very low emissions and fantastic acceleration. The greatest difference between a TRD and a standard drive system is the direction the thrust is vectored. Because tachyons produce negative recoil the thrust is actually aimed in the direction the ship wants to go, coming out of the front instead of the rear.

Environmental Systems: The Kiroshi has a effective atmosphere recycling system taken from one of the old Wazu class ships. This recycles all waste and purifies the ships air, using an ion impeller system to even create a nice breeze in the hallways should it be desired.

Faster Than Light Systems: The FTL system of the Kiroshi is an old wormhole drive made out of parts taken out of old ships. The Kiroshi can make its way from its location to any other location in approximately 3minutes through the typical space bending mechanics employed by virtually all worm hole devices. While the Kiroshi isn't as fast as most other ships it is still can get around.

Hull: The hull of the ship is made out of parts and pieces of old QIS ships. The hull is made out of bits and pieces of smart metals covered in bits of YMA cloth scavenged from the hull of several battleships. The smart metal provides for quick repairs of the ship while the YMA cloth provides virtual immunity to conventional energy weapons.

Lounge: The crew lounge is located on the top of the ship. This room has a large, arcing ceiling that is clear and provides a view of outer space. A small kitchen is adjacent to the room and the interior has a set of tables and chairs as well as board and computer games on shelves along the walls.

Sensor and Computer Systems: The Kiroshi has simple computer system that has immense number crunching abilities and only a very basic, subservient personality. The majority of the computer processes run off of the people directly connected with the computer through the system on the bridge, making its computing power directly proportional to the bridge crew on hand. The computer is only barely capable of running the ship with no one on the bridge. The main processor is located directly below the armored floor panels of the bridge. The computer system does not have an avatar. The computer is capable of repairing the ship automatically to the specifications it has in store. Any modifications have to be updated in the ship's computer system.

Sensor: The ship has sensors... for seeing things and stuff.

Shields: The Kiroshi carries several different types of energy shields.
Basic: the basic energy shields of the Kiroshi project a simple sphere of energy that acts like a solid material, obstructing the passage of objects and energy. This has a power output of 1 terawatt per second per square meter.

PCF (Partial (Petunia) Conversion Field): The PCF operates on the principal that matter and energy are interchangeable. Using this concept and a complex series of transporters and force fields projected towards an oncoming mass, the mass of an object can be converted into energy and then converted back again. Objects and beams of energy moving above certain speeds and at certain ranges are converted into less harmful forms of matter at 0 velocity relative to the center of the field. The most common form of inert matter is a bowl of petunias.

Support System: The less important components of the Kiroshi are all organically grown using nanomachine. These tendrils do everything from supplying electric current to lights to removing waste products from certain areas of the ship. They are grown so that their color changes depending on what they are carrying, making for a more natural color coding of the tubes and wires in the ship. The tubes are located above grates in the celing of the hallways and sometimes in side panels but not below the ship's carpeting. The carpeting remains in one piece for maximum comfort while walking.

Gun Batteries: The Kiroshi is protected by a series of salvaged gun batteries mounted in rotating ball turrets spaced out around the ship for maximum fields of fire. Each battery carries several different guns, sometimes of the same caliber ranging from multi-barrel 20mm cannons, to 30mm gauss cannons, high power lasers, energy projectors and monomolecular disk catapults. The higher caliber, slower firing weapons are located more toward the rear of the ship where the lack of fire rate is less of an issue. Each turret is also linked to a 20 round missile launcher rigged to the side of the ship. Missiles can be launched at the gunner's discression and track the target the gunner is currently looking at.
Location: 6 turrets spaced around the ship.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: Light
Range: Virtually unlimited, short in practicality

Torpedo Tubes 4: The Kiroshi carries four torpedo tubes in the front of the craft. The tubes are nanomachine based allowing them to contract to accommodate any size of small torpedo. The rail gun system is shared between tubes, each pair of two fires in alternating bursts. The entirety of the ammo is stored inside of the torpedo tubes and can be launched all simultaneously if need be.
Location: 2 pairs of two in the front of the ship
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Damage: Extreme
Range: Virtually unlimited, medium to long depending on the round fired
Rate of Fire: 120RPM
Payload: 32 rounds total.

Main Cannon(1): The main gun on the Kiroshi remains incomplete.
Location: Top of ship
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Damage: Extreme
Range: N/A
Rate of Fire: N/A
Payload: N/A

Launch Bay: The Kiroshi has a single Launch bay in the opposite side of the craft from the crew quarters for the personal craft of the crew ranging from fighters to mecha. A force field prevents the bay from depressurizing although to save energy the bay is capable of depressurizing for launch. Airlocks lead both into space and into the rest of the ship from this room.
Location: Right side of ship (from rear),
Primary Purpose: Storage
Damage: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of Fire: N/A
Payload: N/A
The most common form of inert matter is a bowl of petunias.
Er, if you could change that to hydrogen, lol, and throw in a few sensors, these stats are good to go.

I suggest:
Variable wide-band imaging array, tachyon/neutrino sensors, mass spectrometer, gravitimetric sensors, and subspace mass sensors.
Flowers are hardly over the top of anything!

I guess I'm not going to get my way with the flowers on this one huh?
Probably not. Anyway the celular structure of flowers would make the construction of it obscenely complicated. Imagine which atoms make up a cell and how they relate.
When's the next update? *pokes*