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Approved Submission [Lazarus Consortium] Sub Computers

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
DIIWECS Subcomputer is rejected; OP and vague.

SDISTAL Subcomputer needs more information. How is it actually doing the work? What does it need to actually function? In what units can it be placed? What does it cost? When was it made?

Xtal Subcomputer needs more information. See the questions above.

ACTIVE subcomputer is rejected; OP and vague.

BASTARDS subcomputer is rejected, OP and vague.

LEER Subcomputer is in limbo; I want to know more about SDISTAL first.

Please delete the rejected submissions.
With the exception of BASTARDS, these are all based on things the F35C is doing right now.

I should point out their effectiveness is quite poor and unreliable. They offer a fringe improvement on your odds of going undetected: a "better than nothing" sensation for pilots who if they make one wrong move are silent running so they're naked, to be torn apart by anyone who might see them.

That would need adding. A way of reducing enemy effectiveness, not stopping enemy effectiveness. To get hit and seen less often and less clearly - rather than to get hit and seen not at all.
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How is it actually doing the work?: It applies OODA loops looking for information trends to information the same way a pilot would, but is deliberately looking for what pilot's aren't. It is based in statistics, rather than feelings and emotional judgement.

What does it need to actually function?: A comprehensive sensor system and reasonably powerful computers. I'm not sure how we classify units within the setting. We're talking a big dedicated external sensor system, like a dish or something. Something that can be shot and disabled. If good computers aren't available on site to process what SDISTAL is asking for, you need a quantum modem connection to one remotely

In what units can it be placed?: The piece itself is quite small but its sensor needs are quite large. Think recognissance type versions of deployed units or by using the combined battle sensor information of many units to form a single SDISTAL awareness.

What does it cost?: I haven't decided. This one's a doozy.

When was it made?: Probably this year.

^ If all this is all reasonable and signed off, I'll go and get it up into the article if you've no further questions.

I'd like to clarify and nerf the other equipment as formerly mentioned.

My reasoning for it all seeming so unreasonable is... Well.

Better to go into a submission too strong and too vague and work things into understanding than too weak and too complex and have an unworkable submission, right?

This wasn't presented in a working state because I don't 100% know what a working state is.

That's not for me to decide, that's for you to decide.
Go ahead and make your changes, and I'll take a look at it again. The explanations do help some, but those explanations need to be frosting on top, not baked deep within. Which is to say, "create an OOC section for them."
Considering the OOC notes have been added, I approve of these computers.

That said, I hope these don't ever see PvP usage, as hell only knows how they'd work then.
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