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Approved Submission [Lazarus] "Motionless Sleep" Multibarrel Guided Plasma-Caster


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Anti-Small Craft/Anti-PA Starship Weapon
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lazarus:motionless_sleep

Faction: Lazarus Consortium
FM Approved Yet? I think so? I'll summon @OsakanOne anyway.
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is probably going to need a fair bit of work since I couldn't find a decent example of a starship weapon system to base my template off of. Please be gentle, I'm willing to do large overhauls of the article to get it up to standard.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I fixed that plasma guide page. We couldn't edit it without reuploading the images.

The statement about "bullet hell" is used twice in the leading paragraphs. You can edit the second reference out.

When you say that the unit is a curved harmonica shape, I can see that. But then you say it has multiple plasma rifles installed into it. Do you mean plasma venting systems, or projectors maybe? Seems a little weird to have actual rifles that could be handled by a humanoid machine or PA.

Average DR has me a little worried. We try for firm numbers, but I understand this thing has a lot of barrels. If we assume that you get all barrels to land shots on a target, what is the DR of that hit? We can work from there.

The system itself looks good. Surely lethal.
First of all, thank you for handling the plasma guide page.

Edited out the duplicate section, and did a minor adjustment. I guess it was an artifact of the early stage of the text that I missed.

I adjusted the description, not entirely sure how to better describe it. Hopefully that works.

I changed "Average DR" to "Weapon DR" and specified that it is per shot. I am guessing that SDR1 is fine for a point defence since the Plumeria's point defence weapons are also SDR1 and I would assume they have a higher ROF. I would be willing to drop the damage lower if needed however.

Let me know if anything else needs to be done.