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RP: United Outer Colonies [Kyoto] A (not so) Perfect Date


Inactive Member
As Galar and Ai flew down planetside, they looked out at the specticle of the atmosphere that became more and more visible. Galar said to Ai, "Ahh, that's beautiful, I love going planetside sometimes just for that." He looked at Ai, "But I suppose not this time." Galar smiled.
Ai nodded and smiled back. "Yeah... it's quite beautiful." She then put on a curious look. "Ano... where are we going anyway?"
The shuttle carrying the two burst through the cloud layer to reveal an enormous, sprawling city below them. As they neared the city, a Galar said into the radio, "This is a shuttle from the 17th elite power armor division, requesting permission to land."
A voice crackled over the radio in response, "You are cleared to land on platform 170, have a nice stay in Kyoto." Galar thanked the radio operator and said to Ai, "Excellent. Well, I dunno, lets land this thing and get our bearings and see if anything fun is nearby."
Ai giggled quietly. "Hee hee, that always works." She wondered what some things they could do.... "Ano, should we get some civilian clothes? Or would walking around in uniform be okay?" she asked, looking over herself Galar replied with a smile, "Well I think you look great in that, Ai. Also, there are many military personnel here on Kyoto, so I think we will be fine. But if you want, we could stop and buy some clothes, my treat."
"Ah. No no, uniform should be fine then. And arigatou," Ai thanked for the compliment. "Hmm... Kyoto is a major tourist spot, so I'm sure we'll find something, right Galar-san?"
"Certainly, Ai." Galar said as they touched down on the platform. The door to the shuttle opened and the sounds of the city filled their ears as they got up to go traverse Kyoto, looking for something fun to do. Galar exited the shuttle, extending his hand to Ai in order to help her out of the shuttle.
Ai giggled once more, taking Galar's hand. "There's that gentleman again," she half-teased, half-complimented. Somehow, she tripped overherself, and stumbled, her face hitting a bit roughly against Galar's chest. "Ah! Gomen, Galar-san!" Ai exclamed, a light blush on her cheeks, which she tried to cover up with a smile.
Galar caught Ai and held her, smiling at the blush Ai had on her face. "Well, let's be off, but why don't you take my arm, so you don't end up falling somewhere I won't be able to catch you." Galar almost laughed, but contained it, and was still smiling brightly as Ai looked at him.
"Galar-san! I'm not that klutzy!" Ai did a small leap, wrapping her arms around Galar's neck, and proceeded to lightly bang her head against his. "You don't have to mock me!"
Galar laughed as Ai banged her head against his, saying, "Haha, It was a joke! A joke!" Galar managed to pry Ai off of him, causing him to fall to the ground instead. "Owww.." Galar said as he started to get to his feet. "You still would like to take my arm, right? I promise I won't make fun of you again." And with that he grinned again.
Ai tumbled down with Galar. "EEP." Ai returned with a large grin. "Fine fine. If it will make you happy!" she replied while righting herself with gravity manipulation. She grabbed Galar's arm, squeezed it, and peered up at Galar with a smile.
Galar, still grinning, started walking off of the landing platform, arm in arm with Ai. They must have seemed a quaint, wrestling on a landing platform, so Galar led Ai into the city. Kyoto was bustling with activity. Thousands of people packed the streets of the major city, making walking slightly difficult.
Flight: Galar pulled Ai close, as to not get seperated. "So, Ai. What would you like to do first? Are you hungry?"

(Will post the next part tomorrow when I can get on the comp it's saved on)
Ai winced slightly as she bumped roughly into a couple other tourists. "Hmm... food should be good. Where to eat then?" She glanced around to try and see some restaurants around, but her short stature made it a bit hard.
"Let's see here..." Galar murmured, looking for somewhere nice to eat. "Ah! That looks good, how does a Coastal Yamataian restaurant sound to you?"
Ai nodded excitedly. "Thats sounds great!" she squealed. It'd be her first Coastal Yamataian meal if they were to go there.
Galar smiled and led her into the bright restaurant. As they crossed the threshold, they saw that the establishment was brightly lit, with beautiful decorations. The tablecloths were white with red napkins, the floor was red, with a pattern leading from the doorway to the reception desk.
"A table for two, please.' Galar said as they reached the desk. "Right this way sir," A waiter replied, dressed immaculately in a black and white suit.
Ai smiled happily in response to Galar, following after him and the waiter. "Wow... this place is so beatiful!" Besides the sights, the smells of the restaurant also made her hungrier than she had been when she entered.
The waiter led the couple to a small table next to the window with a beautiful view of the storefronts lining the street. He set down two menus and asked, "May I get you two some refreshments to start you off?" Galar said, "I'll take a bottle of your Yamataian wine, a chardonnay if you would. Ai, what would you like?"
"Water is fine," Ai replied cheerfully to the waiter. She then picked up the menu and skimmed through it, rather amazed at how delicious some of the dishes sounded.
Ai scanned through the menu, wondering what to order. "Ano, Galar-san... what do you think is good?" she inquired. She was reading through the many various pasta dishes on the menu.
The waiter returned carrying a bottle of Yamataian chardonnay and a fancy glass of water. He set them in their respective spots, then poured Galar a glass of the wine. He then bowed and said, I'll be back to take your orders very soon. Galar thanked the waiter and then turned his attention to Ai. "Hmm," he said as he scanned the menu, "The Zutto pasta with white sauce looks quite good, but the chicken parmesan looks good as well..."
Ai nodded. "Hmmm.... How about this... shrimp fetuccini? Does that seem good to you?" Ai asked, looking at the description, which seemed nice. But, she had no experience with this kind of food, so she'd want a better opinion.
Galar nodded, "That sounds splendid." Just then, the waiter returned with a pad of paper in his left hand and a pen in his right. They seemed to be very traditional here. "What would you two like to eat for your main meal?" Galar responded, "I would like the chicken parmesan with a white sauce."
"Ah, etto, I'll have the... shrimp fetuccini please," Ai answered the waiter politely. She closed up her menu and handed it to the waiter, a gentle smile.
The waiter took their menus, bowed and walked off to go tell the kitchen staff their order. Galar smiled at Ai, "This is nice, I'm quite happy you agreed spend time with me on our leave." Galar sipped his wine and sighed, it really was very nice.
Ai returned the smile. "Hee hee, no problem Galar-san. I'd be alone too if I didn't join you anyway. Ah?" she squeaked the last bit when her and Galar's communicator beeped as they both recieved a message. She pulled out the communicator, and listened to the message, calling them to Tokyo. Ai pouted as she listened to the message. Apparently their leave was cut short.
Galar smiled sheepishly, they wouldn't even get to finish thier dinner. Raising a hand, Galar called a waiter over to their table, "We have been called away on important business, so if you would be so kind as to bring the bill as soon as possible, that would be most welcome. Thank you." Presently, the bill was on the table and Galar paid for the wine and the short time they had spent inside. He turned back to Ai and said, "Shall we go back to our duty?"
Ai nodded, before taking a small sip from her water. She sighed, not particularly pleased with how things were turning out. "Etto, I suppose... lets go." At least, she could have some fun with bashing some people for the hostage situation.
Before getting inside the shuttle that would take them back to the Akuro, where they would suit up for urban combat, Galar said to Ai, "I really had a good time, even though it was cut short. I certainly hope that we can pick this where we left off sometime soon."
"I had fun too Galar-san," Ai said, forcing a bit of a smile to cover up her disappointment. "Hopefully it won't be too long before we can have another trip." She sighed, trying to get her happy energy back as she climbed onto the shuttle.
Galar got in after Ai and started up the shuttle, preparing to launch them into space. Before taking off, Galar squeezed Ai's hand, then blasted off into the sky.
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