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Approved Character Lachlan Henessey


Inactive Member
First time out of the blocks here so lets go for something painfully vanilla.

Name: Lachlan Henessey
General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male/Male
Age: 25

Family (or Creators):
Father, Tony (Alive)
Mother, Jessica (Alive)
Brothers, Greg (Alive, in Star Army of Neplesia), Murray (Alive, albeit on the mend)

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Technical Sentry
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment: Technician, YSS Mikomi, 4th Expeditionary

Physical Characteristics
Height: 183cm (6')
Weight: 72kgs (160lbs)

Build and Skin Color: Medium, Flesh
Facial Features and Eye Color: Attractive features marred a bit by thin lips and a heavier jawline. Blue eyes
Hair color and Style: Brown hair, short and a little wavy

Distinguishing Features: Hard to notice peppery shrapnel scars on the left side of his head/cheek. Gang tattoos of fish in water on his back.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Fast to make friends, fast to anger, loyal in the face of all but betrayal. More than happy to repay an ill-turn with another. Tends to respect those who will stand up to him in a fight and settle an issue once and for all. An issue settled in this manner is considered dead and buried and the person in question no longer an enemy, possibly a friend. Doesn't mind getting into a fight he knows he'll get pasted in, especially if in defence of a friend. Besotted by his machines. Has a decidedly poor opinion of Nekovalkyrja, albeit with a certain appreciation for their appearances. Not in the market for a full-time lady friend, Lachlan resigned himself during training to the idea of having the loneliest bunk in a ship full of Nekovalkyrja. Enjoys the odd joke or seven with friends.

Likes: Machines, music of any variety, spirits of the alcoholic variety, a bit of the good life with some female companionship on the side, some casual violence periodically.
Dislikes: People playing tricks on him or trying to take him for a fool, Nekovalkyrja, self-righteous people.
Goals: Lachlan has few goals of his own, preferring to take his time in the service day by day.

In a planet run largely by the criminal element, Lachlan grew up on Neplesia as a repair technician to a crime boss. His family made their quiet, unassuming way through life serving this one crime boss. Here Lachlan learned the business of taking machines apart and putting them back together again - with the rarer gift having not finding oneself with leftover pieces when having done so! In lieu of a more formal education, this practical experience allowed him to train for a tech sentry position when he joined the Star Army. Because he served well and was seen as possessing potential, his Boss saw to it that Lachlan had a chance to learn the ins and outs of machinery. Of course, serving in a gang meant Lachlan was occassionally exposed to violence, which he found he possessed some taste for, much to his mother's dismay.

When the Crime Boss' fortunes went south, his people had to run for the hills as best they could. Lachlan's family ran further than most. They gathered together and said their goodbyes to each other and the three brothers each made their own way out into the universe. Lachlan himself wandered for a while before funds became too tight for any other option and he joined the Star Army, hoping to find a comfortable role he could live in.

Maintenance and Repair: Lachlan is familiar with and able to fix most problems with starship components and to an extent, systems. While not necessarily well-versed on how a part functions and the theory behind each, they will be able to keep things operating within normal parameters.

Technology Operation - Lachlan is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Knowledge - Lachlan is a bit of a buff on Yamatai military hardware, spending a chunk of his spare time reading up on the specifications as they are released.

Construction - Lachlan has some skill at putting contraptions together. His eyes light up at the challenge of jury rigging. With the proper tools and even basic instructions or plans, Lachlan does well.

Communication - Fluent in English, Lachlan knows his way around the written and spoken word well enough to make it through life. Although he is no University post-graduate, his speech patterns are of good quality, if a touch earthy at times. He also knows his way around SA Signals and Communication protocols.

Fighting - Lachlan has been trained in all of the usual suspects a soldier in the SA would be expected to know, from the hand to hand to the rifles and the pistols and grenades in between. Good with his fists, handier with a rifle than a pistol and barely passing in grenades. He often laughs about the whole idea of the training, trying to think of a scenario where he'd need to shoot someone in the workshop. But orders are orders and he isn't fool enough to disobey.

Mathematics - This subject was not Lachlan's favourite by a longshot, but then one must take the sour with sweet at times. He is proficient to the required standards of his job and his construction hobby but as little more as possible.
Character approved.
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