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Approved Character Lapas Vejo Bounty Hunters

Allright, let's see what we got...

Besides not having an Inventory, my only problem lies with the skills. They are far too broad, and don't really state how he got them, other than he has them.

Give a little more in that area, such as, where he got them. Using "most", "any" , in nigh every skill is a bit broad, and would suggest he's come in contact with nearly every piece of equipment in the galaxy.

Add an inventory, and fix that up, and from a GM standpoint, it will be approved.

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- Sham
Inventory is all fixed and the Skill have been updated hope its more to your liking. Also sorry for the lack of links and the double post
Allright, the skills are slightly better, and fixes some of the issues I have with it. So that's allright now. (Could use some more elaboration, but I can't complain)

Inventory, thanks for adding it, make sure to eventually link stuff into it. (Don't have to do it right now, but try to get it done)

Otherwise, Approved.

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- Sham
Very cool, the elaboration will come when I can get a few thing of my real life schedule by the end of this week.

Thanks for the approval
Welcome to the Crew, I'll get you in the action ASAP. (Hey, getting on the IRC would help )

- Thanks for Reading
- Sham
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