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Approved Submission [Lazarus] Hard-Light Volumetric Projections


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Submission Type: Technology
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Faction: Various
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously submitted? Not as far as I remember?

Essentially a solid volumetric projection. Changes shape. Pick things up. Moves things around. Breaks if its hit enough or something. Also a pretty potent electromagnet. Yeah!
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
1) What namespace should I put the general purpose article in? Is there any special formatting that has to be done? What needs removing or simplifying?
2) Will do.
3) Alright.

What's the point in selling this if a nation can just 'come up with their own' as if they'd already been working on it for months, doing the research into the science and doing the math? Most of my attempts to get anything to SARP are met with failure because the science doesn't really work and I'm not happy with that. It isn't good enough.

Finding a way to both make it work and for the mechanics to also work well in the setting...

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It can go in the root and it just has to explain how it works and link to examples of the tech in use (e.g. your main article. Eventually other factions that acquire the tech would add their own links).

In your main article, you can simplify things by saying "X feature uses [[:technology_article_name]] to do Y" instead of having to explain the tech in the article. Like how I don't explain FTL drives in every ship I make, I just link to the general article on hyperspace travel.
One solution would be to define a "Standard Espionage Time Limit" for company controlled technologies after which through espionage or just reverse engineering another faction could gain access to the same sort of tech. This would force corporarions to ugrade/renovate at frequent intervals while also satisfying concerns such as when someone gets something shiny ENERYONE gets it. Also it would prevent corporations from keeping most technologies secret forever. I sont think this would work so much for race specific as army/navy research labs are a lot harder to infiltrate then most corporate ones.

Just a suggestion but it would satisfy both parties here.
Zain: The research labs you're talking about are massive operations thousands of miles underground in secret locations. They have no atmosphere, no catwalks, operate in artificial weightlessness and have no up and no down and operate in near total darkness with electromagnetically anechoic walls and are often freezing cold and there are a massive number of moving parts with no regard for anyone who might get in their way. They're death-traps.

They are literally giant living factories that operate like organisms. Just like organisms, they have an immune system.

99% of the development happens in software passed with quantum modems in means that aren't physically capable of being intercepted.

The consortium only has 12 living anonymous employees.

If espionage is going to happen, it has to happen via someone spying on one of the twelve or by reverse-engineering the technology itself.

, Helen Klein is getting quite close to Lazarus and recently abducted what she thought was a member -- who was in-fact one of the member's familiars. To clarify, these tend to be very lonely people, the twelve. They keep people with them who are unusual for comfort. Aiesu keeps a construct of Seiren. Arlyle keeps Lalah. And Lalah's the one who's gone missing. Unfortunately for Helen, Lalah doesn't actually know anything about the consortium: She's a nursing student and part-time waitress who's adopted an aspectation to put off puberty to disqualify her from entering service (essentially prolonging her parents wishes and a long long family tradition).

I think its funny how you all assume I do all this stuff and don't roleplay any of the backing behind it.

Talk to Doc about Helen, Wes. :3
Fun fact: WD-40 was never patented. Therefore, the only company that knows how to make it is the only company that makes it (because to this day nobody can figure out the formula)

Food for thought.
*laughs* I never said that it was absolutely certain that espionage could occur however it only takes so long for a government or other interested party to reverse engineer technology. Its not foolproof of course but then again I was merely making a possibly viable suggestion in the general case. In the case of wd40 there is little to no need to reverse engineer the formula as there are many many similar products. Technologies that would give a military advantage though have a much higher chance of being stolen/reverse engineered by governments not only so they can use it but also to find weaknesses.

Final note. RPing corporate characters is in not too many words, great. However I also have a feeling that most player owned companies are not roleplayed to the extent of your corporation thus my suggestion took that into account
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Couple thoughts I've got after reading the hard light thread and another of your submissions. This is mostly in response to your first post on the second page of this thread.

Running corporations in an RP setting is really tough. Your primary motivation is to create things that other factions want, and to foster that interest you have to excel at something - cost, technical superiority, quantity, etc. I think that's where the friction is coming from. If the company doesn't accomplish one or all of those goals, or it does and then has other factions immediately catch up, there's no real reason to have such a company in the universe. They're not doing anything but being innovators at that point, and innovation is only really useful (to the creator) if you can capitalize on it.

I ran one such corporation myself years ago in another RP.

The opposing force here is that some things do and don't feel natural for an RP's setting. The applications and qualities of this technology (building things entirely out of it, the lack of an energy draw after its creation, etc) are what I think makes this feel a little less natural. There's a few standard ways to correct for this. You make the technology universally available and then do a couple of unique (but not gamebreaking) things with it. You make the technology functionally balanced against the tech of other factions that do similar things. You make the cost of the technology (preferably in energy/stamina/scale, not money) significantly high enough to offset its disruptive-ness. You make it very rare, so that, again, how disruptive it is when you encounter it is relatively low to the broader setting.

SARP has some crazy science floating around, but there's a lot of perfectly reasonable science - stuff that we could do even today if we had the power to do so - that is barely present, if at all. But what is and what isn't is established. As an example, think about Star Trek for a moment. You wouldn't have the crew start using lightsabers one day. It might be technically possible, but it's bad for the setting. Part of why the show works is because you try to fire your tiny laser gun, it fails or gets knocked out of your hand, and then you have to start punching guys in the face.

No amount of technical correctness adjusts for things that don't fit the setting. This is really frustrating as a technology creator and I feel your pain. I get the impression that you've run into this wall numerous times before and will continue to do so going forward. Until you find the sweet spot where you're incremental and unique, without being very disruptive, you're going to keep getting frustrated by push back.

Do hang in there, though. I agree with Zain: A well played corporate character is awesome and great for a setting.
Reactions: Wes
If you're curious, just look up any post with the prefix [Lazarus] under roleplay. I mostly focus specifically on the perspective of a single character and from the many ROM constructs of herself: Flash copies of her neural patterns performed by AI in synthetic bodies with living covers like a sort of non-military terminator, which allow a kind of neurally copied telepresence.

It means she can make business negotiations with groups all over the setting and represent the group. The real Aiesu is far too sickly to represent herself anywhere: She's terminally ill with a condition caused by a corrupted aspectation (being L'manel, they aspect themselves after another genome to usually bolster their own psychological traits and operate as the shamens of their society, taking on animal-like characteristics).

Her own (Ey'tis: A wolfish thing resembling a cross between a rabbit and a desert fox because of its facial shape and massive ears -- and Haka'hn: a type of shark with some squid-like characteristics) are slowly killing her and the medications she has to take to stabilise her condition make her incapable of functionally entering puberty (despite the fact she was born the same year Yamatai was founded: Seriously, she's nearly 40 and doesn't look a day over 13 other than the shadows beneath her eyes and her often unwillingness to look after herself). Her big dream is to either find a way to prolong her life or a way to make a permanent construct (since all constructs hit a point of software entropy within three or so years and become corruptible beyond reasonable use).

As I've stated before: The SARP already has solid volumetrics. You've had it for years. This is similar but not the same: Using photonic molecules is the extra 10% push ahead of the competition.

Wes if you want access to this, play ball with the plot: Acquire it via in-character means, even if you defer to another Yamataian player or GM.

I've stated more than once:
The company would be willing to hand it over directly in exchange for an arms contract
as they've stated before, over and over again.

I mean shit, Aiesu's first appearance anywhere in the plot was responding to Yui's original letter. In a taboo way, she's utterly infatuated with Yamatai, specifically Hanako and Yui: She has a massive collection of Hanako memorabilia and Yamataian albums and films hidden behind a false-wall in her university dormatory which is madness in a society that thinks anyone who "kisses up" to Yamatai is betraying the nation. Her obsession is kind of creepy. I'd even describe it as romantic with a dreamy BDSM twist and very very very sexual: She convinced herself she does it to "get information on her nation's enemy" following the sentiment of everyone born before the moondrop of blaming Yamatai. She also has a weird obsession that any foreigner she meets is out to subjugate her and that she has to beat them to the punch if she can.

Just once, I want her to be brave enough to meet Hanako in person. I want to write her in a situation as an NPC: She went to a book signing: got Hanako to sign her book, asked to shake hands and then had to be escorted away by security because she wouldn't let go. Very sweaty palms. It doesn't take a genius to work out what she later did with that hand.

Bonus points if they're allowed to take a recording of something she says (sort of like how it is when you meet a voice-actor in Japan and everyone gets a free line of dialog to record for the price of admittance).

That would mean roleplaying with you though and you're usually too busy for that sort of thing. I'm wondering if I can have permission to write it up later and then have you go over it for approval. The potential for comedy is awesome though.

I need a picture big enough to be used as a wallpaper to really do her desktop justice.

She's very very fun to play. Very obsessive, skittish, nervous, snooty and angry despite how very frail she is.
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Actually @Moogle I was waiting for Osaka to post the generic stuff, but didn't see that she had earlier in the month o_o (poking people like this is a very good idea)

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