Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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[Kyoto] Yumi Likes French Toast!

I'm Only Dancing

Inactive Member
Yumi yawned and stretched, rolling out of bed without quite bothering to stand up... she plopped down butt-first, wrapped in sheets, and spent a few minutes untangling herself. It was earlier than she usually got up, late morning, but that didnt register. She looked over her naked form in the mirror, then dressed herself in a thin black sundress, silk, and ventured downstairs barefoot and slightly unkempt.

Tetsukana was hanging around downstairs, watching a commercial on one of the "manly" channels. It for some sort of video series featuring scantily clad girls. He flipped the channel as if he'd been browsing. Turning his head, he spotted her and grinned. "You look glowing."

"Glowing? Really? I havent used any facial makeup except the lipstick in... a week? Maybe more..." She was still a little disoriented this morning, and still, at heart, several days ago in a more... casual... setting. " there food?"

The man grinned. "You could never be ugly to me," he told her. "And why the sudden lack thereof?" He rose from the seat, leaving the TV on the news. Reports of more deaths on the collapsing front lines poured in sickeningly. Putting an arm around the young mistress he escorted her towards the kitchen.

"Didnt say I was ugly, Tet-chan." She winked. "I just dont know that Im glowing. I havent even brushed my hair." She leaned against him lightly, grinning and following him into the kitchen. "I decided I dont really need makeup. Uncomfortable and time-consuming. Id rather spend my funding on my classes, anyway..."

"Really?" Tetsukana seemed surprised. He held her warm, slnder body close for a moment and then went off to get the ingredients. "Is French Toast alright?"

"...that sounds wonderful, Tet-chan." Her eyes drifted back towards the television momentarily. "...the war isnt going well..." That gave her a slight pang of worry. "Do you think we'll ask Nepleslia and Elysia for help?" More than a slight pang of worry. Her Rui was away at war, dammit!

"Do you think they'd want to help?" Tetsukana asked, putting a pan on the stove. Butter went in first. He put a bowl on the counter and a glass measuring cup. "We havne't been the best of friends in the past. But, then again, no one wants to see the monsters win."

"It isnt in anyones interest for Yamatai to fall, not right now. It would be a case of mutually assured destruction..." A pretty term she had learned a month ago in class. "...if we allowed our differences to divide us, and let the Mishuburzyaa..." She struggled notable on that word. "Push us down one at a time." She looked towards the melting butter. "Cardamon with it?"

"Doesn't it belong on curry?" the man asked. He grabbed a jar of cinnamon instead, thinking of the many times Yumi's father had encouraged the girl to be "pushed down" for the sake of business. How much money was his daughter worth? Such thoughts frustrated Tetsukana as much as the war itself, and almost as much as the girl's obvious lack of undergarments - the latter nearly drive him mad when he shared time with her; he was tempted to drop the cinnamon near her.

"Curry, chai tea, kheer pudding, rice, pilaf, lassi..." Yumi grinned broadly. "It complements nicely with cinnamon and nutmeg and can be made very serene with a bit of brown sugar." She leaned up against the counter, as blissfully unaware as ever of Tetsukana's sexual interest in her. "I have a role in a play, Tet-chan, in a couple weeks. I need help with my costume design..."

Tetsu knelt down, and while she was inspecting the eggy mixture, took a peek. Ah, how he wished he was young again... He rose with an egg beater from the cabinet, and returned to the bowl to stir. The butter began to steam.

"Costume?" he asked, intrigued.

"I'll be playing Ketsurui Nanae in 'Deceptions'. It was an Adrian Lau piece four years back, were doing a musical adaptation." She sniffed the eggs, tilted her head. "Cardamon, Tet-chan, I'm not crazy!" Yumi abruptly shifted back to costume talk. "Nanae is a Ketsurui samurai. She ends up captured by Mishuburzyaa and... winds up in a love affair with one of her captors..." Yumi yawned then. "It was originally written about the Elysian wars, but Lau made an edited version recently."

"A tentacle romance?" That was enough to make even old Tetsukana blush. "I...I imagine it must be controversial."

"I think that was the point of it, and why he made a remake with Mishuba... Mishu, instead of Elysians. We are more tolerant of Elysians now. And his intent was, I believe, to make us think past our conceptions and hatreds even in war..." She lifted herself up onto the counter. "Although I admit it took time for me to get used to the tentacles in rehearsal."

"Yea. Mostly Ill only be costumed in the first act; the second and third I just need ears to look like a Neko." Yumi was practically beaming as she spoke of this. A matter of great pride for her! Acting was her greatest passion, now and always. "And Sakai-sensei tells me Lau will have a talent scout at the opening night!"

"It sounds interesting," said Tetsukana, still a bit surprised. He dipped the first piece of bread into the mix, let it soak for a few seconds, and then put it in the pan. Yumi? Naked in front of thousands? It somehow made him feel less special. Of course, he'd have to see the show.
ON - Kyoto

"Yea. Mostly Ill only be costumed in the first act; the second and third I just need ears to look like a Neko." Yumi was practically beaming as she spoke of this. A matter of great pride for her! Acting was her greatest passion, now and always. "And Sakai-sensei tells me Lau will have a talent scout at the opening night!"

"It sounds interesting," said Tetsukana, still a bit surprised. He dipped the first piece of bread into the mix, let it soak for a few seconds, and then put it in the pan. Yumi? Naked in front of thousands? It somehow made him feel less special. Of course, he'd have to see the show.

"Interesting, Tet-chan?" Yumi gave a lopsided smile and tilted her head far over, a cascade of glossy raven tress tumbling over his pan. "You mean youre validating my media choices, despite their socio-political ramifications? Perhaps next you'll actually have a discussion without talking down at me!" She quite abruptly planted a kiss on his forehead, suppressing a giggle.

"I...I didn't say I approved!" Tetsukana stammered. As the first piece of French toast finished, he put it on a plate for the beautiful young woman. "I suppose as long as you're living your dream...then that is good thing. Somehow, I don't think your father approves, though. Does he know?"

Yumi wrinkled her nose. "Does he need to, Tet-chan? Im old enough to make decisions on my own. He cant cling to me forever, you know." She took to nibbling in a rodent-like manner on her french toast. "Wonderful, Tet!" Although it needed more cardamon. "Lain is working on a new album. I read about it yesterday. 'Cough Syrup for Ningyo-Heiki 1'. I was listening to Aethersperm, though, when you were gone."

"That music can be hazardous to your health," Tetsukana noted, repeated something he vaguely recalled hearing on the news. The next piece of toast he claimed for himself.

"Yeah, I heard their frontman nearly killed himself screaming 'Fuck!' repeatedly." Yumi took another delicate bit of toast into her teeth. "I think I prefer the Yamataian protest songs. But you didnt like that either, I recall..." A musing, almost mocking stare. "No Adrian Wiell or Victor Marhen or Saya Kikuchi for you!"

"You would do better for yourself if you didn't try to associate yourself with radicals so much, I think. I don't know what I'd do if I got a call from the Security Agency saying you'd been arrested for anti-Yamatai activity. I know I'd be very disappointed, though.

Yumi tapped his nose, speaking through a mouth half-full of food. "...mmmf... if they 'rrest me they just validate everything Victor ever protested..." She swallowed quickly, leaving half a crust on her plate. "A utopia cant be built at the cost of freedom. Just because we can police thoughts doesnt mean we should, or have any right to." She rubbed her eyes then, holding back a yawn. "Besides, Tet-chan, my choice to associate myself with radicals if I want to. Theres never any change for the better without a radical here or there."

Tetsukana just frowned disapprovingly. The rest of breakfast was pretty quiet.

Finishing her own food, unsure about Tetsukana, Yumi pushed herself off from the counter. He could disapprove of her if he wanted, really... he couldn't possibly have expected her to remain the painfully sheltered marionette she had been before. "I'm going out, Tet-chan. If you want to come, you can meet more of the radicals I associate myself with." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "I just need to take a shower. Nyaa!"

"I think I'll stay at home," the man mumbled.

Yumi winked. "Nankurunaisa, Tet-chan." She dashed off to the shower, removing the sundress as she ran.

Tetsukana pressed himself upgainst the counter, blushing furiously.

Perhaps half an hour later, Yumi came prancing down the stairs, barefoot and in a rather slinky dress, blood red and showing perhaps a bit more cleavage than was appropriate. Lips were adorned in lipstick of the same color, and there was a slight touch of scarlet eyeliner over her lashes, too. She came tipping back into the kitchen on bare feet, smelling of peaches and vanilla. "...sure you wont come, Tet-chan?"

The kitchen was empty. Where had the man gone?

Yumi sighed. Ah well, she couldn't expect him to just sit there while she dolled herself up. Even if they were growing apart, she owed Tet the respect of a repeat invitation. She showed herself to his room, knocked at the door. "...Tet-chan?"

Inside, Tetsukana frantically reached for the comforter and pulled it over his lower body. "Yes, Yumi-chan?" he answered from the bed.

"I'm going now, sure you don't want to come?" The rustling of bedsheets ellicited some curiosity, but she didnt open the door. Privacy was sacred.

"I am just feeling a little tired," the man answered. "I decided to take a nap. Old age, I suppose."

"Alright, Tet-chan. I'll be back in a few hours." Thus she left him in peace, still naive to his masturbatory fantasies. Yumi left the house, taking down the street bare-footed at a moderate pace. On to her university, it would be, today. And then perhaps she would drag reluctant friends to a Lau film.

Outside, the weather was cool, with a light drizzle of rain and a thick fog over Kyoto. Cars slowly wandered the streets, as did people on foot. The streets had many Tricorner hats in them, but not nearly as many as, say, six months ago. It seemed like there were less Star Army personnel on leave these days. There were reports of troop shortages, excluding the mass-produced low ranking nekos.

Yumi didn't miss the lack in shore-leaved troops, and it brought her mind back to Rufus momentarily. She pushed the thought away, and continued south on the streets, singing to herself a half-step off key or so. "Outside, a crisp touch of strange divine..." She promenaded her way on to the university, ultimately finding her key with the mournful piece, sparing a few extra seconds to stare after every tricorner hat she passed... hoping against logic.

One of the troops caught her looking, and smiled at her warmly. The Yamataian soldier was quite young looking, probably at the minimum age to join the Star Army. He had big brown eyes and cute face revealing a Japanese ancestry; he was a pretty version of the average Yamataian high school boy. An empty triangle rested on his chest; he was a trainee not yet assigned to a fleet. "Good morning, miss."

Yumi paused, then tilted her head and smiled. "...ohayou." She spared a moment to talk to him, it was an issue of other's perceptions. "Were you going anywhere, la?" She set a pinky finger to the corner of her lip, noting the patch. No, he wouldn't know her Rui, but that was alright.

"Just wondering around," the boy smiled. The other boy he was traveling with pushed him towards her and walked away giggling. "They are still finding a ship for me." He walked over and bowed to the pretty lady. "Trainee Susumu Arata, Hajimemashite."

Yumi smiled and returned the bow. "Takehara Yumi. I was going to meet some of my friends at the campus, if you'd like to come?" Another opportunity presented! Pull an army lad to a Lau film!

"Um, okay!" The boy grinned, looking this strange, pretty girl up and down one more time. This was certainly something unexpected.

Yumi returned the grin lightly, offering her arm. It felt good to have someone to lean on, even if she couldn't have her Rui right now. "Do you like Adrian Lau, Arata? Since the classic off-day ritual is for me to drag all my friends off to see another screening of one of his films."

She pursed her lips. "They aren't always happy about it."

"I don't know his films that well," Arata admitted. "I've heard of the name before, though." He thought about mentioning the effects the wetness was having on her thin dress, but decided not to, fearing she would think he was paying more attention to her body than to her. "I haven't been able to watch many movies lately, besides training videos."

"Well! Lets watch something fun, then! Come on!" She picked up the pace quite quickly, nabbing his wrist and taking off running, bare feet pattering against the cobblestones. Yumi had noticed the dampness of the dress, but it really just didnt bother her much. The campus wasn't far off now.

"Whoa!" the boy shouted, running along behind her. He followed her, thought, like an obedient puppy.

Yumi let loose a bubbly laugh, trailing off as she pulled Arata onto the campus. Her first reaction was to look around the north-facing field outside the arts center, see if she could spot any of her usual entourage of friends/fawning crushes.

"Such a big place," Arata said. "Kyoto is very grand." He couldn't believe she traveled the city barefoot!

"Its quite pretty," Yumi acknowledged. "...I'd like to see other worlds, though. Empyrean and Funky City and... maybe even Lor, whatever cities they have there." She pursed her lips, noting none of her usual followers. "...lets check the building. If they aren't there, I guess were alone." She fumbled through her dress pocket for her student ID as she came to the door.

"I hear Funky City is a little rough around the edges...well, more than a little. A girl like you might not want to go alone."

"Ive heard that. Still, a few tarnished corners cant keep me from seeing things. Ill just need to bring you along, Arata." A wink. She pushed open the doorway, and made for the stairs at the hall. "Well check the auditorium. Nowhere else is open on off-days."

"I'd protect you well!" the trainee assured her. "I am a Yamataian soldier, after all!" He wasn't trying to be arrogant. He'd spent the last year in training to be a professional soldier, and his impending graduation filled him with confidence.

His confidence, but it brought Yumi to a halt, she bit down on her lip. "Too many of you dont come back. Don't die, Arata, please? I dont want to lose a friend. Even a new one." She then resumed her pace, leading him off to the auditorium, and glancing past the door. "...noone, lah. I guess we go back to wandering. Have you a preference?"

Arata pulled her into the dark auditorium, towards the seats. "Let's sit for a bit."

Yumi shrugged and followed after him, allowing happy-smile to replace her expression. "...alright, la." She set herself down delicately at the edge of the seat, tilting her head towards him.

Arata sat next to her and cupped her hands in his. "Yumi-chan, when you say such things, it makes me worry a bit...I mean, I know there's great danger out on the front, but I am well-trained and will be keeping my mental backups current," he assured her. "And besides, there are far too many things I must experience before I die."

Yumi nodded slowly, glancing down at the floor. "They're all of them well-trained, Arata, every one that dies. It scares me some. A year ago SANDRA told us the Mishuburzyaa were defeated. Now it looks like the opposite could easily pass." She looked up rather slowly. "I'm sorry if I... worried you... Arata. But the galaxy is growing more complicated... and more hostile."

"I know...I joined because somebody had to keep them away from our home...I wanted to protect my mom and sister. The Mishhu already got my dad. He worked on a mining ship at Rufusland."

Yumi smiled a little weakly. "I'm sorry, Arata." She turned her head towards the stage, which would in nine days be inhabited by an unclothed version of her, looked on at by a thousand people. And it really didn't make her uncomfortable. "I... I don't think I could ever function in the military."

"That's okay. Nobody should have to..." Arata sighed. He wondered what strange twist of fate brought him into a dark, empty room with a beautiful girl. His roommate would never let him hear the end of this.

", noone should." Yumi agreed silently. After a minute or two of silence, she changed the subject. "Will you be here long, Arata? I'm playing lead in a play, it opens nine days from now... it would be nice to see a friendly face in the audience that isn't going to raise hell when I get home."

"I don't know...but I will come if I can. You're a very kind person, Miss Yumi." He rubbed her hands affectionately.

"...youre too young to be fighting, Arata..." Almost mournful her voice sounded. "I hope you can come. Although... it shows some sympathetic light on the Mishubaa... if you dont want to see it, Ill understand."

"No, I want to see it," Arata assured her. "I'll come for you."

Yumi smiled, and turned her gaze back towards the boy. There was a charming innocence to him, quite different from the air of confidence and experience Rufus had exuded. Something that was, somehow, much more attractive. But ah, her heart still rested on that man who had so easily conquered her. "Im holding you to that, Arata." A wicked grin. "If you stand me up, be warned that my fury will track you down no matter how far you flee!"

"Y...Y-Yes ma'am!" Arata sqeaked.