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RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] - The long walk back


Inactive Member
Retired Member
♫ Dan Deacon - "Snookered" (Bromst)

Many years ago...


She couldn’t tell if she could feel the hit coming. For a while now, something had seemed off about the walls and the very nature of the room — and her skin had been growing warmer and warmer. She’d been sat skin to skin in a lap now for about half an hour, incessantly whining that whatever she’d been expecting had been a massive disappointment and that it wasn’t worth the trouble it could get him into despite the fact they both wanted it. Instead, she fingered her new pigtails, uncertain whether or not they were something she liked.

It was a very big lap. A very warm lap. Her small legs didn’t even meet the floor, dangling like short drapes between the legs of the lap’s owner. She wrinkled and scrunched her toe as if she were making a face.

Far above her, thick tree-trunk like arms loomed through the darkness from equally large shoulders. Large hands tickled over a keyboard, over its thick circular keys of varying height and position like scales of armour on what she’d later learn many decades from now with some shining glee in her eyes that foreigners would have a more concrete word for this thing: a ‘typewriter’.

But that was all to come.

The chitting sound of the keys (not to be confused with shitting, a joke at this point she still thought was funny) made her heart feel warm and heavy, swelling with a kind of place that she could never ever place. And it robbed her of thought.

“‘still don’ feel anythin’. ‘cept that I feel kinda funny, y’know?”

A hearty though brief chuckle sounded above, its sound making her head tingle and eyes fall half-lidded with almost-not-there-at-all reassurance as she shifted her weight in this mighty lap like it were a throne.

“S’alright.”, S’alright”

Carefully her gaze rose up into what now felt like a place clouds should be.

“Its alright” a low deep heavy voice came with a breathy chuckle. It made her head tingle and her eyes fall half-lidded with reassurance as she shifted in that mighty lap - this person a throne.

Her anxieties were just washed away.

Carefully, she peered upward. Shaggy black hair. Stubble. Shadows beneath his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept in weeks, that he’d seen things no L’manel ever should. And yet that bubbled calm repose.

The man was clouds, she thought to herself, trying to place how she felt about him. Clouds and sky and a hot sun on the beach. Playing in the water, throwing the ball just slowly enough so she could catch it. No pity. No condescension. This was a person who had only the best for her and her future in mind. A person she spent most of her life with now.

A natural routine, of course. Not orthodox, like her mother though.

Wake up. Puppets. Belly laugh. Breakfast. Grilled duqao and aselaua wraps or crunchy sweet kruo in elra juice. Her mouth watered just thinking about it, the way they sat infront of the radio with square bowls together listening to the daily news or the inflow of stories it would tell. He had a theory watching the box would rot your brain so she wasn’t allowed anywhere near one. After this, they’d go into his lab. Really, it was just a storage-room but he’d put up shelves around the ceiling a big net to put things in, making room for whatever instrument he’d built. There, he’d play and record, tune and tweak, sample and compute. And there she’d spend the entire day with him, pestering him with questions. Then he’d go shopping with her, to pick up ingredients for when mother got home. She’d often complain about how awful things were and coddle him. And during this time, She felt very jealous, that she’d have him all to herself for the rest of the night. It wasn’t fair. He was mine, she thought. You don’t do anything around here anyway! You don’t even clean or listen to him!

Of course, that particular part of her routine was yet to come. Right now, he was computing - fingers drumming on a spongy clacky mass of plastics and clay to produce characters on the screen. They moved alongside others, some further and some closer to them, seemingly hanging in the air behind the clear pane of glass. With the lights out as they were, the effect was really something, illuminating just their faces as they sat together.

Here, they almost never spoke.

Recently, he’d been teaching her the things she’d need to know as an adult. Not only what money was for (thus explaining mother’s place in the world) but also his own place as a male and what that meant. How she was expected to behave in proper society, since despite their rather meagre possessions and dwelling, their mother was quite famous but frighteningly frugal with money.

But today, something had been different. She felt a dull ache between her thighs and strange new thoughts she’d started to have. She’d seen him without covering many times and it hadn’t ever really been a problem to her. The two had nothing to hide from one another and it had the added bonus of producing less laundry which was always a plus. And in this summer. To wear anything at all with the world warming as it was seemed almost unthinkable.

“Can you feel it yet?” that heavy slow voice came.

The world wasn’t spinning but the world wasn’t still either. The walls took on a new quality. It took her a moment to realise not that they were breathing but her perception of herself was expanding and contracting, like a balloon or a beating heart - something she’d spy out from beneath those half-lidded eyes.

And then. Like a rocket taking flight; something she pestered to see that one day a month when the shiny silvery tube chased by blinding light and clouds would plunge into the blue sky and up above into the curved inky blackness that threatened to swallow it whole - she felt it.

Her ears rang as her back delicately arched - skin almost without pores tightening and warming as she let out a sound unfitting of her.


The light from the curved pane of glass seemed to envelop her now. She was only supposed to be learning their meanings in social learning where she met with others those few days a week but already, she could feel intuitively the structure of the thing he was building inside the computer. In her mind, it was like a big plant that started from the top and worked its way down from the sky toward them: leaves like fractal feathers disappearing at one point and appearing elsewhere inside it as it transmuted what travelled through it like the cars in the street - as she’d seen it from Uao tower on her birthday with him.
He’d been only a novice when the two met for the first time in what little memory she had but because she’d always taken an interest, he stuck with it. There weren’t many jobs to go around so he made these things for other people, things that got things done. Apparently lots of other people were trying to do this so the amount of money he’d be paid wasn’t very much and it always made her very sad.

She hated money though. Him and her mother always fought over it. Always shouted about it. He’d bring up that they needed somewhere better to raise her and her mother would explode, saying it all had to be buried away so it could grow. This always made Aiesu see money as being like a weed, strangling people from the inside out and so she’d always hated it.

There had been talk of moving her into studies of some sort. She’d often heard them debating when she’d already crawled into the bed-pit. That she’d have to go away so she could learn about this Goddess people always spoke about and find her place in the world. This ‘Goddess’ had always been a very alien concept to her: If it was so smart and important, why did the boy she used to play with have to go away? Go away was what they called it. But she knew they meant that he was dead and didn’t like how they tried to hide words from her.

The one time she’d said she didn’t really care about the goddess, her mother became very angry. Like money, it was another topic that made them fight. After last night’s bickering, he spent the night with her instead of her mother. And they did something they’d never done before. It hurt at first. And it hurt all the way to the end. But from about what she fathomed was the middle, it started to feel really good. Like nothing that had ever been in her life before.

It was like butterflies in her belly, stirring her like hot porridge. Or running and running and running as far as you could as fast as you could until your skin was all wet and your vision shook just couldn’t stand up anymore and you had to lay down and look at the sky until your breathing didn’t hurt anymore.

It was the best feeling in the world.

And that’s what they’d done, earlier today - but they hadn’t been running - both laid next to eachother - watching the ceiling in the dark not even an hour ago - taking it in turns to try to say something interesting or funny, only to laugh at how stupid it all sounded and just be glad they had eachother. Having eachother was enough.

But even that was going to go away, wasn’t it?

Something felt different. She doubled over, covering her belly with crossed arms - wincing slowly.


“I’mokayi’mokayi’mokay…” it all came at once followed by a long oozing breath that she could have sworn she could grab and pull back into her like some great beast.

“Nn.. Haa.. Wheeee…”

“Yeah, its pretty nice isn’t it?”

She could feel his body stirring against the small of her back as it had earlier today.

“Nn… Radial.”


She pointed.

“Sixty three’s gonna overshoot a whole bunch n’ stuff. Its why the initializer’s throwing range. You want a radial feed, since its a lagrange function. You’re gonna make the geometry all wobbly again like last time.”

There was a silence of bewilderment between them. She’d never corrected him like this before and he almost didn’t believe her. But even so, she could hear him back-pedalling on the inputs to bring the cursor to the variable.

They both sat and watched the compiler loaded, the tube beneath their small table clicking. Their eyes settled on a small list of tests the post-compiler ran, verifying inputs against outputs. What was once red now came back green.


“Huh… You’ve got a knack for programming, haven’t you?” he said, ruffling her hair.

She beamed. Whenever he said a nice thing, it always felt good. But this time, it felt really good. Like the best thing she’d ever felt. That could of course be what they’d both taken. They didn’t have many days left together now. She’d always seen him down something before he worked on the computer and the way he always seemed more relaxed, soothed and sometimes giddy or giggly. And how he always said the right things.

Aiesu wanted to know how to say the right things.

A tone sounded and the two soon became quiet, Aiesu glancing up at him; and him down at her.

Without missing a beat, she hopped out of his lap and padded bare-foot across the laminate flooring of the hall. Something caught her attention as she stopped mid-way, looking long and deep into it.

A mirror. Such a curious thing.

You couldn’t ever look at a mirror, only into it.

And that’s what she did: She into it.

And it back at her.

Her hands motioned carefully. She’d seen herself like this many times, but she’d never been so aware of herself like this. Small hands moved along her hips and then her belly, feeling beneath the button almost expecting some sort of heaviness. The thoughts of earlier tickled through her mind and then some strange nostalgia, of the stories he’d told her of her mother and how she looked before she was born, a sense of envy tickling through her.

Slowly, her gaze snapped back up, a sense of shame tickling through her as the door rang again. She leant closer to the mirror now and into it - tanned dark skin with its obvious lines of white where clothes normally rested staring back - dark muddy blue eyes staring back beneath thick long black hair that she platted every day, hanging behind each shoulder — and then straight her thick until her collar-bones.

Her pupils seemed so huge. Like moons. She licked her lips, contemplating kissing the mirror before the door rang again.

She recognised the figure on the other side of the drapes instantly as her mother and slowly climbed up onto a stool to unbolt the door. Lock, latch, latch, lock, key chai-

She heard something. A gurgling wet gasp for air in the other room and something sinking to the ground. It made her blood run cold despite the firey warmth of what was pumping through her veins enveloping her so sweetly. Without another thought, she hopped off the stool, running toward the study to help him.

A flash of imagery followed of the processing hours. Bent over naked his body, rocking him back and forth trying to wake him up while her mother’s fists pounded on the door and screamed from outside, demanding to unlock the door so she could help him or call an ambulance.

And she was too stupefied by what she was feeling to even realise her mother was even knocking.

Aiesu’s almost bleached eyes slowly opened, cerise burning suns against that painful looking ivory staring up at the silhouette hanging above her - rim-lit like an eclipsing moon by the ceiling light. A bead of sweat trickled down her neck as she inhaled sharply, enough to make her head pound.

Am I dead?

An unintelligible Lorath word tickled through the silhouette’s ears before it became sense.

Her hands were numb. Why were they numb?

There was something that was taught within some circles of Nepleslian neurological medicine, which was also taught in the field of surveillance and counter surveillance; perspective was the basis of all things. While from Aiesu's perspective, she was in days long past, seeing herself as a person who she was but ceased to be, seeing family long gone, with every sense submerged within a memory. Miles and Sana's perspective was one entirely different, an event which happened as quickly as a gunshot, but not just the report, no, it was the full trajectory.

First came the report of the weapon, the tell-tale 'pop' that announces the event, and it came in the form of the rippling seemingly malice-ridden red hue which crackled through the volumetric display of Aiesu's brain like the shock wave of some sort of ancient nuclear weapon. Every portion of her brain was lit up in the computer-designated color which announced quite clearly without room for doubt that a 'misfire' had occurred, stemming from the point in which Miles had stimulated within Aiesu's brain tissues.

What came next was the whining whistle of the projectile as it cut through the air, and that came in the form of readouts which poured from the Lorath computer systems.

Much like the shot, it happened so quickly, the distance traversed in mere seconds until the projectile impacted the target which was none the wiser, as metal penetrated soft tissue, then bone, and then pierced the brain... like a shot to the head, just before the cacophony of sound arrived.

There was no time for spoken words from Miles as he watched the message flash across the display, then he looked to Aiesu as she existed in her memories, and nowhere within that moment, but in that, there was confirmation of a critical portion of his hypothesis. Before the tossed aside neural stimulator would even hit the tray, a message would ring out from him and to Sana's embedded receiver; "Get the resuscitation kit from the crash cart!" as those transmitted words rang out, Miles' hands moved quickly to rest upon where he knew Aiesu's heart was, as he began to deliver pressure.

An automated system soon produced a resounding long tone from the speakers embedded in the ceilings of every room on the floor;

"C̼̻̹̼̠ͩ̏ͮ͑͜Ŕ͕͊́͜Ả̵͆͗̅̋̈́Ş͕͓͍̦͔̽͋ͬ͑͐͋H̶͎̆̈͐ ͚͚͙͇̗̬̋̀̌ͮ̐̆̚͘T̈́̄͠ẺA̺̘̘̣̹̜ͬͤ̉̕M̭̞̹͔ ̞̤͗R̟̠̝̘̯̝̝̀̅̈̑̃ͧE͓̭͗̃͞P̱̰ͭ̐̅͐̍͗ͦǑ̇ͦ͊҉̣̼R̩̽̔̽͝Ṫ̫ͣ͐̔̎ ͕͚̜̫͇͍͛ͧ̓ͦ͋͠T͎̊͛ͬ̑͑͘O͠ ̼̐̇̍̊P͖͓͈͎̹͌ͬ̅̽́R̤͕̲̮̈ͤ͒̚͠I̴̗͇̻̰̰̝̎ͅM̢̝̳͎̓ͭ͛̏̄ͯA̡͗͒ͩͮͨ̄̇R̟̻͍̗͐ͫͤ̑̾̓̌͝Y̲̻͖̘̖̹̼͂ͨͤ̉̋͝ ̮̹̉̉̌̃͝N̸͍̥̣̹̥ͩḚ̖͕U͜Ȑ́͛ͮ̈́̉A̡͈̬̣͓̱͇L̡̬̻̋͌̉̂ͯ ̤͌̌I̛͍M͓ͬͧ͗̒̍ͫA͋͐̚G͉̟̟̝̻͂ͫͤͦ͋I͔̮͉̥̮̱̯ͫ͗ͬ̿͆̎̊N̸͉̻̭̖̪̳̲͛G̙͖̥͔̪̰ͭͫ͗ͤ͊̓ͯ ͚̖̻͍̺͕L̬̟͚̗̐̕ͅAͯͥ͗ͤ̂̃̚B̩͆ͭ͛ͨͦ̾,̲͎̜͇̹͂ͫ̈́ͩͪ ̣̝̦ͨͩ̐ͩ̀ͯC̞͌ͣ̾̍̾̇R̸̪͚̺̣A̩͟S̛̳͉͔͕͙͈̒͌ͯ͆ͪͅH̺̼̠̦͛͆ͧ̎̏ ̯̯̭͙̼̬͊͊T̙̙̼̖̟̹͑̂͂̆ͮ́È̶̏̿̅̆̈́ͅA͉̎M̖̏͜ ̫͉̠̗̮R̲̬̞͓̋̇͛͒̑ͪ̀ͅE̹̙̖̰͖ͨͧ̂ͣ̈́P͖̦̫̟̝͖ͯ̑̏̈́ͅǪ̺̗̼̒͐ͅR͎̱̯͍̤̈͌T̸̞͕̳̙͉ͧͩ̈́ͬ ̸̻̘̲͎͙͍͇ͫͧ͒͐Ť̗̗ͥ͋́ͨ͒̀O̖̪̝̜̠͖̭ͦ̊̽ ̡̜ͣ̅P̥͚͚̝ͭR̨̦̟̬̭̖͓I̧̝̫̳̙͚̳M͎̱̯̘͍̽͑ͩ̉̓͘A̖͙̟ͫͪͮ̊Ř̛̪̰̪̪͐ͪ̎̋̌Y̪̞̞̜̗͎̬͛̅͌ ͮͬ̅̔Ń̘̙̥͆̏͂ͣ̌E͔̺͙͙̟̍̇ͨͫ͌ͧ́Ụ̧͚̝̠̬̲͍ͨR̯͉̖̖̰̫̈́͆͂́A̜̫̘͋͜L͔͇̘̑̅͞ ̥̳̃Î̳͍̯̺̮͝ͅM̥̼̗̖̏͆͗Á̵͈͍̈́̔̌̿͒G̯̣̙͉̬̩̞ͣI̸̜̠̦̗̣ͮͬ̊̐͗̑Ń̴̯̩͙̑ͅͅG͔͚͙̏̍̒̅̽͠ ̮͕̰͕̃͂̾̓L̳͓̯̞ͨ̇̎̿ͣA̹͖̎̓B͙̬̦̯̩̥̉̈͡.̻ͨͮ͑̽̔͂̆"

It was a message in Lorath, calling for a team to aid in a detected patient vital crash, and with that message soon came a trio of Lorath medical personnel, dressed in cherry-red jumpsuits, with their own emergency equipment in tow as they pulled alongside the imaging table and quickly began to riddle Miles with questions. Dialog was short, efficient, and spoken in a medical short hand which the situation demanded as the team worked to keep their patient from dying there on the table.

Even with all of the effort, Miles had enough good sense to know something crucial; she would only keep living if she wanted to. On that very thought, Miles grasped the neural stimulator in hand once more, before delivering an interference pattern along the brain tissue which connected Aiesu's recall to the uniquely Lorath cluster of neurons responsible for interfacing memories and voluntary actions with autonomic function; quite simply, he knew she'd die there if he gave her the chance to make it happen, and he was not going to give her that option.

It had been the better part of several Lorath hours since the incident, but after the work had been done, the patient stabilized, and all confirmed 'well as could be expected', as one of the Lorath emergency personnel put it, Miles was seated at Aiesu's bedside as he inwardly recorded information into his journal, only to stop as the single word was spoken from Aiesu, which prompted him to rise from his seat, and lean in front of Aiesu's scope of vision.

"Aiesu, can you hear me? It's Miles."
It took time for her eyes to settle as they explored the ceiling again. A different ceiling this time. She'd been moved so she could instantly summarise that things hadn't gone to plan.


It was all she had to say. I mean, what would you say, with those thoughts trickling between your ears. There wasn't much that could be said. She reached to brace herself to sit up before realising a certain sense of weight wasn't there. She couldn't feel the bed against her shoulder-blades or even the lack of a bed. The sensation trickled down to her fingertips which she wriggled thoughtfully. That meant they'd foregone regular painkillers and had gone right for the local.

"My hands feel numb..."

Carefully she reached up to wipe at her eyes.

Something wasn't right.
Amongst the Lorath people, there was a certain psychology present, an outlook on life and all that it was made of, and it dictated a series of responses which were appropriate, as well as appropriate reactions to situations in which others were in. Compassion was indeed an important part of Lorath culture, however, so was honesty, a blunt sort of realism that allowed for people to grow and adapt. It meant that allusions were something which were rarely involved in discussing hard topics, and more so, it meant that problems were directly spoken of, so a solution could be reached all the faster.

When combined with Nepleslian attitudes, it resulted in the utter removal of a sensitive approach.

"Your hands are numb because they're right here." Miles spoke, as he held up Aiesu's arms, one in each hand, allowing the two limbs to kind of hang limply, like the branches of a weeping willow. Near where Miles' hands were located, were a set of thick metal rings attached to the arms, but they were not just ornamental, they were feeding a steady flow of false nerve impulses and artificial blood into the limbs that were otherwise dead.

There was no dancing around the subject from there, as Miles began to explain; "Your body rejected your arms, they had to be amputated immediately. There were other complications as well. Optical nerve failure, retinal detachment, cardiac arrest, a laundry list of other disruptions to your body which required immediate attention."

With all the honesty and direct wording available, Miles had effectively informed Aiesu that she was quite simply a quadruple amputee.
♫ Sanczo Zapiekanka - "wake up"


And that was all she had to say. Her response was just sort of deadpan, thought Sana. It was only then when Aiesu turned to look. To see; Limp fingertips beginning to darken from milky white to gray from the extremities inward... Congealed blood about the base, bone hanging out... The way his fingertips sank into her fore-arms like they were foam batons.

And they weren't where they belonged. They weren't her.

Instinctively, Aiesu sat up, reaching to cover her mouth as she dry-wretched and nearly fell off the medbed -- Sana stepping in to hold her as she decorated the floor with dark red bile which at a glance Miles could assume was mostly bad blood.

Sana reached for a wet-wipe and began dabbing at Aiesu's chin who then just sort of.. Stopped. Everything about her stopped. She banged the back of her head against the head-rest of the med-bed repeatedly, each time with increasing force until stars danced in her vision and she felt ... Calmer -- though no more reassured than she was.

Sana could just make out unintelligle orthodox Lorath under the L'manel's breath in what she presumed were obscenities, Miles' name cropping up several times. Even her experience of the language couldn't keep up.

Sana slowly glanced back at Miles, hands on Aiesu's shoulders, expecting answers.
There was a certain calm to Miles in that moment, it was detachment, a discrete distance which was absolutely required for his profession as the grass-green of his gaze rested upon Aiesu, but did not stare, did not judge, there was a concern there, but sadness was absent, most certainly so; sadness was meant for those who could never find their way back from where they had ended up. What Miles saw, was someone who knew very well just why they were in the situation they were in, what Miles saw was someone who just needed to be reminded of their worth. As Miles looked upon Aiesu in her fit of emotion he knew that there was something there that was absolutely required for her treatment; a desire to be whole again.

Just as Aiesu's outpouring of emotion came to an end, Miles had already stored her arms away out of sight, before he again took to standing at her bedside as he frowned lightly, it was a frown of thoughtful sympathy; just what was there to be said to someone who just severely damaged their own body through a display of unchecked emotional anguish which was expressed through their own biology? What Miles knew though, was that Aiesu, despite being a patient, was also a professional, and there was a courtesy and respect that was reserved for someone who could be called a peer in the practice, and that respect was enough to prompt Miles to do something he rarely did for anyone.


"I am sorry," Miles started as his brow furrowed; "during my diagnostic process of your condition, I had to determine the cause of your symptoms, and in doing so, it triggered a psycho-somatic response to the stimuli which your brain was subjected to." What Miles knew better than to do, was to go further into just what stimuli her brain was subjected to, and just what he had jostled loose; there was just too much risk of another triggered event. "There was no way of knowing until the test was administered just what would have happened, and without that test, there would have been no accurate way to administer long-term treatment. It had to be done, but I am sorry for it having to be this way."

Inwardly though, Miles did have a question that nagged at him; Did she know what the cause was all along? Was she sharing everything, or did she lose her limbs because of her own tight-lipped attempt to hide the truth?
She'd been silent for almost a full four or five minutes now before leaning back against the med-bed and laughing quietly to herself in the basement of her register. Her voice was cracked. Splintered.

And then after a deep sigh, she became silent.

She had no words for him and even if she did, there would be no intention of sharing them with him.

She muttered something to Sana who soon returned with the silvery metal headband which she fitted for Aiesu.

She arched her back, closed her eyes and became decidedly very much elsewhere.
She took that well. Miles mused as he watched Aiesu slip into her other selves, departing from her reality, and scattering herself across light-years of known and unknown space. With the departure of Aiesu's attention and focus, Miles looked to Sana, before gesturing to the door so they could step outside for a degree of privacy.

What Miles knew at that moment was that they were going to have to adjust their treatment strategy, and really it was more of a matter of mind than a matter of body, and that was when it became essential to actually plan things out, instead of taking the signature Nepleslian approach of 'Hit it until it fixes itself'.
"Well?" Sana said, rolling her shoulders some. "What are we supposed to do? If she thinks you're going to break her again, she's going to disallow further treatment. Then what?"
"I don't think she is implicating me, so much as blaming me." Miles spoke, somewhat cryptically as he made sure the door was quite closed, and he spoke in a hushed tone. "When I was conducting the procedure, I did not trigger a gland function directly, I triggered memory. I think she is resentful that I dredged up something she works hard to repress, something that is the cause of her condition." Miles explained, as he frowned lightly, "She's more mad about the memory being recalled, than actually losing her limbs I imagine... Still, you're right, there is a resentment there." he acknowledged, as he let out a light sigh; "I'll have to focus on my specialty for now, getting her set up with limbs, then we'll have to try to treat the underlying problem without provoking another rejection cycle. We may have to conduct a very long term treatment with her, intensive reconditioning of her self-image, as well as her own psychological scripts, and I'm going to have to encode the neural data I've recorded into a reviewable format, so we can see just what is breaking her mentally."

"What I'm trying to say is, we need to build her up as a person, and help her get over what broke her. I think, what she needs right now, is both a therapist, and a friend."
"So..." Sana began. She'd carried an icepick and a hammer out with herself and gently patted the back of the metal thorn with the rubber hammer.

Tink tink tink.

"No lobotomy, then? I don't disagree with you but some things can't be fixed. I'm starting to think she's one of them."
"Well, yeah, if it gets really bad we could selectively disable the brain tissues responsible for her degeneration, even install a cybernetic implant to regulate her shifting ability, and give her Lorath shifting inhibitor therapy, but I want to save that for a last resort. Until we know she can't be fixed. Right now, what I see is a case of post traumatic stress, and that is something that is treatable with time, care, and effort." Miles replied, as he gave a soft shrug. "Well, there's that, or we can always disable that portion of her brain and fix her emotional state afterward, then go back and fix her brain back to normal... but at this point, I don't think she'd let me anywhere inside of her skull without a severe ethical breach, and even then, that would prevent us from making headway with treating her psychological problem."

There was a light grumble from Miles, as he thought on the topic, then brought up a concern; "We have to take this gently I think, look at all the facts. I want to start with how much is actually known, and how much has been kept from us. I want to know why she has not been taken to a New Tur'listian or Occhestian doctor to have her head put back together through telepathic therapy, and at the very least, why we were not informed of a traumatic event prior to her bonding incident. Until then, I think we can just keep her sedated for the sake of keeping her from consciously and subconsciously thinking and possibly triggering another event while we pin down just what needs to be done."
Sana nodded, for the most part having little to no clue of what Miles was saying.

"Maybe she's done something they're not allowed to know. Maybe she's a criminal? Well... A different kind of criminal from the sort she already is" Sana pondered, surprisingly cheery.

She patted the back of the ice-pick again with the hammer.

"Tink tink tink... Five minutes of this and we'd be able to go home and do whatever we want. Admit it, its tempting. And its not like she could stop you, either."
"Yeah, but then who's going to sign our paychecks? Not to mention, she needs hands before she can go back to signing our paychecks." Miles replied, clearly thinking ahead and to the big picture. "Besides, if I was going to remodel her brain, I'd be a bit more precise. I'm a professional after all, and if I'm going to put the effort into it at all, I'd like to see results a bit better than making her an intellectual turnip, and if I had to, I'd at least remodel her into someone more... fun" Miles mused on a notion that arose during his speech, raising his brow a bit before shaking his head; "No no, we're going to be dignified about this." he mumbled, but eyed Sana for a moment, then again shook his head. "Dignified."
"Huuu..." Sana signed in childish disappointment, still playing with the icepick.

She glanced back at her shoulder through the window back at Aiesu who lay there on the med-bed, a dark smile clouding her features of a sort she normally kept hidden beneath that visage of unwavering Yamato Nadeshiko.

"We... Could make her do absolutely anything we wanted. And I do mean... Anything."

And yet in spite of that, she was almost pleading with him.
Miles glanced in as well, as Sana's words picked at his morals, just as much as that surgical pick would carve at a person's precious neural tissues. His grassy-green gaze traveled from Aiesu, to Sana, to the pick, then to a distinctively unimportant portion of a wall, as he bit the soft tissue of his lip and furrowed his brow. He was a disgusting person deep down, a dreadfully horrific person, and he knew it... but he also knew that he was more than that, and it left him to two choices, one of which he knew he could live with, but was unsure of if it could even be done and if he failed it would be a resounding failure that would haunt him. Then, there was the other choice, so ethically questionable it would haunt him to wonder if there was another way things could have gone.

Miles was a man who did not like the concept of 'Or', he loved the concept of 'And'.

"There's only two ways we can do this." Miles spoke, as he reached to Sana's shoulder, grasping her, and pulling her close before whispering in her ear in the most hushed of whispers in Yamataian none the less; "We need two of her... either we make a copy and do one your way and one my way, or, we split this one in two and have a nearly totally separated dual consciousness. Honestly, either one works well. That splitting of her especially works well as a fail safe if shit hits the fan with Lazarus."

"So which do you prefer?" Miles finally asked, as he looked his fiance square in the eyes.
"The one that lets me tell her what I really think of her" Sana stated flatly as she handed the pick and the hammer to Miles. She made her way through the doors -- Aiesu glancing at Sana with an odd stare as the augmented Yamataian began undressing in plain sight.

Aiesu... wasn't good with this sort of thing and kept her gaze to herself, eyes squeezed shut as she tried to be somewhere entirely different.

Soon, Sana emerged in a plain white nurse's uniform of mixed fabric and polymer with long white stockings. Oddly, she'd gone to the trouble of taking a hat usually worn by guides with a distinct red cross upon it and with that she grinned ear to ear behind a surgical mask, pulled at the wrists of her latex gloves.

She then took her implements back from Miles and clinked them together in a style reminiscent of Nepleslian boxers smashing their knuckles together.

"Well, time to crack some eggs."
"Egg metaphors don't work well with Lorath." Miles spoke, chuckling a bit, as he looked upon Sana hungrily, with a sanguine smile upon his lips. "Sedate her, I'll fetch the equipment we need to finish the job." Miles spoke, before he stepped close, pushing aside Sana's instrument-wielding hands before he put his arm about her waist, pulling her in close before placing a firm and passionate kiss upon her lips. It was a few moments before he would release her, and make his way down the hall without any further words.

As he stepped lively down the hall, he made a shopping list in his mind of things he needed to grab.

Where was he going at that moment though? Simply, Miles was going to go pick up his bag which contained the 'party pieces' which he usually reserved for his 'work' upon Sana.
"Aiesu, Aiesu~" Sana's voice sounded warmly.


"So cold, so cold!"

Aiesu became quiet. She couldn't bare to be looked at in this condition and her stare said exactly that. She scowled, watching Sana walk about the room seemingly in a waltz.

"You ... You seem happy."

"Mmm~!" Sana beamed, her manner ... Unusually Yamataian.

This made Aiesu weary.

"Did..." Aiesu's expression became coy now. "Did something good happen?"


Sana wasn't about to explain herself though. Aiesu kept her in sight as she moved, listening to her hum.

"What are you doing?"

"Who me?"

Aiesu was visibly taken aback.

"Yes... You."

"Well~" Sana began. Aiesu could see a squirt of clear fluid moving up in the air then back down. A needle. She knew where this was going.

"You're to be sedated"

"I-I'm what?" Aiesu recoiled. Fucking called it. She could feel her belly trembling as Sana turned about and marched back to Aiesu, the needle gleaming.

"Mm. Miles thinks he can put your arms back on."

"...You're joking, right?" Aiesu tried to laugh now, her tone somber, shaking some.

"Of course!"

A hand came about Aiesu's neck. She could feel herself trying to thrash as she was held in some sort of lock.

A swift pinprick.


And then darkness.

Sana had been sat for some time now with her knees apart, maybe half an hour -- a mask of sorts over Aiesu. From time to time, Sana would glance at the numbers making sure everything was within acceptable boundaries.

Her eyes were fixed on those white doors, waiting.
There was a spring to Miles' step as he took to moving about the campus with purpose. First was the requisition for the legitimate components; mainly those needed to restore Aiesu's limbs; caps for the remains of her legs and arms, an order to the prosthesis department to produce a basic set of replacement arms modeled on Aiesu's recently lost pair, and an order to the neurobiology lab to allocate a quantity of configurable nanomachines, which Miles knew would be presumed for use on the limbs, and the related brain tissue to acclimate the cybernetic replacements, though, that was not all that he had in mind.

What came after the legitimate requisitions came in the form of things needed for the project proposed by Sana; and most of those supplies were actually already stored in their guest room, in the supply of equipment Miles kept around for 'treating' Sana. That just left a need for some 'specialty' goods, and Miles knew just the place to get them on short order, and that was largely thanks to the shopping trip which they had gone on earlier that day.

What it took was a quick cab ride really. There was a certain convenience to Lorath culture, enough of one to where Miles was able to step into a New Tur'listian operated shop purveying cybernetic augmentations; both domestically manufactured and foreign, he was able to dig up exactly what he needed. Just why were such things available though, components which would effectively put a brain in a straight jacket and put it on strings, it was simple; slavery. There was still a distinctive demand for augmentations that could be put on or into a Helashio, or even an Occhestian traitor. Those Lorath intended components were exactly what Miles needed. One thing Miles did take his time with, and put a little extra heart into, was the selection of an ocular replacement.

With a small hand-cart, Miles moved the assortment of supplies, and equipment in the direction of Aiesu's hospital room, before he peeked his head in and gave a soft whistle; "Grab the patient, I managed to secure a surgical suite." he spoke, as he waited for Sana to bring Aiesu out, then he would lead the way to the operating room.

As Miles had gone through his errands, his 'treatment plan' was well rehearsed in his mind;

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