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Kohannian Steam Production Technology

This sounds extremely hazardous to anyone near it.
Mm, well, never did say it was safe and without its risks.

However, a hefty sum of the potential mortality induced by this machine is reduced by the use of lead to contain the radioactive material, and the use of lead armor by those crafting with the material. Once the material is contained and secure within its lead container, all should be fine and dandy.
Lead doesn't stop radiation, though, it only lessens it... Look up gamma radiation on Wikipedia or something.
I'm sorry, I'm not interested in approving this. If it's approved, another tech mod will have to.
If I may, Wes. You really could have been more polite about that. Struck me as unnecessarily dismissive and passive-aggressive.

You could say something like, "I'll leave this to <tech mod>", or any number of variations without coming off as insulting. And for that matter, if you don't have problems with it, why are you "not interested" in approving it?

If you do have problems with it, what are they?
Having all these submissions to deal with can be tiring sometimes and I only have so much patience. I already said I'm sorry. This submission doesn't strike me as feasible and just doesn't feel like SARP to me. I'm tired of reading it and I'm just not going to mess with it anymore. It can still be approved, but it won't be by me.
There you go, then.

Thanks Soresu.
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