Star Army

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RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] Peer Review


Inactive Member
Peer Review

"You know, Sana, when a message in your inbox is marked urgent, it just does not seem that urgent until someone screams at you to get out of bed and open it." Miles spoke, as he slid a straight length of sharpened metal against pale flesh, slicing away excess follicles, scraping aside a thick lather of lubricating foam. "I don't care how loud she screams, or how much tooth she bares, I'm getting my three... no wait, implant to handle that, my two morning S's in." Miles spoke, almost as if to make a point, in fact, it was to do just that; to make a point of the fact that he was still the boss of his own life, even though the subcompact Lorath woman in the next room over was his boss, patient, and general pain in the ass.

"Which are?" Sana lifted the page of a magazine of various international cybernetics used by law-enforcement and even armies, turning the page. The gleam in her eyes was closer to that of a child who'd picked up the most recent catalogue and had instinctively turned to the back where the goodies are. It would appear military hardware maintained this practice.

"Well, its just down to shower and shave now." Miles stated, feeling as if he had finally breached the cusp of what every single innovator and futurist had been yammering about for centuries, just because of a simple gastric implant that bypasses a single bodily function. It baffled him in that moment why the people at KZ would back-step behind that achievement with their recent Nekovalkryja model, but, that was an entirely different thought. "Hrm, I suppose I could keep it to the three S's of morning importance with a replacement item with an S. Anything you can think of?" Miles spoke with a smile, as he washed his face of the remaining lather, and the lingering feeling of sleep.

"Soup?" Sana stuck her tongue out. "I know the walls are thin but honestly, nobody cares. We're two of maybe four people in this entire building who speak trade."

"Hey, I was about to say something romantic and put you at the forefront of my day, by making a vast improvement on the reference to the 'Three S's', by making the first and foremost item with an S in my day you, Sana, you silly woman." Miles, while rough, tumbled, and Nepleslian, was still corny as hell.

"You baited me into coming here for sun, sea and sex. Thus far, the sun is in abundance beyond anything I could ever want. We're inland so I haven't seen the sea in weeks. And... You actually haven't played ball in a while. Knobbing your nubile employer is that it?" a chuckle followed.

"I don't think I've got it in me to nob her. She's too fragile for it... I'm pretty sure if I did, she'd lose her head." Miles could not help but to let out a grim chuckle, because he knew deep down, it was rather likely to be the literal case.

"Not after the shit you've filled her with. She refused to let go of you. Her grip was ridiculous."

"It is insurance for us. I mean, do you want a cold-blooded shark-thing as an employer?"

"You made a cripple stronger than you are. I don't think that's good insurance. And how could you not know about the pollen?"

"I also made you stronger than a NH-27, and you can't remember where you put the car keys a minute prior. So, I think I may be brimming with bad ideas. That pollen though, hell, it's back to xenobiology and my not paying attention to the... what the hell are they, rabbittis-things?"

"Is meant to be treating an alien. Doesn't know about basic animal behavior. Remember the blood moon? I think she told you. Since the ball went plop, the pollen is everywhere all the time now. Ey'tis are endemic. Some places you can't move through without being swamped by them."

"She went on about it after the fact." Miles spoke with a bit of a disapproving frown, as he went about producing a clatter of metal on metal as he went about securing his pants with a rather ornate belt, a local design, and a gift from his fiancé.

Carefully Sana leant back, peeking down her nose to get a view at him before he disappeared behind clothing, just to make sure everything was still there.

"You know, I'm going to be honest, I don't know if I bit off more than I can chew with her..." Miles thought on how to phrase the statement better; "I mean about treating her... That woman is fundamentally broken, and the only way I can think of to solve the problem is to cut out the cause like a tumor, and that would just unmake her who she is... and that's kind of killing her as a person, you know?"

"Lobotomize her? Oh~ Ohh~ you’re so kind, doctor Gunn."

"Can't even call it a lobotomy, it’s not even a whole lobe, it’s just a patch of synapses."

"Well... Some Lorath do aspect. Some don't. Can't you just cut out the part that does?"

"I'm almost entirely sure it would shame her to no end. While she is an atheist, she is also still an orthodox Lmanel in teachings at least. If it were not the case, she'd not be so much of a problem"

"She chose life over shame last time. What makes you think she won't do it again?"

"Because... I think she is starting to get tired of life." There was a frown to accompany those words, hidden by the fact that he was pulling a shirt over his head, it was an article of distinctively Nepleslian clothing; an Aether Sperm album cover shirt, which somehow in its lewd depiction of an eagle-woman carrying an aether-bomb while firing lightning from her tits, went about softening the grim nature of its moment in just how out-of-place it was.

"Long-term pain does that to people." She gave an approving nod to the shirt, rather liking the design before clicking her fingers and point toward the dresser.

"Hmm?" Miles sounded, as he stepped over to the dresser, opening a drawer and taking a quick inventory, a soft smile crossed his lips as he picked up a simple tank-top, adorned with a Nepleslian Marine Corps. logo, he then tossed her the top which was certainly just a bit too small for her, but, he liked it that way. "Either way though, my job is to turn her around a bit, get her back into the world of the living. It is a big job... and I don't think that I can do it unless I invest a big chunk of time here, and I don't think that is fair to you to anchor you here like that... Besides, it is not safe for either of us now, considering the Matriarchy and Yamatai are bedfellows, it'll just be a matter of time before someone knocks on, never mind, breaks down our door and drags us off."

She soon scrambled into the top, pulling it down over herself, fishing for her hair between her skin and the fabric. The green worked rather nicely with the dark emerald of her hair.

"So why aren't you using this as an excuse to get a pardon? You could make Aiesu defect for the Matriarchy. Considering how much she's contributed to them, that would be one hell of a thing."

Miles gave a soft shrug; "Honestly, I don't think it would work. I looked at the documents from that conference. I think Velor is already doing us a solid, because he was supposed to report us as fugitives quite some time ago." There was a look of intense doubt upon Miles' face, before he gave a shake of his head. "Besides, I can't make Aiesu do anything, at this point I'd be one fucking bastard if I did something to that degree, she is simply too fucked up. If she was not so fragile, maybe, but that's for another time... Let's go see what all the fuss is about, and then we'll get back to planning our great escape from justice when lunch comes around." On the matter of a meal, due to just how urgent Aiesu had made the matter sound, all Miles could do for a breakfast was grab a Lor equivalent to an apple, and a can of beer.

"If we're watching something, I half think we should have popcorn... but naw, she'd likely bite our heads off, from the way she is sounding about this." Miles mused, as he stepped out of their room, and crossed the hall, before knocking on Aiesu's door.

A certain effeminate construct answered the door, partially decked out in monochrome makeup. It appears that he had just gotten foundation and a few other aspects down when Miles decided to show up.

"Hihi!" He greeted the Nepleslian, beaming cutely. "You here for Aiesu?"

"Hey kiddo." Miles spoke, giving Seiren a nod, before stepping past the Yamataian, who he casually went about giving a verbal nudge aside by addressing him as 'kiddo'. "Yeah, not so much for her though, but because of her, she made one hell of a fuss about this message."

"Can't say I understand what you're talking about, but she has been a bit, euh. . . today, you know?" Seiren said with an unclear gesture. He closed the door behind the visitor, heading back over to the bathroom to finish putting on makeup.

A pair of cerise eyes glanced over the back of her chair: a hand following to steady her-self as she peeked in Miles' direction before returning to her work.

"S-Slumming it a-are we?" laughter followed but it wasn't natural, the raspy quality in her voice a little harsher than usual.

Either it’s the pollen, or she is really nervous about this message... I sure hope it is the message, it'll be less trouble. Miles thought as he listened to her stammered words, but something in his gut had made a decision on the matter. "Yeah, well, I don't exactly get the luxury of dressing up when I've got my boss on the comm-line, yelling at me to wake up over a simple message from our mutual employer."

"Yeeah..." she sniffled, stifling a sneeze. "I-I have something I want you to take a look at. Come sit." she began, patting her lap mischievously.

The pollen. Miles concluded, as the evidence of the sneeze did well to match to his gut-feeling. There was a brow raise from Miles, as he slowly shook his head, dismissing the gesture before he strode over and peered over the top of Aiesu's chair, at whatever she had been working on prior to his arrival. "I sure hope the thing you want me to look at is not in your lap. I forgot my gloves and speculum."

"Very funny. See this?"

Footage began playing, a date and location counter in the corner -- a news-feed on another window: Lorath units on a decidedly not Lorath world being shot at by something Miles wouldn't recognize.

"Huuuuuh? Is that some kinda Lorath action movie?" Seiren called from the bathroom, peeking out the door to spy on the duo.

"No, it’s a battle-record you stupid panda" Aiesu spat, soon tossing a stuffed toy in his direction.

Miles eyed the display, giving a chuckle, not at the berating of Seiren, but instead, at the apparent reason as to why he was graced by the message from their employer, they needed an expert's opinion, though, his attention did wander to Seiren. "Is it okay if he's around for this?"

"You won't even notice I'm here!" the construct said, although if Miles knew anything, it was that people who claim that they won't even be noticed are generally horrendous liars about that fact.

"Hey, you can be as obnoxious as you want, but I'm looking out for your hide." Miles explained, as he peered over to Seiren. "Things like this, people get shot for seeing when they're not supposed to."

"She pulled ME on! Anything I see goes through her, you know!"

"Anyway. After what has basically been half a decade of cold-war standoffs and some light-skirmishes, we've finally got hard footage of Lorath units against Yamataian gear. Some of this I don't even recognize."

"Well, I know a good chunk of these... and can guess on the others." Miles spoke, as he eyeballed the information on screen, and, opened up his own file attachment so he could pay mind to the annotations on the sensor footage gathered. "That one though, I saw on the news footage out of Asura yesterday." Of course, he was speaking on Lorath time, for a Yamataian, it would have been days prior. "Timestamps indicate our employer has been looking over this for a while before giving it to us."

"...Why are they carrying volucomps?" she quizzed, zooming into the footage some. The image was pixelated but pointing, she could see it quite clearly.

While the image on the display was pixelated, Miles' internalized display software handled the matter as he looked at the same time-index on the footage as what Aiesu indicated. Miles opted not to speak on the matter, figuring Aiesu's question was rhetorical, since she was referring to a technology piece he had only recently heard of, and had not had the opportunity to work with, since he was trapped in psychotherapeutic purgatory.

"A volumetric compression, Miles. Like CFS, but inside out. Bigger on the inside. You put things in it."

"Then the reason is fairly obvious." Miles countered, feeling a bit slighted by being outside of the loop on such information. "They want to loot things."

There was a pause for a moment from Miles, before he ventured into the inevitable question; "So uh, what happens when you put someone in it? Or like a part of someone?"

"That depends on what's already inside. The opening is what uses up the power: The compression itself can be maintained indefinitely."

"Independently of a functional or non-functional aperture?" Miles inquired, as he speculated on the physics involved, recalling much of his starship operations training from back in the Yamataian service.

"The aperture is what uses power. The rest is a permanent structure."

"Say... that's a clever plan." Miles spoke, putting together the puzzle rather quickly when given the framework to build inside of.

"You could use that sorta thing for super hero type stuffs, you know? Like one of those masked cyborg heroes!" Seiren cut in. The duo could see him doing a ‘henshin’ pose out of the corners of their eyes

Aiesu reached for another stuffed toy to pummel Seiren with but she froze for a moment, gears turning within her head. "...It ... Wouldn't even be that heavy if you used a stasis unit, either... I mean, this is mass dislocation, but it doesn't change the weight of a thing... But in stasis, when the probabilistic mass hits zero, the interior of the stasis unit becomes weightless.."

"Focus." Miles spoke simply, as he pointed to the display.

"A-Ah, yes, sorry."

"That's a Daisy... those were just coming into service when I made my exit... they've gotten pretty slick lately." Miles spoke, pointing out something, before he let out an audible 'Huh!' of interest, and perhaps, amusement.

"That one has a weird color scheme. It looks different. A commander-type? I don't know Yamataian units all that well."

"I built that." Miles spoke simply, feeling that tickle of one of the most horrible sins which Nepleslians were so prone to, pride.

"No, this one. Its operating away from the rest of the group. It’s just entered the derelict. Here, here. Right there."

"Yeah, I built that. It’s a Ke-M3-1d." Miles stated, with a distinctive sound of insistence, as his pride bubbled up worse than usual... a decidedly male trait, and something which the Matriarchy as a whole frowned upon. "I did a redesign of the 1c model, and brought it up to current standard."

The look on Aiesu's face said his words were moving like a bird over some vast landscape: Directly above her head.

"Urgh, it’s a Kylie, it kills other power armor."

"We need somewhere better to watch this..." she said, fishing through notepads to take a timetable. Clicking her tongue, she skimmed a series of blocks. "The projection room is going to be vacant in about an hour or so after the seminar. We could probably book it."

"By all means, Professor." Miles spoke, giving a little jab... not at her qualifications, not at just how much of a mess she was, and not about her double life... it was a jab aimed at the fact that she had not taught a class or performed any sort of work for the university or Matriarchy in months. Tenure kept the woman afloat though and, untouchable.

Later That Day

There was a giddy feeling to be had when the prospect of a viewing session came along. For Miles, there were reasons upon reasons; pride, curiosity, enlightenment, blood thirst, and pride. While his allegiance was up in the air, he was still sickeningly egotistical over his past achievements. As a clear sign of his rather crass interest in the footage, he sat outside of the presentation room, waiting for the 'Professor', or as he knew her 'Boss', and as he sat he held a cardboard tray, upon which was a large cylindrical container, packed with the closest Lorath equivalent to popcorn, along with a 48oz beverage container, filled to the top with a sickeningly sweet fizzy drink. To add to his crass display, some sort of white cardboard framed eyewear adorned his face, with thin plastic lenses of blue and red.

She soon opened the door opposite, glancing left and right through the particularly sterile halls before motioning for him to follow her into the dark room.

Beyond sat something resembling a cinema, an arrangement of chairs comparable to a coliseum. Within the middle sat a large empty floor, gridded with glass, the entire ceiling and many of the walls matching this aesthetic, columns of this stuff throughout the room. She slipped a thick heavy disk into the adjacent console and began punching thick buttons -- the installation maybe a decade or two old but still even now considered quite modern.

Without skipping a beat, Miles strode into the presentation hall, and upon entering he let out a soft whistle. He was rather impressed with the investment the Matriarchy had made in their education system, enough of one to have a presentation hall with a genuine and full-on capacity to host a seminar, and likely have a thousand occupants seated close enough to a display to not even call them 'nosebleed seats', and then there were the nosebleed seats, which Miles did not even bother to count, as he approached the stage and set down his food and drink upon a nearby seat.

Soon, text floated in air, as she began to sift through records on the diskette until a particular cubic moving image thumbnail was highlighted and she hit return in the console. A progress-bar soon formed text beneath and graphs before the massive dark room was illuminated in its center by the scene at Asura. Carefully she adjusted a dial, fast-forwarding the footage, soon moving to sit next to him. She passed the chunky black box over to him, complete with dials and buttons and pinched a small fleck of popcorn for herself, finding it rather pleasant.

"Starting from where we left off? Oh, and could you bring me a remote for it too? I want to be able to toggle through the data." Miles called over to Aiesu, as he took in the images splashed upon the massive volumetric display, which brought everything to a 1:1 ratio.

"Here. Let's see your conclusions first. The footage works in layers, by the way -- you should be able to run an electromagnetic histogram with point-data and some wave-markers for gravitational changes if you pull them up. Our birds always have had better black boxes. This is all composite from every set of eyes we could get our hands on"

"The Matriarchy even before Lazarus was obsessive with data collection; it only stands to reason that our employer picks up the same habit." Miles added, as he eyed the large remote which he took into his hands, and decided to start the footage from a satellite feed, one that caught his eye the moment it scrolled by. "Hey, nukes? There were nukes used?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I'm seeing this outside of the footnotes. Again, you're the consultant here. You've got a much better eye for combat than I have. Let's see what you think of this."

"Alright alright... time index that you want, or should we go over the whole incident?"

"I've booked the hall for most of the afternoon. We're good for about five hours if you really need it."

"We can skim, and examine the important parts. You've got a cybernetic braincase, like I do

"Which I didn't ask for, nor did I require" she interjected, a harsh stare now.

Miles frowned a little "You can slow it down as needed if any of the skimmed material catches your eye."

"You first."

"Hah... but yes... we could spar like this, or we can start here..." With that, the image on the stage took on the harsh white of the unleashed fury of the atom, splitting, spewing everything into the world beyond the femtoscopic, having an impact which was able to be seen clearly from a Lazarus communication node in orbit above. "We've got a Yamataian asset right on top of the explosion there... Two, a power armor, and... That’s a fighter I haven't seen."

"Noudachi? I've only seen photographs of it. Follows the usual four turret arrangement we see in most Yamataian fighters. Latest model of the V-series. Underperforms, if you ask me."

"Hrm... we'll get to that... let's see..." Miles spoke quietly, as he sped up the playback, noting the sensor data on the Yamataian armor, as it was propelled several kilometers away from ground-zero. Eventually, the playback slowed, as Miles swapped to the record that was provided by the company, which switched to a 'first person view'. "Hrm... the sensor data here indicates this was recorded using a AMX-Series sensor cluster."

"Lor didn't deploy it. Intelligence suggests that Occhestian separatists were lucky enough to get their hands on a collection that was being moved. Ostensibly." she stated flatly, pulling the footage out into a third person perspective, combining the footage from a few different sources now to extrapolate such an image.

Miles looked to Aiesu, with an expression that spoke of doubt, skepticism, and uncertainty. "I don't know, your people, as in the Matriarchy, did well to squash the Occhestians like bugs. I've seen the released death tolls, and the method-assessment. You people have genocide to a science."

"We had to be kind before our new allies. They didn't much like our methods and it was hurting the negotiations" Aiesu sighed. "If you step back and compare the Occhestian death-toll to any international negotiations we have, you'll note they drop substantially until the negotiations are over."

"They dropped because everyone was dead." Miles corrected, but, somehow, he did not sound as if he was displeased, it was just a fact.

"Ah, you're unfamiliar with the northern Occhestian enclaves, then?"

"Those are your allies; you caught some of them too in the mess as well." Miles chuckled, before he stopped the playback. "The hell is this?"

"Again, they are ostensibly our allies. I wouldn't trust one as far as I could... What, the gravity pool?"

Miles pointed to the large behemoth of an alien ship. "Looks like..." he trailed off, as he checked his internal database, then, the Matriarchy's.

"I don't deal with foreign equipment; that’s the Communion group's department. I can't place the exact make and model of the vessel."

"Your Matriarchy has it recorded as an Iromakuanhe ship." Miles explained, before something came to mind, as he used the remote to browse the Matriarchy's available data library, before he brought up a news feed which he remembered seeing earlier in the Lorath week.

"Yes, that's correct."

She knew more than she was letting on, letting him reach his own conclusions rather than her saying anything that might tip something off.

"Looks like we should have paid more mind to the news. Look here." Miles spoke, as he noted the Asurian broadcast, which he caught just a little of, what was unsaid, was that he did not watch the broadcast in the first place because he was busy doing distinctively Nepleslian things with his fiancé.

"Do you see now why I came knocking?"

"You gone fucked up now. It’s on the bloody news." Miles griped, before he sifted the data around, coming back to the point after the nuclear blast, and, after the approach of what Miles instructed to recognize as borrowed Lazarus produce.

"Occhestian separatists" she waved her finger at him, illuminated by the hologram of the blast. "They're still around."

"I see Gust type armors here... AMX-102 with AWACs package... a few heavy assault packages."

"Nothing you're not familiar with, for the most part. Here" she zoomed in on something a few of them were carrying. Newer equipment. "Recognize this?"

"You pointed it out to me in the dorms... a Volucomp, I think you called it." Miles replied, before he split the image to bring up the satellite data, monitoring the Yamataian and Iromakuanhe movements on the ground, as well as the approach of unknown hostiles which engaged the Yamataian taskforce. "Occhestians with a small spacefleet I see."


"I see that the Yamataians are not getting air-support because they were engaged by a hodge-podge of third-party assets." Replied the Nepleslian, before he moved the data along to the part that really mattered, as he saw a mosaic of images, each of them being first-person feeds from the Gust-armor clad infantry. "They're entering the Iromakuanhe ship... with Volucomps." Miles again rolled his gaze to Aiesu, that doubtful expression still present.

"Y-You've got the right idea, yes.." she tried not to laugh, her eyes rather wide now. She wasn't particularly good with direct eye-contact, doing everything but meeting his eyes before skimming to a particular block of footage: a radio communication from an armor on the field.

"Do you recognize this voice?"

Miles listened, before giving a shake of his head; "It is in Yamataian though... the tone speaks of age. I hear a rank designation too." Miles quirked his brow; "There is a Chusa on the field. Quite a high rank to be planetside in this kind of mess."

"They address her as Klein -- a Helen Klein. Our friends elsewhere looked up the name... There's a lot of muddled paperwork somewhere. First she exists, and then she doesn't. She's listed active but her position and deployment have been blank for a few years now despite active payroll information within the Star Army of Yamatai. What are they paying her for?"

Miles took the direct approach, as he looked into the public record available through the Matriarchy's network. "Pretty fa---" Miles stopped, as he thought he recognized something.


"Give me a minute... I'll look at this data before I tell you..." Miles mumbled, before he brought the images along to the grizzly point in which things took a turn for the worse, after skimming over the Gust-clad units looting whatever they could get their mitts on. "Looks like the Ke-M3-1d belongs to her... and that's a Daisy... and those are some alien units... There's another Daisy there."

"Over local comms, they call it a VANDR. Its a big high mobility frame. We're not entirely sure how it works."

Miles gave a light nod, before watching a number of the Gust-armor feeds go black "I'd have to get a better look at the sensor feed, but first, the play-by-play."

"First, what do you make of Klein? We have reason to believe she might be linked to an intelligence group within the Star Army of Yamatai, but we've not been able to pin down anything further. We've had some concern raised by one of other members over this matter regarding intelligence agency snooping, this concern was raised just prior to the disappearance of an associated party. The member went into hiding... I haven't heard from them since..."

"I told you I need a minute for that." Miles almost snapped, as he looked to Aiesu with a scowl.

Aiesu held her tongue, returning the look. She looked so desperately like she wanted to blurt something out, but it never came. Whatever it was, it was important.

While Aiesu was badgering, Miles' internal database was checking, rechecking, and confirming his gut instinct. Voice samples were analyzed at first, but there was another thing, as Miles brought up salvaged footage and dry-dock security footage of a time gone by.

"She's good... that one with the big gun and the Daisy is pretty decent, she's too rash though..." Miles spoke in quiet observation, as Gust after Gust was torn into by a combination of aether fire, and repulsion-cannon discharges, along with their own power plants getting blown asunder. "I see an AMX-unit made an engagement here... they're still using Zesuaium on the Ke-M3-1d... It took that railgun shot rather well..." Miles continued to look over the data, until it came to one of the Gust units being engaged at close range, after having landed a stabbing thrust with a monomolecular edged knife. That was when the occupant of the Kylie revealed her face, and spoke.

"Yeah... That's 'Her'." Miles stated with an expression that spoke of troubled displeasure.

"Old flame of yours?"

"Klein, she stole the Maras, now, she's here, having a tussle with your assets." Miles was done playing around with the matter, as he realized just how bad things were getting for his prospects.

"Klein is trouble."

"No shit." Miles replied. "You're going to be in worse shape really soon."

"I think she may have already tried. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to the Maras after she took it?"

"Scuttled, she scuttled it. After taking what data she could, and from what I understand, she looted your Matriarchy for a substantial chunk of data as well... fleet counts, production manifests, equipment manifests, technical operation manuals... those kinds of things."

"...We've had a lot of our development efforts hindered recently. We're at least a year behind schedule. You think that's her doing?"

"Doubtful that she would make her move yet... from what the Matriarchy shared with us, they figured she had been on Lor for months before she took the Maras." Miles spoke, as he wore a touch of a frown, and his thoughts went to a mirror image of Sana, who he wondered about within that moment.

"...Given the state we found my machine in... I don't think it’s safe to stay here. Not just for me, but for you too."

"I'm not going back to that underwater shithole."

"I'm not expecting you to. I wouldn't call it a safe house but we do have a few options available to us. Specifically, the librarian left an address with me. I'm still decrypting it now on the network. She didn't cut corners with it so it’s important."

"If this Klein is with SAINT, you know we're not going to be able to hide from her on Lor." Miles stated bleakly. "Considering the treaty in effect."

"I know. I have reason to believe the address is far outside our territory. The good news is I don't think she knows you're here. There was no attempt against your habitat, only mine. The size of the explosion suggests I wasn't meant to survive that."

Miles let out a scoff "They want me alive."

"Then we can use that to our advantage" Aiesu snubbed her nose with her thumb.

"Only to a certain degree." Miles then enlarged the image from the Gust armor, focusing on the exterior projection which was presented upon the Kylie on screen, specifically, Helen Klein's face, as she looked at the Gust with a fury that was uniquely Nepleslian.

"You're really obsessed with her, aren't you?"

"Look at that face and tell me what you see. Not as a doctor, or a scientist."

"I see a reason to get my shit together and get off-world as quickly as I can with my tail between my legs."

"Yeah... no shit. She is more a killer than even Rebeka could be called, and Rebeka was a Captain Killer Extraordinaire..." Miles trailed off, not exactly wanting to elaborate to Aiesu on that matter.

"Do you think Rebeka could match her or do you lack faith in Sana? Be honest with me."

"Why do you think I've made my fiancé into a walking weapon that can go toe-to-toe with that machine there?"

"...Because you saw this coming. And you didn't have the nerve to tell me," Aiesu began. "I'm a dead-weight, is that it?" she tried not to laugh, a bitterness in her throat.

"You never asked, and I was not paid as a tactical consultant." Miles replied stiffly.

"If you want a pay-rise, you only had to ask. Moving money is easy: You know my situation: Provided it doesn't end up in my pocket, I don't have a problem."

"Frankly, I don't want to be a tactical consultant for Lazarus on a long-term basis, or even a routine basis."

"Then how about being one for me until my head isn't on the chopping block anymore? I'll admit it. I'm scared. I don't know how to deal with this."

"I'm helping on this case because that machine right there caught my eye." Miles took in a steadying breath.

"You really didn't come here for the money, did you?" He could see she was panicking now, trying to laugh a muted sense of shock. It took her a deep breath to steady her trembling hands.

"I came here for a safe place, and the potential to start a new life... that, and for the science." came the Nepleslian's reply, as he let out a somber chortle; "Besides, what employer would let their research staff get fucked up on the job, routinely, without docking pay?"

As Miles spoke though, he averted his gaze from Aiesu, there was something else he was not exactly wanting to speak of, something he kept pent up, and was not about to lay out on the table. His comments spoke of his skirting around the matter, but soon, after a few moments, he looked back to Aiesu; "Besides, I don't think the company was looking after us as well as we were led... you sign my paychecks, and I'd rather you not get into any trouble... alright?"

"Like I said. What you're seeing here..." she took another breath. "Isn't my doing."

"You're a cog in the machine. I know this." Miles replied flatly, before he turned back to the display. "Let's find out how big of a mistake the company made." With that, the image resumed, as Gust after Gust were torn apart, by the savagery of an agent, a callous Neko in support, and a VANDR.

"...We really do need to replace those."

"Gust is fine in infantry encounters... the Member that planned this fucked up, and was planning on an infantry engagement, not a power armor engagement."

"I think... We need our own Kylie."

"We were working on one back in the underwater piss-pot. I left the project to work with you."

"...Running means having little to do during your travels. You'd have time to kill."

"I'd need equipment, computational cycles, and assurance that we're not getting tapped." Miles replied, before giving a shake of his head. "We can't have that if we're on the move. We may need to have a research team thrown together comprised of Constructs."

"...Haaaa..." Aiesu backed up into her seat a little, gripping the arm-rests. Clearly the prospect wasn't appealing to her. She didn't want to talk of it but she was already taking the prospect quite seriously. "That... Might be tricky."

"We'll deal with that when the time comes, look at us, planning research while we have that after us." Miles gave a soft shake of his head, before giving a point to the feed. "Look at that... the AWACs and the heavy, they're guiding something... Oh wow, the company is wasting a whole ship on this? Just to crash it? What kind of chucklefuck planned this?"

"From the notes I got, survival of any of our units wasn't required to meet the mission goal."

"Now here's where I turn your Q and A game on you, why do you think that is?" Miles asked, knowing why, just from the introduction made earlier.

"Well... If you don't know already, my opinion in you has just fallen. They're Iroma. They have what they call veyrinite -- the extracted quasiconductor from the blue rift expanse. We're obviously there to collect it."

"Yeah, they're going to dip into the pocket later, after everything blows over..."

"Exactly, and no one would even know. It’s all 100% deniable."

"Data feed here shows no unique sensor signatures though... it looks like the Iromakuanhe may have hidden their goodies before the raid. We'll have to look at the loot for any traces." There was a sound of regret, Miles was disappointed, clearly, what scientist in their right mind would not be, after possibly being denied the opportunity to analyze something unknown.

"...All things considered... The Iroma use it pretty extensively in everything they build. Our best way of knowing if we were successful or not is if they can't account for some of their own. They'll.. Probably put it down to atomization during the initial nuke and call it missing."

"Hrm... not sure, that nuke was pretty far off... but let's see what happens with this ship... It may solve the problem." Miles mused, as he watched the moment unfold, then, paused as feed from another of the AMX-102 units caught his eye.

"Oh, you fucking idiot." Miles commented, as if the AMX-102 could hear him. "Idiot! You don't just sit there on your own! Stay mobile! You fucking deserved that."

Aiesu couldn't help but smile. "Its an older ARIA. Don't expect miracles out of it."

On the screen, the scene Miles was commenting over was the AMX-102 perched over a crashed Nodachi, only to be pelted by high-power sniper-weapon fire. On the data provided, a flourish of red indicators splashed upon the AMX-102's engine system status monitor.

"Well, your older ARIA up and lost a whole AMX-102 to one Iromakuanhe with a rifle... and improvised explosives. Either way, it was a stupid loss, that, or the Iromakuanhe is good. I can't tell with this crappy ARIA data."

"Did you notice the low-observable model on the field yet?"

"The one approaching the Iromakuanhe crashsite perimeter."

"Mmm. Keep an eye on it. I think we might have a positive here."

"I've got bets on it getting wasted."

"Probably. The question is can we get what we want first? Even if the projector is destroyed, our volucomp still works."

"True, but it has to get close enough first... and it has to avoid any perimeter defenses the Iromakuanhe may have arranged."

"Fingers crossed."

Almost as if to mock the two scientists, a bright flash of light splashed upon the feed from the low-observability AMX-102, as the low-cost ARIA inside of it failed to notice a monomolecular tripwire.

Miles' hand extended to Aiesu, before his fingers curled in a 'pay up' gesture but either she didn't understand or pretended not to.

There was a chuckle from Miles, as he returned to watching the feed, then let out a whistle. "Oooh boy, that bitch... did you see that!" Miles paused the feed, before advancing it one frame, reversing it a frame, then advancing it a frame, noting one of the Yamataian sensor signals moving kilometers within one nanosecond. "Teleport module."

"Hum..." Aiesu uttered. She designed kit but to actually see it in live-fire was strange for her, evidenced by the way she stared but didn't take much in.

Miles meanwhile continued his interested assessment, as he pointed to where the Kylie ended up, on top of the Nodachi it had arrived in, along with Helen Klein. "She has her fighter again... Looks like she found it after the Yamataians were permitted to get their communications back online... Mark that as another fuck-up for our team."

"She's ascending..." Miles mumbled, before the aetheric sensor readings spiked firmly, as the Nodachi began to fire upon the falling Lazarus ship, ripping into the hull. "Looks like she wants to keep the evidence intact... the escort AMX units are moving to engage..." As Miles spoke, he picked up his beverage container, from which he took a deep drink as he watched the feed, kilometers ticking away quickly in respect to the distance between the AMX-102 units and the Nodachi. "Ah-ah, see here? This is one of our problems. Our engagement range is limited by the packet rifle's maximum engagement range, and the AMX-102 units are far enough out so the Nodachi still has the ability to evade the railgun."

"And how would you have solved this?" Aiesu quizzed.

"Paycheck first." Miles countered, as he gave a chuckling laugh. "But from what these ARIA units are doing, they have the right idea... the one with our AWACs module is closing in though, that's a pretty dumb move, unless it does the job right."

On the screen, the AMX-102 quickly closed in on the Nodachi, and, overshot it. In a blur of motion, the Nodachi performed a drifting twist in air-and-space, swinging around 360 degrees, and at 180 of those degrees, the Nodachi opened up on the AMX-102 with a flurry of weapons fire that was more than enough to rip apart the Lazarus produced machine which had overshot its mark.

"Should have gone for the collision... dumbass." Miles scathingly remarked.

"I didn't write the intelligence they're running. They're based on Stalwart's original."

"They don't do well as SI-Modules. They work better when they have the natural body." Miles noted.

"We fixed that two versions ago. Someone's chosen an older version deliberately, probably not to incriminate us."

"The biological ones did have a better edge though in engagement situations... and do keep up with your current model for 'out of the box' problem solving."

"Someone's intentionally used the SI from the 101. Its security is weaker than the work I did on the 102... Whoever's doing this didn't want to go through me to do it."

"Comm-chatter is more emotional than the usual ARIA as well." Miles noted, pointing to the transcripts which came with the data log. "I figure, there is an attempt here to make them seem like biological pilots."

"Ahhh, here's the 'fun part'." Miles announced, as he gestured to the display. "Looks like our machines took out the Nodachi's torpedo payload. She'll have to close-in to get any sort of damage landed on that ship to make it break apart. The Heavy 102 is holding her in a stand-off position."

"...You practically want to strangle them, don't you?"

"They're so stupid. I was a far better pilot when I was in the service."

"Like I said. For whatever reason, someone thought not going through me was more important than making them smart."

"Hmm..." Miles sounded in response, his gut told him the why of the matter, but he dared not speak it. There was no reason to make an incident out of the matter, at least which was how he figured the situation, and what would come of his feedback.

"What?" She could see he knew something and didn't want to share it.

Miles was caught in that moment, as he paused the display. "How many projects have they trusted you with since I got here? More so, since you lost your arms."

"Four, mostly high-profile, but I've been given systems-work instead of platform work almost exclusively. They took me off Phasma and let me finish up Modus."

"You can see where this is going, can't you?" Miles asked, frowning.

"Someone thinks I'm already compromised."

"They thought this even before this bitch here made her move." Miles spoke, gesturing to the Nodachi, and Helen within.

Aiesu could feel the trembling returning, ebbing in her voice like she'd just been let down on her birthday. "...I'm really starting to hate that woman."

"I don't think it is her." His words, they came with a heavy frown.

"Battle maiden, then. Nekovalkyjra?" she hissed through her teeth afterwards, feeling things get worse. She wasn't even on the same page.

"No, I think you're being cut out due to a risk assessment based on personal 'faults'." Miles finally said it, bluntly, directly.

"And they don't think I can finish what I start. They've been throwing me harder and harder stuff. We're past petty stuff like AI and femto-engineering now."

There was a shake of Miles' head; "When you nearly killed yourself trying to get your interface off of you back there under the sea, that was likely the red-flag. I was assigned as your doctor shortly thereafter."

"I'm wondering if I can buy your amnesty, but then... We've got our claws in the government here too. Do you think Nepleslia would be a good bet? The infrastructure isn't quite so standardized. Nobody's obsessive with their book-keeping."

"I've read the treaty arrangement. I've got to sort this out with the Empire. That, or become a new person... I'm not keen on the latter honestly, at least not in the long term. Perhaps while we're on the move, I could send a clone-construct to stand in my place while facing charges and making a defense to the Empire's charges... If I can get that off my back, I'm home free."

"Key word: You."

"Moment I don't have the Empire on my ass, I have more options than ever, and I'll take those options and share them like a man shares a paycheck at a bar with rounds of drinks. Just like any Nepleslian man should."

"If it’s all the same... I don't completely trust you. You understand its part of my line of work."

"Hush, you're cute, you can be our mascot."

"...As soon as the empire even gets a sniff of who I am, they're going to come down on me like a ton of bricks and interrogate me until I piss blood and count my teeth on the floor."

"You already piss blood and lose your teeth daily."

"That's...” she grumbled quietly, whispering now.”Beside the point. You know what I mean."

"Officially, you have no criminal record; you have no financial ties to the company. If anyone is going to come after you, it'll be the company itself, if you make a move to leave it so soon."

"You're welcome to pursue your legal battle but first I want to know what's at that address. She said it was important."

"Likely a bomb... or a biological weapon or something."

"She said Lalah was abducted. You remember, our waitress? The two are close friends. Sort of like pen-pals though constructs."

"I don't know, Lalah kind of strikes me as someone who goes missing for days and comes back as if nothing happened."

"This was two weeks ago. It has the librarian scared shitless. They came for her and mistook Lalah at the address."

"You know this could be a ploy. Something to jerk us all around. Like tapping someone on their left shoulder, then stepping to their right side as they're looking the other way."

"The address is OPSCURUS. You can't fake that, even if you're forced. It doesn't work under duress."

"I won't argue. Besides, I'm still not getting that tactical pay." Miles remarked, before turning on the display again.

"You get me through this and I'll give you enough to buy a small moon. I'd be spending it if I could."

"I already have enough to buy two. Everyone fuckin' loves that pico-jelly I made."

"Then why are you haggling me for pay?"

"It would be unNepleslian to do otherwise."

"And what would be the.. Right and 'proper' thing to do in this situation, as a Nepleslian, Miles?"

"Space-driveby." Miles replied simply, before raising his hands and doing a 'gun pointing' gesture.

"Putting space in front of something doesn't make it a good idea," Aiesu graveled.

"It does when you outfit a Vampire-Class with aether arrays and an Aura reactor."

"Who in fuck are we even supposed to be shooting at?!" She was getting hysterical now.

"At this point, I'd say anyone in the company that does not like us, and anyone who is after our asses. This is why I put 'space' in front of it, because we'd have to be going pretty damn fast to get our asses out of the situation as soon as shots are fired. We hit first, say we mean business, and if they make a point of it after that, then we get serious." Nepleslian bravado dripped heavily from Miles in that moment, but, it was how his people survived for so many years.

"I assume you have a vampire class with said load out? Or are you just waving your dick in the wind, boy?"

"I could hire one."

"If it’s all the same... I'd like something I'm not expected to hand back in one piece. More specifically though, something I can call my own for good."

"That's what hazard pay and premiums are for... but seriously, we had that kind of thing with the Maras. Then... well... that bitch . Since the Maras was taken from us, we've been scraping by with the most pathetic parasitic lifestyle possible."

"Miles...Have you ever stolen a ship before?"

"I stole a power armor, then I was cut in half by a NIWS with an aether gatling, and left for dead."

"Hiring doesn't seem quite so bad anymore. Tell me, did you have anyone in mind?"

"Not really. I mean, I've seen some ads here and there." Miles admitted honestly in that moment, as some of his bravado drained away.

"We're going to be living rough for a while but... What are we now on your calendar, Nouvaembour?"

"Yeah, the year is due to change soon."

"If you know your way around a ship-yard, I might be able to get you something good for kuruissmass."

There was a smile, before a gentle correction "You're reading some old history, the cats call the holiday Yuletide... "

"I was doing my research. I wanted to get you something nice. You're kind of a dick but you don't talk down to me. You don't forget that I'm a doctor, even if I'm also a patient. I like that."

"Well, if you get me something nice, I'll get you something nice in return. Besides, you're cute."

"Again with that... I'm old enough to be your mother."

"You're overstating that, I'm just a few years younger than you... unless you're into laying really early."

"Lorath are full of surprises, aren't we?"

"Surprises, eggs, and trickery. Like some sort of spring holiday."

"You're alluding to that bastard heresy freak show you call Ueystar."

"I knew you'd get that, since you were reading the old history. Now, we just have Lewis Pasco day. Much more practical, and with guns. Though, it shares the same time as Yuletide." Miles explained.

"...Who's Leurwriszz Plraskglow?"

"Lewis Pasco, a Nepleslian soldier, pretty badass guy. He got a holiday named after him." Miles stopped for a moment, before gesturing to the display behind him. "Hey, we're almost done. I want to see how this goes down."


Miles resumed the display, and with it, the scene unfolded rapidly, as the Nodachi quickly closed in on the AMX-102 and the falling ship, using aether beams to cover its advance, with thrusters at a full burn which made the approach happen within a scant few seconds.

"I don't get it... A 102 should out-maneuver a Nodachi. It should be doing rings around it."

"Combined Field System and gravitic field manipulation. It allows the Nodachi to perform maneuvers with zero inertial effect, and can redirect momentum. With those big aether-plasma thrusters I see there, it can hold its own... that, and the 102 is trying to maintain a defensive position to cover the falling ship."

"...I don't have a great understanding of the CFS, only that you managed to get my centrifuge to do it."

"CFS is a concept founded upon nestled dimensional layer manipulation, energy projection, and field cohesion."

"I know that. I mean, the applications. What I do know is when I turned it inside out, I could make things bigger on the inside."

"Cats were doing that before you. Not as compact as the volucomp, but they had the means to make 'pocket universes' for some time."

"I gather, but we can make permanent structures. It sustains itself, without needing a generator."

"Quite ha---" Miles cut off, as the display brought up the climax of the moment.

There was silence in response to the AMX-102's transmitted taunts, silence which hung heavy as the roar of atmosphere, weapons fire, and thrust screamed out all around. Then, there was a laugh; "Whoever built you was stupid." Helen's voice spoke, cutting through the interference with a touch of static. "Whoever designed your AI was stupid." she added, and as she spoke those words, the canopy of her Nodachi blasted open, before the seat of her fighter violently tore itself from the cockpit, and there sat Helen, in her Kylie, with her aether projector raised, and blazing even as the cockpit canopy was still between her and the AMX-102. Her projector screamed with aetheric fury, precision aimed by her NH-27 flesh, and computer-like mind. At such close range, there was no hope for avoidance, no hope for evasion, nothing to rescue the AMX-102 from weapons fire which in the Kylie's heyday was used to tear into starships. Though, when the canopy opened, her arm which was not firing was also raised... the hand at the end was held up in a time-honored Nepleslian gesture, as she added the eloquent words to match; "Fuck you."

With that moment, the AMX-102's feed terminated, as the sat-feed indicated that a pair of high-energy detonations took place within that same few seconds.

Aiesu whistled softly, borrowing a handful of popcorn.

"Well, at least the bitch has style." Miles commented, before grabbing a handful of popcorn, and bringing his attention to the low-observability AMX-102 which made its approach on the Iromakuanhe ship. "Oh hey, this one scored a kill."

"I'm not going to lie" she said, chewing "I'm disappointed in them."

"It was a pathetic display." Miles remarked, as Klein made her return, in a Mindy, and promptly snuffed out the low-observability 102, after having swapped machines, and using a teleporter module to make her arrival, and with that last kill, the data feed ended. All the Lazarus units on site were wiped out.

"Also, damn, I really made a fine machine with that Kylie. Shit, and the Empire still owes me back pay on that thing." Miles remarked, being an asshole on the matter.

"Why don't you make a better one?"

"Honestly? Because I don't trust the company. I would want to make the design myself, and make sure it gets used properly. Especially after watching this fucking farce of an engagement."

"Keep in mind the company did split down the middle. I think I've explained that we're two competitive elements here."

Miles quirked his brow, before replying to the matter with a rhetorical question on the prospect "Team idiot, and team moron?"

"Lagrange and Lazarus, Red and Blue, respectively. yes."

"Yeah, fuck that. We're stealing a ship and getting the hell out of this game... I'm not really keen on sticking around for something that sounds so utterly stupid, while I haven't even been brought up to speed on the rules of how the game is even played. You're the member, I'm just the employee."

"Keep in mind Lazarus is still Lor's primary arms developer. I'm still a pretty big part of all that. If I up and leave, someone's going to notice. That's bad for us."

"So we're stuck?" Miles questioned; "How do you think we could make it so we'd not be missed... erm... in a way which totally does not mean us dying."

"Basically, to continue my work."

"This brings us back to the fact that we have a lethal cat-bitch meddling in Lazarus affairs, we've got the Matriarchy and Empire in bed with each other and that's going to have someone knocking on my door soon to take me away, and we've got a kidnapped lizard-trap that may or may not be related to our situation getting even worse."

"Trap?" the term puzzled Aiesu. "Anyway. You don't have a door. I have a door. You're here as someone totally disconnected from your identity."

"Your country is obsessed with biometric scanning. For every single reason, there is a biometric scanner. Because of what the Maras did for the Matriarchy a few years back, your government has been kind enough not to advertise my presence here. Though, with this treaty, that umbrella is not going to hold up. Besides, if there is someone from a third-party prying into Lazarus, they may catch wind of my presence and want to collect on the bounty on my head."

"Look, we've been going in circles for an hour now. Let's just collect our things. And leave."

"We need to make it look like there is a reason for our departure that won't make people suspicious of you leaving all of a sudden. You still have your public life to consider."

"Medical. It has to be medical. Tell my father... Step father, that I'm being moved under critical condition or something."

"Hrm... That sounds viable, but we need a reason that would not just result in it being more sensible to just bring you to the campus hospital."

"...Maybe its something to do with my work, instead."

"Remember how I was suggesting a construct research team? Why not leave constructs here as our doubles. Meanwhile we make a break for it."

"I'm bringing Albert with me."

"It should work out fine, and, we can just make a generic Albert clone, only you or a Lmanel that knows him can tell the difference really."

"I'm the only one who knows him properly... We're taking Seiren too. I'll be damned if I'm cooking my own meals," she tried to smile.

"I think you need to start working on those constructs. I don't think we can just up and leave as you're suggesting though, we need to plan it out, and do this in an organized way."

"I've got one of myself and one of Seiren already ready. I only need one of you, really. Unless you also want one of Sana done. They take a few days to make.... I ah. Don't recommend meeting your own. It’s not a nice experience."

"Of course I want one of Sana, an accurate one, including equipment so she'll appear roughly identical on Matriarchy sensor scans."

"That's fine, but you'll be expected to fit it all."

"I'll need to go hardware shopping. We're also going to need guns."

"Lots, I gather. What's our transport going to be?"

"Not sure yet. Maybe we'll steal something, maybe we'll buy something, maybe we'll rent something. I'll need an anonymous ID for the Matriarchy network, a fresh clean one, then we can start shopping." Miles spoke, putting his Nepleslian expertise to work. "Whatever we do, we need to do it in a way which leaves our options open at this point. The company may straighten out, you may get in good with them again, I may end up cleared by the Empire, and we still need to account for being hunted. Maybe not even by that Klein woman, it could be another agent, considering that Lalah went missing while this incident on Asura went down."

"Who's to say she's not smart enough to have people acting under her or..." Aiesu grimaced.


"Or maybe she has a copy of herself running around somewhere. If I'm smart enough to do it, who's to say she isn't? It’s illegal on Yamatai if I remember but what's to stop a member of SAINT? We're fucked."

"They're not exactly the same SAINT as they were back in the day, from what I understand by the chatter on Laz-Pub, they're adhering to law more than they ever have." Even as he spoke those words, they felt like a false hope, a liar's promise really.

"W-Who's to hold Helen to those standards?"

"The ruling clan of Yamatai, the Empress, Taisho Yui, the Imperial Pemier, the defense treaty between the Matriarchy, Yamatai, and Nepleslia. The list can go on."

"...I wrote letter to Yui once." Aiesu said. Miles could hear her nerves bundled tightly in her throat, trembling. "

Some how the girl was even pastier than usual, dripping with sweat.

"She replied. She actually replied. Would you believe that?"
Lor - Last Week of YE 36 - 175 Kilometers From Campus - Fyunnen District

Cultural quirks, they were the dictating force behind many activities, both routine and special. In the case of something as 'simple' as finding a shooting range that is open to the public, but not some sort of simulation or approximation to the real experience of being on a range, the task of finding one was horrendously difficult due to the lasting cultural stigma which the Lorath held against the gun. Eventually, after several locations were deemed 'Totally fucking bullshit' by Aiesu's advisor on the matter of firearms, a range was located far past the bounds of the central urban sprawl of the Lorath capital city, and was even on the fringe of the Fyunnen home district, almost as if a target range were an afterthought.

Upon arrival, it was proven that it was just that, an afterthought. Since the target range which Miles managed to track down was not operated by the Matriarchy government in proper, nor the Lorath Self Defense Force, it was left to the Fyunnen caste to fund the location. What resulted from the Fyunnen cultural bias amounted to little more than a series of benches, with stone-thread tarps serving as shelter from the mid-summer heat brought on by the red-giant star overhead. A small shed was adjacent to the benches, where the range master's office was located, if a shed could serve as an office. As the taxi made its approach, Miles looked out, and could not help but to smile at the simplicity.

Aiesu in her infinite charm spat, still arguing all the way to their destination -- at first quiet mumbles but by now outright shouting and making a scene.

"This is HARDLY the TIME for shooting things! We should be getting off world!"

Her hands were trembling.

"This is the perfect time for shooting things. Look, we can't very well expect you to go off into space, where your Goddess knows what will happen, without you being able to pick up a weapon and defend yourself, or the people around you, when the time comes." Miles stated, with a tone that was kin to the sort of tone that a Lorath mother would give a pubescent daughter when they were refusing to practice with their stones.

Her gaze sat aside, arms crossed. She could feel disgust creeping up through her face as she took in the surrounding... Simplicity. Her teeth ground for a moment, still trembling.

"You're saying we should SHOOT our way out of this? You're dumber than I THOUGHT."

"I'm not saying what we should or should not do to solve our overall problem, but, I do know that out in space there are things that are going to force our hand. After all, you tell me what happened to your people the moment they went into space, unprepared for what was going to come back to them."

"We met you, and your friends. And all this happened all too much too soon. We've had three hundred years of technical progress thrust upon us in less than a fucking decade. We've built entire cities on this new stuff... There are kids growing up not knowing the difference. Know what gets me though?"

She was getting louder.

"None of those discoveries you had that we didn't were particularly complex. Or difficult. Tedious, maybe, but nothing we couldn't have figured out on our own... It’s why we adapted so quickly: None of it is actually particularly difficult, It’s just knowing the answers. I mean shit; we had our own parallel development of aether before we even met you foreigners... Not even Nepleslia knew the tricks behind aether. How could we, SIMPLETONS be better than you?"

"And that's just it. We ARE better than you. I'M better than you. The proof is here, taking me to a gun-range when we should be running."

She was now dripping with sweat following her long diatribe, causing quite a scene by raising her voice.

Up front, the SILVER-type droid driver shifted an optical sensor to look in the rear-view mirror, before dismissing Aiesu's outburst as routine biological chatter, and not even chatter that it was meant to respond to.

"Alright, if we ran, where would we go? What would we aim to do?" Miles asked, very rhetorically, as he followed up quickly;


"We need to discuss that, and while we exchange words, we need to do something productive. Preparing you to go out and deal with what is out there is entirely productive, far better than us sitting in your dorm room, waiting for someone to knock on the door and ruin our lives."

She held her tongue, giving him a look that for the first time filled the profile of a child -- specifically a rather spoiled child.

As Miles made his speech, the taxi came to a halt near the range master’s shed, and once stopped, the droid up front turned to look in the back of the taxi before it spoke; "I take valid credits only, no stones, no pebbles, no shiny buttons."

"Yeah, yeah." Miles muttered, before he pulled out his anonymous-type KS card, which he gently tapped against the card-reader in the back of the taxi, before the doors unlocked for the passenger compartment. "Now don't you go driving off before we get the trunk unloaded, I got your registry number, I've got your metal ass." Miles said harshly, before giving Aiesu a nudge. "Come on, you can carry the small calibers."

Only once Aiesu was out of the taxi did Miles fully exit as well, as he stepped around to the back of the large sports utility vehicle type 'Lo-Car', and upon opening the back hatch, a number of large stonethread laminated plastic cases almost tumbled out of the back, as Miles snatched up the one which almost fell. "Damned bumpy ride over here." Peering back over his shoulder, Miles looked to Aiesu approvingly, before handing cases along to her.

Arms hanging, her hands hooked to catch as he handed her an assemblage of long cases as if he were clothes shopping and she were stuck carrying the baggage -- peeking over the matted gray pile.

Miles soon grabbed his luggage, but his was a bit more robust, large metallic ammunition containers, brimming with what they were meant to carry, in ample quantity. "Let's go check in with the range master." advised the Nepleslian, before using a pair of well-placed kicks to the vehicle's rear hatch to seal it shut, and another kick to signify that the taxi driver was free to go.

In the nearby shed, a genuinely, chronologically, teenage Lorath was seated. And even from outside of the shed, through the transparent durandium window, her short hair, which could only be described as tomboyish by a Nepleslian, could be seen easily with its bright red flourish of dye. On approach, it would be clear that within her pointed ears, there were a set of earbuds, pouring whatever music youthful Lorath of the time were listening to (which just happened to be a new trend consisting of a Lorath take on taiko drums, set to a rapid tempo, with screaming vocals in languages other than Lorath).

"Looks like someone has a summer job." Miles remarked, upon stepping to the transaction window.

Aiesu stood aside Miles, glancing from him and then to this person. She hadn't seen a young person in such a long time that she found the fashions a bit strange. She waited, never having been somewhere like this before -- and with her hands full there wasn't much she could do.

There was a moment of uncertainty on Miles' part as well, as he wondered just how to grab the teenage Lorath's attention, before he eyed the microphone which served as a bridge of communication between the outside of the shed, and the interior. An idea struck him, as he leaned in, and delivered a short sharp whistle into the microphone.

From the Lorath within the shed, there was a steady pace of head-bobbing to the music, until the whistle, which made the teenage Fyunnen pause, before she pulled the ear buds from her ear-canals, releasing them, and allowing the ear buds to rest within the confines of the hollow gauges which held her earlobes open. She soon turned to look in the direction of the window to the outside world. She seemed utterly surprised to see someone, as she suddenly felt distinctively caught off guard. In a grand flourish of teenage scrambling about, the Fyunnen in the shed tossed aside the lewd magazine she was looking through, went about buckling her pants and adjusting her tank top which she had placed in a less-than-ideal position for the sake of the sweltering summer heat.

Aiesu peeked over the rim of the window up at this person, catching herself starring beneath the loose white tank-top at her tanned developing features, screwing her eyebrows together for a moment in realization that perhaps great minds do think alike: sensing Miles' eyes much the same, she elbowed him in the hip, prompting him to speak as she made her eyes into more wholesome places.

"Gggk." Miles sounded upon the elbowing, just in time to seem like a bit of a nerd for the Fyunnen who was somewhere between youth and adulthood.

As the sound of surprise and mild pain sounded from what the Fyunnen figured was a Nepleslian, she approached her side of the counter, placing her hands on the edge of the metallic countertop, exposing her arms which were covered in tattoos of various cultural icons; none of which were traditionally Lorath, but instead had distinctive ties to Nepleslian culture.

"Hey there." Miles spoke, in trade, as he noticed the tattoos on the Fyunnen's arms.

With the greeting, the Fyunnen's guess at the nationality of the man before her was confirmed, enough so she smiled, baring sharp teeth, framed by deep red lipstick that bordered on black, and contrasted to the twin hoops of gold looped through those lips. "Mm, hey, I'd ask what brings someone this far out, but judging by you being a Nepleslian, and where you are now, I'd say you're looking for a taste of home."

Sighting the conversation had taken the Fyunnen's attention; Aiesu let her eyes wander again.

"Yeah, no shit, anyone ever come out here?" Miles asked, as he set down the ammunition cans, and went about leaning on his end of the counter, so only a thin layer of transparent durandium was between him and the Fyunnen.

"You're the first this season. Though, I can't say I'm disappointed, I suppose waiting and receiving a special guest is better than having some fresh faced boy getting ready to join the LSDF coming here, only to shoot his stones off."

Miles let out a chortle, smiling a bit, before he cut the crap and took a serious expression; "Well, I'm no young punk, and I don't have time to flirt and talk crap all day, I want to rent some range time, and buy some targets, and most of all, I don't want your security tapes on while me and my... friend here, get our time in. I know how you people are about recording everything."

"Bossy bossy, you sound like a cock whose hen just got in the door."

"...In the door?" Aiesu found herself out of touch as she spoke in orthodox, still a bit confused by how the youth spoke today.

There was a cooing chuckle from behind the glass, as the Fyunnen looked down at the small, and confused, Lmanel, before she took her gaze back to Miles. "Cradle robber much?"

"Where I'm from, the saying is 'tight is right'." Miles replied, still in the Trade tongue, but using a phrase which had become quite well known in circles that knew anything about Yamatai.

It took Aiesu a moment to realize what they were talking about, further cemented by what came next.

"T-Tight is..?" she tried to repeat in orthodox, coming off prudish, prim and unaware of just what she'd let herself in for, eyes widening -- painting the picture of Miles as a predator.

Miles' hand went to Aiesu's mess of hair, soon guiding her to place her head near his hip. "I'm looking to show the girl a good time, in my people's traditional way... and that ain't exactly something I'd want filmed, nor peeped on by Fyunnen who just may be a couple years outside of my tastes."

"You're one nasty fuck ain't you?" Spoke the Fyunnen, scowling a bit at it being implied she was too old for Miles' tastes, when she was still in her teenage years.

She could feel the warmth of his body against the side of her head, feeling a twinge tickle down through her belly. For a moment, she forgot he was joking. His smell tickling through her nostrils as she scented him visibly in instinct... A light-head making light fingers as the stonethread case in her hand came tumbling down.

There was a hiss from Miles, as the mix of the weight of the case and the contents inside came down upon his foot, though; he was quick to play it off. "Hey now, we're just messing around." Miles spoke in Lorath, before patting Aiesu on the head, then looking back to the Fyunenn, and again speaking in trade; "Messing around just a little, at least, really though if we had the time to chat you up, I would, but we just need to get on the range for a bit." It seemed, Aiesu's cargo dump had done well to take the steam out of Miles' plundering sails.

Soon the two were making their way to a booth, concern in her eyes now but also betrayal.

"So you're a rorikon now?"

"Not really, but it’s better to come off as a pervert in your culture than an enemy of the state."

"You're that desperate to sell it? I get that here, we still approve of that sort of thing but only between family. You're... Not actually going to 'play uncle', are you?"

"You may have to sit on my lap to use the firing bench properly." Miles spoke, joking, but entirely serious as he eyed the bench, and thought on the dimensions of Aiesu in relation to the hardware present.

"One chair, I don't like where this is going." she said, dumping her cases up onto the bench table of the booth.

"Don't worry, most of what we're doing, I'm going to have you firing from the shoulder, from the hip, and a few other positions. Bench shooting won't help you learn much really." Miles replied, hopefully giving assurance to Aiesu, as he went about opening up one of the stonethread cases, and from it, he pulled three carbine rifles, Lorath in manufacture. Once they were out the case, Miles went about inspecting the weapons, checking their assembly in relation to the manuals he had downloaded into his cybernetic buffer.

She took the chair for herself: a preventative measure as she sat arms crossed, a leg perched over the other: watching him work.

Each rifle was easily inspected, it was a feature of design really, something required due to their status as a standard-issue piece of equipment. Soon, the Ek'yra, My'hyz, and Hik'id type rifles were laid out upon the bench top, as Miles reached into a shirt pocket and produced a pack of imported Nepleslian cigarettes, one of which he soon had perched upon his lips as he went about lighting up, and looking out in the distance, eying the range before he spoke, with each word carrying smoke upon the sound; "We are going to start you off on rifles. Then, we'll move on to side arms. Rifles are generally safer for an inexperienced shooter, and, easier to control."

"Makes sense..." she said, reaching for the first thing she even came close to recognizing.

"What's this?"

Again Miles' tongue went about wrapping itself about the Lorath orthodox dialect which Aiesu understood more of, for the sake of clarity so she would not have to try to understand Trade. "This is a rifle your Matriarchy developed back when you and the Empire were first working together, after your people were conquered."

"We weren't conquered" she butted in.

"I was on the Sakura when it happened. You were conquered."

"...Who the Xiaah sleeps aside is her own business."

"That was a whole different matter... now, pay attention."

"It’s called 'Sorrow' in your tongue." For anyone listening, while not understanding the words, Miles would have just been speaking the name 'My'hyz'. "Nomenclature states it as LM-SA-AR-C-01-30... Fuckin' long-ass designation. Anyway, it is a solid munitions chemical propulsion based rifle platform. Adaptable caliber. It has been designed to be exported to anyone willing to buy it. Overall, it is a respectable weapon, very 'run of the mill' in regard to performance, and it keeps up decently with its foreign counterparts."

"...So. Today, you're schooling me, humiliating me and now you're giving me a history lesson. This isn't running. How is sorrow going to help us?"

"That's the name your people gave the rifle. From what I understand, the Fyunnen who gave it that name meant for it to relate to the forced progress your people have been pushed into... which is pretty relevant to what we were talking about in the taxi." As Miles spoke on the matter, he picked up the rifle, before pulling back the bolt, eying the chamber to make sure it was empty, before he handed the weapon to Aiesu. "Don't be shy, hold it, and get to know the shape of the weapon. Your Matriarchy designed these other two rifles in the same pattern, so your soldiers would only have to learn one set of motions and postures."

She settled her finger on the trigger without thought, trying to copy the posture she'd seen him wear with the weapon. She had to stretch her arm out further beneath the barrel to hold it up. She pulled the trigger to a satisfying click before -- with hands that felt doughy now, wrapping her fingers about the bolt lever and easing it back, a tremble in her wrist in the last half inch before it gave a click. She squeezed her fingers together, feeling them ache from the lever.

"It’s a bit stiff. I'll have to tune it later. Can't argue with military surplus though." Miles chimed in, as he soon took to standing behind Aiesu, and once behind her, he stooped down a bit to be closer to her height. "Bring the weapon to your shoulder after folding out the wire stock, and hold it while aiming down-range, I'll help you get into a proper position. Once we have you comfortable holding the weapon, and with some safety things to keep in mind, I'll give you a live magazine."

She did as she was told, feeling the steel wire of the thing brace into her shoulder tightly as she brought it up to bare. Eyes skimming from him to the barrel and back again, she brought it up against her cheek, staring down its length and off into the distance past. She could feel a slight ache in her arms from holding something so firmly for so long, muscles tightening up -- synthetic or otherwise, particularly in her back which still did the work of lifting her artificial arms.

"How long do I have to do this for?"

"If you were a soldier, I would say you would keep having to do it until you got tired, and that length of time again even after... but, since it is just you and me, I'll cut you a break." His words were spoken softly, kindly, laced with encouragement as he gently grasped onto her limbs, adjusting her posture a little, before he moved his hand to her trigger hand, adjusting her fingers. "When you do not have a target, and you are simply holding the weapon, do not rest your finger on the trigger, you keep your finger outside of the trigger guard. That is one of the most important things to keep in mind, for the sake of everyone around you. Also, only point the business end of the weapon at things you will never feel a sense of loss over... always think of what is on the business end of the weapon as something which can quite possibly be destroyed or killed at any given moment if or when your weapon discharges."

"...You're squeezing my arm" she uttered quietly, raising an eyebrow. His enthusiasm was a bit strange to her.

"You really like guns, don't you?"

"I'm Nepleslian." Miles replied, as if those words would full well explain the scope of the matter. It was kin to thinking of a Lorath as pious, or thinking of a Yamataian as a sexual creature. To think of a Nepleslian, was to think on their love of the gun.

"Guns are a tool, just like any other. Every tool has a purpose, every purpose intent. A gun has the purpose of killing, and that is used to relay the intentions of the shooter." Miles explained, as he felt Aiesu's synthetic muscles beneath one hand, and her biological beneath his other hand. "Even with that much responsibility, my best advice for you is to relax... that much tension is just going to ruin your shot, you'll tremble too much."

"I'm trembling because I'm frightened. I can compose myself but there's a reason I think we should be on the move."

"If we're ever in a firefight, I want you to be more concerned over the situation, and not the gun you're going to be using..."

"Makes sense. Everything is contextual."

"And what's the reason?"

"I'm being colluded by a Nepleslian both large and strong enough to render me into a fine pulp if I look at him funny and I'm running from something that could render HIM and his augmented wife into a similar consistency. I have a lot to be worried about."

"An ancient Nepleslian once said something about the gun... He dubbed it 'The Great Equalizer'. When someone is armed, they stand on an even keel with those around them who are also armed. What serves to separate them is their intention, and ability, to use the weapon."

"You're suggesting this could hurt ... What was her name again?" she said, a single hand reaching to palm sweat from her forehead, feeling her eyes sting.

"Helen, her name is Helen. Though, any Neko is going to be a problem. They all are built for one thing, to kill."

"Oh and apparently sleep with royalty. I really hate that woman. What would it..." she began, thumbing sweat out of her eye. "What are we looking at if we want to put one down?"

"You mind if I borrow this?" Miles spoke, again rhetorically asking, as he took the rifle from Aiesu's grip, and soon his hand dipped into one of the ammunition cans as he picked up a magazine for the rifle, inserted it into the magazine well with a dull 'click', and soon fixed it into place as he slid the bolt back, and shouldered the rifle. "Aiesu, see that panel on the bench? Hit the button for the one-hundred meter distance target."

She did as told, watching for it. Realizing her proximity to him matched that dealing with the lady in the booth, she took a few steps back. Expecting noise, she reached around; slipping on a pair of what resembled headphones.

"Don't bother, remember, you don't really have an eardrum to burst."

"THAT STILL DOESN'T--" she began before lifting one of the ear protectors enough to hear herself. "That still doesn't mean I have to enjoy the noise of it". She was one for complaining today.

"Get used to the sound, you won't have those to keep your head together out in the field, even more so if firing inside of a ship... it echoes, and resounds, and just lingers in the ears like none other." Miles explained, as his cybernetic eye soon rested its gaze upon the humanoid sized target downrange.

There was a soft click, the safety was turned off, another soft click sounded as Miles thumbed the fire-selector, and with a heavy but slow breath, Miles pulled the trigger, again and again, letting off short three-round bursts from the weapon, and within seconds the magazine was emptied. Lowing the rifle from his shoulder, Miles reached to the panel that Aiesu had operated, as he hit the 'return' button, which soon had an automated drone fly out from the shed with the Fyunnen, the drone then went downrange, snatching up the target, before ferrying it over to Miles, before returning back to the shed from which it came.

"This is what it would take." Miles stated, as he held up the semi-rigid target, which had two neat clusters of perforations, centralized in a two-inch diameter circle of the chest of the target, and a similar circle upon the head of the target. "I can only pull this off since I have augmented muscle control though... my grouping would be twice this without it." As he made his explanation, he slid back the bolt of the rifle, checking the chamber after he disengaged the magazine from the rifle.

"Is there no way I could cheat with these gimp arms you gave me? I didn't ask for them so it’s the least you can do."

"I want you to practice being comfortable before anything else. Accuracy can wait. You can't even begin to be accurate until you feel comfortable with the weapon, even if you have software and hardware cheating for your aim." Came the inevitable teacher-styled reply, as Miles presented the rifle to Aiesu, as he grabbed another magazine from the ammunition can. "Besides, I would need data to calibrate your legs and arms accordingly, so, practice for now and I'll use the data to make a program for you." On that note, he presented the magazine of live ammunition to Aiesu. "Did you see how I readied the rifle? I want you to do the same."

Aiesu did as she was told, replicating the steps he'd made. Her eyes skimmed over parts of the weapon like it were a musical instrument, just to make sure she was doing things properly: At one point having to flip the magazine over because it wouldn't load only to find out she had it right the first time and didn't push hard enough. With a labored hand, she pulled the bolt and the weapon was live.

"Don't fire yet; let me get a look at you first." Miles spoke, as he approached, and gave another look over Aiesu's posture, and soon, guided her thumb to the fire-selector switch. "Put it on semi-automatic. One shot, each pull of the trigger. We're going to go through two magazines like that, two with burst fire, and then three with automatic fire."

She could feel his chest up against her back -- fingernail rattling against the metal until she set it firmly on the fire selector.

Miles went to the bench, pressing the button for a 50-yard distance target, as he gave Aiesu a nod, while pressing a button to signal a hot range. "Fire when ready."

Taking a deep breath, she readied her first shot and almost dropped the rifle -- the sound so close startling her. The squeak in her throat, like that of a small animal burnt by something was unmistakable. A second shot should have followed but hands met her glasses, feeling along the lenses with her thumb from beneath, finger over the top.

"Miles" she called out. The recoil had struck her in the face like a punch, leaving a purple bruise beneath her right eye, cracking her glasses. Her nose ran red, a hand moving to try and plug it.

"Hey, turn the safety on the rifle first, worry about the blood second." Miles spoke, his tone neutral, bordering on firm.

She did as she was told, placing the weapon down, covering her nose now with both hands before reaching for a handkerchief in her pocket.

"You said this was meant to be like popping a cherry" her voice came back, more nasal than Miles would remember.

"That I did, that I did." Miles mused, as he stepped over and examined Aiesu, mainly the location on her face where the recoil got her. "You were a little too relaxed it seems."

"Is this par for the course?" she held up her handkerchief, white stained red. "Fuck me, that stings" she continued, peeling her glasses up and cradling the eye, trying to work out just what she'd done to it.

"Great, now when people look at us, they'll not only think I'm a pervert, but also an abuser."

"Admittedly" she tried not to laugh now, a chuckle in her throat. "That might have its appeal". Was she being serious?

"Where I'm from, I'd get my backside kicked for that." Miles spoke with a chuckle in return, as he reached into his pocket, and produced a tiny plastic case, and from it he produced a topical wipe, which was laced with tissue repairing nanomachines, but upon watching Aiesu shoulder the rifle again, he put it away, not wishing to disrupt her resolve, nor her pride in the matter which she seemed to express.

"So no Fyunnen sunglasses for me? For shame." she chuckled, readying the rifle again, fingers trembling. She sniffled, wiping her nose with her left before her right squeezed -- a "clink" sounding as her rounds struck metal down range. And again. And again. Emptied, she reached for the same switch, eyeing the target before issuing for another and reloading. She was still shaky -- wobbling and almost forgetting the safety more than once but she developed a rhythm -- each time one of the dots on the white sheet was away from the middle or not even present, a quiet grudge to put it where it was meant to go. It was clear she didn't know much of what she was doing but the determination of Lorath could be scary sometimes -- within a few minutes having forgotten his presence.

Watching her, Miles knew that she was well underway in learning; he knew the Lorath psyche well enough to know how they latched onto new things, new concepts, new ideas, and new behaviors. They were like birds that picked up new songs, or found new ways to dig a bug from a hole, they adapted, and they did it quickly, and they loved it. Secure in that thought, Miles went over to one of the stonethread cases they had brought with them, and from it, he pulled an iconic piece, at least to Lorath it would be, as he set down a compact-size 'Hand Cannon' type revolver on the bench, before returning to standing behind Aiesu, and this time, he placed his hand upon her hip to steady her wobble.

"If you're more comfortable now, we can do that talking we said we were going to get to." Miles spoke into her recently-added ear, as he felt her body beneath his touch, and could tell that the difference in her tension in relation to before was like comparing night and day. She was much more relaxed, and it was something Miles was glad to observe.

She felt her lips wobble slightly from the warmth -- tipping her head back to stare the barrel down her nose before contemplating glancing back at him. She let the moment linger, fingers tightening some about the metal in her hands.

"Alright. You first."

"You ever leave the planet for a purpose other than work for Lazarus?" He inquired, as he studied her posture.

"No, never" she said, feeling her back arch instinctively -- something she almost visibly cursed herself for glancing skyward in thought. "The first time, I insisted on wearing a vac-suit just in case the hull split. Micro-fractures... Meteorites... Fragments moving at who knows what speed, pressure fronts... Enough radiation to fry you alive... I can't say I agree with the idea that we were meant to go into space given how badly it wants to kill us."

Miles let out a thoughtful hum on the matter "Before we arrived on your world, your people considered flight to be a taboo for those who were not properly aspected. In a way, I can see how that stuck."

"Do you know why people thought that?"

"Your High Priest told me."

"What, that flight got the attention of the Helashio, thousands of years ago. And look where space-flight got us: You came guns touting, demanding a token of submission."

"No, actually, it goes back to one of the early experiments into aether your people carried out. It involved one of those new drives."

"No, Gunn. I'm talking thousands of years before that. Before we were pushed underground like rats. If we'd never tried flying, they wouldn't have given us the time of day and none of this would have happened. Same goes with space-flight: Up and off we go and suddenly we've got new visitors from weird places popping up."

"Well, I heard different is all." Miles replied, not wanting to get on a historical and theological debate with someone who was raised in the orthodox teachings of the Lorath.

"To have wings is to have guilt, Miles. That's what being Lorath is."

"What about the Lmanel who can fly then? What about the Tur'listia as well?" Miles inquired, wanting to understand Aiesu's view on the matter, which was clearly shaped by teachings which were not entirely mainstream.

"To travel through guilt and acknowledge the thing you fear is part of you is a big part of being Lorath. It’s why we see Yamataians so frightful of being shamed for things and it’s just over laughable stuff. Oh you turned up late. Oh you got the wrong one. Oh you did something with a family member. In their history they used to TAKE THEIR LIVES over shame, to "save face". How are we supposed to respect that?"

"It is a matter of strength of character." Miles spoke, thinking on Yamataian tradition. "It is a display of resolve, of focus, and discipline. They are not shamed by the action, but the reflection that the action has upon their integrity as a person, and their image to others. An ancient Yamataian would shed their blood for the purpose of preserving that dignity which they have earned through their actions until that point; it is an action of redemption."

"Really though, my people don't give a fuck either way, until someone goes and does something that reflects poorly on them in relation to just how reliable a person is in regard to their personal integrity." Miles elaborated, touching on the Nepleslian angle of the topic.

"For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you're intent on defending them. Hilarious given that you're public enemy over there. Is your wife a Yam or something?"

"If I were not holding your quivering hip in place, I would give you a slowclap right now about now." Miles replied, slightly curious if Aiesu were perhaps joking, but he was not sure if she were aware of the fact of Sana's nationality, especially considering how modified she was in comparison to the average Yamataian, which usually fit within a very distinctive norm.

A warmth and pressure met his body now as she settled against his front, her hand meeting his and making his fingers squeeze before easing them off her hips.

"Actions speak louder than words: Mind your hands."

"Always watch the hands, hands kill, you know." Miles spoke, before giving Aiesu's backside a pat, then in a deep contrast to that touch, he stepped away and back to the bench. "Cease fire, I think it is time for you to get to know another flavor of rifle."

Her hands pulled at her spats, feeling the tight dark material slink back up her back to seat about her hips where it belonged -- the same fingertips next meeting her tie and wiping the blood from her face into her wrist over her shirt. Glasses folded in pocket, for someone who was starting to see funny through one eye, she was interested in what came next.

"Alright" her voice came. "Hit me. Figuratively, this time" she tried not to laugh, eyeing the booth and knowing now the Fyunnen had spotted her condition.

"This is going to be a bit more serious than the chem-propelled rifle you were just using." As Miles spoke on it, he gently took the rifle in question out of Aiesu's hands, inspecting it, making sure the chamber was clear, before setting it down. Then, his hands went to the next rifle which he was speaking of; "Your people call this rifle 'Regret'..." He explained, while still speaking orthodox Lorath; "It is a plasma energy rifle, it is a bit dated compared to some of the newer equipment, but it is good as an introduction to firing particle beam weapons."

This she seemed familiar with, looking it over and reading the dials. Not necessarily with the experience of shooting it but the basic operation of the weapons he was already familiar with -- and from the way her eyes inspected all sides of its construction, from an engineering standpoint. "This is modified, isn't it?"

"Any of your constructs have to work with LSDF equipment?" Miles asked, as he inspected the weapon, which fortunately was fitted with a QNC, as opposed to the original ammunition package it would have come with, which was far too cumbersome for a small shooter such as Aiesu. "Not really modified though, merely swapped out the conventional power receiver for a QNC unit."

"...Right. We have a semantics library for that sort of thing. Just read someone who knows what they're doing and merge the data and you're good to go... Though it shortens the construct's operational life-span... Entropy's a bitch."

"Well, now your constructs will have a bit more time to do their thing, since they will be drawing from you, and your actual know-how." Miles reckoned, as he mulled over something as his hands worked the plasma rifle in his grasp, checking and rechecking that it was set to anti-personnel, as opposed to anti-armor output.

"Unlikely. I can't usually issue an update since if they're square with what I know, they'll behave differently from how I would have when I initially sent them out. That's not always desirable, given the large number of changes and now this new uncertainty in my life thanks to you."

"Last I checked, you were an employee of Lazarus long before I got into your life. You were already walking down this path, and if anything, you've at least got a chance now. You're in good fortune; you know... now eyes on the birdie." Miles spoke, giving Aiesu a heads up as he got up from the firing bench, while shouldering the plasma rifle, and aiming downrange.

While it was a Lor summer, with temperatures easily dancing around somewhere just beneath the half-way point to boiling, the heat in the air climbed sharply as Miles pulled the trigger of the weapon. A flash of purple and orange combustion leaped from barrel to target in less than a blink of an eye, but certainly left enough of a wake of vapor, and trace signs of combustion in the wake of the 'packet' of plasma which impacted the target down range, causing the cheap aluminum of the target to fly apart, like putting a grenade in a big mold of liquid-metal picojelly.

Aiesu's brows rose as she took in the sight of the bits still coming down, tweaking her glasses -- still looking out through the one lens that wasn't spider web cracked.

"Isn't this normally a crew serviced weapon? -- Or rather, crew-serviced performance?"

"Surprisingly, no, your Matriarchy engineered this as something to be exported to the Yamataians when they were looking for a new battle rifle, something capable of high-end anti-personnel and low-end anti-armor operations. That was the anti-personnel setting, meant to defeat heavy body-armor. Now, you get to imagine what would have happened if the Yamataians got over their pride, and adopted this for use by their infantry." It was a slight matter of nostalgia for Miles, to be in the position of handling a military-spec energy weapon, something which he had not done in over half a decade. "Problem is, when it fires on an anti-armor setting, the heat wash cooks unprotected flesh, including the shooter."

"...Which isn't really a problem with a construct. Skin is largely a pleasantry. Packaging."

An understanding nod came from the Nepleslian "I suppose so, but if you're ever controlling one, see about getting a 'Wind' suit on, or one of your BDUs that your LSDF has, that would do the trick for keeping the skin on." Miles' train of thought continued though, at least his unspoken train of thought, as he engaged the safety on the rifle, before presenting it to Aiesu, and as he held out the rifle, he decided to just let out what he was thinking, and what he was hiding behind long-winded explanations. "You know, this whole mess we're in, it ain't an accident that I'm here for it."

"That so?" she let her accent slip some. More relaxed now but cheeky. Mischievous. Her right nostril was filled with a bulb of red tissue-paper as she sniffled. "So you're not here to play uncle and put my eye out. That's good."

"If I put your eye out, I would replace it. I am not the kind of jerk that leaves things broken in his wake, unless the break was in anger, but that's not the case here." Miles spoke, as he sat down at the bench again, this time keying up a quartet of fresh targets for down-range, which another automated drone went about placing, planting the metallic plates into the ground of the range at the designated distances. "You ever take a look at my fiancé’s neural map?" He ventured to ask, knowing full well that Aiesu's specialty would likely leave her curious.

"...I'd rather let my eye heal. And yes, the reading the LSDF took when removing the implant... I do occasionally do neuroforensics. I was involved with the case."

"You may not know this, but I was there too, for the process of the removal, and some of the recovery after. Before the Sakura arrived, I imagine the High Priest cleared most of the non-essential personnel from down there, what, with our reputation." Miles recounted, recalling memories long ago, as he pulled a set of sunglasses from a shirt pocket, and put the tinted spectacles over his eyes, so he could watch down-range without looking away from the impending impacts. "Fire control on that rifle is similar to the solid-munition rifle, just instead of a fire-selector to control semi, burst, and auto, the plasma rifle has a control for packet discharge, burst discharge, and beam discharge... Fire when read--."

She took the shot immediately. The heat warmed her face, pushing the hair from her eyes as the golden violet bolt rushed down-field so quickly she could only make out the trail left behind: an aluminum drum full of water making a distinct "conk", leaving a fist-sized hole before with brief delay the metal went flying in all directions, water evaporated in a thunder cracked hiss of superheated steam.

Taking her finger off the trigger, she lifted her glasses, finding the cracks hard to stare through and with narrow eyes and a slick grin, she just stared.

"Like that?"

"Good shot, clean hit. I bet you like that piece more than the other one. Next to no recoil, good for your frame."

"And my eyes" her smile widened some.

"If you like that piece, the Matriarchy started producing a new plasma rifle to replace that one, if we can track one down, I'll let you have dibs on it." From a Nepleslian, such a generous offer was something reserved for good friendships.

"About the woman though... you know what I know about her condition after the removal. Empty spots, decaying spots, as if someone took the framework out of her and she's falling apart without it." Miles' tone was wistful, as he watched downrange, waiting for Aiesu's next shot. "I can't have that, you know."

She took another shot. Was she even listening to him talk? Her teeth clenched, anticipating the loud bang that would follow as she struck an iron plate before taking her finger off the trigger and leaning over to eye the fire-selector to put the safety on.

"Aah... Well, her case is quite a special one. Do you know what the implant actually was?"

There was no verbal response from Miles, as he looked to Aiesu, the sunglasses shielding his eyes, as the rest of his face carried stoic neutrality. He gave the moment to Aiesu, allowing her to make the next play, to reveal her own knowledge, or her lack thereof; it was something that Miles needed to be aware of before committing to his own response.

"The first maesus we came across. The metal casing was the same but everything inside had been changed. We went through shipping logs... The wreck of the Maras hit a cargo-ship about fourteen years ago... It’s been drifting through the core systems repeatedly for the last 20 years or so but everyone just read it as an asteroid because of the shape and the compounds in its construction. Before all those big fancy outer pods were put back and those big long pylons, it sorta did look like wreckage once it was all beat up..."

She adjusted her glasses, setting them back down now as she picked at the tissue in her nose.

"You get it, right? Your wife did most of her growing up with a Sourcian in her head."

Miles' fingers went to his lips, snatching the cigarette he had been smoking, as he let out a long exhale, accompanied by a nod. "Yeah, I knew that already."

"Without it, she isn't your wife."

"You can see part of my problem. Other part is the fact that I don't have the heart to meddle with the other one ."

"Either you take it and you take a life or you let your lady rot. It’s not a nice decision to have to make."

"What if I told you there was a third option?" Miles spoke, before taking another drag from his cigarette, and this time, he turned to face Aiesu full on, before he tossed the cigarette upon the ground, snuffing it out with his boot. "Ever get a look at what was in the case... I mean... a really good look? From what I know about your Matriarchy, at the time, you lacked the sensors to actually do it any real justice."

"I did some research into the shipment. Apparently a few of them were sold, so I assume a few of them were contaminated. We have a fairly good idea where one of them went but not the other, since the neural packs ship in pairs and were the only such equipment in the ship's manifesto. Somewhere out there, there's a key that fits the lock."

There was a chortle from Miles, perhaps it even crossed over into an outright scoff at the matter. "Alright Professor, since you're on the outs with the Consortium, and the Matriarchy at the moment, I'll connect your dots for you. After all, you and I share a common fate at the moment, of being hunted down like animals."

"I'm not on outs. Someone outside is poking in" she grumbled.

"Be stubborn all you want, the writing is on the wall." Miles' hand dipped into his pants pocket, before he produced a datapad, an old model, it did not even have wireless connectivity. He thumbed the device for a moment, before holding it up for Aiesu to see; it was a visual representation of code, written upon a crystalline storage medium. "Look familiar?"

"...It’s the main boot record of any maesus. What's your point?"

Miles thumbed the data pad, bringing up what amounted to an image information record; the image was recorded some time before the time in which the Matriarchy had Sana in its custody. "I took this back on the YSS Sakura, the case was still sealed, managed to pry the image out using Yamataian sensors." Miles thumbed the datapad again, bringing up a fresh image, which had only some minor cosmetic differences, but was fundamentally the same; "This, I managed to find in a new ARIA model, one of the models that uses the 'smart' Structol core."

"Yes, we use structol and maesus in everything now. What's your point?"

"...Oh, right, close your bad eye and look at it with your good one, would you?" Miles suggested, before he cut to the point all the further. "I know you're not one for dramatic lead-ins either, so I'll get to it..." Miles thumbed the datapad, sliding image after image, each of which only really changed in coloration, due to recording equipment. "Sana, Rebeka, Lazarus-coding, identical. Something in the company has a copy of what held Sana together, and what makes up Rebeka. I have kept running into fragments in Lazarus source-code that correspond to pieces of Sana's neural map, and Rebeka's nodes."

"You mean the root code. The thing Rebeka presumably started from. We've never really been able to reduce it back to its original state so to see it like this is quite refreshing. You're quite the horse-shoe, Miles Gunn."

"Something like that." Miles replied, as he pocketed the datapad, his gaze locked upon Aiesu in that moment, as he peered through tinted lenses upon her. "You can guess what my aim is at this point. My question to you is; are you willing to work with me, so I can help Sana? Yeah, I know, it is a pretty lame reason to be this motivated... Love... But that is what has me going, and that is why I'm going to cut the bullshit and deal with you in earnest."

"Basically, you don't know how to live with her not in your life. You've forgotten how, is that it?"

"I've done it before. I know how to. I just do not want to, not again." Miles stated honestly, before he got up from the bench, as he looked out to the range while picking up the Matriarchy made railgun rifle. A dull click sounded as he inserted a magazine, and soon there was a whine as the capacitors on the weapon drank from the QNC which was built in. "Your people, you have an understanding of what us Nepleslians refer to as 'a calling', a driving force that establishes just what a person is meant to do in their life. For some, that calling comes from a religious motivation; some feel it from a sense of desire, or greed. I found mine in that woman; she makes me happy to be alive. She gives me fulfillment. That same kind of fulfillment that people in your culture bleed and die for, or even risk life and limb for."

Shouldering the rifle, Miles aimed down range in a sudden motion, and went about unleashing a series of single shots, each of which tore through one of the metallic targets, and into the mound of soil behind the target range, producing sizable plumes of dust which climbed into the summer sky.

"Making things that aren't alive dead makes you happy as a Nepleslian, doesn't it?"

"Kinda." Miles spoke, there was not any thrill in that response, if anything, it was rather empty; "I have too much on my mind to really get a thrill out of this kind of thing, it is fun, but, it is like something is missing, or something that don't belong was added." There was a snort of breath from Miles on the matter; "I want to be happy again." To punctuate those words, Miles pulled the trigger, and again, and again. "I really just want to know, can you help me with that?"

"As someone who's never been happy, don't expect me to find it for you" she reached up, taking his nose in her small fingertips and squeezing for a moment. "Can't find what you've never seen so don't get mad when I don't."

Her accent had changed. The sharpness of orthodox more relaxed. Flowing.


"Gggk." Miles sounded, as his attention was brought entirely upon Aiesu. In that moment, he understood just how unfair his request was, and, Aiesu's generosity to even begin to listen to his sob-story. Even so, deep down, Miles knew that between the two of them, they were working upon a mutual favor. Nothing ever obligated him to just how long he had spent with the Lorath woman who was looking up at him in that moment; nothing ever anchored him and Sana down to her really. It was a friendship that Miles knew he could trust, it was a feeling that a Nepleslian cherished just as much as freedom. In that moment, Miles knew, the two of them were going to help each other rediscover that unnamed feeling, that elusive thing, which seemed to elude them both.

"What?" she quizzed, the wind tickling through Miles ears. She waited for a response, expecting one and nothing came.

"You're making that face."

"I think, we'll do fine." Miles replied, a smile upon his lips, almost framing the words in their tone.

The small L'manel furrowed her eyebrows, unsure what to make of his words.

Crouching down before Aiesu, so he would be eye-level with her, Miles' hand reached behind him grasping something hidden behind his shirt, before slowly pulling the item which he then held handle-first to Aiesu. It was a revolver that was distinctively Aiesu-sized in comparison to the Lorath-made Hand Cannon. "Let's be partners. I help you keep an eye out for happiness; you help me get mine back. Deal?"

"Sure, why not" her pale shoulders gave a subtle shrug, wiping at her nose that was running again. "S'not like I've got anything better to do. First thing's first though..."

Miles gave a nod as he stood upright again "We finish getting ready, and we get our asses off this rock. Leave getting a ship to Sana and I, we don't have time to be picky. I'll need your cash card though... I figure we can be properly prepared within two Lor days. I just hope to find a ship which will not be needing more operators than just Sana and I."

What both Miles, and Aiesu would undoubtedly know, was that Sana could not be relied on in the long run, if anything, it made their situation all the harder.
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