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Approved Submission [Lazarus] Altex (material)

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I'd approve this, but it could be written better. The stuff that's inside the parenthesis can just be made into their own sentences. They just need to be smoothly integrated. Also, I suggest including some original inventor or inventing company info in there. A simple link woven into a sentence would do the trick. I also need to ask - can this provide ballistic protection? If it can, that'll need to be put in as a general guideline DR for what it can do. On a side note, I'm also wondering if it needs to be put into the :material namespace. Hell I'm actually wondering if Structol needs to be too.

Let me see what @Nashoba or @Kyle think - should this be in the :material namespace? In a nutshell, this is a fabric based off of nanomachines. Also, should Structol be in that namespace too?
For consistency it should be. But that can be done after the review is approved.

As a construction material, we do need to know what class of material it is.
I think that would only be if it were a protective construction material though - it does mention it can harden, but can it harden enough to stop shots? If it's not protective at all in that sense, I think Osaka can omit that.
Yes, but if it is supposed be a form of armor it should. It ifs not usable as armor I agree.
Padded it out a bit. It can protect from something like a .22 or a tazer (when hardened) but any bigger than that and you have to dope it.
That was a lot more than asked for, and it just opened up more questions for me to try and figure out, but ok.

For this, I've decided to go and make changes; if they're not to your taste, feel free to go ahead and revert the article. We'll figure something out. What I did here was change the default protection to 0 SP, while its hardened state would provide 2 SP for just a few seconds. Meanwhile, the benefit of having a doped version would be that it had its protective properties indefinitely. I've also simplified a header title and changed it to Doped Altex as well. I'm also ignoring modifiers since it's not an Armor Class material either.

If this is acceptable, I'll go ahead and approve it.