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RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] - Fields of pyrite


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Lazarus Consortium Sponsored Housing & Research Complex 314 - Nyli System - Planet II

Somewhere Damp

Click Click
Click Click
Click Click

Such a simple sound. A sound that kept echoing down the hall from the open hatch which light spilled from.

Click Click
Click Click
Click Click

There were other sounds. Less pronounced. The steady hum of cooling fans - a small airport of processors humming away. The subtle clatter of a single hand dancing over oldstyle manual input tools. In the background, the omnipresent drone of atmospheric processors and the droning reactor. But there was no light down here, deep beneath the surface of Nyl II, deep beneath her oceans - tainted in silver rendering the water close to sterile, despite the vast swathes of fish, each adapted or immune to its effects through an odd course of evolution.

The silver had however, crystallized around the edges of the research station - climbing like arms towards its ominous center on bonds of silver, pyrite -- fool's gold in Nepleslian tongue -- and oxygen. This stuff grew in fields, as far as the eye could see.

Inside the synthetic shell, occupants were battered with an assault of florescent light or candy-red bathed areas - designated not for entry, most of the complex - like everything Lazarus - automated - with the exception of but eight people. There were of course less punishing sources of light but they were unofficial resources, brought into the housing and research facility by occupant residents.

There were, however, windows. Small portholes that they were, tiny pinpricks of light from the outside. On occasion, they became signalling markers to provide navigation a courtesy to Lorath maritime undersea ships.

Dark. Dreary. But private. Very private.

Their little home sat on the lowest emission source readily available on a fault-line, soaking up geothermal energy driving the intricate processes in action at the research facility, which was almost constantly expanding. It resembled a mass of coral triangular polygonal structures in a massive ring shaped crown, lacking the jewels which would render it complete.

Low emissions meant low-observability.

The jewel in question was still under conceptualization, with a splot for it to be placed. Indeed, that was the purpose of this facility, to dream and develop on a limited scale under everyone’s noses without anybody ever knowing. Specifically, this place was devoted to volatile reactor technology, which an atmosphere couldn’t soak up if anything went wrong - demanding the immense pressures of an ocean.

A muffled cacophony of noise tickled beneath the deck plating onboard - of automated machines scuttling maybe twenty or thirty meters beneath the disgruntled white haired researcher, who sat bored at his work-station, steadily clicking a pen between his fingers between bouts of even more clicking.

He was waiting for the Lazarus server-farm to finish rendering the visual representation and chemical constituancy tests of a set of genomes once subjected to radiation produced by the “demon core” as researchers have called it, though Aurora was her proper name.

"Unnngh... you would think they'd allocate more of those walking computers to this... did I really tick them off that much with that joke a few months ago? I mean really... stealing all of their jumpsuits while they were in interface mode was not too much of a joke, was it?" Miles mused, to his progress-bar before opening a readout to see how many ARIA had been dedicated to his task.

“…A quarter of one!? Out of five thousand… Oh come ON!”

There was a sigh that followed his gripe as he pulled off a pair of slim headphones, the rumble of the things below tickling his ears before he tossed the band aside, moving into the kitchen corner of his little dormitory.

The years had been somewhat kind to Miles Gunn. He had retained his figure from his military days, though his once young and arguably boyish features had been overturned somewhat by age and stress, as the faint hint of white hair follicles that graced his jaw and chin said. It gave a strange intensity to his accented grassy green gaze. None the less, he remained a fine example of a Nepleslian man, as he saw it, justifying this as he reached into the refrigerator for the nectar of his kind:

A beer.

Not that far, two figures sat either side of a kitchen table, a checkered table of black and white with various figures dotted in strange patterns between them. While they seemed so radically different (one a polarized artificial take on the other), a second look would reveal their identical features.

She with the sea-green hair sat staring at the board infront of her.
She with the snowy white sat impatiently.

"Are you going to move or not?" the albino grumbled.

Sana's eyes rose from the board.
"I'll move when I'm ready, Rebbie."

"When you're ready" Rebeka mirrored in rich visceral disappointment, choking on it. Every turn Sana took was so much longer than her own. To her,”ready” never came.

Sana looked aside, regarding Miles with a smile as he joined them that illuminated her features.
"Back so soon? I thought you said it was going to take a while."

“It is taking a while. But its out of my hands. This is why I hate sentient computers. They can be choosy about how they allocate their processing power. Remember the incident last month?”


“They’ve decided to punish me by choking back my rendering speed to the stone-age” he grumbled, a flick of the lid of his beer-bottle against an attachment of the refrigerator popping his bottle open.

“Now, about ‘taking a while’…How are things here?” Miles quizzed, sat between the two on a bean chair, suckling the froth that rose from his bottle as he took in the game.

“Oooh~ Sana… Looks like you’ve really got her now!”

“Have I?” she stared up. She was pushing a strong position but her expression said she hadn’t realized it. Rebeka biggest problem here was reading the intentions of an inexperienced player.

"Oh goodie." the Sourcian grumbled again.

"...You are joking, right?" Sana smiled, trying to make sense of her position.

Miles turned to Sana and delivered a classic Nepleslian sign of trickery: a wink.
“Not joking at all. I mean, you’ll have her in check within three moves. If you keep this up”
He was of course, spouting total bullshit. To him, it was clear Rebeka would pick up on her position and pull the rug out from under her. Mostly due to those nodes floating within her body, at least some of them devoted entirely to tactical calculations. Afterall, it was one of the few things she was good at.

"So what exactly are you playing with today?" Rebeka asked, her arms crossed. She seemed disappointed in something as she stared at the board.

"Radiation effects on naturally occurring genetic material." Miles explained, as he took a sip of his beer and let out a sigh. "Nothing as fun as I'd like to be doing. Though, it's my expertise, so I can't argue."

"And you'd like to be doing what exactly?"

"Well… I was having fun designing cybernetic components for niche applications, as well as working on biological-mechanical interfaces for that project they've been pumping most of the efforts of the server farm into." Miles spoke, as he gave a shrug; "That, or something really fun, like a gun, or something perverse."

"Perverse?" Sana mirrored. Rebeka decided to keep her mouth shut in this case.

She knew better.

"Perverse. I don't know, maybe some new biological augmentation technology, or I'd really like to revisit that pico-jelly stuff - my own invention, naturally. Maybe embed it with some new materials that would make it more fun. Perhaps even give it some sentience so it could anticipate the user's wants."

"You won't replace me that easily" Rebeka laughed inwardly. It almost hurt.

There was a chuckle from Miles, as he took a pause thanks to Rebeka's commentary. "Hrm.... I don't know, that, or just design a really nice set of cybernetic tits or something." Miles mused, as he let out a laugh.

"We’re perfectly adequate in our aesthetics, thankyou" the Sourcian almost spat, the two returning to the chess-board.

"Who said they were for either of you two? I mean, I can augment Sana the old fashioned way, as for you Rebeka... well... I don't even think that most cybernetics would work on you if it were not for that embedded endoskeleton we added." Miles explained as he scratched his stubble speckled chin.

Rebeka smiled, almost fondly. "Its nice not to wake up in the morning and ooze out of bed." Rebeka thought for a moment. "Not that I sleep. Or have a bed. Oh~! You could give them to that supervisor of yours. The short one who hates shoes."

"She is not my supervisor." Miles spat, almost as if to mirror Rebeka's clearly insulted stance in response to his talk of cybernetic tits.

"I don't like her" Sana grimaced. "...But to be fair, she is a Lorath."

"Now now, that's a bit catty of you, isn't it?" Rebeka leant forward, pinching Sana's cheek. Baby-talk followed. "Youww supposed tow know bettew, bein’ in ~such~ enlightened company, aren't you~?"

"Catty? Don't you mean that guy who followed us around? The small one?" Sana spoke through tightened lips. She grinned, knowing the can of worms and consequent shitstorm she could stir up with this one question. "What was his name?"

"His name is - ..."
"Dico" Rebeka jumped in, speaking over Miles.
"-...Dico. And speaking of him in the past tense is not really accurate, he is still around, he just avoids her." Miles spoke, as he thumbed his finger in Rebeka's direction.

Rebeka's features froze before melting into something of a frown. She was still thinking about him. "He probably has better things to do than put up with the three musketeers" she said, featureless for the moment, her fingers cradling a clouded glass of water.

"Not really, he is still our liaison to the Lorath Matriarchy. Though, I think he just steers clear of you Rebeka because he likes his feathers intact. You did kind of have a thing for plucking them when you were teasing him... and you did that often." Miles recalled, as he gave a soft shrug. "I don't know, leave him a nice note or something, maybe he'll come around."

Rebeka's gaze rose skyward, thinking of the one feather she chose to keep - a particularly large one that sat in an envelope. in a small box under her ribcage. Under lock and key.

"A nice note..."

"Well, its not like you can read" Sana laughed quietly. "Let alone write."

"...So I don't see the same way you do. That doesn't mean I couldn't learn to read."

"So no note, then?"

"I ... Didn't say that."

"But you won't write one, will you? You need to get off your backside and stop feeling sorry for yourself." It seemed Sana's manner matched her chess-game.

Rebeka's shoulders slumped, thinking of the Maras. As they always did. Why did humanoids value such useless skills as reading glyphs encoding phononyms? Couldn’t they read and write a genome, like any intelligent species?

"Why don't you verbally dictate a note?" Miles suggested, his latent engineering mindset lingering into the conversation with the urge to fix the problem.

"...Because I wouldn't be able to proof-read it." Rebeka grumbled, remembering the utter distaste Sana had for dictation - something that she'd inherited.

"Have the computer read it back to you." Miles recommended, as he gave a light sigh. "I mean, that is if they'll be nice enough to do it without giving you trouble."

"I don't think he'd read it anyway." the Sourcian said quietly, watching Sana's hand slide the piece across the board - a queen moved into a position ready to attack a pawn at D7.
Immediately, as if she hadn't even thought about it, Rebeka simply stepped a pawn forward to block whatever advance the queen would have made - a knight defending the position so even if Sana did take the queen, the knight would have her.

Miles gave a laugh "He's a New Tur'listian, all they do is read." with those words though, Miles put his gaze back on the chess board, as he worked out the implications of Sana's move.

"Two moves, seventy three ways." Rebeka stated flatly as she waited the long wait for Sana again. "Your move."

"Hrm... do you two have anything wagered on this little game?" Miles asked, curious if any meddling would result in a dire circumstance.

"Wager?" the two said together. As much as they had their idiosyncrasies, sometimes they were the same person.

"You know... any sort of arrangement of the exchange of some sort of prize which would be awarded to the winner, or some sort of penalty for the loser?" Miles elaborated. "Though, I don't see what we could really wager around here... since money does not really amount to much when you're locked in a can on a sea floor."

"How about...” Rebeka's eyes began exploring the room. They settled, locked squarely on Miles'.


Sana's posture visibly stiffened. She almost gasped - mouth agape. "Whaat?"

"That simply won't work. Sana has me, and she is keeping me. Plus, I'm not registered with the Lorath Matriarchy's database as a person who is a commodity to be traded or exchanged." There was a laugh from the Nepleslian, as he gave a shake of his head.

"Not an exchange of ownership. Just one night." she said, wondering how Sana would be affected. The green haired girls' knuckles were white. Miles could see she wanted to hit Rebeka.

And then the Sourcian peeked up at Miles.
"Or don't you have faith in your ladyship?"

Miles' face became a bit less amused, as he saw how Sana was affected by Rebeka's rather cruel jabbing. "It would be foolish to place 'faith' into this matter. Especially since you have her at a technical disadvantage due to your ‘unique anatomy’ retaining trace data regarding Sana's problem solving capacity."

'What problem solving capacity?', Rebeka thought to herself.

"Then let's make this fair: Gestalt chess: You and her, implants and all and whatever computing power you can muster, verses me. If I win, I get you for a night. Nothing unsavory - I can’t even act in that capacity - Just talking and maybe something to eat. If she wins..." Rebeka began pondering something to offer in return to keep this interesting.

While Rebeka spoke and pondered, Miles decided that he was going to skip the affair all together, as he picked up the sugar container and gave it a good firm shake in Rebeka's direction. "I politely decline." he spoke as nearly powdered granules of sugar leaped into the air.

Rebeka blew sharply - the granules twisting and flowing away like wind - though they covered the chess-board - Rebeka's black pieces now dotted with flakes of sugar - like the silver pyrite crystals growing on the sea-floor outside.
The Sourcian wrinkled her lips in frustration at the untidiness. Miles had picked up on this obsessive compulsive behavior and had taken to abusing it as of late - since Rebeka didn't respond to verbal threats or sarcasm as a Nepleslian or Yamataian might.

"...We could beat her, though..." Sana grumbled. It was now a matter of pride.

"Then you come up with what you want as a prize if we win." Miles suggested as he looked to Sana. He knew there was going to be almost no arguing with the woman, since she did have a distinctive trace of Nepleslian stubbornness to her.

"What does she even have that we want?"

"Nothing that I can think of."

That stung.

"Charming" Rebeka quietly said.

It was a slow night.
"How about this: I get you some more server time. I can get it, though... I won't like doing it."

"I was just going to get them a few boxes of chocolate... okay... maybe not a few, but some chocolate, enough to divide amongst the server farm." Miles spoke, sounding very primitive in his male-to-female relations.

"There's five thousand of them. You'd have to get a cargo-container full of nothing but chocolate just to give them a handful each... And they're quite greedy, since they rarely eat food. You know that."

Sana tried not to laugh. "Have you seen what happens when you throw a single kaserine through the server room? They're all locked down but they still try and fight for it...”

"Even though they don't know whats in it. They just assume its plain confectionery" Rebeka snickered - recalling the times her and Sana had paid them visits to see what havok they would sow - the two remembering the looks on the ARIA's faces when they discovered its effects. They sighed in unison after a mild bout of laughter.

"... We're bad for the Lorath Matriarchy's war machine, I think we're doing more damage to it than if we were still wearing Yamataian uniforms." Spoke the Nepleslian, almost serious in his words, as he took another drink of his beer.

"I kind of miss mine..." Sana sighed. "It wasn't much to look at but it was comfortable."

"You sold it to the supervisor, didn't you?" Rebeka peered up from the glass in her hands, elbows against the table. Her arms were long and pale, like a doll - fingers almost spider-like - nails drumming upon it.

"She's not our supervisor." Miles spoke, immediately chiming in.

"She seems to be a collector of Yamataian memorabilia..." Sana pondered, remembering how excited the small girl was at the prospect of owning a genuine Yamataian uniform, even if it didn't fit her.

"Maybe that's how you'll get the server time, Miles." the Sourcian replied.

"I could always make her a replica NSP..."

"A what now?" Rebeka grunted.

"Nekovalkryja service pistol." Miles and Sana said in union before Sana handed the floor to Miles.

"Besides, I should be tinkering with scalar emission systems to begin with, it's on my to-do list."

"Didn't you serve with that one girl she really likes? Ha’an’ka’ru... Ha’an’na’lo..." Rebeka mulled the words repeatedly, struggling with the Yamataian syllables in her Lorath accent. "You know who I mean. She never shuts up about her."

"Hanako?" Sana quizzed. "Oh! You mean Ketsurui Hanako?" immediately memories of a pint-sized captain, dare parties and the strangest use of hair-dye she'd ever seen coming to mind. .

"Yeah, Sana and I served with her. She was the hand behind my original demise." Miles spoke, sounding a little bitter.

"Sounds like a nice person." Rebeka's lips spread into an intentionally unfair smile, relishing his discomfort.
She thought back to the visual description of this person and then saw in her mind's eye the supervisor next to her. They were about the same size and build, though this Hanako seemed much more outgoing in the memories she had from Sana.

"I think they'd be a good match for each other" Rebeka laughed quietly.

"Who?" Even though they were her memories, Sana couldn't read minds.

"The supervisor and the Hanako." Rebeka held her smile.

Upon the mention of the 'supervisor', Miles merely released a disgusted sigh, before stifling his own displeasure with a drink of his beer.

"Yeah, if they didn't either kill or rape each other first."

"How romantic..." Rebeka uttered, whimsical for the first time in many months.

Neither Miles nor Sana could tell if Rebeka really meant that as they looked at each other, then back to her.


"Yeah, anyway... I think I better order those chocolates, and if that fails, I should start putting together a faux NSP." Miles spoke, making it clear that Rebeka would have nothing to offer if she were to be the loser in their little game. It did seem the good doctor had most of the cards in his hand.

"Do you think she'll buy it?" Sana arched a brow.

"Almost certainly not." Rebeka replied. "Not unless you can prove it belonged to her idol."

"Hah, that's why I'll make with gold plating, everyone knows her NSP has gold plating." Miles explained, as he eyed Rebeka. "If that fails, I'll just give her a basket of carrots or something."

Rebeka snickered quietly. Sana on the other hand seemed fairly oblivious.


"Haven't you heard about why she is on those springy prosthetics?" Asked the Nepleslian, semi-rhetorically, as he took a drink of his beer.

"No?" Sana replied.

"We were lucky enough to get the real McCoy for a few weeks. Renovations at the university or something."

Miles frowned a little "Who would call that lucky? Even in joking?" he spoke, as he furrowed his brow slightly.
"She is too fickle about the little things, I suspect she has damage to portions of her brain which are responsible for positive thoughts... likely she has burnt out her neurotransmitter receptors for whatever the Lorath use for dopamine."

"Have you ever seen her smile?" Rebeka said, eying the board, still waiting for Sana to make her move.

"Only when engaged in activities that would activate her serotonin receptors." With that, the Nepleslian took another sip from his beer.

"She has teeth like a Sourcian does" Rebeka said, intentionally peeling her cheek back with a finger and speaking through it - tessellated triangular teeth like some sort of bear-trap beneath her lips. "Though her's are serrated. Like..." Rebeka pondered, trying to remember the name of a particular animal. "Big, lives in the sea...We saw one earlier… Err…"

"Shark." Sana stated, slipping a bishop as bait into position in front of Rebeka's queen.

"Or some small Lorath land mammals." Miles added, as he watched his woman make a rather bold move.

"A rabbit." Sana smiled, ear to ear as the penny finally dropped.

"And so, carrots." Spoke the only male in the room, connecting the dots for Sana.

Rebeka slid her queen aside as Miles spoke, lining it up with a single undefended pawn. She'd now had Sana on the defensive for two turns. She'd have to counterattack on the opposite side of the board to force Rebeka into a defensive posture or this was soon going to get nasty.

There was the need to suppress a smirk on Miles' part. He knew a thing or two about the long-standing tactics of Sana, after all, he had to root around in her brain enough times and test her problem solving afterwards.
"Mmm... she is still on the fast-track to checkmating you Rebeka."
What Miles did not advertise was one essential thing, the one thing which Sana had in her favor was her ability to seem like she was always so vulnerable and defenseless - when beneath it, she really wasn't.

Sana could cry wolf like no other.

"You assume I can't read her" Rebeka stared. And he was right: She couldn’t.
She was trapped again, waiting for Sana to make up her mind. again.
Rebeka had an unusual style of doing things that pushed tolerances and had absolutely no concept of restriction or safety - a style that made her unusually aggressive, attacking from all sides simultaneously to keep engagements as short as possible. To that end, Rebeka viewed Sana's long wait not as a limitation of her biology but as some sort of stalling.

"Mmm, us Nepleslians have a saying about assumptions." Miles spoke, as he wondered if the Sourcian's ever so pushy nature, the need to cut to the core of a matter, would continue to propel her further into Sana's trap, or, would they both enter into the defensive?

Sana moved one of her rook's a simple step to the left. It seems she didn't need long to work that one out. That left Rebeka somewhat confused by the sudden change - and as a consequence, she spent more than seconds thinking about her response for the first time in the game.

What Miles saw was like watching a record skip, and with that, he took another sip from his beer before he changed subjects away from the game, to keep Rebeka's nodes from focusing on the match all at one time. "I do wonder why that girl refuses to get proper prosthetics for her legs. I would like to review her case, and see what I could do for her."

"Humanoids hate change" Rebeka stated, stepping a knight in front of her Queen, blocking the Rook.

She watched as Sana moved the Rook forward, but only once - amongst a minefield of possible locations Rebeka had already predicted into one she had not.

"Seems you do know how to play after all" Rebeka said, thumbing the interior of her cheek with her tongue.

"Sure, they hate change, but from what I can tell she is still quite young for a Lorath, I imagine she would still be fond of the concept of having legs. Ever see the way she looks at our shoes?" Miles inquired, as he gave a soft tilt of his head, as if indicating he were wanting to move past the top layer of the conversation. I wonder what makes her so bitter?

"Or how about the way she looks at feet?" Sana stated, wrinkling her toes with a shiver as she remembered the way the Lmanel in question had loitered for so long when she'd walked in on one of Miles and Sana's sessions. She grimaced.

Miles quirked his brow "You mean when she walked in on when I was giving you a foot rub?"

"Oil and all?" Rebeka whistled, slipping one of her own rooks aside - pre-emptively protecting her knight. “I bet she went into melt-down.”

Sana wasn't quite so slow now as she advanced a pawn two-steps. She’d begun planning, picking up her nonsense and carving out something meaningful from it.

Instantly, Rebeka extended her hand, putting the pawn she'd stepped next to in its place.

Sana stared at the board in frustration. Rebeka had instantly seen planning. She had to go back to improvisation.

"Hey, that's not in the rules."

"Its called en passant."

"En what?"

"You do know how to play, don't you?"

Miles let out a bothered sigh "This is why I refuse to play with computers and synthetic life forms."

"And why is that?" Rebeka arched a brow - not quite taking offense but curious none the less. "Keep in mind I am not a synthetic life-form."

"Because there is no skill curve. It goes straight to the unerring precision of playing chess right out of a book. I had one of those books growing up too, thick, as thick as your thighs." Miles jabbed without hesitation.

"Better to be as thick as my thigh than just thick." Rebeka erred in some attempt of wit. Naturally, it didn’t work.

"Not necessarily." Sana smiled knowingly, grinning up at Miles.

"Which means what exactly?"

"Absolutely nothing."

There was a faint growl in the back of Rebeka's throat as she spoke, a tiredness and disinterest as if she were yawning. "Of course".

"You know, I think the New Tur'listian caste of Lorath is into thick thighs. Their women generally seem to have a figure favoring the hip and thigh, not so much the upper body in regard to strength." Miles added, brandishing his knowledge like a scalpel being used as a club... cutting deep, and savagely, with such precision.

"New Tur'listian?" Rebeka echoed, thinking of one in particular. "Is this true?"

"Miles knows what he's talking about, Rebbie. He spends all his time in the company of Lorath. Well... And us."

"Yeah, I make it my business to keep track of these matters too. With prosthetic engineering as one of my favored fields of work, I need to keep track of what is in style for my customer base." Miles spoke, as he looked to Sana with a smile, as he thought on the matter of her company.
"Speaking of... we should spend some more time together Sana, since, the servers are taking their time rendering my work." With that, Miles decided to jab a little more at Rebeka, making his preference clear between the two that were outwardly so alike.

"Tasteful" Rebeka could almost be heard rolling her eyes as she waited for Sana to make her move.

"What did you have in mind?" Sana quizzed, her mind anywhere but chess now.

"Yes. What did you have in mind?" Rebeka felt her shoulders droop as she leant forward, tabling her fingers together in contemplation.

"Mmm, likely a tune-up on your prosthetics, a biological component exam, followed by a bottle of wine." Miles suggested off the top of his head. "Usually the wine goes before the fun, but, I doubt you enjoy a mechanic and surgeon with an unsteady hand." He spoke with a rather mischievous grin.

Sana's smile went ear to ear as her feet rolled, toes holding each other beneath the table. "With your talent, I wouldn't be worried at all."

"This is just sickening" Rebeka grumbled, standing from her chair, dragging it with her to fold up against the wall as she lifted herself up into the top bunk.

There was a smile which crossed Miles' lips, as he looked to the retreating Sourcian, before looking to Sana again and giving her another wink.

Victory was theirs for the evening, that much was quite certain.

"Mmm, well, now that leaves us some time, it seems." As he spoke, he gave a passing glance to the chess board. Their victory was won by a narrow margin - Rebeka one turn from checkmating Sana in at least four different ways.

What went unspoken by the Nepleslian was a portion of his trickery; it was very likely, that Rebeka knowing 'who to talk to' about the servers would likely go about arranging for more of the ARIA units to be allocated to him so renders would be completed faster, thus putting him at his workstation.
Though, his move in that case was clear... he'd get his work done far faster than before, and would have even more time to spend with Sana.

"Are you done yet?" Rebeka grumbled.

Miles gave a smirk, he knew she was waiting and biding her time "Not until sunrise." Of course, for an underwater facility, that meant never.

"That's... Disgusting." the Sourcian sounded again.

"What you find disgusting, I find delightful... also, challenging. Not every doctor can manage to operate for hours on end and enjoy it~" Miles spoke, with a rather perverse delight.

"Are you done yet?"

"Sana, I think we should head to my bunk, since Rebeka seems to be very disapproving of our activities." Miles spoke, with a devious smirk on his face, as he looked in the direction of the bunk-beds where Sana and Rebeka usually slept, like twins that were a little too late to get the hint that they could split up.

"Where am I supposed to go?" the Sourcian sat up in the top bunk, peering down at the other two. The bottom bunk was a double, the slat in the wall extending to the length the two would need. She grimaced, staring down along the edge of the ladder over the bottom side, knowing exactly what took place on those sheets - her disgust like that of a child discovering her parents weren't in-fact wrestling.

She felt singled out, despite feeling entitled to what Sana had (half of her very intellect BEING Sana's), but she knew better.

Miles gave a shrug which indicated just how little he was concerned for what Rebeka was to do while he gave Sana the attention that was meant to be shared between two people in a romantic relationship.
"I don't know, you could go out for a swim, I think your biology would be able to endure it, right? I hear the sea floor of this planet is rich in mineral deposits you'd want to chew on. Deposits of aluminum oxide and chromium… Those great fields of pyrite silver"

A bottom feeder?

They called you a bottom feeder?

Rebeka scuffed off the bunk quietly, reaching for one of her many environmental suits - a leathery black synthetic bodyglove. The fabric was too thick to be perverse. Her natural climate was one much hotter and much more humid than humanoids could survive in - and she spent her time amongst them cold without such a suit.

It also had the advantage of keeping the unfair products of her complex glandular system to herself. There was a reason nobody brought things like psychoactive toads down here — and she wasn’t about to rock the boat.

She sealed herself up, taking the Lorath jacket and cap she’d grown fond of, glancing back at Miles before departing. She’d had enough of the station.

She’d had enough of trying to clumsily replicate the illusion of social life down here - which was all there was to do when you weren’t working - said psycho-active properties ruinous in her experimentation with the other residents to experiment or recreate even the vaguest semblance of the exchange she had a child-like understanding of.

They called it coitus.

To her, it was as alien as sleeping or bathing.range humanoids called coitus.

And with that, she was gone.
Sana peered toward the door.

"Is she really gone?"

"Is she ever really gone?" Miles spoke, almost rhetorically, before he gave Sana a light tap on her head. "You and her, well, you'll tell her later about everything and it'll be like she had a camera in the room." With that, the Nepleslian released a chuckle.
It was not like he minded, it was sort of in the deal of ever getting with anything that resembled twins.

"Well... " Sana muttered. "She ... Wants the same things I do. But it is nice to get her out of the way sometimes" she grinned, settling down on the lower bunk.

"I still say you are the cuter of the pair of you" Miles interjected.

She smiled. "I'm really... surprised by Lorath engineering... By what it can handle.Do you think we should give it another test?" she said, bouncing slightly on the extended slat bunk from the wall, just enough for it to wobble slightly - amongst other things.

"Hmm. Another test would be a worthwhile pursuit. Especially in regard to the manual dexterity hardware, and the support drivers installed. Could actually claim I'm doing research even." Miles said with a smile, as he sat down beside Sana on the bed, before reaching out and touching his hand upon her own. It was a sign of affection, but also, an indicator of interest in regard to his work. An unskilled touch would just feel another hand, of another humanoid. His touch though, he knew what he felt, he felt articulated synthetic polymers and metamaterials tucked beneath a layer of synthetic flesh, forming false bones and muscles that were distinctively not natural.

“I was talking about the bed” Sana laughed
Her shoulder soon nested infront of his, her small shoulder-blade up against his chest as she shuffled a thigh over his, her smile softening.

"First, tell me another story... Some of those adventures you had, before we met."

There was a soft exhale of amusement from Miles, as he went about putting his arm around Sana's waist, while holding her hand. "An adventure from the old days, hm? Well, let's see... I told you the one about when we first found Lor... and when I arrived on the Sakura... and then I told you some nice childhood highlights." Miles' expression took one of some thought, before he gave a nod;
"How about I tell you a story about when secret black ops agents attempted to kill me on Yamatai?"

"Kill you?" Sana feigned shock, a warm smile across her features.
She soon lifted up onto her pale feet and made her way to the refrigerator, taking a pair of small green bottles. She ran her tongue through her cheek before baring her molars - each with a factory inscription along its interior - clearly not made of the original enamel she came with naturally.
She soon spat the bottle-caps off, handing one bottle to Miles as she sat back down now, her thighs either side of his waist. With her back against the wall, she eased him back, her chest cushioning his head as she drank for a moment, belching into the back of her hand with a smirk.

"Do tell."

It was a small shame to have her break away from their momentary cuddle for the beer, well, actually once the beer became part of the matter, it was not as much of a shame. Nepleslian priorities were ever present, even in romance.

As he watched her take the bottle caps off with her 'teeth', Miles did inwardly cringe, he hated doing dental work, more so, when he was the one who built the jaw component in which the teeth were bonded to on a molecular level.
He contemplated within that moment if he could just buff out damage from that kind of use, or, if he would have to eventually replace the jaw component within a few years. He figured that a bit of routine cleaning and buffing would certainly do well enough. He did berate his own self in that moment for not making the teeth able to be disengaged from the jaw.

Her arms soon rested around his neck, the beer on his chest for a moment. She grinned, watching him shiver before holding it to her lips again for another drink, this time keeping it at her side as her fingers played with his hair.

Miles' thoughts were cut short though, as he received the beer in hand, and soon, the soft flesh of Sana's thighs hugged around him, and with that moment, his thoughts instantly focused on the woman which he was so close to.
Then, that little belch, it was certainly unladylike, but, it was one of the little things that made Sana so natural, and so important to the scientist.

"Mmm, like most cases of things which happened on the Sakura, and under Hanako's command in general, this little adventure was entirely unexpected..." He started as he cradled his beer in one hand, while caressing Sana's thigh with the other.

"Hold up" she said, shifting her back over. Soon, her thighs sat either side of Miles' jaw, her feet in his lap. Carefully, she took off his glasses, settling them on the bedside table, smiling.

"I think you look better without them."

Miles quirked his brow on the matter of the glasses.

"I can go without them, not like I really need them. I mean, one eye is synthetic, and the other can be corrected without any fuss."

"Well then... Why do you wear them?" she said.

While he spoke casually, he could not help but to feel a flutter in his belly, as he felt the warmth of Sana's unaugmented flesh against the back of his neck, while he felt the heat bleed-off through the synthetic skin which his cheeks touched upon.

"I like wearing them for some reason or other, maybe I'll just wear them as reading glasses, they help with glare you know."

“You like feeling clever, don’t you?”

Miles felt very clever. At this moment, Miles was pleased to have helped Sana pick out a majority of her wardrobe - in the function of her choosing various bits and pieces and him supplying the obliging boyfriendal "yay or nay", as Nepleslian tradition dictates. His interests were of course somewhat biased toward particular elements, even this long into their relationship.

Particularly, what made him feel especially clever was the decision to buy Nepleslian hotpants and tell Sana they were traditional wear.

Sheer brilliance on his part.

That said, the odds were good that Sana would probably wear anything if Miles said it looked good on her. He began wondering what else he could get away with.

“Actually, they reduce glare. The Nepleslian sun shines brightly and habits form just as brightly.”

"Glare? You just like people treating you like you're smart, without having to work for it." Sana stretched, tightening her thighs delicately - the streation showing off her tone. "Nn..Nnnh. You're getting lazy in your old age, Mr. Gunn."

"Doctor Gunn." Miles spoke in correction, as a smile lingered upon his lips.

"Besides, if I were lazy, we would not have nearly as much fun as we usually do."

One thing was for sure, Miles did have to work to maintain his position within the pecking order of the former Maras crew, and, within the pecking order of the Lazarus Consortium.
Though, those matters were far from his mind as he continued;

"Now, you wanted that story, I should get started before I get distracted." With those words, the Nepleslian turned his head and placed a kiss upon Sana's thigh.

She laughed, her hand pressed against his head as her thighs tightened, almost strangling him. "Hah... He-Hey... When-when was the last time you shaved, Dr. Stubble" In the state she was in, she could easily break his neck.

It was a mild surprise when Sana's thighs clamped around the more vital portions of his anatomy.
"Aaack... a couple of days." He sounded, though not dramatically in the slightest, in fact, he managed to make it sound playful despite the fact that he knew the hardware beneath the synthetic flesh could crush his skull like some sort of delicate ornament beneath a boot.

When Sana's thighs let up, Miles smiled up to her gaze;

"I'll shave first thing in the morning. I'll use the straight razor, just for you."

"Can I help? Oh and... Story… Story… Rebeka told me you made a hut once?"

"Mmm, sure you can help. As for that hut, that was not too long after a long stretch of action on the front line, we took leave on 'Hanako's World', which was just discovered at the time. It was before the planet was developed into the resort that it is now." Miles explained, as he thought back to times years prior.

"It was something to pass the time while on leave, when I did not really feel like going swimming or messing about in the sand."

"Did anything happen with it?"

Miles gave a laugh before he shook his head a little.
"Don't know, when leave was over, after the crew decided to use my hut for the night, we left and I haven't seen it again. After all, I'm not about to go check around planetside in one of the most busy Yamataian port systems south of Yamatai."

"What did they do with it? And what did you find? ... “
"Well, when we were first there, the hut was well received. Now though, I figure they likely got rid of it long ago in the process of developing the area into a resort from what I've heard, and I've seen the resort back before we left the Empire." Miles spoke.

“And what's a 'Dare Party'?"

As he soon found himself confronted with the matter of the 'Dare Party', he did remember another matter.
"You were there for a couple of those." He spoke, with a little frown, knowing he would have to repair some more of the damage which erratically displayed itself upon Sana's psyche and memories.

"You know this means I'm going to have to examine you again to see how bad the degradation is this month. I really think it was a bad idea to make your new braincase with that structol derivative."

"Probably" she smiled - taking another long drink. It was becoming obvious to Miles now that half the reason Sana shared everything with Rebeka was because unlike Sana herself, Rebeka didn't forget anything.

If her experiences would survive somewhere, it would be in her twin.

"To forgetting things." Miles chimed, his tone carrying a sardonic ring as he took a drink of his beer. Not just a swig either, it was a full on guzzle as half of the contents of the bottle made their way down the Nepleslian's gullet.

Forgetting, it was most certainly something that Miles could drink to. After the essential belch (one Sana would share communially, both comfortable in one another's presence) that followed his words , and drink, Miles spoke further;

"We'll log your memories with a neural interface like usual, then I'll open up your braincase. I'll cut away the damaged tissues, and apply synthetic and cultured materials in place. Then I'll use neurological repair specialized nanomachines to tie in the new materials, and reconstruct any lost data from records we made prior to the last maintenance cycle."

"When... When you do that, it isn't quite the same." Sana stared at the way the light caught the rim of her glass - the reflection of the light above them.

"Its like an echo. I remember it, but its someone elses experience. The nuance is... Sort of lost. Like a reflection."

"Then that means we have to make new memories to be precious to us." Miles' tone was a somber one on that note. It was a tone that was carried by his family tree, from centuries of grim tradition that accompanied the name Gunn.
"Every day, we'll make sure every day is important in its own way. So when some of the memories lose their shine, you'll have others to smile at just as much."

"How long have we been together now... four? five years, is it? You've got that weird calculator brain, you tell me."

"We met in YE 29, the year is YE 34." Miles spoke, revealing just how that 'calculator brain' worked, simple math, but for those that were born not made, it was still something that involved more memory than math.

"Five years thereabouts."

Sana thumbed over the reflection of the light in the rim of her bottle - watching the emerald burned white glare vanish behind as she did so, extinguished - suddenly feeling very mortal when she thought about her memories.
"We should get engaged. Or something. I don't know."

"Agreed, no doubt about it. So long as you'll be able to put up with a nerdy scientist like me." Miles spoke with a smile, knowing full well that was part of the charm between him and her.

"If he'll put up with an airhead who spends more time in the gym than in the kitchen" she tried not to laugh.
"I wouldn't mind, yeah."

"Then we've reached an accord, we'll get married sometime soon. I'll hit up the 3D printer and design a ring for you tomorrow. I'll also install a data module in your brain so you won't forget this moment, including the nuance."

"Wait…" she thought for a moment. "Why don't you forge the ring from scratch? No technology." she took another drink, tasting it before just downing it as she her thoughts began to dance.
"You know, Just you, the man, none of that computer stuff. You know I don't like fancy stuff."

"I think there is a box of scraps around here..." Miles spoke, thinking. "Yeah, a box of gold and platinum scraps."

“And just a little pyrite silver?”

“Fool’s gold?”

“Well, I proposed to you here, didn’t I? I want to remember that.”
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