Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: United Outer Colonies [Kyoto]Once In A Blue Moon


Inactive Member
Natsuko walked to the pilot's seat in the shuttle and quickly began to go through the pre-flight checks. When everything checked out Natsuko gently lifted the small craft off of the deck of the Akuro III and brought it into orbit of Yamatai. As the shuttle orbited the planet the beutiful landscape came into view on the screens inside.

Natsuko looked at the planet with a look of awe on her face. "Have you ever been on a planet's surface before?" she asked Xanatos.

Xanatos sat next to Natsuko before replying, "No, I haven't. The only planet I have ever been on was my homeworld of Anisa." He seemed distant for a moment, as if past memories had caught up with him, but he seemed to shake it away. "Have... have you?" he asked after a while.

Natsuko put the ship into a steady descent, bringing it toward the assigned landing area. "No, I have only seen them from space." Natsuko said, "They look so unreal in space, so beutiful." Natsuko quickly cut that sentence off. "Well, we are almost there, where to first?"

Xanatos shrugged before thinking of something, "Hm... perhaps we can get something to eat? I don't know about you, but I'm famished." He smiled at her as he stood up to get off of the shuttle once Natsuko landed.Natsuko's stomach groaned in agreement. "Oh? I guess I am hungry as well!" she said while she patted her stomach.

Xanatos laughed slightly before continuing, "Alright, where would you like to go then?"

"Hmm, I haven't been to Yamatai before so whatever you want is good, although I think Japanese is really good...." Natsuko said. "But if there is something you would like more, I would be fine." As Natsuko finished saying this she walked up beside Xanatos.

"Alright, we can find something!" he said cheerfully as he led the way off of the shuttle.

"Un" Natsuko said happily as she followed Xanatos.

The pair wondered for the better part of an hour before a nice restaraunt was found. It served various kinds of food, and supposedly it served pretty good Japanese food. "How about this one?" Natsuko asked as she peered through the window, her eyes filled with desire. Her stomach had started to growl loudly about ten minutes ago.

Xanatos smiled as he replied, "Alright, it looks and smells good." He stepped into the restaraunt, thinking that Natsuko would follow right behind him. His own stomach was growling as well.

Natsuko followed Xanatos in, stealing peeks at what everyone was eating as she walked. Smells good!! Natsuko thought as she smelled the air inside the restaraunt.

Xanatos found a seat and sat down, beckoning Natusko to sit down as well. A waitress arrived with two menus for them to order from. "What can I get you today?" she asked politely with a bow.

Natsuko sat down with Xanatos and began to browse through the menu. "Can I have the biggest Oyako Don you've got?" Natsuko asked. Then she turned to Xanatos, "How long have you been in the Star Army Xanatos-san?" Natsuko asked as she tried to make conversation with Xanatos.

Xanatos ordered the Ramon noodles before answering as the waitress collected the menus and left to get their orders, "I have been in Star Army for about four years now, since I was 19." He smirked as he feeled old.

Natsuko's eyes widened in surprise when she heard how long Xanatos had been in the Star Army. "Wow!! What was your first assignment like?" Natsuko asked eagerly trying to recall all of the notable events from four years ago.

Xanatos blinked before responding, "Well, it was pretty boring. I was mostly stationed on planets and space

stations until about a year ago. I was stationed aboard the YSS Yugumo, but it was destroyed. I was revived on the YSS Asuka and then transferred to the 17th." He shrugged at his rather boring history.

Natsuko froze in place when she heard about the Yugumo's destruction. "Did everyone onboard die?" Natsuko asked in a detached voice, "Were they all brought back?"

"I believe all hands were lost..." he replied, a little distant, but soon continued, "but I believe that most, if not all, were revived aboard the Asuka. My data was damaged, so it took a little while longer to recover me."

The Itto Heisho shuddered as he remembered the cold darkness that had gript him.

Natsuko seemed sad for a little while. You can't let it go like this!! she chided herself as she remembered the misshu ship exploding, then causing hers in turn to explode into a brilliant array of light and energy. Sending the on-board crew to their deaths. "N-nn, let's talk about s-something a little more pleasant." Natsuko said, "What did you think when Neplesia seceded?"

Xanatos nodded, placing a hand onto Natsuko's. "Well, I hold no grudge against them, but I hardly know anything

about them really. I have an urge to visit them someday, but not until after my service for the SAoY is complete." He looked at her with kind eyes, trying to comfort whatever troubled her.

"Un, I think it would be interesting as well. Unfortunatly unless I change bodies I won't be visiting Neplesia any time soon." Natsuko still felt a little upset about her ship, but knew there was nothing that could be done now. "What do you find interesting Xanatos-san?" Natsuko asked, fishing for a subject that they both had knowledge in.

"Well, I'd appreciate the company if you could go," he smiled before going on to the next subject, "Well... I like poetry..." He blushed lightly at saying this.

Natsuko smiled as she watched Xanatos blush. "What kind of poetry do you like?" Natsuko asked.

Xanatos blushed even more as he stated, "Romance..."

"Do you write yourself?" Natsuko asked. I hope he does, it would be interesting to hear. Natsuko sighed as she thought that.

The food arrived before Xanatos could answer. He thanked the waitress before answering, "Yes... sometimes..."

Natsuko started delving into her food, giving little care for etiquette. "Aaah, where do you get your inspiration?" Natsuko asked between mouthfuls.

Xanatos ate some of his own meal before responding, "Well... past experiences mostly..."

"Would you read them to me sometime, Xanatos-san?" Natsuko asked. As soon as she was finished talking Natsuko began to gobble down her food yet again.

Xanatos nodded a little happily as he continued to eat his own food.

"Oishii!!" Natsuko said happily as she finished up her food.

Xanatos finished shortly after Natsuko and set his ramen bowl aside. "What would you like to do now?" he asked cheerfully.

Natsuko thought about it for a minute, "Hmm, how does a movie sound?" Natsuko asked. "We could watch anything you want." she offered

Natsuko thought about it for a minute, "Hmm, how does a movie sound?" Natsuko asked. "We could watch anything you want." she offered

Xanatos smiled at her proposal, "Sounds good, but I don't know what is currently showing. We'll have to see when we get there." He stood up and offered her his arm to take if she wanted.

Natsuko took the Yamataian's arm with a smile. "Well then, let's go!!" Natsuko said enthusiastically. "What kind of movies do you like anyway?" Natsuko asked, "I'm gonna guess you like romantic movies?"

As the pair walked Natsuko pulled up a volumetric window listing movie theaters and their locations, the nearest was just a block away. According to the volumetric window there were two action films, a romantic comedy, and a love story playing along with several children's movies.

"Heh, how did you guess?" he asked shyly, blushing as she took his arm. He picked out the love story, on the list as they walked.

The pair entered the theater about 10 minutes later. There was a decent line for snacks like pop-corn and Atomic-Olios. There were two hallways ne going left and one going right to the different theater rooms.

Xanatos ordered two tickets to see the romance movie that he had picked earlier. As they waited for the tickets, he asked Natsuko, "Do you want to get any snacks before the movie starts?" He looked down at her, smiling.

Natsuko thought about it for a second, "If you want some we could get some, but we just ate so I am not that hungry..." Natsuko looked up at Xanatos.

Xanatos realized that he wasn't hungry either, so he shrugged. The tickets were given to them and they started to the movie room.

Natsuko pressed against Xanatos's side as they entered the movie room, when her left thigh started to vibrate.

"Eh?" Natsuko said as she pulled out her communicator.

Caine Ioneche-Taii said:
A few minutes ago David and I just received a report of situation in Tokyo (On Jiyuu), as such, I am recalling the following members to handle this:

--Chui Masatane Saiga
--Itto Heisho Xanatos Zarthe
--Nito Heisho Galar Vanatosk
--Santo Hei Kitano Ai
--Santo Hei Hiragi Natsuko

You 5 report to the Akuro immediately, Stryker is waiting for you there. Follow his directions exactly, and I apologize for cutting your shoreleave short but this comes first.

Caine Ionoche-Taii
CO 17th Kasairyuu Wing

"Gomen Xanatos-kun, however it looks like this new turn of events has created an issue elsewhere. I think we have been recalled." Natsuko said.

Xanatos blushed lightly as she stayed by his side. His own communicator buzzed at the same time that hers did. He read it the same time as well, but it seemed to say the same thing. "Hai, Natsuko-chan. Shall we take a raincheck?" He smiled, a little disappointedly, down at her.

Natsuko looked up at him, "I guess that will have to do." Natsuko said. "I guess we should head back to the shuttle, huh..." Natsuko said with a little bit of dissapointment in her voice.

Xanatos smiled a bit more. His face leaned in a little closer to hers, but he hesitated and pulled away with a blush. "Hai... we should get going..." his voice betrayed that he had wanted a tender moment with Natsuko, and the blush also probably gave it away.

Natsuko watched as Xanatos pulled closer to her. You won't escape. Natsuko thought to herself as she roped

her hands around Xanatos's neck and kissed him. After a few minutes, Natsuko released Xanatos. "Jya, shall we go?"

The Yamataian was a little surprised by Natsuko's initiative, but he enjoyed the kiss anyways. Even after the kiss ended, Xanatos could still taste her lips. They were sweet and delicate. He looked into her eyes, but he had to agree, "After you, my dear." His smile returned as they left the movie theater.