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Approved Character Lance Nemo

Lance Nemo

Inactive Member
Name: Lance Nemo

General Information

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Family (or Creators):
*Father: Frank Nemo X
*Mother: Julia Nemo
Siblings (#'s indicate birth order):
+1-Frank Nemo XI, oldest brother.
+2-Janet Nemo, oldest sister.
+3-[twin]Gavin Nemo, second oldest brother.
+4-[twin]Deavin Nemo, third oldest brother.
+5-Ellyn Nemo- second oldest sister.
+6-James Nemo, fourth oldest son, second youngest son.
+7-Magaret Nemo, youngest sister.
+8-Lance Nemo, youngest son, character.

Employer: Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia [on temporary admintistrative leave of absense due to belief of being mentally unstable]
Occupation: Technical Sentry
Rank: Private Third Class
Current Assignment: Horizen's Key [independent, self-assigned while on administrative leave]

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Measurements: N/A
Bra Size: N/A

Build and Skin Color: White skin with a slight tan. Fairly muscular, nothing that wouldn't be expected from one with military training.
Facial Features and Eye Color: His eyes are a deep, dark blue that seem to draw you into them. His face is smooth, clean, and shaven. His nose is non-protruding, gently curved ever so slightly and having a small bump on the end.
Hair color and Style: A fairly dark brown, it's kept fairly shortly cropped, both for personal reasons and military standards. About 1-2" in length.

Distinguishing Features:
Only the tattoo on his back, which is in the shape of his family’s most well known standard, a phoenix which appears to be rising from the flames of a previous death.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Unstable, he is capable of effortlessly and unknowingly going from one display of emotion to a radically different state of mind. While difficult to get him to snap usually, once he does, it takes time and effort to get back on his not-so mad at side.

Not an optimist in just about any situation, he tends to combine both pessimism and realism in his views on the world, lending his predictions and conversations to have a very believable and almost annoyingly possible negative tendency in dire situations.

-Zero-G environments (1G > current G)
-Hand-to-hand combat
-Mind games
-Strategy games/battles (Chess being a prominent one)
-Debates on almost all subjects
-Competent commanders, by his standards
-Massive space combat battles
-Combat simulations

-Those deemed incompetent by his own standards for command
-Extended periods of forced inactivity
-Diplomacy by anything other then weapons
-High-G environments (2x or more of normal G)
-Goody-goody two shoes
-Excessively strict orders
-Lack of leisure time

Goals: To eventually either gain enough solid respect to gain command of his own war ship, battle station, shipyard, or actually manage to purchase a personal planet at some point in his personal lifespan, effectively becoming independent of his family’s business for financial support.


Lance’s family is that of criminal background. His father is a tenth generation crime lord in a small city by Nepleslian terms. The family’s traditions dictate that the actual organization is passed on to the oldest son, or if there is no living son, the oldest daughter, upon the death of the current crime lord.

Lance, being the youngest within his family, was never slated for anything in the family business higher then, at best, a distant bodyguard for his oldest brother, which would have been an extremely unlikely, and most likely short-lived, occupation and life. Choosing instead to dedicate himself to other, almost legal, ways of life, he decided that he would join the military at an early age, both for the training and for the other experiences that he would most likely have happen.

He had envisioned himself as one day going to engineering school and starting up his own personal Starship Shipyard, hoping to perhaps one day purchase his own planet for his own personal use. However, without the financial backing of the family, as he was often over-looked and passed over being the youngest child and youngest son, he learned that the likely hood of that ever occurring was slim to none unless he earned it his own way.

Attempting to get others to teach him proved futile, as nobody believed him that he’d rather be an engineer then a trooper in his family’s organization. Finally accepting this too, he began to attempt to self-educate himself in engineering, much easier said then done.

While he was able to learn small amounts of basic engineering principles and eventually even enough to be able to make basic sketches of starships, star bases, and buildings that were practical, he never was able to get much farther then that on his own.

This all was by the age of 17, and it was then that he knew that the easiest way to gain funds and training, outside of actively participating in his family’s organization, he finally joined the Star Army of Nepleslia.


Maintenance and Repair: Lance, as his training dictates, is competent in all the repair processes needed to keep the star ship he’s currently on fully operational and useful in combat. He’s able to fix most of the major and many of the minor systems on any ship in the Nepleslian Star Army.

Survival and Military: Having both lived in a Nepleslian city and having undergone military survival training, he’s capable of surviving in both urban and rural area types fairly effectively while also avoiding hostile forces and/or awaiting evacuation.

Technology Operation: Lance is trained in the use and maintenance of a star ships AI to a limited extent. While not his best area of expertise, he can identify and fix minor and some major glitches in the AI, and is also able to track down, isolate, and delete minor to moderate virus attacks.

Communication: Lance is trained in the basic use and encryption of radio, hand signs, sub-space, and a minor multitude of other military and street forms of communication.

Fighting: Lance is well versed in both military and street forms of hand-to-hand combat, both armed and unarmed. He is also military and street trained in the use of side arms and most standard rifle and machine gun style weapons.

Demolitions: Lance has been trained in the setting and using of most military forms of breaching charges and hand grenade style weaponry. He is able to estimate the minimal amount of explosives needed to get though a wall, door, or other barrier accurately and consistently.

Engineering: Lance is a self-educated engineer. While he has no formal schooling in the subject, he has effectively utilized other sources of information to self-train himself enough to be able to sketch a basic idea for a building, encampment, starship, star base, weapon or vehicle, but doesn’t have the further schooling to add in essential components such as wiring, AI housing, or a multitude of other requirements for a useful and functioning device.
Character Approved.

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