Star Army

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Kohanians v. Neshaten?


Inactive Member
Or rather: "With the Neshaten being approved, what is the future of the Kohanians?"

I have been away from the site for a while now, and coming back and looking at the NTSE board I am wondering the above question. One of the rules of the board, I thought was that we do not approve of races that are "Same but different" races.

The Shukaren sub race of the Neshaten are bipedal foxes. This is just like the Guaeko tribe of Kohanians. While the Guaeko are more broadly defined as being 'canine', there have been mention of many foxes in the tribe, which leads me to ask why the Shukaren were approved, rather than having Kyle referred to me to help flesh out the Guaeko a little more. I did notice that in one of the posts, Doshii mentioned the similarity to the Kohanians, but it was quickly brushed aside.

With the approval of this new race, it leaves me to wonder what the future of mine would be. Is this the gentle nudge of the admins that they would like to see the Kohanians be the next on the Exfoliation list? Is this Wes and his staffs way of telling me they would like to see me either move to playing something else, or leave the site entirely?

I understand that the Kohanains have laid dormant for a while as far as expansion of their culture and what makes them 'tick'. But as I talked to Missing last week, that is because I am honestly afraid of being rejected by the site. I don't post here any more and just sort of lurk because of the way I have been treated by some of the members here who openly throw the "Furfag" tag at me when I come onto IRC, or try to post things about the Kohanains. (Strange side note, no mention is made anywhere in Kyle's posts about his race, though foxes are the stereotypical 'furry' species). Many of you know that I want desperately to have a place here on Star Army, or I would have truely left the site a long time ago. But I feel like there is something here that I am supposed to be doing. A piece of the story universe that only I could bring. But when I try to do things, they will get approved and supported for a week or two, and then have the approval revoked, after I had already put it into story. (Case in point the many magic systems, the use of an NH-18 as the Avatar of Kohana, anti tech field to shield Kohana from orbital bombardment).

So, I would just like to know, are the kohanians being replaced with this new anthro animal race, or was this just an oversight?
No I don't see the Kohanians being replaced by the Neshaten. We have multiple humanoid species, Yamataian, Nepleslians, Elysians. So I think we can handle having these two. Besides its more than the physical aspects of the races, its their culture and such. Kohanians are well fleshed out.
On behalf of those newer members to the site (i.e. less than a year), how do Kohanians fit into the setting?

Knowing that and knowing how the Neshaten fit seems to be one way to resolve the issue of overlap.
It's hard to plan to replace the Kohanians with the Neshaten when the Kohanians don't see use and exist as kind of a void in the written galaxy. Basically, we forget about them often. I brought them up because I was around when they were played, and I wasn't feeling very hot about the race.

I still don't, but that's under the bridge.

Seriously, James, just come back if you want. It's been years.