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Approved Submission [Lazarus] "Laplace" La+ Operating System & LAPINE programming language

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Please put it in the correct namespace.
Any feedback from the general community before a mod sinks their teeth into this?
Ack the grammar

If is this non-desirable or a mixed choice is desired
their data – and even is safe – and

all instructions are obsfuricated in a way which cannot be recognised by machines as meaningful information and they are distributed redundantly, with the redundancies compared to ensure the answer has not been tampered with

Okay you are talking about instructions, and saying that the machines can't recognize them as instructions, so how do they know what do to, let alone you then start talking about Answers when you started out talking about instructions.

  1. …If destroyed, nothing is lost: The data AND the user's processes are all on the network!
Why does the network continue performing processes for something that no longer exists? This is not efficient, and actually would eventually bog your system down. There should be a limit to the latency, after a given period the processes should be archived and discontinued. After all there is a good chance that the person who owned the device could have been killed when it was destroyed.

From the checklist
[x] Use bombastic language
  • Gets an instant and massive performance buff
[x] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble) The following are technobable and do not add any meaning to the article since they don't mean anything.
  • Crixa, elil, embleer, flay, Frith, hlao, homba, hrair, lendri, Owsla, tharn, threar, Sayn, Threarah
>Ack the grammar
I'll comb through it!​

>Okay you are talking about instructions, and saying that the machines can't recognize them as instructions, so how do they know what do to, let alone you then start talking about Answers when you started out talking about instructions.
Well, its like how our computers do what they do but don't actually know what it MEANS or the CONSEQUENCES of it. In a world of AI, I think this would be a pretty major feature, to have the OS *not* know if you don't want it to.​

>Why does the network continue performing processes for something that no longer exists?
Why does facebook continue running when the instanced is closed? We're looking at the network of having a service-like model: In the future, a hand-held device will just be a way into the cloud, not the main computer itself.​

>There should be a limit to the latency, after a given period the processes should be archived and discontinued.
Interesting. Yes: This is process reservist and conserves work which is efficient. And no: We're in a universe where that kind of computational power is no longer scarse. Solution: The system should look for especially demanding input and limit how much work it can do an hour. If there's no 'reassurance' from the user, the process pauses or times out.​

>After all there is a good chance that the person who owned the device could have been killed when it was destroyed.
Information which could be useful to other people. Protecting a person's interests is important: If they die doing something they love, its almost like there's a log, trace or echo of the person on the network.​

>Bombastic language
Merited: It is an exceptionally large improvement. This is going from your Android Phone to having an army of server-farms at your disposal with all of them from a user-perspective feeling or acting like a single device. Its literally the simplest way to explain it.​

To clarify, the command/call list you've mentioned is a nod to Unix-Like Operating Systems having nonsense-name commands.
  • grep
  • gimp
  • archy
  • korn
  • emacs
  • abcde
  • dtrix
  • multail
  • curll
  • lftp
  • irssi
More specifically, these are all words from the novel Watership Down: a play on the rabbit motif again which is at the heart of this submission's flavor.​

Further discourse is required but I'll get to work on making changes.
Ok, just let me know when you are ready for me to finish
Okay, went back and made a big overhaul. Made things easier to read, re-wrote large parts into much smaller parts, stripped out unnecessary language.

With luck these writing exercises I'm doing are paying off.
Will take a look today and give feedback.
Sorry for the delay hell week 2. But its much better APPROVED>
And the one million dollar question for La+ users which will have an impact on sales:

Can it play Doom?
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