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[Kyoto- Special Delivery] ATTN: Shoi Kohesei Eastwood Rolf


A large white basket filled with green tissue paper, oranges, and bandages and wrapped in clear cellophane and a big red bow was delivered to Shoi Kohesei Eastwood's dorm room. Attached to the basket was a card shaped like a pomelo that read, "CONGRATULATIONS, IMP-SAN! I know you could do it! Sorry I couldn't be there to see you graduate but I hope to see you sometime soon! Call me! ~ <3 F.B. "

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"Eastwood-san!" growled an angry voice from the door of the dorm room. Soseki Chieko, the Shoi Kohesei's fifth and final roommate spat fire at him, sprinkled with menace. The Neko had tolerated his antics for almost a year now, and his idle ambivalence to her own great self was a consistent draw of her ire. Lately, more and more since the final exams, he had taken to leaning back at his desk and staring out the window at the trees with his awful music destroying his ears. Whenever he did this, he would pointedly ignore her. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

The half-dressed war maiden yanked the head-phones right off his head, pointed elf-ears springing out in their absence with an unceremonious twang. Chieko snarled through her fangs, "Stop ignoring me."

"Hm?" Rolf looked up at her hazily, his sanguine eyes meeting a curt, yellow gaze. "Eh, sorry 'bout that, I didn't notice you there, Cheeko."


"I believe that is what I said," said the imp of a man, grinning his devious little grin. Soseki couldn't understand how someone so well-spoken could be so insufferable. One quiet, fuming moment later, she tossed the basket into his lap with gutted frustration.

"Here, Imp-san, this came at the door for you," Soseki turned off to her own end of the dorm room. In a sarcastic drag she added, "looks like you have an admirer."

When he managed to settle the basket on his stomach, balancing so since he had his feet propped upon his desk, he fished out the card. After a quiet moment of reading, he began to laugh, a low cackle drumming off his gob. His Neko roommate got chills every time he started to do that, what with his chthonic demeanor.

"No, just a patient friend with a little too much time on her hands," answered Rolf, looking over the pomelo-shaped card with cat-like interest. As he appraised it, his eyes were drawn to a healing scar on his hand. Webbing lines of tissue flanked it, from precise stitching, just barely evident. "And not much to do."

He cackled. Soseki sighed, and threw a glance over her shoulder as she readied for her class.

"Are you going to call her?" asked his roommate, mildy curious.

"Maybe," teased Rolf, putting his thumping headphones back on his ears. He could start to hear her shout, the same discontent hurled at him all the time. Truthfully, the music wasn't that loud, and he could hear every word, he just chose not to. The Neko's complaints bled off into a mild flood of thoughts. The time was coming soon, to see them all again, to come back to the fore.

He thought of them.

He thought of her.

He hoped she was alright, wherever she was.

The Malifarian peeled one of the oranges, and took a bite.
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