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[Lazarus] Gravitic Centrifuge


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Propulsion technology
Submission URL: Gravitic Centrifuge

Faction:Corporate (Lazarus)
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) N/A

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Previously Submitted? No

Based on work by NASA scientists which was declassified earlier this year.
I intend to begin review of this article at 6/4/12 at the earliest and 6/5/12 at the latest. Sorry to keep you waiting a little bit Osaka, so please bear with me. If this is not fast enough however, feel free to call another tech mod to begin the review process; I will not be offended. In addition, if another tech mod wishes to go ahead and review this before I get started, that is also fine.
No worries. I'm not in a rush: I've already started work on the equipment this is going to be used in anyway :3
The submitted article is/has…
[X] A very high level of overall quality
[ ] A general topic sentence under the title header
[X] Artwork (illustrations are required for Starships, Vehicles, Hand weapons or Small Arms, Uniforms for military forces or large corporations and new alien species not from the race of the day CCG)
[X] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[N/A] In the proper format/template
[X] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[?] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[X] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[X] No red and/or broken links
[X] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[X] Reasonably neutral point of view

The submitted article is/does not…
[ ] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[ ] Obtusely redundant
[ ] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[ ] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[ ] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[ ] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[ ] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[ ] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[ ] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[ ] Lacking Detail
[ ] Images hosted on sites other than (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc are not allowed)

The article has…
[N/A] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[N/A] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[ ] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[N/A] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.


Overall, the article looks alright, but there's a few bits amiss I think. First off, I believe it needs a 'general topic sentence' under the header - a slightly retooled version of the first sentence of in second paragraph of the 'About' section moved into the spot should do fine for that job I think.

Second, do include the In Character year this was produced and put to market. That really helps out anybody trying to figure out the chronology of things by a metric ton.

Finally, there's a few grammar bits and pieces here and there, but they're otherwise permissible save for one that got under my skin; inside the 'Comparison to the Combined Field System' section, do change 'available on our servers' to something like 'available on Lazarus' servers'.

Other than that, everything is fine.

For myself however, I need to run the article by others for the 'Technobabble' portion of the checklist however - though I got it, I need to see if others will, since what can be defined as 'technobabble' can be rather subjective at times.
Overall, the article looks alright, but there's a few bits amiss I think. First off, I believe it needs a 'general topic sentence' under the header - a slightly retooled version of the first sentence of in second paragraph of the 'About' section moved into the spot should do fine for that job I think.


Second, do include the In Character year this was produced and put to market. That really helps out anybody trying to figure out the chronology of things by a metric ton.


Finally, there's a few grammar bits and pieces here and there, but they're otherwise permissible save for one that got under my skin; inside the 'Comparison to the Combined Field System' section, do change 'available on our servers' to something like 'available on Lazarus' servers'.


For myself however, I need to run the article by others for the 'Technobabble' portion of the checklist however - though I got it, I need to see if others will, since what can be defined as 'technobabble' can be rather subjective at times.

Cool beans.

I'm not great with the DR/Speed system so ... Is it okay if I ask for some help (discussion maybe) for deciding the stats on this front?

The idea is its a premium technology, offering great performance but needing lots of repeated components and its quite costly.. So for it to really make financial sense, it helps to buy it in bulk.
Ok, first off with the simple stuff; can you put a link to the year it was introduced and the manufacture into the intro-paragraph under the title header? An example of this would be the Mindy's first sentence under the topic header. I think you only need the first, second and final sentence in the current header you have here.

Second, you don't have to worry about the DR and Speed Osaka - that will be, instead, dependent on the ships or other vehicles it will be mounted on.

Third, get rid of the imgur links - the images need to be hosted here on the site I believe. We used to have links to Photobucket, but for one reason or another, we had a witch hunt eliminating all of them and hosting all images here. Don't know why, but that's how it is now.

Finally, the article is too complex for the average layperson to read and quickly understand. 'Technobabble' they call it. I'll try to walk through simplifying this article piece by piece if needed, so forgive me if the pacing is slow;

We can start off in the 'Mechanism' area of the article I believe; in the first paragraph, we are best breaking it into several sentences, rather than having the one as it is. Have one sentence explaining that it accelerates the condensate. Then, have another sentence state that this is done by a method very similar to an electric motor, and finally, have a third explain that this is possible due to the magnetically responsive material inside the condensate. The explanation of what a Bose-Einstein Condensate is dropped, and is not needed here I believe.

You can go on ahead and edit other paragraphs as well, but I won't continue on to fixing the rest of the article in this post because I don't want it to become a gargantuan laundry list that may risk overwhelming you. We'll break it down into layman's terms piece by piece if that's alright.
I think I've fixed the technobabble for the most part. The construction didn't really need a lot of tweaking.

I really have no idea how to upload images to the Wiki, which is why I haven't done it yet. Could I get some help with that at some point?


Thanks for the help setting the images up. Is there anything else that needs doing?
Third party image links like imgur are not permitted.

Where did they did this info on the Star Army of Yamatai's combined field systems?
Third party image links like imgur are not permitted.
Fixed this last night.

Where did they did this info on the Star Army of Yamatai's combined field systems?

As I recall, Miles Gunn and the huge amount of kit you gave the UOC which a lot of them reverse-engineered and figured out. One of Soresu's characters also had knowledge in the field but I forget her name. Tai Shichou, I think?




Hey you guys, was here just putting my faction manager stamp of Approval on this submission from a Lorath company. Good work Osaka!
- Remove the CFS section and mentions of the CFS
- Change wikipedia http links to interwiki links [[wp>Article_Name]]
- Link YE 34 to that wiki page
- Why is it so cheap?
- Remove phasing denial section
Wes said:
- Remove the CFS section and mentions of the CFS

I've got access to Tai and Miles especially, who both know the technology well enough to implement. Its entirely plausible they were involved with the project. You also have to remember that most of the company's employees are anonymous for a good reason:

Lazarus Consortium said:
If desired, this can all take place in complete anonymously if desired with zero traceable trail between the consortium and the designer in question for legal or political reasons, with payments made to an unnamed account designated by the designer in question.
- Lazarus Consortium Business Methodology
This was all in the original methodology page, which you and the rest of the board approved. If the characters know what they know and consent, then this isn't an issue.

Wes said:
- Change wikipedia http links to interwiki links [[wp>Article_Name]]

Wes said:
- Link YE 34 to that wiki page
Also cool.

Wes said:
- Why is it so cheap?
Because I don't know the SARP economy or what a reasonable price is. Plus, nothing personal but I'd like to figure out a way to undercut the SAoY on bulk purchases. In an ideal world, I'd like you to be customers of ours, actually. I'd love to write gear for Yamatai.

Wes said:
- Remove phasing denial section
Why? Its a feature of the CFS so its inherited. Unless you're retaining or phasing out phasing (lol), I'm not budging on this issue.
I'll approve it if you take out the phasing part. I don't see how gravity fields are connected to it, and also we're trying to minimize references to phasing in the setting.
So you are retconning it. Thank you for being straight with me Wes.

Regarding the issue of CFS, in elaboration to phasing, it would be something it exerts but ONLY when running CFS, inheriting the property from CFS via implication negating any requirement to mention it in the article itself.

Regarding whether or not the hardware actually **can** run CFS, the electromagnetic hardware involved is extremely similar, since one of the designers came from a background where CFS was the bleeding edge in electromagnetic systems -- so naturally it inherited many functions of its design. By running software, the same kit can be repurposed into a CFS.

It helps to think of it as being like recompiling software to run on a slightly different chipset, assuming you subscribe to the increasingly strong theory of a computable universe, as outlined by digital physics which seems to be the future of modern physics.

In synopsis: the device itself when **not** running CFS, will **not** demonstrate anti-phasing capabilities.

Is this acceptable?



Osaka said:

>You stare at the computer impatiently, awaiting a response. You've been checking the page for quite some time now. You probably had other things to do that you've been neglecting but the outcome of your day is riding on this. Its time to get meta up in this bitch.

So... You don't really know the administrator as well as you'd like to. He seems like a fun easy going gentlemen, though he can be elusive from time to time. Slippery, even. You begin to wonder if his alien skin secretes a substance that makes him as close to frictionless as possible in order to evade predators. Or maybe he is a predator and he just has better things to do. Your mind is obviously wondering so you need to do something. Tapping your feet and being polite isn't enough. Its now time to show your frustration. Go on. Post the post. Be the bitch.


Well? What are you waiting for?



Well fine, then.

>Be patient. Its your loss.