Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Lawful Good loving Chaotic Good


The Pixel Knight
Inactive Member
A short fun-time IRC thing, that is almost too canon for Clusterflux

<Mu'Tasim> *Looks in the mirror* "My hair... it's already turned stark white..."
<Zus> "Weren't you born that way?"
[Lie]<Mu'Tasim> "No, it was brown."
[Lie: Success]<Zus> "What'd you do to change it, then?"
<Mu'Tasim> "Getting old?"
<Zus> "You're barely past Adolescence, don't go calling yourself old!"
<Na'Subir> *Sneezes from his place in the Nuocr, whilst his long black hair flows in the wind.*
<Mu'Tasim> "But I 'am' old! Look at me, I do little but sit and advise people. I am but an Acolyte in the Temple Guard and I have already taken up the duties of an elderly Guard Priest!"
<Zus> "Well, you should hang out with me more. I'll get you out of the shrine!"
<Mu'Tasim> "I..." *Looks away from her* "You... wouldn't mind?"
<Zus> "I would love it."
<Mu'Tasim> "Ah." *Smiles warmly at her* "What would I do without you, Zus?"
<Zus> *Grins back* Sit in a stuffy old Shrine getting high off of all the incense."
<Mu'Tasim> "Point, what should be our first destination?"
<Zus> "Anywhere that doesn't serve Kebabs." *Deadpan*
<Mu'Tasim> "Why?"
<Zus> "I haven't had a meal without kebabs since I joined the Vanguard!"
<Mu'Tasim> "Ah! Well, where do you expect to go on the Astartes that does not involve kebabs?"
<Zus> *Thinks for a bit* "Let's raid the storerooms and make our own dinner for two!"
<Mu'Tasim> "But, such actions are against regulations!"
<Zus> "Well, I can adjust the logs so that that food never existed. then no one will know it's against regulations."
<Mu'Tasim> "That is still stealing, Zus." *Is speaking in a more reprimanding tone*
<Zus> "Well... How can we get a Kebab-free meal without stealing then?"
<Mu'Tasim> *Stares at her for a few moments, seemingly unable to think of an alternate method. He sighed, and removed his Temple Guard robe, smiling in a somewhat surrendering fashion.* "Fine, we will loot the stores."
<Zus> "I'm counting this as your suggestion this time." *Grins mischievously.
<Mu'Tasim> "Ah!" *Is caught off-guard with that one* "You are as devious as you are intelligent."
<Zus> "They go hand in hand, really." *grins again, Hugging Mu'Tasim* "And next, we will borrow one of the 2-seater VANDR's."
<Mu'Tasim> *Hugs Zus in return but is shocked again* "Wait, what?"
<Zus> "They won't miss one of the Civilian versions as much as two of the Military versions." *Zus has obviously put some forethought into this*
<Mu'Tasim> "I know, but first we steal off with the Astarte's food, but now their equipment?"
<Zus> "Well, they were going to give us the food eventually anyway, and as pilots, we are allowed to fly the VANDR."
<Mu'Tasim> "I... can reason with that." *He smiles, arching a brow at her* "Did you come up with all this off the top of your head?"
<Zus> "..... Yes." *smiles innocently*
<Mu'Tasim> "Incredible." *Believes her, despite the obvious doubt he felt from her emotions* "You should've asked for leadership of the wing with such a clever mind."
<Zus> "I use my mind for the forces of good, not the forces of killing people, Mu'Tasim."
<Mu'Tasim> *Eyes her slyly* "Yet, theft is not beyond your scope of good."
=Malik Enters=
<Malik> "I do what I feel is right."
<Zus> "Like I explained earlier, we're not stealing it, simply taking our rations early, and taking advantage of our priveleges."
<Malik> "What are you two planning?"
<Mu'Tasim> *Laughs* "Nothing, Rashidan, we're simply going out for the evening."
<Malik> "... Is this one of those priveledges afforded to the top ranking pilots?"
<Zus> "It's only afforded to those with Flawless logic."
<Malik> "There is no such thing."
<Mu'Tasim> "To be honest, I will have to agree with her, she seemed to put forth a solid case."
<Zus> "Malik, you need to be female to understand flawless Logic."
<Mu'Tasim> "I don't even fully comprehend it myself, despite all my wisdom."
<Zus> "And quite the wise one he is." * Looks int Mu's Eyes lovingly*
<Malik> "Ugh. I just remembered that Zus was a girl. Now she's getting all gushy over Mu'Tasim."
<Mu'Tasim> "Indeed, as wise as you are intelligent." *He looks back at her lovingly, ignoring Malik's comment*

Kai: and this is the part where all the preteens vomit.