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'Kyaa'-class Search and Rescue Vessel

Itkatsu Kiyoko

Inactive Member
A little something I've been working on for the past couple of days, the 'Kyaa'-class Search And Rescue Vessel. I see this ship as being useful both in military and civilian SAR situations (though I see the ship itself only being in SA hands) - I'm sure soldiers aren't the only ones who get into trouble in space - which could be a good way of providing civilian-military interaction beyond the usual diplomacy / shoreleave scenarios.

Firstly, yes, Kyaa is just a working name so expect it to be replaced before all is said and done :P Other than that there are some descriptions missing as I'm still working on those, I just wanted to get this up and have the rest of it picked at incase problems lie there. Have at the bones of it and leave the cosmetics and window dressing till we figure out if there are any serious flaws. ;)

I couldn't for the life of me figure out where this sort of ship would fit into the nomenclature, none of the categories seem to fit so I penciled in D/S until I can get some enlightenment on this front.

Something else I think I'm supposed to mention but can't remember is bugging me, ah well. Aha! Graviton Beam Projectors, are they strong enough to pull small/medium sized starships along with? If no then I'll be adding on some form of grappeling wires as I think the ship should have a means of arresting (or changing) the motion of disabled (or otherwise) ships.

Deckplans - Sketch, to help build up a mental image.
Deckplans - 'Shop-erised, now drop dead sexier.


1. About the Kyaa SAR:

Designed to fill a perceived gap in the Star Army for a dedicated search and rescue ship, the Kyaa SAR is the first vessel of its type to come out of Ketsurui Fleet Yards. Combining a powerful sensor package and equally powerful engines, the Kyaa can find vessels in distress and deliver its rescue squads and state-of-the-art medical facilities to anywhere they are needed in a minimum of time. While designed primarily around the roles of search and rescue, the Kyaa can be used to various extents in other roles such as scouting, personnel transfer and hostile ship boarding.


2. History:

Design for the Kyaa SAR began in early YE 29, and by the end of the same year had progressed to the point where a limited number of pre-production models were released for field-testing.


3. Statistical Data

Organizations Using This Vessel:

Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Star Army of Yamatai (Yamatai no Hoshiguntai)

Type: Search And Rescue
Class: Ke-D4/S4-1a Kyaa
Designers: Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Manufacturer: Ketsurui Star Fortress (NH-X1-01)
Production: Currently a limited number of experimental models while undergoing testing.

Total Crew: 30

Starship Command Crew (6): 1 Captain, 1 Executive Officer, 1 Intelligence Officers, 1 Starship Pilot/Navigator, 1 Communications Officer, 1 Sensors Officer.
Security Crew (16): 2 Squad Leaders, 14 Power Armour Pilots.
Medical and Science Crew (4): 1 Medical Officer, 3 Medical Crew, 1 Science Officer.
Support Crew (4): 2 Cooks, 2 Technicians.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 42 crew and 24 additional persons. About 100 people can fit aboard in an emergency.
Appearance (top view):

Appearance (top view)

Length: 93 meters
Width: 41 meters
Height: 21 meters
Decks: 4
Weight: Approx 360,300kg


4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.8c using auxiliary engines.
Speed (CDD): .20 to 265,000c using combined distortion system.
Note: The CFS can still function (although at reduced efficiency) even in the presence of anti-FTL fields.
Speed (Hyperspace Fold): ~78,256,900c (7LY/min)
Speed (Aerial): Mach 7 in atmosphere (with shields). The ship has landing gear and full VTOL capability.
Speed (Water): Up to 40 knots underwater. The Kyaa can float on the surface with its anti-gravity systems.

Range: Limited only by the lifespan of the vessel. Life-support can support the crew for 20 years.
Lifespan: The vessel is estimated to operate for at least 50 years of constant use.
Refit Cycle: Frequent minor modifications while in service through the PANTHEON automatic upgrade system.


5. Inside the Kyaa SAR


Deck List (from top): Launch Deck (1), Main Deck (2), Medical Deck (3), Cargo Deck (4).

Armoury: Located on Main Deck to the aft of the planning room, the ship's central armory contains most of the weapons for the crew along with spares and extra ammunition for the security squads (whose weapons are stored in the squad rooms). The armory is in an Zesuaium-armored, cooled, static-free vault. There is an elevator located at the rear of the armoury that goes to the Launch Deck above to provide easy rearmament of power armours and for transfers between the armoury and squad rooms. There is no nodal system available in the armory, and as a restricted area it can only be accessed by those with permission from the ship's captain.

The standard Kyaa SAR armory includes (but is not limited to) the following:

* 40 Type 28 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistols with 120 additional BR-28A battery magazines
* 20 Type 28 Nekovalkyrja Submachineguns with 80 additional BR-SMG battery magazines
* 32 Ke-M4-2901 Light Armor Service Rifles, with 6 additional magazines of ammunition each.
* 16 Ke-M2-2901 Aether Saber Rifles with 64 BR-M20 magazines and attachment cables
* 50 chargers each for BR-28 and BR-SMG
* 7mm ammunition for the Ke-M4-2701 Light Armor Service Rifle
* 60 Type 28 Army Multi-Species Environmental Suits (many more are located on the ship)
* Weapon maintenance supplies, cleaning kits, and spare parts
* Explosives, grenades, other weapons, and body armor as needed and/or available

Bridge: Centrally located on Main Deck, the bridge is the nerve centre of the Kyaa SAR. Large viewscreens and holographic projection pits dominate the forward area of the bridge, giving commanders an excellent overview of any situational or detailed information that they need. The captain's station is centrally located towards the aft of the bridge, with stations for the communication and sensor officers fore and to the left and for the intelligence officer and a general purpose station fore and to the right. The four officer stations are slightly raised up from the rest of the bridge, with the captain's station being raised higher than these. A pilot's pit is located forward of the stations cluster and is on the same level as the rest of the bridge.

Captain's Quarters: Port of the bridge and just aft of the midship stairs are the personal quarters of the Kyaa's captain. A spacious room, it is a combined sleeping area and office and contains all the furnishings required to make the captain's duties easier. The CO's quarters also has its own bathroom. The XO's quarters are a mirror image of the CO's, and are located in the same position on the starboard side of the ship.

Cargo Deck: The lowest of four levels, Cargo Deck is a large open area partitioned into a number of smaller areas in which both ship's supplies and recovered materials can be stored. Accessible from outside via a single large forcefield-contained rectangular opening (covered by armoured shutters when not in use) on each side of the ship, and from inside via the lifts located next to the port and starboard docking ports.

Engineering: Taking up a large area of the aft of Medical Deck, and a smaller area of Main Deck above it, the engineering section is where the majority of the machinery that keeps the ship running and everyone aboard it alive is located.

Enlisted Quarters (2): There are two enlisted quarters on main deck, located rear of the passageway that runs across ship between the forward escape pods and fore of the toilet / shower rooms. Each of these two rooms are capable of housing up to twelve personnel in relative comfort. Six sets of bunks are located against the two sides of the room, with a floor-to-ceiling cupboard at the foot of each bunk. The wall opposite the door is made up of eight sets of various compartments for further clothing and personal items.

Launch Deck: The topmost level of the Kyaa SAR is referred to as the 'Launch Deck', as it is from here that the Sylph security squads enter space via the ship's Rapid Launch Bay; the opening of this bay faces forward over the Kyaa's snubby nose. To the rear of the RLB is an area for exiting power armours with a decontamination room (containing showers) on the port side of the ship and a changing room and toilet room on the starboard side. The middle of the rear wall of the RLB opens into a passage that traverses most of the ship's length, ending in a lift that leads down to the armoury one deck below.

Lounge: The largest single open area on the two inhabited decks, 'the lounge' is the primary recreation area for the Kyaa's crew and is located on Medical Deck just fore of the passageway running between the docking ports.

* Kitchen: On the starboard side of 'the lounge' is a well-equipped galley where the ship's cook prepares meals and snacks for the crew and any passengers who happen to be onboard.
* Lounge: The port half of 'the lounge' and the room's namesake, the lounge area is a casual area containing large, comfortable seats and couches in clusters each surrounding a low coffee table.
* Mess: The starboard half of the centre area of 'the lounge' is filled with tables and chairs where meals prepared in the adjacent kitchen can be eaten.

Medical Bays (2): The largest single-purpose rooms on the ship, the Kyaa's two medbays are located at the fore of Medical Deck where they have quick access to incoming injured via the fore docking port and a lift that goes straight to the launch bay two decks above. Boasting facilities not found on any other ship its size, each medbay is decked out in the best medical facilities that the Star Army has to offer. The medical bays are accessible via doors leading to the fore docking port, the main longitudinal passageway and the escape pod passageway.

* Containment Cells (4 per): These cells are used for specimen storage and also double as brigs. They contain a removable bed, food dispensing system, and a small toilet. These rooms can clean themselves and sterilize their equipment automatically using a combination of mechanical and nodal processes.
* Examination Rooms (2 per): A separate room just off the main treatment room, the examination rooms are used for patients that have milder ailments or in situations where privacy is required. Furnishings in the room include a single bed, a low row of cabinets against the far wall, a desk with a cushioned rolling chair for the medic and a comfortable legged chair for the patient.
* Elevator: Located near the fore wall of each medbay is a platform elevator (two by two meters) that can rise up to the launch bay (and the squad rooms below this) to carry patients. An armoured shutter blocks the floor opening/medbay ceiling when he elevator is not in use.
* Hemosynthetic Reconstruction Tubes (4 per): These tubes are filled with fluid based on Nekovalkyrja blood, which analyses and repairs injuries and defects to the occupant's body. They're used when a crewmember has taken major damage. The tubes can also generate new bodies for mental backups to be written to.
* Mental Backup Centre: A small alcove in the medical bay that contains a bed sitting underneath a special device used to make complete backups of a person's mind (including memories) for storage on the ship's computer. This device can also write from the ship's memory a mental backup into a body.
* Receival Area: The main area of the medical bay is where patients are initially received, and from which all other areas of the medbay are accessible. Four containment cells are located along the aft wall, with the mental backup centre and the medbay's two small examination rooms situated along the opposite wall. Each medbay's three operating theatres are along the outboard side of the room and are entered via a pair of large swinging doors that are on three of the walls of each theatre (two of these sets of doors (of the six total) lead into the adjoining operating theatre, while the rest lead into the medbay). The rest of the room is divided into rooms for storage of medical supplies, the medbay main office, two sleeping rooms (for medical staff) and a number of rooms for patients under observation.

Support Crew Quarters (2): Located at the aft of the ship, the two support crew quarters are small rooms containing little more than a bunk bed and a storage unit with various compartments for the two occupants clothes and personal belongings.

Junior Officer Quarters (4): The Kyaa SAR has four junior officers quarters, which are located two to a side between the CO/XO quarters and the support crew quarters. Much more spacious than the accommodations for the enlisted, these rooms can house up to three personnel each.

Planning Room: Adjoining the aft of the bridge, the planning room is used for planning operations and ship-wide briefing. Also used by crewmembers as a semi-casual area when they are not required to be on the bridge itself but must remain immediately available. The room's main feature is a large rectangular table in its centre upon which relevant materials can be shown (its surface doubles as a viewscreen) or above which holographic projections can be formed. The table is set in a stepped recess to allow onlookers an unimpeded view.

Squad Rooms (2): The second biggest rooms on Main Deck (smaller only than the bridge), the Squad Rooms are where the Kyaa SAR's two security squads are based from.

* Briefing Room: Located inboard on the fore wall, the briefing room is where the squad gathers to be briefed on whatever operations they are to undertake. This room contains a large viewscreen on the wall opposite the entrance, a holographic projection pit, an offset dais for the briefing officer and twelve chairs facing the viewscreen.
* Staging Area: The largest section of the squad room, it is an open area in the aft-outboard section of the room where squad members prepare for operations. Racked along the aft wall are the squad's Sylph Light Power Armours, directly opposite on the fore wall are the weapon racks for the corresponding armour. In the middle of the staging area are two poles that lead up through large, circular openings in the ceiling (closed by an armoured, irising shutter when not in use) into the launch bay above. Storage compartments along the outboard wall contain tools and materials for the maintenance and repair of weapons and power armours.

Temporary Quarters (6): Situated just aft of the medbays on Medical Deck are six rooms which are used to accommodate those rescued during missions. Simple affairs, they contain two bunk beds and a storage unit for clothes and personal effects.


6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull: The key substance that makes up the .4-meter-thick hull of the ship is Yamataium. The frame of the ship is Zesuaium, while armor plates are made of Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium and Yamataium. Zesuaium and Yamataium's main vulnerability is to antimatter weapons. Please note that the Kyaa has no windows.

Zesuaium-S: Zesuaium is a nonporous gray substance which does not conduct any form of electromagnetic radiation, including heat and electricity. It neither bends nor breaks, but will remain in a solid piece. The fabrication of Zesuaium takes place factory starships, where a certain substance is molded in the shape desired, and then is transmuted into the fixed Zesuaium form. The properties of Zesuaium are related to time energy. In the Kyaa, Zesuaium is interlaced with Yamataium in the hull plating.

Xiulurium-S: For stealth concealment, the armor plating is coated with Xiulurium. Xiulurium is a "stealth" armor that lacks protective value and is used to generate a stealth field around the vessel that renders most forms of active sensors ineffective against the starship. This stealth field generated by Xiulurium also masks the vessel's presence to scalar wave and quintessence differentialometer type sensors. Xiulurium is similar to Zanarium in composition, but this alloy is more flexible, requires less energy (to use its stealth), and has only negligible protective value. Xiulurium-S is made to interact efficiently with the repair systems and bond with Zesuaium-S.

Yamataium-S: Because Zesuaium armor is nearly impossible to repair, the ship's plating is primarily composed of Yamataium-S, a SARA-created artificial metalloid with self-healing molecular bonds. Under the guidance of the HSCS-3, the Yamataium can patch holes as needed in a matter of days. Yamataium-S is also made to interact efficiently with the repair systems and bond with Zesuaium-S.

Yarvex: A highly advanced, virtually impenetrable gluon mesh, first used by KFY in the Kylie power armor. Particles that make up protons (quarks and gluons) the gluons and quarks are strung together in a long chain using an alteration of Yang-Mills Theory. This permanently binds the quarks together so they may never be pulled apart. The resulting cloth like substance is impervious to penetration, although it does nothing to stop kinetic energy. All interior passageways and rooms are surrounded by Yarvex sheeting.

Hull-Integrated Systems:

Graviton Beam Projector (12): This device creates a stream of gravitons which can be used to tow other shuttles or power armour. The projector is ineffective against ships using gravitic shielding.

Mounting Ports (3): Located on either side of the starship, along with one on the Kyaa's boxy nose, these attachment systems include full umbilicals and airlock systems. Mission-variable weapons or sensor systems (or shuttles) can be attached to the mounting ports, or the ports can be used for docking with another Kyaa SAR or with a Type 24, Type 26, or Type 28 lift shaft airlock. The custom sealing systems of the Kyaa SAR are self-adjustable so that it can interface with nearly any type of airlock hatch, hull breach or other opening (or area of hull in order to make a new opening) under a certain size.

Rapid Launch Bay: The ship's exterior is equipped with a single rapid-launch bay, which is a forcefield-contained opening in the hull. The bay make it possible for power armors to leap out into space and into combat at their convenience. The ship contains standby units and extensive facilities for repair, maintenance, and construction of the power armor.

Emergency Systems:

Blast Shutters: The ship contains numerous blast shutter systems in the passageways. These shutters will automatically close and lock if the ship experiences any significant disturbance. When a shutter is locked, it will say "LOCKING SYSTEM ENGAGED," in pink letters on a display on the shutter. If unlocked, it will say "LOCKING SYSTEM DISENGAGED" in light blue letters. "LOCKING SYSTEM CYCLING," appears briefly in white when the doors are unlocking or locking. The shutters cannot be opened if locked, and can only be unlocked from the bridge, or by the captain or EIES System. Once unlocked the shutters can be opened by the control panel on each of them, but they can not be raised remotely. Note: If you attempt to open a blast shutter where there is a vacuum on the other side, it will warn you and ask you if you are sure you want to open the shutter.
Shutters will function even if the ship has lost computer control and/or main power.

Escape Pods (8): The Kyaa SAR is equipped with eight Ke-XS-2900es escape pods, each capable of holding up to six human-sized people. These pods are located in the following positions: each end of the passageway running between the medbays and temporary quarters on Medical Deck, each end of the passageway running between the squad rooms and enlisted quarters on Main Deck, the end of each of the passageways between the support quarters and engineering on Main Deck, via a zero-gravity passageway in the roof of the port side of the bridge, via a zero-gravity passageway in the floor of the aft of engineering on Medical Deck.

Firefighting: In every room on the ship, and throughout the passageways, there are fire-fighting stations. These stations are designed to enable Star Army soldiers to extinguish fires aboard the starship. Each contains three environmental suits, a hose and pumping system, and two portable fire extinguishers for smaller fires. The hoses mix a concentrated solution mixed with the ship's emergency water stores to produce an water-borne foam that forms a fire-protective film that suffocates fires and prevents spreading onto coated surfaces. High-powered air treatment and venting systems also assist in clearing smoke from areas.

Soul Savior Pod (1): A different type of escape pod, the SSP, regularly saves an encrypted copy of the entire crew's memories and providing the chance that crew members will survive destruction of the ship even if they cannot make it to an escape pod. Only an upper-Pantheon (such as MEGAMI or KAMI) system can retrieve the data. The pod is heavily armored with Zesuaium, and will self-destruct if tampered with.

Sound-powered telephone systems are installed throughout the ship. These phones will work without power because sound waves acts as the source of current in the phone circuit. Because of the nature of these phones, each receiver is also transmitter; this means you can talk into the earpiece if your mouthpiece is broken and vice versa. Note that these will not work in a vacuum.

Total Internal Compartmentalization: The ship is sectioned off so that ruptures and fires in one section will not affect other sections. Airtight internal doors and emergency blast shutters further enable the ship to maintain air pressure in the event of small through large-scale decompression. These systems also make excellent anti-boarding defenses.

Combined Field System: The Kyaa is equiped with a combined field system. In effect, the CFS sustains a small "pocket universe" around the shuttle by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. Gravity and time outside the shield bubble do not affect the objects inside, and objects inside the bubble are protected from both solid and beam weaponry, because the projectiles or beams pass through the curved space and around the ship. The combined field serves a number of purposes, including propulsion, defense, weaponry, and stealth; for this reason, it is almost always on. The CFS can also be used to generate waves and pulses, which can be used to detect hidden ships and objects when used in combination with the sensors.

Propulsion: The ship propels itself at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions in the CFS and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields. The normal CDD speeds are augmented by working with the forward deflector. This allows the ship to travel thousands of times the speed of light. This gives Star Army ships the advantage of attacking at FTL speeds. The Kyaa SAR uses a combined distortion drive capable of generating small wormholes, navigating the quantum slipstream, creating hyperspace fold points, and acting as sublight propulsion. Distortion-based systems allow the ship to stop or move nearly instantly because the ship has not "moved."

Primary Defense: The shields are automatically modulated and phased by the Escort Integrated Electronics System. While all frequencies, planes, and dimensions are theoretically covered by the shield, the modulation enables extra power to be routed to the bands, planes, and frequencies in which enemy weapons operate, decreasing the possibility of a shield overload and rendering enemy weapons largely ineffective. The CFS also protects the ship from collisions during high-speed space flight and can be used to facilitate ramming other vessels. As the ship's defense against weapons and high-speed impacts such as meteors in space and debris from destroyed starships, the shield is extremely powerful.

Outer Defense: The shield system is bordered (at a several kilometers out from the ship) with an intense scalar field which serves to dud electronics of incoming missiles and mecha, as well as detonating explosives, ablative armor, and overloading the nervous systems of pilots. This feature is disabled during normal operations, and (usually) enabled in combat.

Stealth: The ship can also be rendered invisible to scalar radar, aetheric-energy sensors, other forms of detection by using the shield bubble to keep the ship in its own alternate plane of existence. It can also use its scalar fields to simulate that photons and other sensory forms pass through the "empty space" and thus its presence is hidden. When the ship is fully it its bubble plane, it may only use its RDD sensor to monitor normal space; all other sensors will be useless.

Hemosynthetic Conduit Systems: This network, consisting of blood-filled tubes, runs throughout the ship carrying femtomechanical purpose-oriented molecules (constructed at the level of elementary particles) that are tied to the ship's life support and computer system. At access points, the bloodstream can hemosynthesize objects, including food and water packages, as well as dissolve objects. A secondary internal network (HSCS-2) recycles and dissolves waste, and a third, independent system (HSCS-3) carries femtomachines through various parts of the ship where repairs are needed, to control damage automatically, even during combat.

More on the HSCS Systems: The HSCS system fluid can be differentiated by color. The HSCS-1 system is bright red, HSCS-2 is brown, and HSCS-3 is gray. While the HSCS-1 and HSCS-3 fluids are harmless to Nekos, the HSCS-2 waste liquid is extremely dangerous to organics (it dissolves them). Food from the HSCS is probably not what one has in mind when "food" is mentioned. The food packets generated by the HSCS, while edible, come only in the form of slimy blocks of nutrient-rich "flesh."

Conformal PSC Device: The PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older "ADN" devices. The field generated by the PSC protects the entire ship, and extends only one meter out past the hull (thus, it will not create an obvious psionic "dead zone").

Life Support System: The ship has a very thorough recycling system, tied into HSCS-2, which breaks down anything classified into "waste" into its atomic components. The air recycling system (which is segmented and highly monitored for security reasons) can support up to 500 Yamataian or NH-29 personnel up to twenty years. Water can be recycled for twenty years as well.

Matter Collection System: The MCS allows the ship to collect hydrogen molecules as it travels through space, which can be used to provide fuel or converted into higher elements for use in the HSCS. The MCS units can be shielded in combat with cover plates.

Nodal System: Trillions of tiny femtomachines are distributed in the air aboard the ship, allowing anywhere to become a control panel with a simple swirl of a person's finger. The ship can use the system to sense what is happening throughout the interior, thus giving it more information to use for environmental control, security, and communication. Using the nodal system, the ship's computer may manifest herself anywhere on the ship in physical or holographic form. This system is also used to decorate the interior of some ships.

Escort Integrated Electronics System (EIES): The Kessaku Electronics' Escort Integrated Electronics System, based on the EIES concept, is a network of sensors, communications, and fire control all built around a centralized computer system. EIES is built for escort ships - cruisers, destroyers, and escort carriers. EIES is a subordinate system; it operates as part of a larger command hierarchy of computers. Above EIES is WIES (Warship Integrated Electronics System, for battleships, assault ships, and carriers), EIES, and KAMI. Under EIES is CIES (Compact Integrated Electronics System; for frigates, corvettes, and gunboats). While such smaller ships are usually under the control of the WEIS, the EIES can take over if necessary.

The EIES can be divided into several subsystems, which are distributed throughout the ship: The System Core, which consists of the power management system, processor, and central memory system; the inner layer, which includes the environmental control subsystems, force stabilizer (inertial dampener) control, unidirectional sensors, and bridge interfaces; and the outer layer, which holds the majority of the ship non-vital electronic systems: mapping and navigation system, weapons control system, ship defensive systems, omnidirectional Sensors, telepathic communications, translator system, and common control interfaces.

The heart of the integrated electronics suite is an advanced quantum computer, capable of performing super-high-speed data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits, making them awesomely powerful. In addition, the system's sub-particle memory system allows for truly magical storage and access speeds. Data processing is further assisted by an electrogravitational temporal distortion field which can increase the processor and memory signal speeds to many times that of light, for use during continuum distortion travel. EIES computers usually share the name of the ship they are on, and if necessary, can run a small group of ships on their own (frigates, corvettes, gunboats). EIES ships can remote control up to 20,000 sprites at one time. The systems were designed by Kessaku Anri and are now by her company, Kessaku Electronics.

More information on the EIES: The AI-driven system can manifest itself as a hologram on the bridge, or through a synthesized body. The computer room is located in an armored room that is normally inaccessible. Since the system is involved in nearly all functions of the ship, it is vitally important. This was brutally clear to the crew of the YSS Yui (YD-30) when a seraph infiltrated the ship and destroyed the ship's EIES, rendering the ship stranded and unable to call for help. Access to the computer room is only available to both the ship's captain and chief technician or technicians from SARA or KES. While not truly sentient, the EIES system is intelligent and intuitive, and usually interacts fairly well with the crew.

The EIES systems actively defend and maintain themselves; they create their own NH-29 weapons to do so. These computer-generated nekos take orders only from the EIES and are usually assigned the rank of Juni. EIES is compatible with the PANTHEON system. For reference, EIES systems have the rank of Taii.

Unidirectional sensors included in the EIES include variable wide-band imaging clusters, long-range gravimetric and magnetic resonance, distortion, and interferometry sensors and spectrometers, electromagnetic trans-space flux sensors and imaging scanners, quark and gluon density scanners, and spin polarometers. These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to thirty-five light-years.

Omnidirectional sensors of the EIES include aetheric/quintessential field/differential/particle/wave sensors, scalar field sensors, subspace mass sensors, soliton sensors, moh sensors, unified field mass/energy sensors, neutrino/tachyon sensors, and the all-seeing eye of the TQP-RDD. These sensors (excluding the RDD) have a range of fifteen light-years. The Integrated Electronics Package is so fast, that the ship can attack faster than many ships can comprehend, doing a faster-than-light drive-by-shooting.

Remote Detection Device (1): The Transmetaphasic Quantum Particle/wave Remote Detection Device can detect, track, observe mass and/energy by making observations using linked quantum particles. The RDD can track small items if it knows what to look for, but will not see objects with relatively little mass when searching large areas. The maximum range is 250 LY, but at that range the RDD can only detect huge objects such as stars. The standard range is 50 LY. This decreases if resolution increases. When used in a 1 LY range, anything over 10,000kg is detected.

There are three levels of scanning: (1) A wide range passive scan, which monitors for unidentified energy objects and mass fluxes among a wide range of dimensions and phases; (2) an active scan. Active scans are used rarely because they can give away the presence (but not location) of a vessel to other ships. The active scan is a high-powered sweep of a particular phase and dimension. (3) a remote scan of a clearly defined area such as an enemy ship. Using the scan, the complete nature of the target can be recorded.

Communications: The Kyaa SAR boasts one of the best communications suites of the Star Army. It is equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives a great deal of both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and transuniversal quantum relay. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them.

Hyperspace and Subspace: An alternative method of faster-than-light transmission. The Kyaa SAR's hyperspace systems can emulate those of many other space militaries; the Kyaa SAR is not only proficient at detecting and decrypting hyperspace messages, but can produce "authentic" communications of it own. The Kyaa SAR can also provide absolute jamming of hyperspace signals within ten light-years of its position.

Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed.

Radio: Full spectrum, Dual-Modulation, range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. A Kyaa SAR can also jam the spectrum with white noise and intelligent false radio traffic (such as fake missile guidance commands and IFF traffic).

Tachyon: Quantum tunneling used for faster-than light transmissions. A tachyon is a photon without any mass. Tachyon transmissions, because they travel faster than light in normal space, appear to travel towards the transmitter from an observer's view.

Quantum Relay: Delivers a message anywhere, instantly, but precise coordinates of the receiver must be available. Mainly used by EIES and relayed through starships. Certain shields may interfere with QR transmissions. Based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen phenomenon (quantum pair effect).

Fire Control: The EIES operates a sub-system dedicated to fire control operations. EIES compensates for all movement of the ship and of target ships, and can track upwards of a billion targets ranging from pebble-sized shrapnel to planets. EIES-FCS usually controls all weapons systems.

Interacting With EIES (OOC): EIES is an extremely fast and powerful computer system. Characters will almost never have to wait on her to think things over or to reply. If you know or can find out the answer to a question your character asks EIES, it is okay (and even expected) to also post EIES's reply. EIES's personality is quiet, respectful, and helpful.

EIES can:

* Create objects of a mundane nature or lightly alter an object (cleaning, pigmentation, etc) as long as it for utility reasons.
* Create holograms, again for utility issues.
* Create extra crewmembers (sprites).
* The EIES does not cooperate with demands that could likely result in unnecessary collateral damage to the ship or could be remotely hazardous to the ship's crew.

EIES cannot:

* Open blast shutters (she can, however, unlock them for authorized persons)
* Change the settings on a manual safety switch (such as the one disabling the main gun).
* Kill sentient life-forms using the nodal system.

Weapons Systems:

Projected Energy Beams: This beam system was first developed in Yuumi battleship program and has since become a staple of Star Army weaponry. The spatial distortion around the ship (the Combined Field System) is used to release condensed potential energy from the aether, the ubiquitous sea of energy. By distorting the shield-space, the origin of the beam can be manoeuvred around the field bubble, allowing it to be fired from any point on the field system. The subspace effects of the beam make it naturally piercing to distortion-based shields. Please note that when firing, it substantially weakens the Combined Field System.

Location: Combined Field System
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Secondary Purpose: Heavy Assault
Damage: Good chance of destroying a non-capital ship in a single hit; a great deal of possibly crippling damage on a capital ship.
Range: Theoretically unlimited except by the beam's speed (1c).
Rate of Fire: Up to eight five-second blasts every 15 seconds.


7. Vehicle Compliment

(links go to another page):

* Sylph M4-1A Light Power Armor (16)
Wes really hates it when things are posted off the site. Do it without formatting if you need to ... just don't host it elsewhere.
Yay! Yggdrasill isn't the only one anymore! Yours still lacks a cargo bay, though for recovered materials. And grapplers. ^^

I know your pain, and have no idea what it should be labeled as.
First post updated, I finished off the descriptions (I think) so that should basically be the finished product.

And it does have a cargo bay, a cargo bay that takes up an entire deck (though smaller than the main two decks) even :P
There's a lot of little things I would like to change - in particular, I think it is too fast and I would like to replace a lot of the copy-paste descriptions with original ones if possible (I feel ripped off since most of them are written specifically for the Sakura). I like that you did deck plans.
What speeds do you think would be reasonable ones? I don't really have much of an idea of where I should be aiming at in that regard.

Removed/replaced offending descriptions (I hope), except for where I imagine things would be standardised (I expect containment cells would look the same on any SA ship). Sorry about that, I looked to the Sakura page for inspiration quite a bit as it is the most detailed ship in the SARP and stole too much in the process.

Can I get a clarification on what this ship's nomenclature would be?
The Sylph 1A light power armor is being phased out in favor of the mini-neko operated Sylph 2A. If you want a ground unit that can be operated by a NH-29/yamataian pilot and fill in the role the Sylph 1A had, you should probably pick up the M6 Daisy instead.
It would need to be the Spacey Config variant of the Daisy as travelling in space is a requirement for armours aboard the Kyaa, but as that has yet to be approved I don't want to change out the Sylphs just yet.
Erm, I never changed the speeds and the ship's nomenclature still needs clarification, I was waiting for you to provide some help in those regards.