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Approved Submission [lazarus] - Modus Non-invasive Endoskeleton

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Could we get an actual review of this submission, not just a rejection with no details, explanation, or reasons? Rejecting a submission like this breaks every single one of the guidelines you yourself put on the wiki for reviewers, Wes. At least explain what is wrong with the article so that Osaka can attempt to resolve problems.
Unusually, due to extensive reverse-engineering of Yamataian body-typings (performed by Miles Gunn) a version of MODUS exists for Yamataian use, acting as a bridge for cybernetic systems for the first time.
I suggest removing this line.
Why? Canocially, it adds up

Miles has access to...

1) Has access to the materials (Sana Nakamura, a Nepleslian turned Yamataian who served under the SAoY for two years -- she's very heavily augmented canonically ICly and disconnected and isolated from the Pantheon network -- she's actually a medical fetishist who pestered Miles into this, mostly as a bit of a comedy routine and because she needed augmentations to keep up with her Fyunnen peers who she trains alongside)

2) The knowledge and experience (you know this, of all people)

3) The finance and incentive: (Lazarus are basically paying him for this because they want to produce a product they can sell back to Yamatai at some point)

What's your argument against?
In all honesty, I believe that what this really boils down to is the fact that the FM of Yamatai does not want his creations to be cybernetics-capable. It's one of their themes or key traits. Though the requirements may seem to all be filled, FM permission has not been given - the FM doesn't want this. It's the same as, say, the FM of the Freespacers not wanting a Genocide. Forcing this article through would be the very same as doing THAT all over again - and your attitude reflected in your posts here, as well as on the IRC Osaka, isn't something that draws any of my sympathy.

This strikes me is Metagaming, and one poorly pulled off as well. It's like there's been no effort to hide it at all.
FM of Yamatai does not want his creations to be cybernetics-capable. It's one of their themes or key traits.
This, essentially, is why I don't like the submission.
Than that's what should've been said, not a flat out rejection with no information. Now the only question is whether or not `Osaka is willing to remove it's capability to be used with yamataian bodies, since There are apparently no other concerns.
If I might ask, what is the specific motivation behind not wanting to allow Yamataians to augment themselves?

It might be worth coming to a compromise: for example, only allowing this to work on a decommissioned body or one that's been booted/banned or disconnected from PANTHEON so the majority aren't capable of it -- and that those still connected to the network outright reject augmentation.

Also, you didn't even read the rest of it?

There's a real easter-egg hidden in there. If you can find it, I think you'll enjoy it.


Still no response?

I guess this submission is...

Can you clarify if you only mean the old NH-22 series? Or the Minkan too?

Rejecting augmentation isn't about network connectivity.
I'm not interested in Nekovalkyjra. Until we get Usagivalkyjra anyway.

I just mean citizen species. Like Sana, so I can explain how and why we augmented her.

The point is so there's a basis if citizens want augmentation.

Does this make sense? Sorry if it doesn't, I just woke up.

Did you find the easter-egg?

The issue is, that its been established that NH-22, and up can not use implants because they regenerate. Anything not of the body is seen as foreign and rejected.
Its quite simple; instruct the patient's genetic coding to recognize the foreign material as a registered component of the body.

It has already been ICly documented that the Yamataian body can be instructed to have biological alterations placed upon it through the authorized restructure of the subject's genetic profile. It would not be too difficult in an engineered species to simply instruct their hemosynth as to what is 'good' and what is 'bad'.

Furthermore, if we need another method to conduct this procedure, then I would recommend the encapsulation of the augmentation within 'authorized' tissues, like an abscess, minus the pus and rejection.
Unless anyone has an objection, I will approve this in 3 days or so.
I have an objection.

Biological alterations are one thing — genetic tattoos, "scars," hair color, other effects to the body that are natural and relatively superficial.

And again, genetic.

You're not proposing a genetic change. You're telling the nano/femtomachine colonies to actually go against their programming. Programming that frankly Miles does not understand well enough to get around. Even Shinichiro doesn't attempt to blend metal and flesh that way; the Nightmares use natural armor.

It is not as simple as telling genes to recognize metal.
In all fairness, there are species out there who actually naturally extrude metal from their body over time, usually as a component in scales. Genetically speaking, it's just a matter of working that gene up, splicing it, and properly modifying it to have a higher metallic basis, and so on. We've developed technology to the point where we can design a biological body from the ground up, but we can't do basic genetic alterations? Doesn't quite add up to me.
Trying to rewrite the genetics of a living being is not that simple. Especially when it has fail safes that are bent on preserving the integrity.

We recently had a discussion elsewhere about trying to put items into an NH body by sealing it in something the body would not react to like a sterile glass or ceramic coating and that did not fly.

For something like this to be done to an NH series body would require Ketsurui Zaibatsu working with them to program a batch of nano-machines to accept such intrusions.
Sana's a canon augmented NH in the SARP. There was trouble and it didn't take at first but supposedly there was some knack. The trick to overcoming the re-write-protection measures (systems which try to establish and maintain the genome, checking for changes and removing them) was to alter ONLY those and then let them cascade-update everything else for us.

She had a pretty nasty fever to begin with but we over-wrote the majority of them, then they conquered those that didn't align then the changes were implemented over about a month or two.
Hu hu hu hu.

Here's the deal. We have support in the form of individual character contribution into the project; Miles has comprehensive knowledge of nekovalkryja maintenance and design, and is fully aware of the function of hemosynth. He's a veteran in the field, and easily one of the most qualified personnel in the setting outside of PNUgen employees and long-time service members within the Star Army who specialize in nekovalkryja design and maintenance.

We have precedent, in the form of Sana Nakamura, who is Yamataian, and was produced to incorporate a synthetic material 'black box' within her brain. She was introduced on the Sakura, rubber-stamped and approved by Wes himself. Everything there has golden admin blessings.

We have continued support in the form of Lorath biomedical technology, which has been proven to circumvent a degree of the rejection efforts made by hemosynth, in the form of the control collar technology, the same technology used by Helen Klein in the design of the Type 29 and Type 27 restraint devices.

We have precedent of the neko body being capable of housing foreign matter, in the form of the Mishhu parasite, which is infamously able to avoid rejection from the neko body, even while being wrapped and intermingled around vital organs which hemosynth would ordinarily have a fit over.

Then there is the matter of Structol itself, in RP being clearly indicated as a 'semi-sentient' adaptive material, which would easily be able to change and adapt to user-specific biology.

Short version is; we have a lot of contributing factors which would support high-end engineered implantation technology, so long as there is (illegal) modification of the neko genetic structure to support it, or, invasive technology which has been seen as capable of overriding the hemosynth rejection feature. Furthermore, if the modus is implanted in a Ketsururi licensed practice; then the neko genetic code can be legally modified on the spot to accommodate the implantation.

Even shorter; get with the program, neko are a post-singularity subatomically engineered species, its about time we gave them a jailbreak.

EDIT: We also have precedent in the form of structural alterations which are able to be made to nekovalkryja via drugs, such as kasserine.
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