Star Army

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[Lazarus] Energy Regulation Software


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Software
Submission URLs: Energy Management Software, EMS De-Limiter extension

Faction: corporate (Lazarus)
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) N/A

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Previously Submitted? No

Needs some tweaking but I need feedback from other GMs to perfect it. Based on a foundation of things already used in the SARP used unofficially and realworld technologies used today - for example, the way F1 and racing engines are tuned for sheer maximum performance and are only meant to last two or three races, not an entire life-time of performance like a family car would.
What faction is this for?
She already listed that in the submission form, it's for Lazarus. They're a civilian corporation developing technology.
Items have to be approved by a faction manager. Factions are nations...with the exception of Origin, which is counted as a faction since it has two plots.
How does that apply? This isn't for a faction. Unless we've now got a general civilian manager, this could be bought or sold in any of the factional regions (I'd assume), so...
I believe the appropriate faction manager for Lazarus submissions is Doctomoe since they're a Lorath corporation.
Best way to say, because my corporation has stuff that is sold in Yamatai and Nepleslia. Where is the company headquartered?

That's why my submissions always require Yamatai FM approval. Lazarus as a Lorath corp, needs the FM for the Lorath.
This is software that's meant to be sold to the civilian market. Any idiot can run it. And DocTomoe already gave the goahead and suggested it actually had very little to do with our nation or faction.

tl;dr: It isn't for a faction. Its a thing open to whoever installs it on whatever they install it on.
This is my distinctively green approval of the system to be produced by a Lorath corporation. Thank you for your consideration of my faction manager status at this point, and I would further like to thank Osaka for producing an excellent software package which finally addresses the common-place occurrence of a pilot or operator redistributing power.
Heeeeeeeey, th8nks for the vouching and all that. Pretty gr8 of you to finally sh8w up and share your m8ghty grace with the r8st of us but you're using ALL OF THE GREEN TEXT. ALL OF THEM!! I mean you're not exactly a LORD, are you? Talk about a sense of s8lf-ent8lement, huh?. You're not even slightly ENGLISH !!

Thanks, though. You can be a little ch8ru8 when it suits you :::;)

W8ll, th8nks 8nyw8y. T8 c8r8.
