Star Army

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KS Earning system for Civvies?


Inactive Member
Okay, now to try and fix somethng I hadn't fully considered when I got my current character. it's not a big deal, but I might need to know how he would earn money. If there's a way to do it normally without stores, I'd like to know. If are some ideas.

He'd likely sell stuff he finds and repairs, either as scrap or working devices, keeping what he wished, but I recently found out by the almighty search function that it costs 5,000,000 KS to open a store, which is out of Toshiro's league.

Here is what I am wondering:

Is it possible for one of three things to be done?

1. An admin or something tells me what they want Toshiro to find on each salvage hunt.

I'm thinking in the format of salvagable meterials, repairable devices (such as propulsions, mechas, weapons, smaller ships, communication equipment, etc), escape pods, and ST Pods.

Each item equals a set amount of KS, and can either be recorded as money or as the kept item at my choice.

2. I am told a general amount of weekly income Toshiro would get from this business, and raw materials for ships and stuff are simply assumed.

3. A used store system(vending cart?) is used, where people or companies buy repaired devices or salvaged materials he finds, and in exchange for his not paying 5 Million KS, the 1+999,999 rule does not apply (until he manages to earn and spend 5 Million KS). This would still require someone to say what Toshiro finds.

The same could be applied to mining, I suppose.

(Should have known a that a custom character might need a custom pay scale or something...I could always say I found and sold certain things, but that's the same as controlling your own salary.)
I'm sure this can be arranged, but to make it easier on us GMs, perhaps you could tag along on Star Army missions. That way, the GM doesn't have to arrange to contact you separately, and it'll be more fun for everyone involved.

Wes, could you help MM out here?
Tagging along on Star Army missions as a civvy would be nice, and quite interesting in the fact it opens a lot of possibilities for a character that can see both the civilian and military side of things, and his wish to gain more knowledge might be more easily fulfilled there...I'm almost drooling over the potential of character development. ^^

Maybe I could even contact NovaCorp at the Kohana Nebula when Star Army isn't doing much, too...what the Yggdrasill does in debris fields to gather components can apply just as well to mining smaller asteroids. Similar environment, too.

There are a few possible problems to work through there, though...

For me to tag along on Star Army Missions, though an interesting idea, may require me to be able to post or participate in the boards for the main ships. Is this even allowed for civvies?

Secondly, the Yggdrassill is fairly slow compared to military-grade ships, and would have trouble keeping up. I could be wrong, but I calculate the Yggdrasill's maximum FTL speed as 0.127 LY/Min, while the ships of the SA can do a full 5 LY/Min. They are roughly 40x faster. I doubt the Yggdrasill's maximum is even anywhere close to the SA ship CRUISING speed. I'll re-run my calculations on the Yggdrasill's 67,000c speed, though, in case I'm off, but there would have to be a way to tow the Yggdrasill, slow down the SA-ships, or the Yggdrasill would need an FTL drive overhaul and upgrade.

Finally, how would the Star Army just pick up a civvy? Would they have to see him in action collecting debris or performing rescues? Hear of his brother's service?
MM007 said:
For me to tag along on Star Army Missions, though an interesting idea, may require me to be able to post or participate in the boards for the main ships. Is this even allowed for civvies?

You'll need orders/permission from the appropriate military authority. See my answer to your third question.

MM007 said:
Secondly, the Yggdrassill is fairly slow compared to military-grade ships, and would have trouble keeping up. I could be wrong, but I calculate the Yggdrasill's maximum FTL speed as 0.127 LY/Min, while the ships of the SA can do a full 5 LY/Min. They are roughly 40x faster. I doubt the Yggdrasill's maximum is even anywhere close to the SA ship CRUISING speed. I'll re-run my calculations on the Yggdrasill's 67,000c speed, though, in case I'm off, but there would have to be a way to tow the Yggdrasill, slow down the SA-ships, or the Yggdrasill would need an FTL drive overhaul and upgrade.

The Star Army ships can tow the Yggdrasill, and drop it off a good distance from the battle site so it's out of the lines of fire. Or, maybe because the Yggdrasill is slow, by the time it arrives at any battle, the battle's already over. Convenient plot device, no?

MM007 said:
Finally, how would the Star Army just pick up a civvy? Would they have to see him in action collecting debris or performing rescues? Hear of his brother's service?

Most players (especially new ones) OOCly contact a GM and work this out before doing things ICly. It's up to you, the GM, and your mutual goal of telling a good story. :)
Since it isn't a mass-production industry (and also since it has to do with starships), finding stuff would be on an individual basis. I was thinking perhaps I could make a random salvage table or two and come up with list of items for you. What you'd be looking for would be dependant who who you're trying to sell it to. That said, the pay would vary based on IC actions and the site he's salvaging at. There'd be no regular pay scale.
Both ideas sound very good to me. Working with the Star Army, even if it isn't all the time, would be quite interesting, and even if that isn't possible, the table idea seems like a very good idea...perhaps the same table idea is applicable to mining, too.

The idea of a person who can see the civilian and military sides to things seems interesting...if it can't be done though, the charts are always good.

Wes, what do you think of Yangfan's idea?
It's doable; an agreement witht he Star Army is something we'd probably want to work out in-character.