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Approved Character Kurata Dakaru


Inactive Member
I'll get to this in actual detail soon, but;

You have done something truly terrible with your name space! dakaru:start should be user:dakaru! This doesn't actually break anything, but ya gotta change it anyway. Delete the erroneous page by simply removing all the text and then saving it.

Skimming it I notice a few things to ping you on, so sadly this won't go over perfectly. I will look at it in detail after, however I do want to say you did a lot more research then most people do, so kudos! You actually understand what's going on, here, and have survived the wiki-dive.
Annnd starting from the top.

User space, etc.

For the sake of cleanliness, the imperial measurement ought to be in ( )s. (So 177cm (5'10”) ) Not really critical, but you know.

Please link to the Minkan article in the relevant species entry. Maybe rank, too, but that's not really necessary. Your occupation, however, kinda is; you're after 05C Starship Systems Technician. Which is to say a 05C Technician. Minor nitpicks.

You'll have to add in the link to the wiki page when I get it done, but you can delete the preferred plots thing if you want. You know where you're going, after all.

Your appearance is fine with one minor issue; Minkies don't scar! Take a bit to heal sometimes, but they don't scar. You can go for the tough guy appearance and keep it superficially, but they don't naturally.

Personality is okay. It's a bit selective, but that'll do. You will have to actually back up your leader thing in your prose, though, so you'd best not slump on that. Or be a backseat, as that might get a little annoying for such a lowly ranker.

History is alright. In the future, feel free to add in a home planet of some sort, but this'll do for now.

Skills! I'd appreciate if you expanded fighting in the future, given your special stuff there. A little curious why you didn't go the chief engineer branch if you like ordering peons around, but oh well.

Your standard issue is fine. I would appreciate it if you described both your crest and sword, though. Of a small note; there is the known possibility that you might explode, die and respawn elsewhere, stuff a bit missing and/or destroyed. While you can bring along your family sword, there is the non-0 chance it'd be lost forever, so that's a IC-choice.

You do not have to track finances if you don't want to.

Other then that it's fine. Fix the user page in particular and skim other pings and you'll be approved.
Moved to the APPROVED forum.
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