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Approved Submission Lak Sivaro Full Immersion Mechanized Suit

Alex Hart

🎖️ Game Master
Submission Type: Mecha
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:lsfims

Faction: VDTF
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes, by Edto in chat
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Unsure

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) no
Contains New art? (Yes/No) no
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) no

Notes: This was Edto's idea, but helped out in exchange for some art and gave it a bit of polish.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
First, let's not use the phrase "mobile suit." Just in case Bandai reads us. (Hi Bandai! Love Gundam! Great stuff.) Instead, "mecha suit" or just "mecha" is fine.

Please link to the polysentience system referenced in "Controlling ...".

The big question I'm left with here is, "How does it move in space?" I get that it has a turbine, but that engine article doesn't have a general speed rating, and I don't know where 0.3 c comes from because it's not linked anywhere. Where's the loss of maneuverability come from if it can fly that fast? How does it maneuver in space at all? Is the thrust coming out of the back, the feet, what?

Are additional weapons still coming?

How does it see? Does it have sensors, or is it just a visual?

How long can a Vekimen, in a fully powered and operational suit, expect to survive in such a suit?

I have reviewed this submission in accordance with the Guide for Submission Reviewers.
Hmm. Thought I got rid of all mentions of the term mobile suit. I'll go back and fix this stuff, thanks for your help.
@Doshii Jun
How long can a Vekimen, in a fully powered and operational suit, expect to survive in such a suit?

The pilot does not enter the suit itself. Instead, they enter a small, enclosed vat of a synthetic breathable perfluorocarbon goo that would suspend the pilot in a coma like state, acting as the neural connectors for the Modified Polysentience Teleoperations Protocol. While the Prototype was completely wireless in its controlling, the Combat version has a pod built into the chest of the device to allow for a hardline in its operation, or wireless operations.
According to Edto, he will make the separate weapons, and as for the thrust for the turbine, he says he was told not to give numbers for the thrust/speed for it, so I guesstimated.
Well, the turbine provides far more thrust than an Ion Engine. I had that the engines could provide 4.7x the engines weight in thrust, but was told by @CadetNewb to remove numbers as he said it was a needless number that would only go to show me more issues later. The engines can provide enough thrust to reach .3c if the vehicle is lightly armoured and it makes sense ((No unarmoured dreadnoughts going .3c))

Engines approved by Cadet https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:komodo_arms_manufacturing:vdtf_nuclear_turbine

It should have the Vekimen Sensor Suite

Where the thrust turbines are would probably be the back. they would probably have something for thrust vectoring or lmb thrusters so they have manoeuvrability.

The pilot, if in the combat pod that is hard lined, could probably survive in the fluid for say... 16 hours in space.
Just accept that they might not be so maneuverable. Because even with thrust vectoring there would only be turning force from one location on the body, and that would only let it bank gradually
It isn't meant to be maneuverable. Its a clunky first attempt at a mecha based off of only observations of another race's systems without actually reverse engineering them.
@Alex Hart, @Edto Xar'Sivaree -- sounds good on the pod survival time. Please add that to the article.

If you want it to be more or less maneuverable, that's fine. I just want to make sure the article agrees with itself via its talked-about technology and its descriptive statements.

Not adding speed ratings to the engine is acceptable, especially if it's going to be a commonly used submission. However, the submission itself needs to meet the speed standards, such as they are. That's why the submission, if not the engine, needs a listed speed that comports with that standard.