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RP: 188604 Labwork

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Frank had just finished the delivery of a number of containers to the lab area that had been setup in Nath Tower. Uso had given the lab to the one she called 'Dr. Claw' due to not feeling the need to learn people's real names. There still remained the question of just what exactly Frank was expecting to do here with the Dr.'s help.

Vier, in her usual muted tones, was there to assist with the unloading. Her drones setting down crates as she watched over the whole process silently.

The nickname of 'Dr. Claws wasn't really something he was going to enjoy, he hated it honestly. It was just a jab at his own condition in his mind but there was nothing that could be done about it. As he had something more important to do. Trying to help Amit with their similiar plight. However there was the sound of the doors opening and the man cast his green eyes toward the one that was waltzing in.

"Can I help you?" Lawrence asked, a bit confused as to why someone was bringing a few things in.

Lawrence didn't recall making a order for things, had Sera ordered some supplies? She was the one tasked with watching him after all. So maybe, she had gotten some supplies. Taking note of Vier, he finally rose up form his seat. Figuring he was probably gonna have to do something with this stuff.

"Need a extra hand?" Lawrence added.

Frank would follow in close behind before opening the boxes to check the contents of each. Upon first glance most contain parts of bio machanical components of various disines while the other few contain black boxes.

"Good it's all here, hello may I ask your full name since I don't like going by nicknames with people unless Dr. Claw is your real name?"

Frank said turning around.

Lawrence felt his displeasure grow though he merely took a deep breathe and tried to not let it get to him. Damn it to hell, why did that nickname have to catch on? A nickname he didn't want in all honesty.

"Dr. Claws is not my name." Lawrence commented quickly. "Dr. Lawrence Harbinger but please...just call me Lawrence or Dr. I don't like...that nickname that's apparantly going around."

Reaching out with a hand, he offered it to shake with Frank's. Figuring it was best to be polite in this way.

"So, what's with all this stuff? I wasn't told of supplies coming in by Sera but then again, it's most likely not the only thing I've been left out on the knowledge of." Lawrence said.

Frank shook the Dr.'s hand "my apologies Lawrence I was planning to have your assistance in creating a new type of soldier one that could potentially save the lives of many in heavy combat environments."

Frank would pages uso "would you be able to make your way down here ma'am if you are not busy"

Frank would receive a quick 'screenshot' from Uso's current field of vision... namely her hands holding a controller and 'lots of shooty' being played on a large viewscreen.

"Althought Uso may be busy elsewhere," Vier said. The woman was wearing what looked like a jogger's outfit, black pants, a grey sports T, and an armband that held a small datapad... though she also had a second one in her hands as she monitored the unloading. Her grey eyes and black ponytail certainly made her look quite desaturated in color, "I can take a guess at what is being worked on here. I would be interested in contributing."

Shaking the man's hand, Lawrence would release Frank's hand after the shake. Though he felt his heart skip a few beats with the work they were wishing him to help with. A super solider? Why more? Weren't their already those here?

"Pardon me for saying this but....why? Why more super soliders? When has making a super solider ever gone well in the long run?" Lawrence asked.

Mainly his view was due to himself, he hadn't been trying to make a super solider but what he had been working on some would say could be used for that. What he was trying to rid himself of along with the boy named Amit. Lawrence didn't understand the point of more super soliders. The tests the people would have to go through....the suffering they would endure...it was already making him uneasy. As Vier spoke, he looked toward her giving a small sigh.

"Considering I will probably get my ass chewed on for not agreeing as this isn't my project by Mr. Pine, I guess my knowledge of genetics and work with it would...help you." Lawrence said, giving a glance to Frank. "However, what exactly would this project do that would...well change things? And how would we prevent things from going downhill just like so many attempts done by other people?"

"No Lawrence not a super soldier, sorry if I worried you"
Frank took a step back "The idea is creating a doll so to speak, a doll is a learning bio organic unit it's learning would be confined to it's programing perpuses but all in all inexpensive and easy to repair units covered in sythetic skin."

As he finished he held up blueprints for what could be discribed as a chip "this is both their brains and a failsafe umong other things. If the unit tryd to get past it's learning limits it take action against it's cammanding officers the chip will activate a kill code fring it and killing the units involved"

"So...a bio organic robot is what you're getting at?" Lawrence questioned as he looked at them. "I'm afraid I don't have much skill in regards to building such a device, my main skill is working on the genetics of things. The best I can offer is you to have usuage of this lab and maybe I can give some additional aid in terms of the organic portions of this 'doll'."

Still, it was concerning. A doll? A robot of sorts? Robots had a tendancy to go past their programming. One could comment every bot did that. In a way, the strange Taurtron robot that was named Tacticus went past that and now while their body was being repaired, they were currently in a living body. Looking at the blueprint of the chip like device, Lawrence raised a brow. Then again, maybe he was being too worrysome? Thinking only of the negative when surely, Frank had some positives in mind for it?

"And what would they be doing to help out more? You've mentioned them learning things but what is the end goal? You mentioned them being able to aid soliders?" Lawrence asked.

"You have shown to have talent in regards to manipulating biological materials." Vier stated. "I would think that you two would be well suited for this task. The majority of those in our employ are focused on mostly mechanical matters. Extending our biological resources and talent will better enable us to produce medical equipment in the future. I can also use the more organic looking drones for a multitude of civil service tasks that are not appropriate for robotic tanks.

Though the Freespacers might object to my findings, it appears the locals do not like to have food delivered by our war machines."

Frank nodedd "understand the worry and it's a just worry, but note I'm well aware of the situation in creating them" Frank takes out a drive from a port of his skull and places in in a consal showing his body blueprint

"I'm essentially what I'm asking you to help build the end goal is creating a unit to cut down the actual lives lost in heavy combat situations on our side Dr."

Well he hadn't expected that, though he didn't really say anything. Just watched them. How much did Vier know? Probably everything thanks to Mr. Pine's threats. Just another person to watch him it seemed like. A sigh left Lawrence as he stood there, not really sure on what to do or say in this matter.

"I'll do my best to help and I pray things don't go wrong or anyone tries to take this project and use it for some other sick purpose." Lawrence replied, a bit firmly. "I can understand why people don't like war machines delivering stuff to them, considering that would scare any person who knows what the machine is."

Running his fingers through his hair, Lawrence would always feel uneasy having anyone else in the lab with them. Couldn't blame him really, considering his own condition.

"Though I have considerable production capabilities, I still need designs to produce. In the instance of delivering packages by warmachine: There are many Cupcake Mini-Tanks avalible for assignment, and an insufficent number of normal delivery drones for the task. There has been an increase for key tracking metrics for the population as the war machines are phased out of service, however I think that more humanoid options would provide even better results. I could also include other members of Uso's group who are responsible for preventing self-replicating drones from getting out of hand if you are worried about such a scenario." Though Vier was clinical in her discussion, she may have tipped her hand to Lawrence about just how much she knew. Vier had multiple bodies, many of which were carrying out other tasks around the city. No doubt Frank and Lawrence had both seen VIer in the same place as herself on more than one occation...

She also had the mini-tanks nearby, setting down cargo and then moving off. Each had high end optics and microphones.

Then there were the security systems of Nath tower. After all If Vier could operate drones remotely, what was the difference between that and a camera?

Most ships also had internal sensor systems on them as well... and the skys of 188604 were full of those lately... Her key metrics for evaluating situations could likely be gathered on anyone from just about anywhere.

Frank looks at Vier "right....anyway first step is to build a machanical frame around the black boxes" he said before getting things out of the box
"If one of you can begin working on that and the other on the wireing I'm going to get to work on the chip creation"
With that Frank would begin the process of the chip.

Lawrence felt unease hit him again at Veir's gesture and words. Great...of course she would know. Why couldn't he just...ugh.

"A more humanoid appearance would certainly help the delivery bots." Lawrence commented as he scratched at his forehead. "I'm...not the beast with making machinary or wiring....I can operate machiens but.."

He lacked the skill in building stuff from scratch like this.

"It may be easier to repurpose exsisting equipment. We could use a cloned humanoid body for the drone, and have it interface with the control system." Vier suggested, "Lawrence would be able to help with that interface."

Frank nodded "good idea if possible then do that just be sure to remove anything that is not necessary such as organs involving hunger the brain and current circulatory system."

"I might be able to help.." Lawrence replied. "However, with the large array of bodies to choose from, since this is your project Frank. Maybe you should pick out the....clone for...for this?"

Frank nodded "okay thanks" looking at the list Frank chose 5 body's in the six foot range at top physical status and had 95%
Muscle mass.

"I should be able to have copies of these bodies produced within a week." Vier stated.

"Alright." Lawrence replied, taking a seat in the chair he had been in before these two appeared. "So then, while the bodies are being made, what do we work on while this goes on?"

"The control systems for the body. Though Frank can build his chip using design software by simply feeding in the nessisary parameters. He will likely need help connecting that system to the physical body. We would need to research how the human body will react to the control system."

Frank nodded showing them 20,000ks "Vera and Lawrence can I trust you two to work on that after I get the chip made no doubt this is going to take a while so any money I get from jobs will be going to fund this project"

"I will work on this when I can. I do have my own projects but...I can make plenty of time for this one to help you out." Lawrence replied.

Indeed, it wouldn't be hard to fit this in. As well...his project kept hitting dead ends for a while now.

"Do we have any other considerations before continuing?" Vier asked.

Frank looks at the two "what ever you two think it's best do it this isyouis project just as much mine"
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